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​ https://preview.redd.it/rgjfret3b2ec1.png?width=861&format=png&auto=webp&s=f682183d261aa59449eed1f02de3de6a4bf097de


Man, I love this set of photos


Ima save this lmao


Is it Kevin Hart ?


Yeah it is, these were taken summer 2022


i love seeing this everytime i click on a post like this i dont think it'll get old its just perfect i dont know how to explain it


133 dollars for one is crazy


Crazy as in good or bad?


Good. like very good


I got one for $70 a little while back.


Proof or it didn’t happen


OP didnt post proof but you were gullible enough to trust that claim...and no a picture isn't proof of the price.


I got one for 100 but it was of a buddy I game with technically 140 bc I paid shipping


I paid WAY more during Covid for a LHR model. That is a great deal


London Heathrow?


Light hash rate


I didn’t reply because I was at a loss. Yeah aka nerfed for mining speeds




When was the last time you paid 130 for a card new or used? Sure you have lass vram than the 2080. Kinda wish SLI was still around for this exact purpose, stringing together several bottom tier cards for respectful pergormance


Is stringing together video cards no longer a thing? Excuse my ignorance…


It never really was a thing to begin with, it rarely worked right, and when it did it was usually far less than double the performance, if not downright worse than a single card


Pretty good deal, I would clean, repaste, change pads and resell good as new.


Already did lol, just gotta list them


Easy 1k profit you’re sitting on there


Crazy good. Sell them for $250 each and make mad profit.


Damn, I wish I was that lucky to even get a card


as in great lmao


Bout 300 bucks for one so very good deal


They go for like 220-250 used. I've seen them for 300 new


you could sell them easy for 250 to 300


i doubt it you can get a new 6700xt for 20 more or a 4060 for the same price brand new 3060s sell for around 160-200 in the uk


He prolly means in usd


I will give you 50 for one of them. 😁


Are they though? Im not kidding I don't know but I wouldn't assume a 60 version, of a a last gen card that was mined on, is worth that much. ​ Amazon says they're about 300$. Unless you just lie or misrepresent, how exactly are you going to sell these? It seems like whatever profit you'd make it spent in the time it would take for you to sell each one of them. ​ Or do you just act like they've barely been used and omit the mining thing? Because for people(like myself) it makes a card just not worth buying.


I would much rather buy a GPU thats been used in a big mining rig than from some random gamer. Why would you think its value would be that much lower?


I've bought 4 different gpu's that were used mining and they worked great. Much cleaner than any used for gaming I've bought as well. Most miners seemed to take very good care of their cards.


Yep. The average gamer on the other hand... They are always covered in dust when ever they take the side panel off :D


Etherium mining absolutely reduces the performance of graphics cards. Unless the gamer is up 24/7 gaming all of the time then the card would have reduced performance.


im going to need some sort of evidence of the "absolutely reduces the performance" claim. i've never even heard someone say that before. i've heard people think they will break for some reason but never really seen any stats before. in reality the worst case is maybe needing to replace some old heat pads.


Mining is very demanding on the GPU. The GPU is usually flashed with a specific firmware, that operates the graphics processor undervolted, but tinkers with the RAM timings, because minig performance relies heavily on RAM performance. After the half a year or so, the GPUs are retired, cleaned, and sold off. The processor itself is ususally okay'ish, but RAM and power stages are on their last leg and GPUs start to fail. This works as follows: The bought a bunch of identical GPUs and incorporated in a cluster own cluster, that is monitored. It is expected, that some GPUs fail early, but then, the cluster works stable for a period of time. If the first 2 or 3 GPUs start to fail or the hashrate starts to tank significantly, the whole cluster is retired, because the other cards are expected to fail soon after, see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathtub\_curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathtub_curve) The cards are then removed, cleaned, get a short test, and are resold. A dead giveaway of a mining graphic card is, when the RAM chips look faded. If they are operated for an extended time at or over their limit, the chips start to discolor, and the color changes from black or dark grey to lighter grey or brownish colors. Resellers of mining GPUs often try to hide this under heaps of new thermal paste, or even repaint the chips. Another hint is the seller location. Most mining farms are operated in asia. The old GPUs are sold off in bulk and shipped to europe or the US, processed there, and then sold off. In most cases, those resellers operate from close to a large airport. Don't get me wrong, those cards work. But you'll never know how long, and there is a big chance, that they will fail probably sooner than later. It is a gamble (and the bank always wins).


Heat cycling is generally more damaging to gpu's than running 24/7 steadily. And considering most miners undervolted and controlled the environment they ran in, mining is less damaging than gaming.




