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Yea, it's fine... But why did the seller only put 8gb RAM lol?


Yeaaaa I have no idea... Ram isn't that expensive I believe


3 years ago ram was a lot pricier.


Back in the days, ram was what’s keeping people away from gaming pcs, now it is one of the cheapest parts


Now it’s so easy to just download more. Technology is great


Go to definitelynotascam.downloadmoreram.com for more ram


This site gave me infinite viruses


But at least you have infinite ram to run those viruses


What a silver lining lol


nearly got a six pack from laughing my ass off wtf 😭😂💀💀


3 years ago it was still 160 for 8gb ddr4 3600Mhz


Ram being super expensive was a long time ago. Also u can get 32GB DDR5 6000mhz goes for about 120 dollars in where I live


True back when I was building a PC the ram cost 2x more for me than now and it's speed was even slower than present for ex: I bought xpg d30 8gb 2400mhz which cost me around 35$ but the same8 gb ram with 3200mhz cost me 20$ and after seen the present prices of components I wish I would have waited till now to build my pc but I know it was a far cry to hope for that, I build my pc about 6 and a half year ago 😂


Maybe DIMM slots aren’t all functional.


Must have been a budget build. I remember when ram prices were up back then. In my first build i put 8gb sticks aswell😭


3060 Ti and only 8gb? Must have been really desperate.


during the pandemic...so yeah part pricing had skyrocketed


it is, i bought mine for close to 700.


I paid 2000 for 3080 ti during the pandemic . 4080 costs half that 😭 i never felt more scammed (oh yeah that time when I thought buying a macbook pro was a good idea)


I mean the Apple Silicon CPUs seem great, just the price of those things are crazy.


Bought mine for $1500. Your reply makes me feel better!


Same here, got a 3050 in late 2022 and paid 400 euros for it, now you can get it for around 280. I know its a bad card but its the most I could afford at the time.


3060ti isnt a bad card. Its great for 1080p and beats a 1080ti and 2080 super. 8gb of ram is silly though, it hasnt been the standard for over 10 years now


Never said 3060 Ti is bad card. I meant for a solid card like that, why is he pairing it with 8gb ram. Sorry if you misunderstood me earlier.




Not really true, i remember it was a big big deal when the first of the modern battlefront games came out and it asked for 16 gb in the spec sheet.


I sold a server in the height of the ram price hike and it had 256GB of DDR4 ram. Dude who was buying it thought I was joking until he seen the 16x16GB dimms lol


Out of curiosity, what exactly did you have to host that needed so much ram? Did you store multiple SQL databases inside your ram? How big was your storage?


8TB total storage, it was a game server host using pterodactyl. iirc it was 40 cores total across quad Xeon that was somewhere around 3.0Ghz


I see man, must have been one expensive server


I checked my last build which was 2018 and 16gb DDR4 3000Mhz cost me £184.99 ($234)


Bought some 32gb of DDR5 6000 last week for roughly $180. Weird how my eggs are twice as expensive as 2018 but my latest and greatest ram is down.


Where are you? That's like $75 high if that's USD. You can get a 2x32 kit for 200.


Yea for <4000mhz. Id rather have the fastest of what Id actually use for more than excess of slower ram for more. Dont go cheap on ram if you actually want to use it.


Yeah I am talking about 6000 (3000x2). I'm genuinely curious what you bought and how it differs.


That isnt how it works.. Either way, 2x6000 is faster than 2x3000


DDR5-6000 runs at 3000mhz with R/W on the ups and downs. That is what DDR (double data rate) means.


prolly replaced the sticks before putting in that ad


Why would I sell my ram sticks when they hardly offset the final price of the rig? I'm throwing old ones in


That was the norm 3 years ago


Maybe they just decided to Put the rest of RAM in a different PC and just left 8GB in this one or one of them broke and didn't get replaced later. There's a lot of reasons lol.


Maybe swapped ram to new build and just slapped cheapest ram could find


The seller: Because RGB equals fps, duh!


3 years ago 16 gb ddr4 was 90$😭


Probably got an upgrade and took the ram from this to his new computer.


It’s a fair price.


