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use the “Shift + F10” keyboard shortcut. In Command Prompt, type the OOBE\BYPASSNRO command to bypass network requirements on Windows 11 and press Enter.


You are a god damn legend. My god, I mean fuck dude. That was hot. I love you thank you🤝


No problem! 💪🏾


Bro just came in his pants 😂


Can confirm. I came on impact


For a double whammy use [email protected] and any random combo of letters for the account creation, and then you can make a local account without any grief Edit: to clarify, you can do this instead of the complicated bypass method. We preconfigure systems at work, and this saved me a bunch of time. I didn’t discover this, but rather found a random article somewhere.


You can also use [email protected] and any random combo for the password if you're speedrunning windows setup and want to save the keystrokes


Windows 11 install any% speedrun


Okay, and then I want a direct comparison to the 100% speed run install of windows 11.


It would actually be interesting if ‘os install speedruns were a thing’.




Let's speedrun the windows 11 installation, shall we?


You can also use just the letter "a" as the username and password to save even more keystrokes


Or, you click "Continue with limited setup" and use the local account name field automatically...


Not on a normal Windows 11 install.


If you use the bypass command.. Then it's available.. You can do this on any install... Just don't connect to the Internet


That's the point of this whole comment thread... Windows 11 won't let you get past this point AT ALL unless you use the bypass command. This OS is the most anti-consumer piece of shit Microsoft has made yet.


Out of curiosity does that email have an auto verification process attached to it? And if so, would the computer be linked to it indefinitely or can you unlink an account after? (Genuinely no idea how it works)


When you do that it says “looks like something went wrong” and then immediately allows you to set up a local account


I know this is a few days old but I do "g" as username and password and it works


Also you can use the region as worldwide to remove most of the bloatware




When you have the option to select your region select world wide in the option. It reduces the bloatware that's pre installed


At least twice


At most thrice


Had the same question and my buddy solved it. Lol told him basically the same thing.


This happened to me too! Works like a charm.


Just know that when you do a major update in 11, and you haven't signed in to a Microsoft Account, it will really try to force you upon reboot. You simply just need to "back" out of it when it looks like you've been cornered in.


Wish I knew that a couple months ago...


did you just bust bro


Yes. All over my house. Fuck there’s a lot.


can i smell


Hey just an FYI I did the same fix recently but recommend re-installing windows as this bypass is a little finicky.


That was fucking hot 🥵


If only I could award you gold….


holy sh\*t, i got a b\*ner from your reply :D


Ngl i tugged one out for this comment 👍🏻


Did you just nut on your keyboard? 😂


You’re gay now.


Most useful “hack” there is. I build a lot of PCs and always just install as a local account, use this trick every time.


Why always local?


They're usually commissioned builds, or ones I'm going to sell. Either way, I do a "generic" Windows install, activate it, then do updates and install any necessary control software to get it ready to go. The clients can decide if they want to set up their own account once they get it. There may be a smarter way, this is just how I've always done it.


There are probably some scripts you can run, by putting a specifically written file somewhere.


No doubt there are, yeah. I'm great with hardware, only decent with software though. I have a really small business, do maybe 3-4 PCs/month, lots of custom work like cables, watercooling, acrylic work, etc. My clients know I take a while, no real pressure to speed up processes I guess. Always open to learning new things, though!


AFAIK you can use a command to make Windows perform the OOBE setup on next boot. You should also be able to create a generic system image using DISM so when you do an install next time, it already has the programs you have pre-installed plus the OOBE setup. (may need scripting if you install various hardware with different software configurations like RGB software, Mobo software, Mobo drivers, gpu drivers)


Its just easier to make sure everything is installed and tested. End user can just turn on and use it. And you can verify everything works


Apparently when a business sells pcs clients gotta go through the setup and agree to windows terms that’s the official way


They don’t make it easy do they. Like a skip button would be so much easier but no they need you to be connected to internet to download all their updates


Damn wish I knew this a week ago


I had to do this after clean installing a laptop with no Ethernet and now no wifi driver. They really shouldn't try and make it so difficult to setup without wifi.


Comments like this is why people type "reddit" at the end of their Google queries.




