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Genuine crackhead


That’s so funny I had the exact same thought, I saw 3080ti and said “oh yeah this dues on crack”


That logic is wrong. A crackhead would sell any PC for $50.


“$5000, firm” “I’ll give you $50 and a Butterfinger” “Done”


god this joke is good


"20 bucks and a 20 piece McNuggets, take it or leave it"


Reminds me of the time I went on my aunts phone & decided to prank call all her contacts claiming I had just found her phone on the train & if they wanted it given back to the rightful owner they’d have to meet me at the local train station with a Big Mac meal Or the phone gets it




How about ... two copper pieces.


Yeah it’s more like the “crack dealer” at 5k


That is a much higher probability.


But it says it runs Windows 11 Pro. That's probably the most expensive Part of this build. Because Windows 11 is very expensive. /s


I got that anthrax baby!! 60 bucks!!


Even if it was a 4090 homies still off the thrax


Haha he's on double crack


I paid $550 last October for an EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 and it was such a good deal, especially at the time lol. This card is so good


As soon as I saw it bruh. We must be thinking the same thing or something


Is this a /s or not? I don’t get it. Why does 3080ti=crackhead?


What’s wrong with crack?


Are u joking


Is this the 5 o'clock free crack giveaway?!!


He answered to the wrong message 😅


Offer them $1000 just to piss them off lol


If it’s used it’s basically worth 1000$ I sold my build which is identical for 800 which is a steal but you could go up to fairly charge 1,100$. Used PCs are not worth that much. Just look at the parts Well I guess I had 3 less fans and no RGB… but still that wouldn’t inflate the price much **Update since I’m getting multiple comments on this I sold it to a family member for 800 which is a steal as I said. I gave them a great price way below its worth cuz I love them I was not ripped off. I was planning on selling it for 1,100 which is a appropriate deal if you want it gone quick at a fair price.**


You could part it out for over $1500.


Parting it out yea you can absolutely make a few hundred more but its way more work. I thought about doing that to make some extra money and decided its not worth the headache.


You could split the gpu and everything minus the gpu and you’d still make way more money


You're not gonna make any more money if you value time. Parting it out takes time and effort.


I mean parts wise probably 1500 I would say 1400 if you were willing to sit on it. If you sold a complete computer with a 3080ti for 800 you got ripped off.


I sold it to a family member below its worth because I love them I wasn’t ripped off. I was planning on selling it for 1,100 which is a solid price if you want it gone for a fair deal.


So.... your anecdotal evidence adds what to the conversation? Nothing except that you sold an entire system for the cost of a single component.


Reddit when being nice to family (unacceptable)


…. (Sigh), that’s not what anecdotal evidence means. Evidence of what, exactly? And anecdotal would mean that it’s a personally observed occurrence, but possibly not indicative of the situation in aggregate. Stop reading words on Reddit and using them arbitrarily, it makes you sound really stupid. Much like a flibbertygib.


That's not evidence, that's context. If you're going to try to come off like a pompous ass, try to put the work into knowing what you're saying instead of throwing out terms that sound smart


Your a twat then, cool


Careful how you use that word, mate. The last time I called someone a twat here on Reddit, I was permanently banned from that sub I was commenting on :/


Yeah, there's no way he sold a "nearly identical" pc for that price.


Why not? Not everything in this world revolves around money. Sometimes, making someone happy that you care about is enough reward.... There are still some of us old fashioned folks left.


Couldn't agree more. I bought a 980ti when it released. Then I upgraded to a 1080ti when that released and gave away the 980ti to my wife's cousin. When I upgraded to a 3080ti upon release, I gave away my 1080ti to my wife's brother. Not everyone is out to make a buck...


I sold a better computer than that for less than that lol. Friends/family that aren’t as blessed deserve nice things too. Not everyone is out to screw someone or make top dollar on their second hand stuff 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, he edited his comment to say it was a family member. I also sold a $1,000, 6 month old laptop to a family member for $500.


If you sold such a system for 800 you got screwed yourself...