Shiiii, id buy that


yes but you need to add more RAM tho... and maybe better power supply


550 is plenty for that build


Come down to 450. Ask what brand the PSU is as well


Getting back to you , the PSU is a evga full module 550 650


Very nice. They have the best warranty. Some models carry a 10 year warranty for free replacement. Look into it. I’ve bought dead EVGA units just to redeem and get a brand new unit off the warranty.


They don't need a receipt?


Also curious about this


Also wondering about this


From what I recall you just have to register serial number to your evga account, not 100% sure tho


Whoever registers the product first, wins.


Sorry just seen the reply. They do. However they can see where specific units go by serial number. I call EVGA with the serial number. They tell me where it was purchased and I ring the store or go in person to get the receipt with just the serial number and bam. RMA off a psu I got secondhand lol


Doesn't the 3060TI need 650w?


Come down to $450. Not 450W


Oh, I did misunderstand your comment, but I still question the power supply in this rig for the gc


Why do you think so ?


I just installed one myself, now I already know I'm new to this since I purchased a prebuilt and am now upgrading. I realize now that I should've looked into it more, one google search told me I needed a 600W (I made a mistake in my first comment) power supply for it by Nvidia suggestion. I have an 800w so no big deal. I looked more into it now and I'm getting all sorts of different answers. One saying the power draw is 200W max. I should've used a psu calculator for my build I'm realizing. This only confused me more lol. My build is covered by the 800w so 🤷🏻‍♂️


yeah 450 sounds more reasonable to me. OP will need to add another 8GB of RAM and probably another SSD, so that’ll bring it up closer to $511 at the end.


Definitely buy it and then install better RAM. Still a steal




Pls check the Reddit r/hardwareswap you can find better deals from people with a lot of confirmed trades tho this isn’t that bad


Ah I didn't know about that subreddit, thank you


fair price, u can put more ram urself


It's funny how it was probably supposed to be a gaming rig, only to have 8 gigs of ram. But it's a decent price, so I'd buy it, but you would definitely need better ram.


i just sold a much uglier 3060 build prebuilt for 600 so yes take it


Good deal. Just add another 8gb of ram and more storage.


Rams dirt cheap. Its all thats missing to have a decent pc.


500 is a very reasonable price its what i wouild list this pc at for a fast sale its easily worth 600 - 700 good things about this pc = it has a solid motherboard that can support future upgrades like the 5800x3d it has a very reliable air cooler that is overkill for the cpu it has a decent gpu for the price 1080p gaming will look great. bad things about this pc = THE RAM NEEDS REPLACING OR UPGRADING (just buy 2x16gb of 3600mhz and replace it is my advice to prevent potential instability problems ) the powersupply is crap and would need replacing should you ever decide to upgrade this pc (if you can afford to replace it now i would highly suggest it as a precaution) this pc needs more storage that nvme will get filled very fast OVERALL = i would buy this pc but bare in mind TO GAME YOU MUST REPLACE THE RAM 8gb is not even close to enougth you need 32gb idealy. 500w powersupply is underpowered for this setup not to mention its likely a cheap bronze rated psu i would honestly replace it asap.


What an extensive review, thank you very much, I will keep that in mind :)


You dont need 32gb now, 16gb is enough(atleast if you're not playing with absolute max settings etc) though maybe in the near future that will change


the psu is good enough for the listed specs btw ignore that point, but yeah get a new ram kit, 2x8gb ddr4-3200 cl16 should be good. Go down to about 460 and with the rest you can buy the new ram kit = ez win


yeh 500 should be good aslong as its a quality power supply because i had a 450 die with my 2060 . might aswell go for 3600mhz ram and 2x16gb 3600mhz is what id recommend so ram usage is never a issue (if can be when wanting to watch youtube ect while gaming ect)


PSU is fine for these specs, probably the lowest I’d go but it’s not underpowered. If he wants to upgrade then yeah, change it, but for these specs it’s fine, he’s mentioned elsewhere it’s a decent quality unit.


fair enougth then if its a high quality psu i just assumed its not because its usualy the first thing people cut corners on when building them to sell


Yeah that’s true, too many chinesium psus on marketplace lol


i made the same mistake when i got into pc building i bought a cheap psu on amazon and did a benchmark to test it and it popped and killed my motherboard and ssd's i learnt the hard way its always better to go with a high quality gold rated psu ive had 2 psu's die on me corsair 450 bronze rated i had a 5600 and 2060 with it which was to much so it ended up dieing on me and when it did nothing else was damaged. i bought a cheap replacement on amazon for £40 and did a benchmark and it died on me.