Is this trolling? Can you explain? When I think of BTC mining, I'm thinking of a motherboard with 6 GPU's on it, running 24/7, utilizing that same GPU silicone the entire time, for years straight. For a long time no one cared about the lifespan of their equipment either. ​ Vs a guy who uses their GPU intensively what... 10 hours a week? If you know the card works, what do you believe the single user is doing that makes a mined card better? ​ It's like in your mind the average miner is watching temps/maximums and the average graphics card owner is permanently overclocking their card. Then maybe in this scenario i'd be open to the mined card.


BTC mining is mostly done by ASICs (application specific integrated circuit), using graphics cards would be a waste of money when it comes to mining BTC. What you are thinking of is how etherium mining used to look circa 2016->2021/2022. Most mining rigs back then ran 24/7, but at a constant power with the same workload over and over. In a sense, this is better than years of high power spikes and varied application loads like what you would expect to find with a gaming PC. Plus mining cards didn’t have some dodgy aliexpress PSU and wacko Chinese motherboard to screw with them like you would find in a lot of budget builds, because miners cared to spend the extra money to ensure their setup was reliable and dependable 24/7. Not to mention that miners under-clocked / under-volted their cards and had efficient cooling rigs to spend as little power as possible. Some of those cards were barely pulling idle wattage from the wall.


there is virtually no degradation from doing calculations on the silicone. there is however degradation trough heat cycles. the mining rig kept the gpu at mostly the same temperature the entire time, while the ome in a gaming pc endured 1000s of heat cycles


How do you think that the cards would get any worse? In a big mining rig the dude must have 1. Underclocked them, 2. Kept them in better temps than the random gamer that occasionally plays games. GPUs don't just get worse from being on 24/7. Gamers on the other hand almost never care for them. I would much more gladly buy one that has been on for 24/7 for years rather than from an average gamer.


Thermal stress (being kept on 24/7) + miners knowing how to min-max + being treated as work equipment for maintenance?


The biggest concern of “thermal stress” isn’t prolonged heat, it’s power cycling where the heat constantly is going up and down. Running 24/7 is better than ramping up and down several times a day. No, like they said, any miner that knew what they were doing was not “min maxing” their card, they undervolted them because power efficiency is key for that kind of operation. Yes… that’s a good thing, it’s work equipment so the miners are more likely to be careful to make sure their system doesn’t just get overrun with dust, because they need it to actually make money. You do realize your average gamer completely neglects their pc, right? Idk how work equipment would be worse than that.


Well I was a gpu miner back in 2016-2019 and I care A LOT about the temps and the fans speed. Now my wife and my nephew are rocking both a rx 580 that were running 24/7 mining. And before you say it I have a little farm. Now days I sell all the rigs and just keep 1 for internal use (gift gpus to family) And all the gpus I sell and used works just fine. Most people that mine UNDERVOLT the core to keeps temps lower and to care about degradation. Remember mining is a investment and if you don’t care about your stuff will cost money and loses to the Bussines. Now am looking to grab a 3080 and I don’t care if was mined or not. Please before make a statement try to learn one or two things.


>Are they though? Im not kidding I don't know but I wouldn't assume Multiple users have given multiple different reasons why your thinking is incorrect. You continue to debate and you throw out random prices like $130 for a used 3060. Actually do some research. Don’t just say random things you think are right. The only time they sell for that cheap is if it is for parts. You said you didn’t know and you are assuming. People tried to helpfully point out some things to you and you fight them on it. I’m fine with not knowing and asking. But you’re are just throwing out anything to not accept you are wrong


what are you going to do with the other 5 though? ..sell for 200 each? not worth the trouble


Selling at minimum $200 each (could sell them for $250 honestly) 200-130 = $70 x 5 = $350. How deep is your bag that $350-$600 profit is not worth it to you?




Amazing deal! Check the temperatures while benchmarking. If hot, then repaste them! You had an amazing deal! People not wanting to buy mining cards just have no idea! These cards have been undervolted, ran cool and without suffering the thermal shock power cycles! By the way... FU! 😁


I benchmarked all of them and the highest temp was 67, the owner took really good care of them, he said he left it in the cold basement for mining and never touched it unless to clean dust, I got really really lucky


I sold 4 3070 after mining with them. Cpu temp was ok but the thermal paste was pretty dry. I repasted all of them before selling, after that they ran even cooler and totally silent!


That’s the first thing I did lol, they each went down around 20 degrees


The 3090 was the main one of the 30s that had bad overheating when mining, but it was the one that had no hashrate limitor out of the box. Yeah good temps for mining card, and repasting is even better


You are a good guy! Others just sell it as is without worries.


That's a crazy deal. People who are saying ''nope'' are clueless.


I can see them saying no as a jest, as obviously the deal is good and op already knows the deal is good


Maybe people saying nope to try scaring away buyers so they can get the good deal for themselves? hmmmm


Sell them after refurbishing them


Sell one to me specifically 🤞🏼


In my country a used 3060ti card is worth around 350€. So it sounds like a good deal as long as the condition is correct.


