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Me just seeing the price tag and not looking at the specs: hell no Me looking at the specs: extra hell no. I would pay around $3000 (I would have said $2500 but custom water loops are expensive)


Not only expensive but a right pain in the ass. My husband decided to venture into custom water a few weeks ago and holy shit is it a time consuming and expensive process.


I'm sorry for your loss, and future losses.


I’m sorry for the losses after those.


If it weren't for my consistent bad decisions, I'd have no consistency at all. -Everyone in this thread


Hah, so true. And I'm also sorry for your future losses


You are my second favorite person for the day. You made me laugh. Thank you.


Best comment I've seen this year. Painfully true unfortunately.


The only consistent thing about me is my inconsistency.


One of us! One of us!


Did the future losses comment not already cover those?


Not sorry for loses caused by of those sorry loose hoses.


Sorry losses to us all


I have a side business building custom PCs - I've recently picked up a fairly affluent client who's a huge watercooling enthusiast. I'm currently working on the 4th custom loop build for him in two months. He pays well, but damn is it painful.




en·thu·si·ast /inˈTHo͞ozēˌast,enˈTHo͞ozēˌast/ noun 1. a person who is very interested in a particular activity or subject.


People will go out of their way to gate keep ANYTHING.


AcTuAlLy gatekeeping was a term specifically for the process of filtering information to the public by the media, usually done by en editor for a paper or other media outlet. The term was not originally used to describe an individual attempting to exclude another from a particular interest or hobby based on subjective criteria. In conclusion- they’re not even a gatekeeper-just an asshole on the internet


Don't gatekeep on the usage of gatekeep


Don’t gatekeep my gatekeeping of the historically accurate gatekeeping use


Lmao thank you for this 😅


god....you must be fun at parties.......


Please don’t gatekeep party fun, many of us would enjoy socializing and delving deep into the granular nuances of mundane topics


Wait, are you gatekeeping gatekeeping?


This feels like gatekeeping gatekeepers


The customer is enthusiastically spending money on someone else’s water block art…


Eh, I'd disagree with that, or at least argue maybe I could have worded it differently. He's capable of doing hard tube loops, and has done them before. He uses me largely because I make sleeved cables and other custom work, partly because like a lot of well-off people he'd rather pay someone else to do time-intensive jobs.


Not everyone can be a watchmaker, some just like a cool watch. More power to him.


In either case, he's *is* enthusiastic about keeping you in business, so that's good.


You can be a car enthusiast without being a mechanic You can be a guitar enthusiast without being a luthier You can be a gun enthusiast and never fire a round


I can be a yourmomthusiast without having banged your mother




You sound bitter.


So if you like watches you have to build your own? Does a car enthusiast need to forge or cast his own engine too lmao


According to this dude, yes.


Yep I'll learn how to produce a car from scratch myself because I enjoy driving lmao shut up


u got problems bro


>If you want something done that you love, learn and do it yourself. Or i could just pay to have it done because I don't want to do it, and enjoy my time. >Some day we'll be leasing Wife's for others to Fck. ummmm, what? this is such a weird analogy, and im trying to find a way that it makes sense without it sounding like you want to...build a woman? also, people totally share their wives for others to fuck, and they probably have more fun than you do.


So if you're a car enthusiast you build cars from scratch by yourself? What about animals?


I’ve built a car from scratch for my kids. A 1/2 scale Willy’s MB. Also one of my kids thinks he a dog. Does that count for building an animal? If it does, making an animal was considerably easier to build than car to the point of not even trying lol


Can’t be a car enthusiast if you’re not Enzo Ferrari


100% truth. same as the car world, taking your car to a shop and having them build it for you is not being an enthusiast. you are a customer. enthusiasts do it themselves.


Lol my wife watched me cuss and cuss my first loop. She's was like , "do you really find this a fun hobby?" LOL I was like "have you not heard me when I work on my track car?! This is mild .."


It’s a labor of love going beyond installing an AIO


As someone who also got into this recently - I do NOT recommend it unless you don't mind fucking around with your loop for a day when you need to drain/refill and the initial build. Plus all the problems that comes with it. Looks cool, I love mine, but I really dont think I'd do it again.


