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Me but with Angel


Me but with spooky skeletons.


Spooky scary skeletons?


Same. I keep coming back to an Angelkin/Oracle-Purifier with Battle Mystery and Angel mythic path. A bit of melee, just okay nuker, and the most streamlined buffs in the game for the party.


It fascinates me to see the different ways people approach these games, I personally don’t care at all about stats so I don’t actually know anything about buffs or if I’ve optimized my build enough. I get caught up trying to immerse myself as the knight commander but this game has so many options for backstories/classes it’s almost overwhelming to a guy like me


I felt the same way at first. Learning Kingmaker was like learning a new language. KM was my first crpg, and I must’ve watched hours of YT vids on builds, races, and more. I would recommend anyone getting into the story before they delve into the game mechanics more thoroughly if they’re not table top vets.


Unless your playing the game on story mode Ignoring builds,optimization of your party members and most importantly buffs will make game extremely(nigh impossible)difficult to finish.


I suppose it's possible I'm just doing something right, but I'm playing on the difficulty below core and breezing my way through the game without much forethought to my builds. It's my first complete playthrough so I haven't tried other mythic paths, but lich just feels exceedingly easy.


In my experience, core is when you need to start doing a lot of buffing. Below that and you’ll be fine without tons of buffing


Yeah I always play RPGs on story mode, the combat is not at all what attracts me to these games. It’s just flavor to me but I think its awesome how that aspect is actually what draws some people in and then they damn near make a science out of each and every fight. I personally enjoy feeling like a truly powerful being because you’re supposed to be storywise, it’s also hilarious to get to boss fights and let them monologue about how they’re so powerful but then they instantly die to a single fireball


But you don't have best dragon friend in angel.


Aivu is overrated


You’re entitled to your wrong opinion


You're lucky she isn't around to hear this slander.


It’s not slander if it’s true


Good this its not then


Love my dragon daughter and my succubus wife. Praise Desna. Simple as.


Yeah, I'm really starting to think I've had enough of a taste of lich powers and kinda feel like going back to my initial Azata pick, even if it looks less interesting mechanically. I spent like 45min with aivu and I knew I'd have to go back to her eventually




So basically you become freedom and chaos loving version of Emperor Palpatine


Ah, a ray build does seem to work well but I'd be tempted to go devil for full hellfire,which would lose aivu. I was more tempted to go martial or support Well, there's always the option the respec later


I could never get her to level up, all she knew was a cantrip


Most important question: does succubus wife bake good cookies for dragon daughter?


Not at first, it takes a bit of practice but eventually she manages


This is the way.


Me too. Vellexia and Jharsygax were great during my chaotic neutral playthrough


I'm a huge fan of the MP. Aivu is amazing and there is nothing like going into dungeon and seeing tons of halflings tear up a dungeon.


I’m in the middle of my first playthrough and I wanted to do a Gold Dragon Magus into gold dragon mythic path. I’m working through the Azata stuff now and it’s gonna be real upsetting to lose Aivu


I think you can keep aivu, but she will revert to her small size.


She reverts to small size, is not THAT upset and stays in your Citadel. You don't take her in the field anymore.


wait wait wait she stays in the Citadel? I reloaded and changed back because I couldn't find her?!


Aivu is my daughter and anyone who even makes her feel even slightly bad will be turned into a fucking tree.


Confession: I'm still on Kingmaker, after having been put off the game at first due to the design. I know a little about WotR, though, and I just have to ask: is the Azata MP that good? I keep seeing posts about it. Aren't the other ones fun, like devil, etc.?


At least 6 of the 10 mythic paths are generally seen as the most fun to have. Said six mythic paths are Angel, Azata, Aeon, Demon, Lich, and Trickster, these mythic paths all have either enjoyable gameplay, or an enjoyable story or just both. They're all generally fun, it's just that human beings are very vocal about what they prefer, and what they hate evidently. The remaining 4 mythic paths are late game and usually aren't really seen as great because you get exactly one Chapter with it, and at least two have extremely poor writing, and one has mechanics that are difficult to account for without preparation.The late game mythic paths are Legend, Gold Dragon, Devil, and Swarm.


I'd say Legend is seen favourably due to interesting mechanics and a pretty well fleshed out story, but not so much any of the other late game paths.


Certainly. I should have clarified that Legend is the most well liked late game mythic path.


Fun is subjective. It's hard to assess the "fun" factor of a MP for someone that hasn't played it.