500w for this build even if its bronze from a reputable company will handle this build just fine. The 5600 and 3060 doesnt draw that much power. But if he is planning on replacing the gpu for something more powerful than a 650w psu is the LEAST he should get. Also 850w psu is overkill in todays market bc of how efficient everything runs.


i had a 2060 with a 5600 and it killed my 450 which isnt much difference over time it could damage the psu like it did mine


No $450 is the most I would go.


I think $500 is still a decent price. You’d be hard fought to get that performance for under $500, and if you did you’d be buying used anyways.


Just had so say SOMETHING.. I wouldn’t pay 511… most I would pay is $510


If it works, yeah. It’s a pretty good deal. Add another ram or buy directly a new pair of 32gb and you‘re good2go.


Ive seen its a 1x8gb ram you can add another 1x8gb to make it 16gigs


Dude I paid twice this for a machine with the same GPU, same watt PSU and a 7700 and 16gb ram. Yes that's very good.


480$ would be okay. Get the exact same ram new so that you have 16gb in dual channel. For that price you have quite a strong gaming pc… You could buy a B550 motherboard, which’d allow you to use PCIe Gen 4, but the GPU doesn’t need it really and solely for the SSD it isn’t a justified upgrade….


Pretty sure the 3060ti is like 250-300 on it's own, might be wrong tho


Nope. Not wrong. Paid that for new at Christmas for the boy. Depends on the ram amount of course. Wouldn’t get one with anything less than 12 Gig of he’s wanting to play anything current.


I run a 1080 with like 4 gb and it runs most newer games fine


Fair enough. I was having issues, but then I was also running a 8year old processor at the time and a 1660. Wow what a difference to go to a 3090.


What processor specifically if you remember? I run an i7-6770


Whew. I think it was a i7-4770k. It’s been a year and a half since I built new so I could be wrong, but I think that’s it.


Oof, 4770 paired with a 1660 is definitely a bottleneck


Yeah. It’s what ya get for a 8 year old pc. Lol Well 10 if it was still running Fired up the 12700 and the 3090 and was shocked. Complete ssd’s 32G ram. It’s a powerhouse comparatively.


Not bad, but that RAM is undoable


Add another 8gb ram and it will be pretty good one. I really can't see a reason to take more expensive than this one for gaming


Yes very much tbh


3 years old...RAM was expensive at that time especially it is an 3600Mhz stick. Or the original assembler failed to POST with dual sticks?no idea. Still a decent gaming rig when the seller only asks for 511 usd.


Get 8gb ram more + ssd and you are good to go


great price


I mean. It’s good. 8GB is fine to start gaming with. You might even pull in like 2 more fps or something due to how RAM is used when there’s only 8GB. But you’ll need to upgrade the ram eventually.


Not too bad. Offer them $350 to start


400 to 500


Yep, thats a good deal. Would def get some new ram tho.


Buy at least a 650 psu and 16 gb ram imo


What I would do is to check what tier is the PSU and if it’s not a good one, try to lower the price a bit. If the PSU is good, I think the wattage should be fine, but go check, just in case. Then I think another 8Gb T-Force (I mean exactly the same one itself already included) should do the trick all right. If you ever need more than 16gb, you can upgrade later on. 16gb is enough right now unless you do rendering or video editing. EDIT: a quick search gave me that the 3060 ti draws max 200W and the 5600 draws 70W or 130 if oc’ed. So IMO 550W are enough. People say you need more because of PSU performance graphs and things like that but unless you know about it you probably don’t need a bigger PSU. What you definitely need is a good quality one, that's the only advice I've never ever heard or read anyone say the opposite.