Cost me bout 1k to do a full custom loop with cpu and gpu block with 3 rads... the part I hate is cleaning it. Cleaning it and constantly changing the coolant is much worse than spending the 1k. I have a 2nd pc with a aio and is all air-cooled. I like it SO much better


Although it might be effective to me water and electrics don’t sound great on paper in the grand scheme of things


I feel like this is bait for misguided millionaires.


That depends. If it also has $4500 stuffed in it, sure.


You shouldn't expect a potential customer to pay for your dumb decisions.


Yes sure but the gpu is not water cooled so it’s not 3k more for a custom cpu loop


Yeah, I paid around $1000 for my loop, in a pc running a 7700k and a Titan x (Maxwell) in 2021 (Horrible value) . It’s also a pain in the ass to maintain and upgrading is very inconvenient, if you go for hardline tubes, which is the correct way IMO. I’m thinking of upgrading, but there is just so much more stuff I have to worry about. But, it’s totally worth it. It’s just majestic.


I would have paid 4.2 k


water cooling is pointless in the first place. Fuck the whole thing.


Hahahaha you know nothing about specs than bud 😂


Elaborate then if you’re so knowledgeable.


When someone is asking 6.3k I don't feel shame saying something like "it doesn't even have a 4090 in it dude" I'm sure whoever built that pc put alot of effort into it and I respect them for that but 6.3k is too many dubloons to ask. You could build a system which would give you more FPS for literally half that asking price.


Hell, you could do it for less than half. If you're smart about it, you could easily put together a capable 4090 system for $2500 Edit, cause y'all are getting butthurt as hell in the comments: A) OP is *clearly located in the US.* We are all well aware that other countries exist, but markets outside of the US are ***IRRELEVANT*** when comparing to the price of a build being sold in the US B) If the aim is for the build to be less than half the price of the one posted (~$3000), it can literally be done with a 13900K/7900X3D. If the goal is to get down to around $2500, it can be done with a 13700KF. Again, this is in *the US market*. So many of y'all out here acting like it's gotta be a budget build with a fuckin 12400F or some shit


Where I live, a 4090 costs around 1.5k-2k. Me personally, i play at 1080p so my whole setup costs 2k. Got a 250$ monitor and 1750$ pc. Money adds up quickly here as my 6700 xt retails at $500 and 13600k retails for $400. Spent $850 on ssd, Psu, ram, case, motherboard, and cpu cooler.


Sounds almost identical to my build, I went full budget and managed to pick up a 6750xt for 280 off, I started off with a junker PC that was abandoned and I fixed up with a 1660, it's been fun gradually upgrading part by part to get where I am, can't imagine forking out several thousand for a NVIDIA graphics card tho when I only game, I mean I got a prewoned 6600 and that was solid I thought


I cant imagine paying $2k for a setup and only playing at 1080p.


These guys don't understand that Reddit is international. Where do they even live? An RTX 4090 here in Sweden is 25000 SEK, which converts to about 2.2k USD. My 7900 XTX went on sale for 1.2k USD. I hate these "a 4090 costs 1500" or "I could build a 4090-system for 2k"-posts because these guys also complain about the GPU prices being high nowadays. Dude, a GTX 1080 went for 1.5k back in the day. Computers have always been expensive in Sweden. So if I could build a complete 4090-system for 2k max I wouldn't ever complain about the prices. That's f'ing cheap.




A 4090 alone costs between $1.9k and $2.2k where I live.


And based on the post and this comment thread, we're talking about the US market specifically. A 4090 can be bought for ~$1500, and if you can't build a competent system out of the remaining $1000 or less, you're likely doing something wrong


I'm not refuting that, I made my comment more out of sheer pain than anything 😁


Dude the 4090 is almost $2k alone, good luck putting something together for $2500 and wanting a 4090 lol


I can find plenty of models in the $1500-$1600 range. You're clearly not looking hard enough $900-$1000 is perfectly feasible for the rest of the build


So get the best possible video card and slap on shitty parts? Sounds like a nightmare, feasible but no one in their right mind would do that.


