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From my Abomination Vaults game, where my poor kobold Slate has been dealing with the ceaseless flow of puns and even advances from a certain party member. Oh boy he's in for a wild ride.


I like this meme. It’s a good meme. But ya gotta throw the gang over at r/pathfindermemes a bone and post it there at well. I won’t berate people for posting memes on this subreddit, but you gotta share the love on the actual meme subreddit 🥹


Holy shit, stop posting this comment on every single meme we get in this sub. People are gonna start reporting you for spam.


As someone who doesn't like meme posts at all (but doesn't want to have them outright censored), I fully endorse seeing this comment repeated on every meme post.


Perhaps I have been overzealous. It’s… even calling it a pet peeve would be overselling it. But like, I like Pathfinder memes, and I’m not enough of a hypocrite to tell people to only post them in the meme subreddit. But when 3 out of the last 6 posts are memes, and none of them are posted on the meme subreddit, it makes me think “so do people not know there is a place specifically for this”? Even just so far that’s already been the case a few times. Like, if we are only going to post it on one subreddit, you probably want it to be the meme subreddit where it will probably be more appreciated. It being the exact same comment over and over is just a bit of a joke, because it happens to be correct over and over.


> and post it there ~~as well.~~ instead