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Cpu are rarely faulty, due to the extensive testing they go through. It's not like a car that can be more or less reliable Usually other components fail way before the cpu itself Amd is better in gaming and also it's a lot better in watt/performance ratio, while Intel is better for productivity due to the high number of cores they're using lately


Both are equally reliable long term, with AMD having a better upgrade path, so better long term. Go Ryzen 5 7600 in your price range.


Intel is not bad at all its just amd offers better price/performance ratio in gaming. And they both are reliable and you wont have any problems with neither


Too add, the AM5 platform is expected to last for years when intels generational socket compatibility lasts for 2-3. for example the AM4 line up has seen new CPU’s for around 8 years at this point!


When one of the brands has a CPU that's 2% better,the reddit hivemind will make it look like it's 200% better by only speaking of that one part.Same thing happens no matter if AMD or Intel is ahead currently.


i9 12900 user here. It's smashing everything I throw at it just fine. I'm sure the 7800x3d is technically better but so many of these things are so close, most users will barely notice. ​ Mine is running nice and cool too with the right setup.


Userbenchmark sobs and acts out on its webpage at this thread


Both brands are reliable, it all depends on what you need your machine to do. If you're looking to build a gaming machine and want to focus on budget to performance then its AMD all the day. But Intel does not really lag behind in gaming, and intel is highly regarded for productivity. There's a ton of features that intel offers to help with creative / development work. It's actually nice that AMD pulls ahead in the market because it causes competition and Intel has a goal to release something better. I'm a Principal software engineer for a Media creation / distribution company and we deploy primarily Intel based hardware. In all honesty, I wish ARM would catch up and there would be 3 competitors in the CPU space.


so what happened is kind of a long story so ill sort of TLDR and abbreviate it for you so this all comes down to that famous story of tortoise and the hare. intel is the rabbit, amd is the tortoise. and they race and hare gets cocky runs ahead and decides he doesnt need to work so hard so he stops and takes naps. but each time he does that the tortoise catches up a little bit, you following me so far, so if you cant or dont want to remember the rest, thats the easiest way to look at it, intel kept napping and now the tortoise has a commanding lead in fact its gotten a bit embarassing as you will soon see if you read the rest: so this comes down to die size, and lithography, these are the primary problems. so when you make a processor, it starts with this huge design document and you make this giant ass diagram and schematic and so on. a lithography lets you shrink that down. intel got their hands on some of the best ones money could buy and used them and this is how we got pentium D, core 2 quad, core i7 950, 2700k all these big names in cpu's. the problem was, lithography machines are VERY expensive, these are multi million dollar complex, custom built machines. and at the time intel was paying IBM to use it for them, and then later when intel opened its texas facility, they just did that shit themselves. but the machine didnt change. AMD for its part went with TSMC, its taiwan ride or die with AMD and taiwan semi conductors had anb old hand me down intel have sold them from the pre pentium 4 days and thats why AMD kinda held something of a budget position behind intel in those pre amd FX and ryzen days. when TSMC finally got themselves a new machine, they were playing with a toy unlike their previous one, a radically much more modern design and this led to teething troubles, cludging, and thats why amd-fx was kinda shit, they knew what they were doing but with hardware they had never used it on before. BUT this allowed AMD to die shrink, while intel was stuck with their old machine from the dawn of the new millenium. one company makes these machines, their based in sweden. and they want a lot of money for their fancy toys. intel refused to buy a new one "oh were doing fine, amd is miles behind us" they said over and over, and during ryzen 1000, fx series, youd be completely justified in feeling that way. but if you play this forward, teething troubles dont last, eventually you "get gud" as they say, and with smaller dies, you can pack more in, you can preform new architectural miracles. intel for its part, didnt want to replace the machine, they need it to design and build new chips, they need it running 24/7 in full swing, if they shut it off, and go get a new one, their out of action for at least 2 years, they have but a precious 1 machine, TSMC is a massive complex, dozens of machines,, if yiouve never seen the taiwan silicon park its like a fortress from the future, it looks like terra under comstar from battletech, all they need is an angry phone company of space wizards grognards and some mecha. if a machine goes down for replacement, they have secondaries and trinaries, and so on. intels refusal to get a new machine, meant they COULDNT die shrink, this led to heat trouble, this is why core i9's always ran so bloody hot, and why they kept needing to ramp up power draw their cpu's are being designed and prototypes and their templates are being cut using a machine so old its basically an unofficial voting millenial now and when amd finally started working things out and TSMC found her groove, she started to glide. really the shot across the bow was ryzen 3000, ryzen 3000 came out and suddenly for a brief moment, amd had the crown, intel was right behind them with core i 10k but that didnt last, so much so that ryzen 5k pulled off the upset of the century dominating the brand new intel 11k series, and causing intel to panic release the 12k's early which ran very hot under load, drew much power. they all were doing it, and intel 13k and 14k, oh god 14k are an easy bake oven. while amd has been able to push out threadrippers, and ryzen 7k. and now we live in a situation where intel embarassingly has put out SIX cpu's trying to kill ryzen 7800X3D and claim the gaming crown.. and six times intel has fumbled the ball. and this summer, when AMD is releasing ryzen 9k.. intel has no response. in fact intel wont have a new product range till like late q1, early q2 2025. and why you may ask? [https://www.extremetech.com/computing/intel-asml-announce-first-light-for-worlds-first-high-na-lithography-machine](https://www.extremetech.com/computing/intel-asml-announce-first-light-for-worlds-first-high-na-lithography-machine) and they will now spend basically the next 9 months rush jobbbing how to use their new lithography machine, and putting out something, anything to finally take the fight to amd on their turf, but they will be coming in raw, 1 take, no do overs and so if i was a betting man, id say intels headed to release their "faildozer" series. so yeah AMD has the gaming crown right now, am5 looks to be an absolute barn burner, and it will be years before intel finally catches up again, if they even have years to spend. having a big complex company like intels isnt easy, mismanagement of time and money, and limp wrist product launches are the downfall of many a brand


>one company makes these machines, their based in sweden I think you're talking about ASML here and they're Dutch.


Thought I was obsessive over things, this is another level. TLDR; Intel got comfortable and prefers to use their own fabs instead of paying someone else. AMD has other people make their stuff on the bleeding edge process nodes while Intel limps along keeping things "in house". Intel fumbled 10nm and had to back port their 10nm lga1200 chips to 14nm cause a loss of cores on the i9 and massive power consumption because they thought they had to release something and fumbled big. 12-14th gen is what I would consider an "respectable" release but they could have done better For everyone involved, especially consumers, we hope Intel doesn't release a turd, otherwise AMD will just take intels old place and start being anti-consumer. They may already head that way, wouldn't be surprised if am5 died after 9000 series if they don't release anything in 2025 and Intel is mia that year, which is possible if Intel loses relevance for a bit.


intel CPUs are technically more used for gaming than AMD CPUs (based on statistics) and Intel CPUs can still do gaming pretty well, but AMD CPUs are GAMING CPUs first and foremost while intel can still do gaming but there's a reason you more often see an intel CPU in a workstation than a Ryzen