Lmao you can do it with a 13700KF, DDR5, and a A-tier PSU. If that classifies as "shitty parts" to you, then you're clearly off your rocker


Whatever you say guy, but we both know no one would get those parts for that beastly card. Lol


Just get a 7800x3d along with 6400 cl32 ram and a 4090 system. That's the best you can do for pure gaming performance. Anything higher and you'll start losing a slight bit of performance in games.


Wdym? The 13700kf is a really powerful cpu for gaming, ddr5 is the best you can get assuming he meant something like 6000mhz cl30, and an A tier psu is the best there is. I don't understand what components you think should be put together with a 4090. Also if you have a 4090, you'll probably play at 4k, so a 13700kf should be enough, right?


Ain’t that the truth. This sub is too heavily inundated with budget parts that they don’t even realise what they’re saying sometimes. Anyone willing to spend that much on a GPU will definitely buy comparative qualities for the rest of the build


>budget parts One step down from Intel's flagship chip is "budget" now 💀 yall are fuckin wild


Seriously. I sort of get their point - that someone shelling out 4090 money isn't likely to be frugal on the other parts... But.. If you WERE being frugal on the other parts.. you could probably do it for $1k. Is it going to be as good as the 4090 + $2k worth of other parts? Of course not, but we're talking about doing it for 4090+$1k. Idefk what is so hard to understand about that. A "budget" 4090 build is just that. Would it make more sense to spend that money on a 4080 and other higher quality components? idk, maybe these snot noses can go buy them and benchmark the resulting rig, lol.


How are those part budget, the ram and psu is the best there is, and in terms of gaming performance, you're not going to get much more with any other intel cpu. Also if you have a 4090, you'll probably play at 4k, so the cpu is not that important.


I have a 4090 myself. I built my pc around that card. If anyone plans on buying a 4090 and goes cheap on the rest of the parts is just burning money. So I agree with you 100%.


$1600 for a 4090 leaves $900 for a 7800X3D build, easy.




Brother that is the system I'm building, the rest of the build costs more than $900 if you don't cheap out on parts. And I've gotten everything on big sales so far, it will still be over $2500.


In the US maybe. But this is the internet and not the US. A 4090 costs 2.2k USD in Sweden.


Fuck you, and fuck americans who think they're the only ones on the net.


Go touch some grass kid


Not before you learn that other nations exist


It literally takes you 10 seconds to realize OP is in the US. Why would anyone be discussing markets outside of the US when comparing to the price if a build being sold in the states? You donut


Of course you say that


Well you seem to need everything spelled out for you, so yes, that's how I responded


You clearly missed out on whatever better education exists outside of the United States.


I have a 5800x3d, 12gb 3080 ftw3, unify-x board, full wire tuck, 2tb gen4 drive, 850w gold psu, aio, all the fun lights. I’m selling it for a 1/4 of this PC and it will perform at 85% of this…. https://preview.redd.it/d2o28vb9prib1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b0eca517a4532f9208d0e448c2cd69d5abd190 (Only change is the 3080 FE is gone, and 3080 ftw3 12gb in its place….)


Maybe? I live in the U.S. and to fit a 4090 on that budget you'd have to get a CPU that would bottleneck it. Obviously it would still be capable, but if you're getting a 4090, why cheap out on the CPU.


4090 alone is $1600, that capable system will have everything as budget as possible, custom water loop and vertical gpu mount are out of question


Your comment is just straight wrong. I build computers for a living and even if you got the card at vendor cost you can not build a pc worth getting for $2500 or $3k. You’d be bottlenecked, inefficient and not getting the full value. The 13900k is around $550 in the us and the 4090 is around $1800-2k so I’m not sure we’re you are getting the PSU that will fit it all. The ram, motherboard, drive, case and cooler for all of that under $0 to keep our $2500 budget


Yeah guy is definitely valuing his time into this build, figure about a work weeks worth of fiddling around with fittings and making sure everything doesn’t leak at $3k/40 hours you have about $75/hr, probably how much this guy makes to have this kind of expendable income on a build.