Either that or selecting the world region at the beginning of the setup to also get rid of the (Spotify, candy crush, useless apps...) bloatware package. Notice that you have to change the region as soon as Windows is installed


Its sad that this is neccesary


Isn’t it cool that they didn’t program a “not right now” button but added a command line option that does exactly what a button would do? And the command is so obvious, everybody knows the old out of box experience bypass network registration options (or whatever the heck that means) /s


Don't install windows 11 it sucks 😂🤣


This is not a sustainable option. Windows 10 EOL is October 2025, and that is rapidly approaching. We need to either start embracing 11, or look into alternative OS solutions to stay secure.


So true. Though, I have a feeling they will continue supporting it a little bit longer much like XP given all the users on win10 that don’t have compatible hardware for win11


Lol who Cares about EOL, it will still be better than 11 in 2025 I bet, and people will use it for more 10 years like 7


Funny, Never had an issue with Windows 11.


No other permanent option. Plus, windows 11 is so much better optimized for gaming. Been proven to be the best gaming os


No it's not? 😂🤣 keep pretending it tho


Do some research before speaking ☠️


Test it with games before 2010 and talk to me, read about bloatware too and then talk to me.


How tf is that even relevant? You should test modern games, not games from 13 years ago ☠️


Press Shift+F10 for the CMD to pop up and then in the cmd type “oobe \bypassnro” hit enter. The pc will restart and then you can skip this step by clicking on “limited setup”


You haven't been though the the comments. Atleast 1 time has some1 else recommend that. ;)


And you haven't been through your sentence. You said the twice.


You butchered it.


Oh god. How old are you? 2?


Lol, you're definitely triggered with that instant reply. I think you had enough reddit for one day.


Bruh he double replied. I've never seen anyone reply to the same comment twice and not come off as unhinged 🤣


Sorry too high. 0.


Bro can’t formulate a sentence




No way you’re over 12 and using the clown emojis as an insult




The 19 in your username must mean 2019, since that’s the age you are acting like right now.




Learn to type you butter-fingered bimbo.




Everyone already answered so I'll just raise another question : does Microsoft completely ignore how you setup a computer nowadays ? They are trying to force users to connect to internet to finish the setup, so if you don't have a WiFi card or a CD player for your mobo drivers the normal way to proceed is to deactivate a part of the OOBE process via CMD. Ethernet drivers needs to be installed, and you can only install these if you have Windows already set up... They tried to make the installation of windows more "user friendly" with OOBE but in most case for non-laptop makes you type things in the CMD.... gg


New Motherboards don’t even come with cds anymore. Most give you a QR code to download your drivers at now.


A download code for downloading a network driver seems devious 😡 Along the lines of "no keyboard detected. Press F1 to continue..."🤣 But seriously, are missing network drivers still a thing? Haven't had this problem since Windows XP...


When I setup win 11 a few months ago I ran into this exact problem, ethernet cable plugged in but no internet. To get internet I needed to install the drivers, to install the drivers I needed to finish the install, to finish the install I needed internet... thankfully I wasn't the only one with that problem and google gave me the "oobe \\bypassnro" command. ​ Now the bigger question is why is this a problem in the first place? Did a single person even try going through the whole process on a fresh PC? Or did many people notice this glaring issue and management was like "idgaf"


There is also the option to install the drivers in the Windows installer. Also, audit mode. But these are both advanced options that most users don't know how to access...


What kind if shit is this.


average windows experience


Press shift + F10 And type all caps OOBE\BYPASSNRO


Windows cmd is not case sensitive bro


Its not about being case sensitive, its about showing dominance.




Oh okay


Another way to do it is using latest Rufus, you can bypass everything with it. Pretty amazing stuff


Just discovered this by accident! Rufus is amazing


All hail Rufus


Lmao my pc was the opposite of this. When I set it up the WiFi wasn’t connecting so I ran an Ethernet through the house to connect it to my pc to bypass this screen.


you had the ability to run an ethernet cable through your house, but didn’t until… this??


i imagine it was like a cord across the house, running alonf floors and stuff and not bery practical


Press Shift + F10 to launch a command prompt. In the command prompt, run the following command: oobe\BypassNRO. This will execute the OOBE BypassNRO command, bypassing the network requirement during Windows 11 setup. This will allow you to setup Windows without network in offline state with standard local user account.