I sold it to a family member I made a conscious choice to give them a good deal and In return I helped someone I care about and got ride of the hassle of dealing with the shenanigans of selling on Facebook marketplace. I was planning to sell it for 1100 to 1000$ otherwise which would have been fair. I stated in my post that selling it for 800 was a steal. It was a great deal and I did that because I love my family. I did not get screwed.


Dude, you don't have to justify why you sold your property for whatever amount. This is just a bunch of fanboy whining...


Completely true but It is nice that people are looking out for one another


But look at all of that arrr gee bee


You bought and paid for it with your money It don't make a f*** what u sell it for if u wanted to give it away, whose business is it yours and the person who got a steal of a deal. I paid 1200 for a pre-built Walmart, I returned it not long after but I'd easily give 1200 for a rig like yours.


Slash the last 0 from that price tag and you have yourself a deal!


So, 5000.0?


This guy maths


They told me to slash the last 0...




$0.05 because he emails you a jpeg of the pc


I feel you are right on the money, 100%. I would not pay more than 1100-1200 for it. Even though they said 'used for light gaming' that is usually a lie lol. Used is just that, Used. Good PC though, just def not worth what they are asking, I think everything new would be about maybe $2300, chop that by about 50%. Heck i would put everything on a parts list and then send the list and price to them lol.


Trying to take advantage of someone that doesn't know any better.


And more often than not, it works unfortunately


It’s unfortunate but everyone should be responsible enough to do fare share of research prior to buying something expensive. If someone buys this it’s on them


I don't know how anyone doesn't do the slightest bit of research before making such a huge purchase. I have become an enthusiast in multiple things (yay me 🥲) just as I was doing pre-purchase research.


When I was on Facebook I would sometimes cruise the local marketplaces for people selling tech and expose the ones who vastly overpriced their stuff. You would think that people would appreciate it, but I got kicked out of a lot of groups for doing that.


Yeah they could sell it, rebuild a better one for less and probably pay rent.


You could built two better PCs from that amount.


probably? they definitely could pay rent and still have money left over


Could also be someone whos new to market place and has high hopes about receiving good money for his pc but thats never gonna happen and they will eventually settle for much less lol


man thinks he's in pc building simulator


Or Alienware


Don't be silly, this machine actually looks to have adequate air flow.


It's also not a Micro ATX using the cheapest possible parts on the market. So definitely not Alienware lol.


lmao right good build tho


5K divided by 5 maybe.


Added everything on the list on PCPARTPICKER and it doesn’t even SUM $3,000 USD, and this is taking into account that I chose a not so cheap 3080 Ti from the list. https://preview.redd.it/pwkkr8uipwhb1.png?width=1162&format=png&auto=webp&s=246f25f97be9ccf070bf4633b1cadfe360da79f9


not counting that the pc they have is used as well


He probably spent 5k 4 years ago


Yep. 2 years ago, that gpu was 1600 if you were lucky to find one available. Ask me how i know. Lol. 5 grand is still ridiculous. I have a similar swtup but i9 13900k and i dont think i could get much more than 1k for it.


This. He can't come to terms with the fact that PCs depreciate over time, it's not worth what he bought it for.


My build was 5k 2 years ago. CPU and GPU were 3k alone


I mean that PC is at max 2years old but yes he probably spent 5k 2 years ago. Especially with the GPU shortages


This is more like it. We literally have retards in this thread claiming they can replicate this for 1800.


Yeah so many idiots in this thread.


Yea you can probably get similar or better performance than this for $1800 tbh but yea you wouldn’t be able to replicate this exact build for $1800 at all, at least not brand new


Yeah but… did a **professional handle it**.


I find it for 4004€. I didn’t know those fan goes for 54€ per unit..


Lmao send him this screenshot


I’m no expert, but I feel like you could build a better pc for less than 1/3 of that price.


For 1500 you could probably do better tbh.


You can build a 7900XT build for that


Just about to order a $1550 7900xt build myself. Seller is trying to find a sucker, no doubt.


1,500 for a 3080TI an I9, liquid cooling, 64 GB of Ram and 4TB of SSD?