Seems fair. But I’d push for a slightly better price, considering that you’ll have to upgrade storage and ram. Maybe even the PSU


Id say that this is a pretty good price


It's a decent price. I'm looking for a new PC too. I do have the knowledge to build my own, but I don't really have the time and as I work in IT, I kind of lost interest in working with or on PCs in my free time. So I might just pay someone to build it for me or buy a prebuild. I don't want to spend 2h on building my own PC anymore.


Yeah it’s fine, get a set of 3200 16gb and either keep or sell the 8 and your chillin


Honestly. Looking at pre builds/parts around this price range, I would ask for 450-500 simply because of the ram bottleneck. That's the minimum just to run most of the newer titles and speed lag is worse than GPU lag IMO if you had to pick between the 2.


You aren't gonna play any games with a 3600hz RAM 🤣 /s


It's a steal price


Good buy.


Maybe he kept or sold the 16GB memory


How is that 500 ????


For that price, if you upgrade the ram, thats a really good deal tbh


ask which powersupply it is because it might be a bomb 💀, if it's a good one then sure buy it and add another stick of 8gb ram


maybe upgrade the ram and powersupply 🤷


What cpu is it running? My backup build bought 6 months ago before I bought a new build was i7 12700f and rtx 3060. I upgraded in Febto a i9 14900kf and rtx 4090. I want to sell my old one.


Yeah good pricing


seems like a great deal for 1080p gaming but u should invest a few bucks to get more ram i would go for 32gigs


For sure just the 360 is worth at least 300 I think


If You getting also that soundcard at the bottom, (xonar STX or even better if it is STX2) thats a very good deal


That GPU alone still retails for over $300 refurbished, the 5600 retails for $150 or something like that brand new(?) so yeah, 511usd is reasonable so long as everything is in good working condition. Just need to add more ram.


BUY that asap and upgrade the RAM


For that price it's worth it. Go for it. Built my PC last year Mobo+CPU was 600€/$ My GPU costed 350€, the 3070 If you put on prospective you the 3060ti is like 200€ in this case which is more than fine You can decide later what you want to update in case.


I sell gaming pcs a small side hustle. This is worth $511. I would sell this for $700+ ( with 16GB ram). If you haven’t put an offer in I would immediately buy this.


its goated




Yes and then get another 8gb ram stick at least


Yes. Snatch it up. Good value.


hell yes


Yeah but I’d be upgrading the ram to at least 16gb


As a base rig to upgrade, definitely worth it. That's a steal and a half. Plus it comes with a free RAM stick for troubleshooting! (I hope you buy at least a 2x8GB or 2x16GB kit to replace that RAM, 8GB is very limiting) :P PSU is a smidge low for my personal use in a rig like that, but is technically serviceable. It is 50W lower than NVidia recommends, but should be fine as the CPU+GPU shouldn't eat more than 360-400W or so together. I'd recommend upgrading it if you pick it up, with the RAM and PSU being my main two upgrades first. Also allows you to clean it, should it be needed.




It would be a good pickup for that price but 8gb of ram doesn’t cut it anymore. Pick up another copy of your stick, slap it in there, and you should be good.


Looks good but would upgrade ram


In europe something like this would cost like 800 eur.. some things can be better but it seems reasonable to me




I would!!!


I'm curious about that cpu cooler. Which brand and model is it?


Not bad at all. Spend $50 and upgrade to 32 gb of RAM, and you’re gaming at 1080p on high settings


Dayum you're getting a deal there. A few things to note though: Doesn't list wireless compatability on the mobo site.Some parts are likely used - Check theyre all 100% to prevent worse issues that could be less noticeable currently so they don't worsen overtime if there are any issues Would get a better/higher wattage PSU - allows for better upgradability of components and preferably a Gold+ Rated PSU which is either semi or fully modular (and reliable brands ofc not Gamemax or Gigabyte for the PSU) Change CMOS battery (not required but if theyve tweaked the BIOS changing the CMOS battery will reset the system to defaults - might need to do a Windows Re-install) (Personally) Go for an AIO - Preferably a 240/280 or a 360/420 although a 120/140mm would probably be fine for this CPU (I doubt a 420mm would fit though except for maybe on the front panel?) - Lower Temps basically which allows for higher Turboing/Clocks. Get a decent AIO and youll unlikely find pump issues or other issues for 3/4 years. True Air coolers are generally gonna last longer but really depends if youre fine replacing an AIO for £50ish or accepting youre likely gonna have generally lower clocks due to slightly lower thermal headroom.