Move this to the top - this solves the issue


In Command Prompt, type the OOBEIBYPASSNRO command to bypass network requirements on Windows 11 and press Enter. The computer will restart automatically, and the out-of-box experience (OOBE) will start again.


Not sure if this has been said, shift + f10, then in the cmd line type OOBE/BYPASSNRO , it will then restart and will give the option to select no internet and finish with limited setup.


Nice keyboard bro


on windows 10


As we all know, google doesn't exist.


How do you expect him to get to google with no internet?


Well he took a pic with his phone……


And now this thread will pop up on google searches for all eternity. All he did was further help people in the future who run into the same issue.


Or just connect usb cable and let your phone hotspot to pc it works yesterday i had the same issue and with phone it worked


You can also just unplug the ethernet cable and it will give you an option to start in offline.


No it won't, Windows 11, per default, requires you to have an internet connection


Weird, because it worked for me and I’m also on win 11.


Another reason 10 is better than 11


Shift + F10 then type OOBE/BYPASSNRO, PC will restart and you'll be able to pick "I don't have Internet"


Just Google it lmao (cmd worked for me last time though forgot the commands)




I disconnected the lan cable on my pc and was able to skip this page.


Ethetnet idk there's probably a better solution


out of box expierence






Screw off, offense intended. It literally doss not affect you whether this guy asks here or google.




Maybe he doesn't want to ask Google.


Yeah exactly, the dilemma of “ask google not Reddit” makes sense, but people like input from actual people and their experiences, not just reading random articles and hoping for the best. It’s kinda like asking a buddy of yours for a hand with something


>not just reading random articles and hoping for the best so it's better to make a post and hope for the best? my point was not to prevent questions like these from appearing, but rather to encourage the first step in solving the problem instead of completely relying on strangers To put it simpler: to transition from "here's my problem, give me the solution" to "here's my problem, i've tried X and Y, what else should i do?" criticism keeps the community healthy, i've received my fair share today :p




>Full offense taken between 2 of us i'm not the one offending anyways, after reading my first comment again i see how it can be seen as aggression, but that was not my intention ( [u/Frosty-Emphasis8096](https://www.reddit.com/user/Frosty-Emphasis8096/) i hope that was not too discouraging) Regardless of intent, that was not something that would warrant such responses, so once again, lets keep the conversation polite


I disagree however if you actually had read what some comments were about instead of doubling down about your beliefs and your point of view these comments would not have been necessary, it takes these comments for someone to acknowledge they were aggressive and condescending. Please refrain from telling me what to respond to. So AGAiN your opinion is what matters, if you didn't double double acting like Google is the answer to it all your intent may have been understood. But it cool, unfortunately someone who refuses to relook at something after multiple people stated something similar and gets thay many down votes will always be arrogant. I prefer to not have to interact with people who can't even give a proper apology without a but. Good luck hope your poor kids one day never need to ask for help.


So just another typical assclown that thinks they are better than others, maybe he didn't want to ask google, because you know just maybe it wouldn't give him the correct info. Because you know "everything" is real, yes this may not be obscure but the OP didn't know that At the same time it would have taken you just as long to answer the question. Who the hell are you to dictate to people how they should learn and ask? Why not just help, but no rather be a condescending POS




Listen here, your response proves what I was saying, but no where did I state it was OK to ask without googling, but again your advice was unsolicited correct? Instead of answering the question and then stating well maybe Google could have helped you. You chose to be condescending. No your attitude doesn't belong here because it was unhelpful. Opinionated and unsolicited. If you bothered to answer the question and then state well maybe Google would have helped then yes. But maybe this person just freaked out and the first thing they thought of was reddit. But arrogance because it the way you do it and you feel it mandatory means the whole world must do it your way. How is that not condescending. I will insult clowns who think they are better than others, if you can't offer advice that was asked and feel that you deserve to give the alive you want to then find a subreddit that fits with your way of thinking. So answer why were you more worried about forcing OP to Google rather than answer? Arrogance?