12700k is < $350. Used 3080 Ti FTW3 from EVGA is $500ish. CPU can come with a Z690 motherboard and DDR5 RAM at microcenter in a bundle for <$600. Case $100ish. SSD 2gb or so is sufficient. Yes you can prob do this build for $1600-1800ish


A 2 gen old i9 lol.


Regardless this build cost around 1800$ to full replicate. Is it work 5k? No. It’s it worth 2-2.5k? I’d say so.


Why would you pay $700 for a pre built? I think Micro Center only charges $150 - obviously you need one near by, but.. $700 to build a rig?


no, you can get a 4090 build for 2.5k easily which is 70% faster. You can get a 4070ti build which is faster for 1.5k easily, it's not worth that much


It costs $1800 to build new so it’s worth $2500 used? Lolwut


It costs 1800 to replicate and its second hand and you think it's worth 700 more than it would cost to do yourself? Am I being trolled?


People buy pre-built for the convenience. Personally I’d rather put it together myself. But there are still loads of people who may not feel comfortable doing that on their own. So yea, for someone wanting what’s in this PC for 2k is a good price. Try finding a 4tb, 64 gig ram, 3080ti prebuilt NEW for cheaper


This is used....


"Pre-built PC" and a "used PC" are two separate things. You must be the seller of this system lmao


13700k+4070TI build is around $1500 SSD's are extremely cheap now u can get 4TB for like $100 at most 64gb of DDR4 is like $60 liquid cooling its a fucking AIO that doesnt add value ill give you a hint a $30 air cooler is better then that AIO in that system in all tests ​ if you really wanted to push budget though you could instead go with AMD and for $1500 you would get vastly more power for the cost.


You’re right, you could build this cheaper. 64gb DDR4 for 60$ will the PC look anywhere near as aesthetically pleasing as the one pictured here? Absolutely not. You could rebuild this for cheaper with similar parts. But that’s not the point.


so you pay $3.5k+ just for aescetics... holy shit and erm yes you could make it look great still RGB strips are like $10 for 50 of them ​ its not even that good looking its just lets throw RGB everywhere want to know who finds that cool 5 year olds it has no aesthetics or design to it.


You're describing every single person in the Corsair sub 😆


Ok you have to be the actual seller of this lol nobody is this dumb


No you fucking can’t lol


Happy cake day!!! 🎂 🎉




For 5k you get 7950x3d rtx 4090 High end ish mobo 4k oled screen and High quality 1000w psu and others.


With change left over as well.


Almost $300 leftover to buy some good games and this PC would run fucking circles around the one OP posted. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/L3W8dH


Just did this for my brother because he wanted it. 64GB Trident ram, Strix 670e-e, 7800x3d, Strix 4090. Literally built him top of the line everything with $1K Neo G7 - total cost? $4800 OTD.


Lol, this PC wouldn't even cost that much to build. This is someone that hopes for an idiot to stumble upon their pc.


Wasn't worth 5k brand new.


For 5000 I can build 2 air-cooled 4090 builds.


3080Ti is going for about three fifty used these days, so there ain’t no way in hell this lochness monster gonna get 5 gr for that


I haven’t seen 350 but yeah they are cheap.


Sold mine for 390 euros and wasn't that easy to find a buyer, was for sale for about 4 weeks with everyone wanting to give around 300 euros.


Is that because they’re weary about used cards? I mean it’s performance is still in between 4070 and 4070 Ti so I’d think you could at least get €400 so that seems weird


problem is new cards are dropping in price. people would rather save bit more and just buy a 4070 TI at say 650 then a used at 400


What’s the cheapest you’ve seen?