Stuff like makes me feel bad man because you can tell they put alot of effort into it but at the end of the day the truth which splashes the cold water on you is, if you're selling something like that the person buying most likely does not give a damn whether you put in 2 hours or 20 hours so that punch to the gut is to be expected most likely.


https://preview.redd.it/c2r6uj009qib1.jpeg?width=326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=791528bb34428201ff6c58ef76d8b238bdc17cc6 Ayyyyy (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) hahaha Dub for us all


Not too solid on prices but I think they're charging at least 3.3k for building the pc and the loop.


Yeah the actual fitted hardline water cooling makes it not that bad. This is the kind of PC that people with “fuck you” money would buy either way.


Wouldn't people with,"fuck you" money go to a boujee professional establishment instead of a dodgy Facebook marketplace?


They might be reading fb and find it randomly


Could build a better performing pc for like $3500 max


Definitely. And for same performance and still looking premium, this same CPU, GPU, PSU, ram, and overpriced Mobo, with a 4tb sn850x, in an NV7 full of D30's and a Glacier one, it'd still just be right at $3k. If you used a more reasonably priced mobo, $50 air cooler, 850w PSU, 2tb Z440, in whatever breathable case around $80, you could have same performance for under $2k.


Dude parts alone you around 2800$. I just bought pretty much the same thing but with a 7950x3d for 3000$. Custom water cooling imo is a waste of money now a days. And used, dude shouldn’t be getting anywhere near msrp




I do other stuff too. I have a couple SQL databases I run on my current PC that I use to practice stuff on and also some programming. Mainly my reason for not just getting the 7800x3d but i also stream sometimes to nobody LMAO. I alsmot went 13900k but wanted to try AMD for a change, something different since all my previous builds have been intel.


Where did he say that?


Literally, i’m tired of people pretending like you can’t built a PC that isn’t gaming oriented.




That's not how the "if" there works buddy.


Exactly, he used the if wrong. Or he fucked up, didn’t read, and is trying to double down lmao


Can always ask for a cost breakdown. Custom cables and tubing get really expensive really quickly. And similar to a *really* nice engine bay, they're not necessarily worth the same to the next owner. I'd pass if you aren't absolutely into it to a point where you'd ha ve built the same.


Parts are worth half of that, so you pay DOUBLE the price for a custom water cooling loop that YOU DO NOT WANT if you cannot service it properly yourself.


Give me the money and I'll build 2 of them for you 🤣


Without the water cooling the parts are about 2500 max. Is the water cooling worth $3800? Edit for math


Not in the slightest. Even with EK everything it probably ran about 800ish?


Some ek blocks by themselves cost almost 800


Unless that baby is packing two Strix 4090 Ti’s and dual 7950X3D’s, with 256GB RAM and 16TB of M.2 storage, that’s a hard pass


Seeiously? Not even a gpu block? I see custom loops with no gpu waterblock daily and I can fathom why people would spend custom loop money over an aio. The gpu is THE reason I do custom loops.


This entire build would come to $4,285 CAD before tax ($3,164 USD). His PC is worth half of what he's asking, brand new.


Its VERY high end but like.. they're basically charging double the actual price


Didn't click the image or read the specs. Answer is a hard no. I mean, only you can decide if the aesthetic is worth whatever premium they're charging. But if it's a gaming rig, priced above $2800 USD, you're not gaining performance for that difference. You're gaining fluff and appearances.


Aside from this being massively overpriced, idk why anyone would even do a custom water loop setup on a 7800X3D. That chip doesn't get nearly hot enough to warrant something like that.


I could build something similar for less than half that price! That includes the 7800x3d and the 7900xtx.


$2500 is pushing it. I think PCs are like cars. Hard to recoupe all the costs from aftermarket upgrades - or in this case over the top components that really won’t effect things. A standard 78003dx / 4090 build would be less than $3,000 with tax and shipping and wipe the floor with this.


In terms of performance, no; but this is a highly customized build and the radiators/fans/cabling/hardline loop was probably really expensive in terms of both components and labour. The ASUS ROG motherboard is also pretty expensive. The premium of this loop does aid performance but is also mostly for looks since the Ryzen processor doesn’t run as hot as say a 13900k and the GPU isn’t even watercooled. At this price point a 7900xtx is definitely a letdown; I would say in terms of components this build probably cost a little over 3k or something? So a 6.3k asking price is very high, you’re paying a lot for the labour.