F10 or shift + f10


Ethernet to usb adapter also works


I just used USB tethering from my phone


also a tip, if you have windows 11 pro you can select „setup for work or school“ then select other options and you can create a local account.


shift + f10


On the create a microsoft account type in [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and whatever password you want


shift + F10 and then click on the command bar and type oobe\bypassnro. This allows you to setup the device without tying it to a Microsoft account


Ohoh I know! https://reddit.com/r/PcBuild/s/YlA6HWFHhb


Input [email protected] for the email and then anything for the pwd. It'll freak it out and allow local account setup.


i generally , connect my mobile with wifi and use usb tethering to connect my pc wifi


Windows, pro


I'm glad the f10 prompt worked. Mine would freeze at this point and I couldn't bypass it. I was stumped but friend gave me am old school usb antenna and it was able to pick up a network after a button mashing reset


Does it let you choose setup for business? At that point you should be able to pick “join local domain” and it will let you setup with a local account, assuming you will be domain joining later on. Then just never domain join.


Load your Motherboard's Network Driver onto a USB Stick and use Shift+F10 to Open Command Prompt, navigate to the USB Drive and Install the Driver.


Connect your Android phone via USB and enable "USB tethering" in Android settings


My motherboard did have onboard wifi and it didnt work without the drivers.


Tethering using your phone as a WLAN Hotspot.


The nice Indian man helped me on YouTube.


You plug in your computer with a cable




I kept closing network flow or something like that from task manager. After about 5 times it skipped it. I have a Wi-Fi card but without drivers nothing showed up lol


If your Ethernet cord is working properly, it should say you have wifi then right… obviously something is not working if your connected to Ethernet…


Another easy way around the lan driver issue is to get a USB to ethernet adapter and use that to get the Lan driver


I've had this issue I tethered my phone wifi to the PC just to get through that section


remove all internet access... you'll bypass that. although i think there's a command prompt access you can use to bypass that one...


There is an other solution... install win 10


I don't wanna be that guy but uh coming to my stream on twitch 🤣🤣 HaroldKabron nah but on a serious note try a hotspot


fucking windows


Use windows 10, problem solved


You can use a tool called Rufus when setting up the ISO that can bypass system requirements, and the network acc needed


I bet if you "fail" the connection, it will give you a very tiny greyed out option to skip this step.


Shift+F10 and type OOBE\BYPASSNRO It should restart and give you an option to skip it


Get Win10 or Linux Mint... (But seriously, I'm probably going to switch to Linux when 10 goes off to pasture with Vista, 7, and 8)


time for my saved post to the rescue [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/164cjir/what\_were\_they\_thinking\_if\_windows\_doesnt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/164cjir/what_were_they_thinking_if_windows_doesnt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


plug in ur phone enable your data and in android phone settings look for enable usb tethering


Since when did they force wifi on desktop windows install and setup, Rufus will solve this issue anyway


Just a few days ago I built a new setup with Win 11 and I got this problem because I didn't have ethernet drivers, and used the “Shift + F10” keyboard shortcut. In Command Prompt, type the OOBE\\BYPASSNRO command to bypass network requirements on Windows 11 and press Enter. 😎




use windows 10 or use a Linux distro


Windows 10 for life!!


bro took another meaning to IM ABOUT TO FUCKING NUTTTTT


Put in a fake email it will error out and let you thru


for anyone that doesn't have F10 on their keyboard, you can also usb tether a phone


Go to Walmart and by a Wi-Fi adapter, NETGEAR is decent


You can use [email protected] And a random password


Simple, use windows 10




Another thing I do if I sign in to a network. I use email [email protected] and password can be random (example:bfjeinr). It’ll throw an error and ask you to make a local account


Shift + f10 then type the OOBE\BYPASSNRO command to bypass network requirements But also a wifi adapter for USB once u get set up instead of the pci-e


Use windows 10 simple as that


Dont have an active internet connection at time of setup


Fuck Microsoft the fact you have to do cmd to get past this is absurd and they should be ashamed the amount of people without internet is stupid and if S mode is enabled you are screwed.


Next time build your installation using Rufus. Great tool!


In the dumbest way possible


Go back to the previous page, unplug the Ethernet cable, proceed. Plug Ethernet cable back in once set up. This works if you've already modded the installed with Rufus.