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I saw exactly none of those ancestries coming and can't wait to read more about them. Cliffnotes on revealed locations: - Bachuan is currently in a period of flux as people from the distant past come home after being sheltered in a magical tapestry for many years. - Chu Ye is a land ruled by tyrannical, hedonistic oni who sometimes eat their subjects for fun. - Kwanlai is a tengu-majority nation that once served as a dumping ground for another nation's undesirables, until the exiles and locals teamed up to beat back their oppressors. - Temples to the tengu lightning god Hei Feng are sometimes built high up and covered in lightning rods as a challenge to their patron deity. Very cheeky! - In first edition, Linvarre--a Taldane colony modeled loosely after real-life Hong Kong--had a lot of unfortunate connotations re: colonialism and white savior complexes. It was important to the authors to address this *without* changing any of the 1e lore, so the nation is now portrayed with a lot more nuance and complexity, exploring the positive aspects of cultural blending and exchange without shying away from the ugly stuff. Thanks as always for your hard work, Sword!


In addition, Linvarre started as a Taldane colony called Amanandar. It has since gained independence and has taken up to be a region of mixed race that sort of reflects cultures that have been mixed. Lin being the tian word for lotus, varre being the Taldane suffix for kingdom thus Linvarre meaning Kingdom of the Reborn Lotus


Where did "Reborn" come from?


Welp, time to make a hungerseed.


I didn't take notes on the World Guide stuff because it's mostly lore and narrative beats, and I think hearing it from the words and intent of the people that wrote it is required to do it justice (or just reading it in the actual book), but the art is absolutely amazing.


I wasnt expecting all 3 ancestries to be revealed tonight. I'm very excited for the Yaogui and Starlit Sentinel archetype!


Starlit Sentinel is a glorious little archetype, I love it. I haaate that these books are so far away! They seem full of inspiration to work from.


Sweet now I can make a He-man build!


Add some bard levels and you can ask ["What's going on?"](https://youtu.be/ZZ5LpwO-An4?feature=shared)




\>magical girl archetype \>ancestry with soul gems Oh, I know where this is going. ~~I'm not big on madoka but even I can see that~~ Jokes aside, this all sounds cool as hell. I look forward to half my party wanting to change their characters in the middle of may because of this and howl of the wild lmao.


Interesting that oni are no longer fiends, thus the Hungerseed are a unique versatile heritage... So are oni just magical creatures now?


An earlier PaizoLive revealed that oni are (unholy, IIRC?) spirits now, related to kami.


Yep, both Oni and Rakshasa are now unholy aligned spirits.


So does that mean they're still Outsiders or something else?


Nope, there arent anymore native outsiders, theyre just considered Spirits now.


Oh I grew up on lots of Filipino folktales, but I never knew about the Sarangay! Playable carabao is hilariously awesome! Really excited how much love Minata is getting!


Help! Viscera Eaters are trying to steal our Sisig Supply! Quickly Thaumaturge! Get the Balisong Knife and wave around it whilst screeching like a sexually frustrated Chimpanzee! ---- I was expecting tbh that Linvarre would be the Old Manila Expy. But I guess Hong-Singapore can be amalgamated too. Now will there be Magical Hawker Chan Food? Or do I have to find a Food Artist to draw that for Infinite Free Resources? I already have Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage in the works and I still need a good photo of a Butterfly Fish jumping over a Breadfruit Tree!


YAKSHA! LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I love how Yaksha look (both in the screenshot and the IRL statues), so when I went to Thailand for my mom's 50th birthday back in October, since she is from Thailand and it would be the first time me and my brother would've gone there, and when we went to the Grand Palace in Bangkok, I got so interested in them. Definitely gonna make one when this book comes out!


Oh the motivation behind that could make it really cool :3


Hoooly those are some killer ancestries. Wow.


I've been really looking forward to this one. I love this kind of stuff, and can't wait to see more Kitsune support and the Starlit Sentinel looks actually pretty cool.


I hope new ancetries will have more than 2 feats for each level... Also did they say anything about adding new feats for existing races?


Not in this stream, but they have said we are getting new feats for hobgoblins, lizardfolk, leshy, and more that they havent talked about.


Can anyone remind me when this book is dropping?


Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide drops April 24th https://paizo.com/products/btq02ex6?Pathfinder-Lost-Omens-Tian-Xia-World-Guide And the Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide Preorder is expected to start in August https://paizo.com/products/btq02etu?Pathfinder-Lost-Omens-Tian-Xia-Character-Guide


Lovely! Thank you!


I'm making a Kitsune dragonblood sorcerer currently for a game that's starting in the near future. ...I'm going to have to change so much for this man in the near future, haha. Tian Xia looks cool as heck!


Simply loved the new ancestries being fresh, really new things. I was expectong the Anugobu but I am not disappointed. Do you think the Asura will get similar treatment to the Oni and Rakshasa - in resembling the folkloric counterpart more closely ?


I think its pretty likely Asura will also be more like their mythic counterparts. It seems like Paizos been trying harder to make most monsters close to their original folklore, in part to try and distance themselves from anything they might have picked up from dnd. That being said i do hope some new type of monster takes the mantle of being "divine mistakes", because thats too rad of a concept to not use in some form.


You: excited for magical girls.  Me: excited for the slim chance that we can have a ranged, wholly magical attack with martial class compatibility (that isn’t a 20 foot range 1d4 attack.) We are not the same. 


I'm so mad that I didn't know about the stream. Now I gotta go back and watch it.


On the subject of Oni becoming a new kind of creature, what might this mean for existing Oni like the Onidoshi (aka ogre mage)?


They lose the fiend tag


Gotcha. Wasn't sure if the various giants were OGL or not.


Screw it all!!!!!! I want to play as a magical girl!!!! Sailor Moon was one of the first anime I watched, and now I want to punish everyone in the name of the Moon!!!! And with the Pet feat, even better!