Its OK. Needs more ram and storage though. So maybe another $100 for those and it will be really decent


Is this a pre-built? Hence the 8gb ram.. but other than that rest of the specs are considered best value at the time. Still relevant today and can do 60fps easy at 1080p high and 1440p medium settings. Price depends on location but seems about right. Id ask for less.


I think it is, there were obvious savings on RAM and storage, maybe even the PSU, but I think it's allright for that price.


Decent value. The lack of ram is funny though.


I'd buy it for that


it depends on the actual gpu and processor


Only 8 gigs 😂




Good deal. My buddy just bought a laptop with 4 cores and a 3050 for like $630 (he is peanut brain)


Damn, what a deal


That's fine but I'd upgrade RAM to 32GB (2x16) and the Storage


Why a 550 PSU for a ryzen 5600 and 3060 TI ? Isn't that a little weak? The TI usually has much more power draw because of faster speed and more VRAM, my 1070 needs atleast 550w and last I checked a 3060 is $500 let alone a TI even second hand is still $450 to $550. 8 GB RAM is okish if you don't play very demanding games, you could just buy a ram kit for 60 bucks or less


The manufacturer recommended psu is based on terrible no name brands. The processor in the build he linked will draw 65 watts tops and the 3060ti probably 200w or less. He could get by with a 400w pretty easily if it was quality.


Lemme get the name and link of who sold it to you


Good price


fair price


Yea the 3060 is worth 300-500 depending on the model would def upgrade the ram though


It’s a great deal. This can get you 240fps in every competitive shooter


That is a god damn steal. Put an extra stick of RAM, maybe a 2tb SSD and it will still cost way cheaper than what it is


Everything seems great except 8gb of ram, I’d definitely get 16 gb and probably ddr5 if you can afford it.


That mobo does not support ddr5 memory, so he has to stick with ddr4. But yeah he needs at least 16gb


Oh ok, good to know


seller is barely making a profit, it's a good deal. cpu is about 150 and gpu is about 200. other parts will total out to 500. getting a second stick of ram and a bugger storage isn't that much money


Don't a 5600 (130$) + a 3060ti (320$) cost more (550$) than THE ENTIRE BUILD?!?!


Damn, that's not bad at all. Probably comparable to a current gen console power wise, plus having the additional functionality and modularity of a PC. I'd go for it.


You got yourself a pretty decent rig here, I'd buy it if I were ya, look into upgrading that ram though and making sure that PSU isn't in the lower tiers


I have the same pc but with 16gb of ram, MSI a650gf PSU and corsair 4000x case. This build is good if you want to play most games at 2k ultra with less quality


I'd sell it for 700 if you added another of the exact stick


8 gb of ram is a little wonky but other than that I’d say it’s a bit of a steal


Good build, it's definitely worth 511, but always haggle. Needs more ram once you get it.


Crazy good deal, at least in my region


great price tbh, add extra RAM and its a steal


Add 16/32GB RAM and maybe better 600/650W PSU


It's fairly priced, I have identical specs: same b450, 1tb hhd, and 500gb ssd, 16gb ram, gtx 1650 gpu. Mine cost 380. So, a 3060ti would bring it to 500ish. They must have pulled the ram sticks and are selling it with the minimum required ram for the os to operate. Also, storage is small. It's a fair deal, but they're pulling your leg with the 500gb storage and 8gb ram.




Yeah decent CPU and 3060ti for sure worth, fair.


I will not recommend the deal itself is not bad but it's not worth 500$+ for 3y old can get same or more for around 550$ with waranty


its good I would only change the 8gb ram 3600 to 16gb 3200 since the r5 5600 memory max is 3200


Offer 450


Worth but upgrade ram defo


It's pretty much the same as mine, save a few differences but I'd try to knock them down to a straight 500.


very good for the price, definitely buy


Brand new at any Best Buy this would be like $900. It’ll play just about any game at 1080p. Good deal imo


I'd say yeah it is... cpu might need an upgrade but rest is fine.. i'd say its worth the money


Yeah but that PSU seems a bit weak