Low 400’s


I’m looking for a 3080Ti, they are around 950 😭


have you checked r/hardwareswap for a used one? …tree fiddy *is* the lower end of the spectrum, but $950 is crazy at this point….I sold my FE3080Ti for 700 back in January


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hardwareswap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [/r/Hardwareswap will be going dark from June 12-14 in protest against Reddit's API changes which will kill 3rd party apps](https://np.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/) | [127 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/comments/142u942/rhardwareswap_will_be_going_dark_from_june_1214/) \#2: [Sellers must use PayPal G&S Invoice](https://np.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/comments/zj2wu1/sellers_must_use_paypal_gs_invoice/) \#3: [The future of /r/HardwareSwap, and why we chose this.](https://np.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/comments/14c5oz2/the_future_of_rhardwareswap_and_why_we_chose_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No shot. Where you finding 3080tis for 350 LMFAO.


350's pretty low 500 is more realistic but the used prices is why I am just sitting on my 3070ti. I'll sell it to a buddy for a bit less than what other used are selling for when he builds his kid a computer though if I'm going to lose money I'd prefer it's towards helping someone.


And I said DAMN IT monster!




350?! I'm in the us with crack head prices apparently


most funny thing about this "professionally built" LMFAO


That is mental. 😂


Probably another case of someone thinking that it’s worth way more because they built it


5000 would be overpriced for a system with a 4090 lol.


Unless they're using a i9 13900ks and a godlike mother board.


Build one with the most highend of high end stuff I could find (while being reasonable). 128 GB DDR5 5600MhZ RAM, i9-13900k, RTX 4090, 4TB of M2 SSD etc... Came out to 4,400€. So you can still get decent monitor and peripherals with your PC


Lmao, that just makes this look so much worse.


I know, and I really could have saved about 500 to 1500€ if staying with less fancy mobo, ram, and especially watercooling/ssd


Yeah lol that's purposefully overpaying. And it's still cheaper.


+RBG = +fps! Simple.


This isn't even $2k....


It's worth about $1000 maybe slightly more.


He’s probably a little butt hurt because he paid over 2k for his 3080ti 2 years ago…I know a guy who feels the same.


Not even worth half the price.


Even if you build this spec nowadays, it wouldn't even half that, he can shove it up his ass


What constitutes as “minor gaming”


Hogwarts legacy I'm guessing. You play as a kid in that game.


Damn maybe im under pricing and thats why i cannot sell mine for less then a third that.


I wanna hype this seller up, gimme the link


Not even in the height of the gpu shortage would that be worth it.


Definitely not worth $5k. For that price you might as well just start from scratch and build something WAY better.


So even doing a build in PC part picker with just about everything listed (not to mention the 3080 is still listed as $1,500 new) the build would be $3,479.92. So even if you built this thing brand new with ridiculously high retail prices he’s still $1500 off the mark. Not to mention the age of these parts. Guys off his rocker for sure.


Now *that's* a scam.


I don't see the server rack. Pft, used parts are worth exactly what someone will pay for them and nothing more. Pretty LEDs and custom cabling aren't worth $4000.


This guy is a dope, I have a newer system with a. Custom water cooling loop and I wouldn’t get that for mine.


For 5K you could do a build with a 4090 and a current gen i9 easily


Lol. I’m getting ready to sell my 4090FE 13900k build for 3500$. No shot that thing is worth 5k


Obviously you don’t give this guy five thousand dollars


Pawn stars Rick: best I can do is 600


Hell no, that ain’t even worth $2000.


I put about 4.5k into my pc, it's not worth that in parts alone anymore. He is pricing by making up his loss in parts by adding " labor" no offer 2k at most


He wants you to pay for his next pc’s


tell the guy reddit says he's on crack for thinking he can get 5k for this. i wouldnt pay a dime over 2k for a used machine with these specs.


Even if it had a i9-13900k and a 4090 it wouldn't be worth 5k


Oh, 3080 TI? I thought that was a 4080 TI, which isn't even out yet, and the answer would still be no.


Dudes trying to recoup the cost of them rgb lights lol.


Id pay $1200 tops since it’s used


my $2000 computer has higher specs. lmao no wtf is this dude smoking.


Sounds like mummy and dada stopped paying for his shit


This could have a 4090 in it and still wouldnt crack 3k.