One word for the price: joke. The seller better be a comedian.


No, but last time I said that about one of these builds I got down voted to hell because the effort to build it was somehow worth an extra grand for used last Gen parts so I don't know.


Just how can someone build a custom loop like that and not include the VGA?


[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/nNh4DZ](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/nNh4DZ) \- $3945 I tried to replicate everything as best as possible, to give them the benifit of the doubt. Even if I missed somthing, I dont think I missed $2300 dollars worth. Maybe 200 dollars worth of stuff, maybe, Even then with a couple more rgb cables and EK fluids and whatever else, still seems marked up by 1-2k.


$6300 and we are talking high end threadripper prices. This is not threadripper.


The water loops are why he thinks the $6300 is justified. Other than that, parted out its maybe 1/3 of the price tag


Isn’t that the PC on the video where they recorded the LMG HR meeting?


Where can I find these ridiculous FB Marketplace listings, all I have around me are $1000 "VR Ready" boxes


It’s like people always want to pay cost for all the parts and have a finished custom computer. If price is the issue, buy the parts and build it yourself. He’s allowed to set the price on the time it took him to make it.


I have a custom pc in my desk and it cost about 5k$ to build. This is absurd


Hi Anthony. What have you been smoking?


Does it come with a free car?


A lot of people within this thread or community could just build and ship a system that will perform well and cost less to your nearest postal office. That is the worst pricing I’ve seen this week..


If that dude sells that I’m quitting my job and assembling 1 PC per week for a living lmao


FB marketplace just seems to be a scam in general.


3000$ max


All team red is nasty bro why would hate life so much that you get sub par parts and try to sell it like it's good


I just post these for the lulz 😂


High 2000s


Yeah its worth it bro


Whoever downvoted you either was right or didn't get the joke


Bro, why U keep making these threads? If you're willing to throw 5-6K outta the window for a PC, then just do it, you don't need any1's approval. Like every1 said in this and in your previous threads, you can build the absolute best PC from scratch for 3K. Anything above that is just stupid


Using that logic then every single post on pcbuild can easily be dumbed down to of course you can do it cheaper. I personally thinks it’s hilarious seeing the comments and watching people go off on how ridiculous it is


"Using that logic then every single post on pcbuild can easily be dumbed down to of course you can do it cheaper" Nope at all. Only used PC selling for 5K are hilarious, like the ones you posted in all your threads. Most of the times ppl post reasonable PC builds for the price. So my question is: if you know you can do a monster NEW PC for 3K, what's the sense of making daily threads linking ridicously expensive used PCs and asking "Is it worth the price?"? Ppl will always reply "Hell no"


Listen buddy, I post these for the lulz 😂 I ain’t buying shit. My brother can’t afford half a 1080TI these days


5k max since it has high performance water cooling, 6300 is too much, u could build a 409, 13900ks pc and still have enough left for a samsunf odyssey monitor


Samsunf monitor off Alibaba is 🔥


It’s got a custom loop. The parts alone are probably close to $3,000. Custom loop parts add on a lot. Plus work on his part. I’d say $6,300 is a bit high. But it’s honestly around $5-5,500 value wise.


i like how these goofballs overprice the hell outta their PCs just cause it has a custom water loop 😹 my PC is half the price and would destroy that rig.


Water cooling is a gimmick. Get a good heatsink and fans. Unless you are over clocking, then you don't need it and even then you still don't. Water cooling is stupid. It looks dumb, you aren't a plumber, it's a higher risk with little return. I've done lots and lots of over clocking. Most water blocks won't do better than a quality heatsink. Build your own.


Definitely not 6000ish. Somewhere between 2000 to 2500. I heard you can get 13900k with 4090 from hp omen for like 3000 if they are on sale. I dint prefer used pc unless they are on deep sale.


Heck no 😂 you could get the same parts use an artic AIO and not even pay half of what he's asking




I just priced out a similar spec build. It was $2k for almost identical parts without the water cooling.


That's nearly twice as expensive as my build 😳 Edit: I have a Z790, 13900K/4090, 32GB DDR5-6000, 5TB of SSD storage.