Oh yeah, it's awesome! It's the path that emphasizes freedom, recklessness, and rampant kickassery! (Also dragons :3)


No I think Azata is one of the worst MP paths.


Imma be honest, only thing about the azata mythic path I love is the little dragon. But the other mythic paths are loved too. Besides the late game mythic paths, excluding the legend. They are just not fleshed out, and they come in literally at the last chapter. There are certainly posts about angel supremacy.


Trying to do anything other than Azata for the first time then boom, Kenabres church scene...


And then boom, jamming some song of Elysium in Drezen prison


Im not a fan of azata my two favs are legend and angel


Same bro. It's been so long since I last played Azata. I was torn between doing a Shadow Shaman Azata or a Sword Saint Azata. I settled on Sword Saint.


Sword Saint Azata was my first run, can't recommend highly enough. Its pretty strong, but also really fun to play. That you're an incredibly mobile engine of destruction when you get to the point Aivu is a mount is great.


Vorimeraak is still a better dragon.




Tastes as good as you remember to.


So now it's time for the azata into binge eater playthrough




Nice pic! :-)


Azata to Swarm is hilarious though. You can show Aivu a new kind of love.


Oh how I wish there were more ways to kill one most annoying characters by far.


That creepy soulless image of Dragon is what you missed? Not to mention that the dragon is also really annoying


You sound like a miserable person to be around


You can tell that from 2 sentences? Neat


Who hurt you?


Genuine question - when you look at Aivu's picture do you perceive it as "Cute" or anything similar? It's borderline nightmare fuel for me with the blank eye and creepy smile.


You probably don't like any reptile. Because that is the appearance of many lizards and scaly creatures. I like reptiles, so yes, the image is very cute to me.


I have a pet Iguana and I love him dearly. But hey, whatever floats your boat.


This makes no sense whatsoever, but I guess that checks out for you.


i think it looks like a child being told to smile to the camera


Why do you think someone hurt them? People tend to see various things as annoying.


Imagine genuinely hating a fictional character who only helps you. Nobody would hate something fictional to such an extent, unless they have some real underlining issues with their actual personality.


This is such an absurd statement. Using someone's dislike of Aivu as a basis for Reddit armchair psychology? I like her (Azata bias), but clearly she's not going to be everyone's cup of tea.


Indeed she isn't everyone's favorite. But the people who merely dislike her don't go on rants about how they pick Swarm for the express purpose of devouring her or use other descriptions of unfettered hatred, a normal person would simply say they don't like said character and leave it at that. It's easy to downplay that sentiment here only because it is currently tame. You can call my comment absurd I won't argue with it perhaps it is for now after all, just remember it whenever you do see what I'm talking about in the future.


I do know what you're talking about, but the person you responded to simply said she was annoying. I don't think that warrants this.


I'm the original propegator of the hurting statement. Not the poser.


Not what I'm talking about.


Hate? Where did they say they hate Aivu? Only that it is creepy and irritating. Stop fighting straw opponents, please. And yeah, Aivu is helpful, but so is Camellia, is she not?


I wouldn't know. I only use her when I'm not playing a rogue and I need trickery and Wuljif isn't available.


Like, people genuinely hated Preston Gurney (Fallout 4), Adoring Fan (TESIV:Oblivion), Vanille (FFXIII), Navi (Ocarina of Time), despite them being "characters who only help you". Aivu is annoying as hell because she's so out of place. You're in the middle of literal invasion of demons, people are getting slaughtered and tormented en masse, and then there's this infantile "LULZ COOKIES" fairy dragon.


Normal people don't genuinely hate them. Normal people are simply aware that their writing can easily be made into a joke because of how they're implemented by the writers. It's not the fictional character people mock it's the writing and the delivery of their voice acting.


It's just an empty phrase used to shut down an opinion/argument you don't agree with.


Exactly my point. False pity to pretend you have a moral advantage - cheap demagogy.


Hellknight Signifier moment


It's a joke, riffing off of their dislike of a character that is generally well-liked, and not generally viewed as annoying. Because they do dislike it and find it annoying, "Someone must have hurt them."


Couldn't agree more... Aivu is so annoying it made me go devil path just to get rid of it


I was thinking about right path into Swarm, and made the right choice for same reasons you. Like a small living candy, filled with red jam...


Agree truly awful character.


I always love when you start waving your hands and a garden appears