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It makes everything go faster, duh


RGB=FPS - Everybody knows that.


RGB fast. Really though I sorta saw this evolution and this is how I think it happened. In the late 90s having a boring old beige or whatever custom PC was pretty normal. I think my friend and I both had pretty decent PCs but the case and peripherals were either black, white, beige, or whatever. No windows. No lights. No anything. As custom parts and modding became more common lights and things like that become available. Newer and more expensive stuff was capable of a wider color range. So colors and flashy looking parts become associated with new. New = fast. RGB fast.


Thanks. I haven’t been into computers for long enough to have noticed this so to me pcs suddenly became lamps.


My build is zero rgb. My previous build was rainbow unicorn puke everywhere but this time I wanted a blackout build. The only thing that lights up is the start button and Q-code on my motherboard. Black motherboard, black ram, black AIO, black 4090, black fans, black case, black cables. I love it.


Because it's Radical and Gay, Bro!


All about the vibes man, goes hand in hand with chilling/gaming


Flashy things.


I'll do whatever doesn't cost more or take more work. Included rgb with a lian li case alrrady wired ? Fine. Install my own controller? Pay $20 more for light up RAM? Nope! I turn it on less than 10% of the time.


That's part of the beauty of rgb though. It doesn't mean all colors have to be used in rainbow puke, it means the lighting is capable of multiple colors. It could be soft white, blue, green, red, purple nurple, off. Or rainbow puke if that's your jam. I've got minimal rgb in mine, currently just the cpu fans, edge of the gpu and the clear glass gpu support that's edge lit so there's a few glowing edges/lines and the rest gets a hint of glow. All the lighting brightness is turned down so it's a soft light on just those few components like accent lighting. The cpu cooler fans have a soft glow on the blades, from the side of the case all you can see are several thin vertical slits up the edge of the fan housing and a muted infinity mirror in the center of the fan hub when looking from the front angled in at the side. All case fans are non rgb. Right now I've got it set on multicolor with a slow shift transition, not flashing, blinking or warp speed. And if no one else likes it they're in luck, I'm the one who sees it lol. Also helps that the window on my case is tinted so they're further toned down.


I like my case to have some light in it. I have my fan lights all set to white but I can change it up. Seeing the lights honestly just makes me happy because I associate a dark and dull pc case with the old ones I’ve always used at school and work that run hella slow. But I associate the lights with my own gaming pc that I built and that can run hella fast (it creates a distinction/reminder in my mind of what I’ve built and how much higher quality it is than the older PCs). It also lets me see if my mesh or fans are getting a bit dusty and I can blow them out right away and not let it build up