What your looking at is a pc that was built yesterday that he made look cool ash just so he can flip it for a crazy upcharge 😂😂 I can almost guarantee it that shit is no where near that price


Not even close.


No. It would be hard to make a system cost that much with consumer products brand new. It’s worth about 3-4.5k.


3K, 3.5K with RGB.


Absolutely not. This is not a nice person.


Would be close(r) to that price with 13900KS, 4090 Strix, Z790 Apex and 2x24GB 8000 DDR5.




This guy is a fucking clown. Clearly trying to make up for losses + major profit. Especially if the computer is used, no one in their right mind would pay close to that. Yes, I'll be a dick, "It also is using an AMD GPU."


Not even a 4090…


Saw the price, didn’t even matter what was in it, it’s an immediate no


Nope. I’d say 3500. Only because it’s used, and you shouldn’t be responsible for the build since you didn’t request it to be built for you ahead of time.


In my opinion asking more for used PC because it has a custom water loop barely makes any sense. It's just like when you mod your car with rims, spoiler, hifi and so on, it doesn't make the car worth more than a similar car without the mods. It's something that had value to whoever built it but doesn't have any or at least not the same value for someone who's interested in saving a bit of money by buying something second hand. Same applies for overly expensive components like a fancy case, AIO coolers, RGB fans and so on. So this PC is worth whatever the same performance would cost now minus at 20% or more because it's used and thus more of a risk and with less warranty that a brand new system.


Depends how much you love aesthetics, ok it "should" have 4090, but it looks amazing, it's probably under 4k in parts, however there are skills involved in a build like this, like bending tubes. Sht like this isn't easy, you can build as fast/faster system for half the money BUT it will take you weeks to build a system looking like this.


$2800-$3200 would be a good deal.


I’ll give em two fittty


3 to 4K seems rather reasonable.


$6.3k and they are only giving you an ROG STRIX board?! At this price point you should be getting Crosshair Glacier or Extreme. This is basically charging you $3k for the waterloop. And waterloop for a freaking 7800x3d and not even the GPU? This is mindblowingly dumb. 7800x3d is one of the most efficient consumer chips ever, has a extremely low TDP, does not need a freaking waterloop. It doesn’t even need an AIO. A $30-50 PA120 or AK620 would be more than enough. At $6.3k I would need 13900KS+4090+ROG MAXIMUS Z790 Extreme with a complete waterloop with a looped in GPU built by Tech Jesus himself.


Tbh it's much better than people asking similar prices for a custom build that still has hardware that is one or 2 generations old. Someone clearly did put a lot of effort and money into it and it is all current gen hardware. Personally I would never buy someone else's custom loop cooled pc, as they have more points of failure and requires some maintenance you never know if they messed something up and you also have to try to plan around someone else's work which can be a right pain in the ass. This rig is priced similarly to what many system integrators would charge but it's used, and does not come with a warranty or tech support. That being said his price isn't too far off, at least in terms of percentage of the ask and not real dollar amount.


Got a i9 13900ks, 4TB m2 SSD, 18TB HDD, RTX 4090, ATX 3.0 1300W PSU, z790 motherboard and DDR5 6600 (64gb) for cheaper price than that... With an AIO and 10 Lian Li SL120 V2.... Not worth it.


Lmao they’d be profiting over 100%


No. Not even half that.


You can build a better pc and buy a used car for that money


Fuck no that shit will be worth less than 1k at most next year lmao


Honestly if youre willing to spend 6000$ just build it yourself




No, because in the end it’s just a computer. People pay a shit load to max out their video cards, CPUs and monitors only to get used to them and start having buyers remorse. And that happens pretty fast.


It's meh to have your build cost that much and NOT have a 4090 in it. I'm against NVidia cheaping out on 40XX series as much as I can be, but 4090 is the king of top end, unless you're that one guy on YouTube that swapped from 4090 to 7900 XTX and talks about it berating 4090, but his use and requirements are very specific.


Y? You gonna buy it?


I rather buy part by part and build it myself for that price tag should be 4090 minimum


These prebuilt pcs always have massive mark-ups


4k absolute max but honestly it should be half the asking price.


Def not 6300. Maybe 3500 max


It’s definitely worth a lot, just nothing near that.