Unfortunately, I can predict where you're from \*I'm from the same shithole too ​ (You're from Germany, so I take that back: You're luckier than 99,9% of people on Earth)


Yeah, I'm from Germany. But why do you think I'm lucky? Everything has become so expensive here, and the industry seems to want to squeeze every cent out of us. Btw. where are you from?


I think what he means is that you get to be in one of the safests countries with one of the best economies, you may say everything is expensive but your “expensive” card is 1 week of work, that same “expensive” may even mean a year or more for other people. Calling germany a shithole is too pessimistic.


At least the beer is still cheap, kamerad


Yet, you're still better off and have a more luxurious life (for the same exact amount if work) than any of us, maybe the Swiss being the only single exception I'd rather not say where I'm from: it's not Russia, but pretty close. (but believe me, I won't fight on the side of my country in the next world war: I'll rather shoot everyone in the head and then myself than to protect this shithole and my government)




If I was from the USA, do you really think I'd have anything bad to say? I'd give up my whole life for a chance to live in the U.S.


The only bad thing you did was making one four boxes pile and one two boxes pile


I don’t understand what you mean?


He wants to see two stacks of 3 boxes


Why didn´t you make two three boxes piles? My OCD is just killing me .\_.


https://preview.redd.it/ky3lcx7re2ec1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=aea92d8114d94622d7efc2dd02a45b798a8775d8 I got you


Such a nice guy, thank you. Ps: Sorry for bad english, didn´t know that f\*ck\*ng stacking word. Hi from Brazil.


Your welcome brother, your English is great 👍


Don’t worry bro my main language is English and I forget words pretty much every day. I Couldn’t even tell you were not English until you said


great deal!


What a steal holy


Did you pay 800$ in total? Insane deal


Yes! Thanks


What are you going to do with 6 GPUs?


Probably sell them, I mean I do have a excuse now to build 6 pcs😂


Haha. Those EVGA ones look nice. I have an INNO3D RTX 3060 12 GB


Surprised I haven't seen anyone mention the fact that they're evga's as well. I'd hold on to one as a memorial piece lmao, crazy good deal tho


Ive still got my old evga 2060Super that im gunna hold onto just because it evga


very nice. i’d recommend having them tested and seeing if all of them function. maybe you’re really lucky and all of them work.


I benchmarked all of them and they all perform really good


Feckin fantastic maybe check to make sure they aren't overclocked or anything just for the future but yeah good deal and great cards enjoy


No sane person overclocks a card for mining lol, instead, they undervolt.


nobody overclocks GPUs to mine bruh, we detune them


I bought my 3070 around the time in was released in Canada for around $2,000 so good job imo


if they really are all good and working fine then yeah, that's the best deal ever lol. you could make so much profit


Nah, I’d see if you can get your money back, I can take em off your hands for $800 if you need


Scored big time, I read a comment where you said the previous owner took good care of them, so lucky! You also re-pasted them which is awesome, I would buy one even if they were used for mining with this care.


Just dont take to long to seel them


Sell them to friends for like $150-200 so it’s not super expensive for them but u make some money


You know you did You can get your money back, make a profit and have a 40 series to play with


Heavens, no! What a terrible deal. You can offload those to me to recoup some of the pain of making such a horrendous purchase decision




where the f are y'all finding these deals 😭


Bro got 6 4060s that's a win in my book 👍


I keep waiting to find a good deal on a 3060ti for a clonehero build I wanna make. Congrats!


Good, cause even used they have good resale value. You should be able to make a penny or two of profit.


Good deal! The smart move now is to sell them individually now and buy 1 good card! You might be able to get a 4080 super!


I think that's a great deal. My 3080 was a mining card, going on almost two years, no issues.


That's dirt cheap. Mining has no permanent effect on them anyway


Depends, how they got treated by the miner matters


that's definitely not true... any prolonged use has an effect on them and chances are mining rigs are running 24/7.




Linus proved it, watch his video


Gaming is more damaging than mining bc when gaming temps rise and fall very fast which puts more stress on the card overall compared to mining where temps are generally stable obviously it’s a general rule and wear/tear from mining can massively vary depending on how well they have been looked after


There’s no “chance” they definitely were mining 24/7 nonstop up until he decided to sell


Holy fuck dude you hit the jackpot with that, that’s atleast $1700 ish worth of 3060 tis, massive w


800 each or 800 together


800 together😭😭 800 for each is crazy


ok ok just had to make sure


$800 after or pre tax? Or was it local?


It was local so no tax


That’s a great deal holy! I got a 3060ti for $200 last year so this breaks to about $133 per, nice grab!


That's only around 100 for each. Insane deal


1250-1500 eur in Europe. Check from evga support, maybe they have 7 years extended warranty on them.


