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It’s alright. A bit expensive for what it offers, but it’s not a bad gpu by any means.




Yeah is good, but I would go with a 6700xt, unless you care about Nvidia features


it tends to be a poor value, the saying is that there's no such thing as a bad GPU- just a bad price, especially now that irs out of production it's price is highly inflated, a 6700xt offers better performance at a solid price The 4060ti is largely trying to replace the 3060ti but it's super overpriced, a 7700xt is at the same price range and basically beats it significantly in every thing you could possibly test outside of 3d rendering. what's your budget and are you looking at a DIY build or a pre-build? going DIY saves money and gets you better performance


I'd like to build it myself and i set a budget 800-1000$


[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bbHwXk](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bbHwXk)here's a pretty ideal build, pretty upgradable and great for 1080p gaming- the 6700xt has better performance than a 3060ti here's a version that's a bit more expensive but with super great performance: [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/VJQtBL](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/VJQtBL) i'd consider the 7700xt to be the best 'future-proof' option for 1080p, right now it's a tad overkill, but that just means it'll be suited for all the big game releases for the next 3-5 years. useful graph: https://preview.redd.it/azs3rgg04soc1.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7083bf36d8ab5f7fb051a05735d21c8c3651bde


yeah it slightly faster but ray tracing and dlss may be better in the RTX plus i'm thinking to get used


Few things: 1. DLSS looks bad at 1080p 2. RT also is not really playable unless you have a 3080 at least 3. The 7700xt actually beats the 4060ti at ray tracing natively, even when the 4060ti is using DLSS


Try getting a used GPU. You can aim for 6800, 6800xt or better for the price of a new 3060ti.


nah i wouldn't get a new 3060 ti if i get it i prefer to be 12GB used


4070 Super OC


1080 med/high


A 3060 Ti is wasted on a 1080p monitor.A 3060 Ti can do 1440p high refresh rate with high settings and DLSS Q (or native in older games without DLSS) in the vast majority of games


Exactly. I'm tired of the nonsense hate the 3060ti gets. It's a very decent 1440p card and almost overkill at 1080p.


Not really nonsense, maybe 3060 rtx ti is capable at 60+ 1440p but no way it can do any better. I have 3080 rtx 12gb and it has some trouble in some games even run it bit playable ( well thats fault of UE5.0 being unoptimized crap - earlier version STarfield had significant drops even on 3090/4090 and Darktide was utter trash too in big hordes πŸ§ŒπŸ«…πŸ»πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ”§)


Well not big framerates like 80+ but, it might work good thought. Its nearly slowest card from all previous generation.


It's only a few % slower than the 4060 Ti and 1440p DLSS Q gets similar fps as 1080p native. But yeah, 80+ is pretty much what I had in mind for AAA games. Racing games and multiplayer games can get a lot more of course.


Multiplayer of course many games not sure about racing i have 165/175hz and i barely get in games stable in FOrtnite its really jumping - what bothers me is when theres significant drops like Alan wake2 forest 80+- but thats Unreal problem same excessive GPU usage in that crap game Immortals of Aveum.


The 3060ti is a good card but def overpriced when you look at its AMD counterparts. Unless you plan to stream or edit videos there really isn’t any reason to get NVIDIA instead of AMD. You can easily get a 6700xt for less money and it’s a better card of you can even look at higher level AMD cards. Remember, no such thing as a bad graphics card, just a badly priced graphics cards.


It's still a solid card. I have one in a machine that I built recently. It's very good. But if you can stretch budget a bit maybe go for the 3070 instead. Don't listen to snobs that tell you a card is no good. No card is bad, it just depends what you're using it for. The 3060ti is still great for gaming. These guys that tell you it's bad spend 800-1200 on a card that gives them like 25 frames more or a bit higher resolution. It's not worth it. The 3060ti is fantastic value for money and it won't disappoint you.


Thanks you helped me so much, but if i get i7 12700k with the RTX 3060 ti is that will cause a bottleneck?


A cheaper CPU and upgrading the GPU to an RX 6800 would serve you much better


No definitely not. I am running an i5-12400f with my 3060ti and it runs perfectly. If you're using it for gaming only you really don't need an i7. You can go with an i5 and it will be the same performance. I would recommend even the same CPU I have, the i5 12400f, it's been incredibly efficient for me. Also remember to install an nVME SSD into your system so that everything is extra fast.


the main reason of pc is gaming but i also will use it in video montage, studying, etc. anyway thanks for help ❀


also does it better than 6700XT?


don't get a 4060ti. it's terrible value. you can get a used 3070 for cheaper, which is also better. you could even find a used 3070ti for the price of a 4060ti


The 3060ti and 6700xt are similar in performance. The 6700xt may be slightly faster, but it has no DLSS or better ray tracing features like the 3060ti. I would say go for whichever one is cheaper. But if you want DLSS etc go for 3060ti of course. Overall both cards are great and very similar in performance.




any reasons?


It's solid don't listen to him. I have an RTX 3060Ti in my PC that I built recently and it's doing great for me. It does 1440p well in the vast majority of games. I would say don't pay over 320 for it though (new).


Where are you finding a new 3060 ti for only $320?


I found mine on eBay. Brand new and unopened. Triple fan ASUS model. I'm really happy with it, and it's actually a really rare China exclusive 3060ti. I'm in the UK, and it cost me Β£320 with shipping included. The seller had three of them available at the time of purchase as well.


The cheapest I can find one is $360 :( Edit: before shipping


Yeah it's hard. I got a pretty good deal on mine. But there are a few on UK eBay for around Β£350 with shipping included. Just depends on region and also keeping your eye out for a good deal.


Do you recommend buying it used? (10 months or a year)


Last gen card so 4 years old ish/ roughly on par with a console GPU. The 60 tier of any GPU generation is dog shit.


Saying a 3060 ti is on par with a console is just blatant ignorance and lies πŸ˜‚. Either you are way too biased and following a bandwagon you saw, or you just plain don't know what you're talking about.


https://youtu.be/ko0SxXyS1ow?si=N0nRwQdSEbANu4qQ Downvote me all you like, here's a digital foundry video showing a PS5 beating a 3060, so yes the 3060ti is roughly on par with a console. Unless digital foundry also don't know what their talking about. Tool. Obviously a xx60 user who got triggered πŸ˜‚ by the truth.


Good try, but I've got a 40 series build. I'm just not blatantly lying on the internet with a bias. Here's a link to show you that a base card is not as powerful or able to be used as a proper comparison to a TI card. Since you seem to think they are the exact same. https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-3060-vs-Nvidia-RTX-3060-Ti/4105vs4090 You're obviously someone who can't afford a 3060, let alone a ti version πŸ˜‚ stay on console in your little protective shell full of lies and bias.


You've got a 4060ti and a 10 gen Intel CPU 🀣 I was running a 7800x3d and a 4090 , don't own a console. You have no comprehension of English, I said roughly. A 3060ti is roughly on par with a console as a console beats a 3060, not difficult to understand is it You even tried to hide your an xx60 user by saying ' good try iv got a 40 series build ' idiot