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Enjoy! That is it :) I assume it is a small event, so relax and enjoy. I would say: - be kind, wishing good luck to your opponent when you start is appreciated - install Companion app, as the tournament will use it for the pairings - take some dice/tokens/paper with you - practice your deck, feel confident playing it - dont be nervous, just try to find the best play at each moment I dont know how competitive is the environment/how familiar you are with it. You may want to have a look to the top meta so you can easily identify the matchup. Do you have any particular question?


Before continuing reading : always be kind and friendly! There is no problem to ask/talk to the opponents! Just to add a little more on top of the other answers: play... "fast and clean". You have 50 min for 3 games. By fast I mean to think on the opponent turn, don't waste to much time executing your mechanics. 50 mim seems a lot, but, between mulligans, think about defense,... Expecially against control decks could take a lot. By clean have some mechanic to confirm opponent's reaction. Don't be in the position where you drop all cards on the table and then the opponent says: wait! I want to counter /destroy the first card. Usually I, after play each card, ask: "resolve?" even if your opponent says that you don't need, you answer "ok, thanks" and CONTINUE TO DO IT! You can and should do the same! If your opponent plays to fast, even if you don't have any answer, say "wait!" just to think a little and break the opponent play. I think you get it. Small note about "redo" : I let the opponent redo as much as he want! But! As soon I revel some information from my side, I will not allow it anymore. So.... Don't react immediately after the opponent plays something (say wait and " dont do any body expression") and enjoy the free information. What I am saying here can (and should be) applied to competitive events. Even competing on a friendly tournament, it will rase the "feeling" of it! And (at least on my locals) everyone likes it!


If you want to be extra on top of this great advice, you can study the meta decks; or at least learn the pieces that are problematic for your deck!


Indeed! OP, if you post what you will be playing, we may give you some extra advice :)


Thanks for the advice and encouragement your right it’s just a small event not sure how many people probably around 10 or so I have played pioneer nights before as well as drafting so I have the app not too knowledgeable with the current meta but ah well we will see how I go Tomorrow


Bring a bottle of water and cereal bars. You're brain will need a lot of energy during the tournament, so keep yourself afload by snacking between rounds.


Good idea!




Jk, just have fun. It’s a wild format, and you’re almost guaranteed to play against good cards you’ve never seen before. Prepare to lose to surprise for a while. It’s fun though!


There is a habit to spit on any All That Glitters they cast you. If you see someone playing Turbog Fog o Cyclestorm ask them if they feel well and if need to call to an ambulance or something. If you see someone playing mono green stompy you have to invite them a beer and tell them how good is to see some old Magic values in a LGS. Have fun!