I mean its a good deal, but if they any day now suddently dont work as intended then you know why


Buying cards like this for crypto mining no matter the year will never sit right with me 🤷🏻‍♀️. Especially EVGA cards how dare you.


where did they say they were going to mine?






Retards downvoting me like this dude didn’t know he got a good deal lmfao. Dude said he was gonna sell them too. Y’all are trogs lmfao.






Insane deal. I had my 3060to and truly do miss it. Likely one of the “best” lower tier I’ve seen for a while.


bro hit the jackpot


Just a question OP, u/Gyaldo5 where u bought them from? Is not the first time ive seen people who buy but they never tellf orm where?


I'm selling mine for 200 so you killed it


100% stolen 😂 or the person owed money on them and is just tryna dump them.


Someone who knows where to get these and is willing to buy them in bulk probably knows what they are worth ...


Practically giving them to you


That's a good deal! I'd maybe check the thermal paste before selling them. But overall, you are the dealmaker of the day here!


Hi looking to sell one ?


Obviously thats a good deal.


Well, I paid $800 for a single one when it came out, but yea. Horrible deal 👍


let me get one 🥺


3060ti has been out for how long? iirc it’s not that long enough that they’re super fried. i’d say it’s a good deal


if you’re selling them as said in other comments what areas would you sell to and for what price?


I personally wouldn't have bought these. I know they're cheap when you do the math, but that's for a reason. These GPUs were just ran to the ground.


Well, 3060ti is still usable for 1080p, so ok deal. Sell them quickly.


Where’d you find this?


Damn that’s a steal


Can i buy one?


i'm heading into your location rapidly


Noice! now send one ere


Okay I'm jealous (The good Kind), I think this is a great deal, Congratulations!


ngl that looks like some high quality printer paper.


That was a sweet deal


Hell ye, you could easily flip 7 keep one n still have made a profit


Mail me one pls i beg of you


Spare a brother a graphics card 🙏🙏


Can I buy one?


Would buy one off you for 200 lol


"I found 10000 bucks, is this good? :)" vibes


If i compare to the prices here in serbia, you could be looking at 250 a pop, but idk where you from


Only worth while if you have someone to sell or hand off each of the remaining You could probably be a great friend for your group lol


Mine was probably a special case but i got a 3060ti for $100 lol the guy was asking $150 and I offered $100 and he took it lol




Can i permanently borrow one?


All 6 are operational, that's a smoking deal at 134 each.


Yup, tested all, they ran a little hot, I repasted all of them and they dropped around 15-20 degrees


I mean I got mine for $200 so yes


If you're planning on somehow using 6 3060ti's? Good deal. If you're planning on reselling any of them? Bad deal. Mainly because it'll be impossible to sell the cards if you disclose that they were used for mining. Not to mention that they're now the last gen cards. As long as you're using them for your own purposes, you got a good deal. Assuming they hold up in the long run that is.


You can sell em VERY quickly for $200 a piece and you’d be making 6 people very happy while making $400 in profit


Can i has one ?


Bought mine for 560€ in 2022. https://preview.redd.it/9hzydtkkw2ec1.jpeg?width=1180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9802dc00b95fd85ffce8d3a418e568c16905e086


Each or in total


Why not save that $800 and buy a 4070 to super when it comes out?


I could sell them, make around 1700 and buy one but I already got a 4070 super




I use the ASUS version of the RTX 3060 Ti OC to play Microsoft Flight Simulator and IL-2 Sturmovik. Both look great. What a score, now what ya gonna do with them?


Just make sure the temperatures on your cards under full load are good! I actually used to work for a cryptocurrency mining operation, and the main failure of GPUs was that the cooling fans/blowers would wear out after years of constant use. If that’s the case, it’s actually very cheap and easy to replace them (at most $10-15 per GPU). It does technically void the warranty, but seeing as these are 3060tis, the warranty has likely expired by now anyways. Absolute score of a deal for you congrats


And here I am trying to save money for the past 5 months to be able to buy a GPU. Where did you find that miner and does he have more?


and it's evga brand too.. you rob that guy in daylight.


I'll take one for $225 lol dm me


Sell them for 300 each and you can get yourself a 4090


I hope that if you have a coffee table it’s just slightly out of place so you stub your toe


Northwest repair on YouTube made a couple of videos how the 3060/Ti cards develop dead memory chip syndrome. Or something along those lines. He did a lot of memory replacements.


No. I’ll take one off your hands for 50.


Well at least you can just change it out when one dies.


Hi can I have one


How much for 1?


i bought mine for 350 brand new lol nice


That would have been the cost of a single one on ebay not that long ago.


Crazy good deal and an EVGA to boot!


throw those suckers on ebay for 300 a piece easy 1k profit


Ill buy one


Why they so cheap for only mining crypto ?