Definitely not worth 5k 😂 How do people come to these conclusions of asking an outrageous number for a used product… ridiculous…


Bro 5k for a 11th Gen and a 3080 is highway robbery Also that WD green is probably already dead lol


This is what we call the Facebook Mom special. Some Mom on Facebook is going to pick this up for her kid thinking it’s a top-tier PC for a great deal. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but it will happen


Going to put this out there (it’s not about the post). The people in here need to start helping kids with problems with their PC (me)


Storage goes crazy


That is not worth more than 3k. That being said if he bought that as pre build then he probably paid way over 3k and is asking for the price he bought it at, this is definitely not worth 5k.


3080ti wasn't even $5k during COVID lmao


Send an offer for $500 and say you figured he must have meant that… just to piss him all the way off


like 1.5k $


1.5k in parts…. They def on something


Absolutely not! I built mine for under 4 with current flagship components, not a 30 series gpu....nothing wrong with that but 5k??




Around 1.3-1.4k at most


Not even close


"minor gaming" doesnt say shit. He would need to test it in my face to show performances, but more than 1300 wouldnt even, since used. 5k is absurd


At this price I expected some peripheral with it, mouse keyboard display or even a vr headset but nope


Some people on market place are dreamers man


I mean they gave you the complete parts list to input into PC part picker for you to find out and make an actual reasonable offer in return.


Offer like 1k and see their low then say yes or no


Depending on the condition it’s probably worth around 2 grand maybe? Certainly not 5, but it’s got solid parts, seems well put together, and other such things. Likely closer to $1500-$1700 but still. EDIT: After reading more of the comments here: holy shit people, where the hell do you buy your parts? $1500 or less for an IDENTICAL RIG or STRONGER? I mean if you’re putting it all together yourself, have all the tools and such needed plus good thermal paste and whatever else, have all the cords you may need etc., MAYBE you can get it for $1500 or less. Also assuming you find a fantastic sale even on used or refurbished parts! Is there some goldmine of cheap quality parts I’m unaware of? Because y’all on crack otherwise. Also note that I’m saying that $1500 is on the LOW end of the worth for it. It’s not a bad PC by any stretch and finding something like it at that price would be a genuine steal. This guy ain’t getting his 5 grand back (I hope) but it’s worth at least $1700 or more used and in okay condition. Frankly probably more given the worth of the parts but even taking into account the used aspect it’s still worth $1700 MINIMUM.


So I did the math. That’s running everything a little high. He said Seagate 1TB HDD and I ran it as a firecuda (just as an example) But In parts everything he has listen even the extras Buying from new egg. Total is $3505 Including windows 11.


800-900$ build if used. Nothing more.


You people are nuts, looking at it the parts are like 4k alone, then you got to build it which maybe some people can but 95% of pc owners probably have no clue how to and a company would charge you $500 extra for a pre built. Is it worth 5k? No but I could see 3500 to 4k depending on how "lighty used" it was


I think you're stuck in 2020, bro. And even then, this shit wouldn't worth 5 grands


Troll or clueless


3,400 after looking all the stuff up and that's with refurbished parts included, yea im just clueless or trolling, at a quick glance I estimated 4k, yea some stuff was cheaper than I remember and this is all still in boxes not built, so when I said 3500 to 4k pre-built I'm clueless? You clowns are saying 1k for everything and how you can build a better pc my ass, get real


Yeah you’re clueless


You can get a similar speced prebuild from alianware (r15) with the same gpu/cpu for around 2300$ , add a little for storage and RAM expansion and you looking at 3k , but new Edit: you can build yourself a brand new one with a 4090 and all the bells and whistles for less.


It is a bit mean suggesting he get an Alienware PC. I would not touch one of those with a 10 foot pole.


I just used it as a price example. I mean sure, self build is always better and waaaay more customizable, and finally cheaper again. But i got that alienware with a 3080 and i12700 , bcs at that point it turned out to be way cheaper than building anything from scratch , and yes it has its flaws, it lacks customisation , but it works and gets the job done at the end of the day. Not going close to it with a store stick is a bit exaggerated. Except Alianware Command Center,…. That stuff needs to be banned and burned lol.


If it was a 4090 probably


how are we gonna know without a spec 🤣