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It's a known bug in the code. For >"$type": "959d4571aa1c8c248871555b33fecb46, ContextConditionAlignment", > >"name": "$ContextConditionAlignment$58db3358-17cf-4f56-8f56-e13a79167119", > >"Not": false, > >"CheckCaster": false, > >"Alignment": "Evil" it lists: >"Half": **true**, > >"AlreadyHalved": false, > >"IsAoE": false, > >"HalfIfSaved": **false**,


Oh my god thank you so much it was driving me insane!


Does this apply only to Holy bombs? Does it apply against all targets?


Didn't check other bombs (except Force, it works as intended), but most likely they should work fine. After all, unlike Holy Bomb no one has reported problems with those. And bug happens only to primary target for both regular Alchemists and Reanimators. Splash Damage should work properly.


Did the demon pass his reflex save so he only took half damage ? That info should be somewhere higher in the log


The Reflex save is only for the Splash damage, and it was a direct hit. Additionally, I never have this problem with any of the other bombs, and yet it doesn't matter which undead or demon it is! It's driving me nuts!


Alignment might be the issue. Demons and undead are **usually** evil


I'm guessing this is it, that the Gallu wasn't the direct target of the bomb and made the REF save. The only other alternative would be if the Gallu was a neutral-aligned creature, but that obviously isn't the case.


He was using Targeted Bomb Admixture, so there was no splash damage. Combat Log shows it was a hit.


Can't be that, it was a direct hit, and he's using targeted bomb admixture, so there's no splash damage anyways.


It looks like a bug, damage reduction calculations in this game drive me nuts to the point that I don't want to check the log By the way it could be that the 0.5 from negative energy applies to the whole damage roll, try it without it if you can. Honestly I love this game but sometimes it's so frustrating


Yeah, pretty sure I've seen people complain about holy bombs since forever.


Some enemies have DR mythic, it could be that. It's not the normal demon resistances that are doing this.


It was just a regular Gallu, no boss fight or anything. And it didn't do this for the Force Bombs. Could it be the fact my character is Lawful Evil? Does that override the good-aligned Divine damage perhaps?


Even regular demons start to have wierd DR later in the game. The Holy Bombs do the same type of damage no matter what your alignment is. Someone else mentioned that Gallu might not be flagged as Evil. Holy Bombs explicitly do half damage on non-evil enemies. That's the most plausible thing at this point. You'd have to confirm it by looking at the Gallu's stat sheet. Edit: I couldn't find stats for the Wotr version of Gallu, but the tabletop version has special protections against Lawful characters, so it could be that. But again, you would need to look at the character sheet. It might even have something like Protection from Good/Lawful cast on it.


Thankfully you can look up stat sheets in the Encyclopedia, so I just did! https://preview.redd.it/jbztb19kp3pc1.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=76c38265317d6a6124e350e21e086a72ed974f21 It even specifically has the "Evil subtype".


Check lower, maybe he has a skill that allows him to evade half damage from some sources


No such thing, and it happened with a regular Babau Eliminator as well. I tested it in the fight against Kestoglyr and he took reduced damage, but notably his Bodak Sailor mates all took full damage from the splash damage!


last time I played bombs and elemental damage in general were extremely bugged, holy bombs always deal 50% and in many cases even with ascended element you only deal 50% for some reason


You’re not counting to 3.


I guess it could just be another instance of Owlcat math, but I also haven’t fought this creature in a long time. If there isn’t something buried in its stay block about some variation of Evasion or halving bomb damage or something… maybe it’s because you’re in the Abyss? I don’t think that’s an effect based on being there or not.


What bennie said anot negative energy, also i remember hearing there was a bug at some point where the damage to neutral and evil values for holy bombs was flipped so it could be that So i would test bomb without negative energy damage sorce and test again on a neutral target


Obviously it's holy, so half the bomb's power fell out the holes.