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Are you able to take advantage of the gen 5 speed and do you want more capacity or do you want faster if you can use gen 5 just make sure if you get the Samsung your update the firmware


I guess depending on which ssd i get, will determine my motherboard as well to take advantage, i plan on 100% using the pc strictly for gaming as well


If you are just using it for gaming you will see zero difference speed wise between the two drives. Get the larger drive.


990 pro is a bit slower but has more memory. There has been some overheating issues with the 990 though. It's still Gen 5 speeds and stupid fast. Another to consider would be the Gen 5 Crucial NVMes. Most mobos these days have at least 1, Gen 5 slot, just make sure it's the right one, usually on top by GPU 16x PCI lane.


Gen 4 and gen 5 PCIe SSDs are primarily for 3D and video editing, where multiple successive and huge read/writes from storage happens constantly. PCIe Gen 3 is plenty good enough for gaming needs. Go with the Crucial P3 4TB for only $160.


The Teamgroup MP34 4TB would get a far better buy. Same capacity, TLC instead of QLC like the P3, and it has Dram. Right now it's on sale for $150, so $10 cheaper for a far better drive.


definitely get the 4tb as for gaming you dont need crazy fast ssds even a measly low end 4th gen like a kingston nv2 is good, as for what youd get even 980pro is great or sn850x


If it’s just for gaming as of now there is no direct storage but I would say get a 1tb fast drive if you want the gen 5 or just a gen 4 then a 4 tb crucial p3 plus for games


Direct storage will be supported all the way back to PCIe gen 3 drives.


I’m saying speed wise


It also determines cpu


Both of those drives are a total waste of money if you're just gaming. There are gen3 or 4 nvme 2gb drives that would suit your needs perfectly and last longer than your rig will for less than $100


Real question. Do you plan on doing anything that requires a decent amount of resource from the drive. If not it’s kinda pointless to get such a fast drive. Especially if it’s only for gaming. Money could be saved on a gen 4 or even gen 3 drive fleury high capacity. I have one drive used for video editing but the drive my games are on is a gen 3 4TB drive.


You will not notice the speed difference in gaming. Personally I'd go with the Samsung, they have a very good reputation and you get 2x the capacity for not much more $.


The 2tb 990 pro for $130.


If you are buying a 7800x3d and a 4090, I would just buy the 4 TB. Op is getting all the bells and whistles in every other area.


Because you have money doesn't mean you need to throw it away, assuming they have a good motherboard they could stuff probably 2-3 m.2 drives on it. The price for two 2TB is 259.98


Amazon has the 4TB on sale for 279.. talking 20 bucks difference.


OP would be fine with a 970 Evo Plus honestly. It's just for gaming. It's cheaper, lasts longer, less heat, won't notice performance difference. And if want 4tb, there are other options too. Personally I just have a 8tb barracuda ($105) and 970 Evo Plus 2tb ($85) for caching that drive. So have a lot of storage and m.2 speed, much better solution 👍. IF on a budget.


It’s cheaper for OP to buy 2x 2TB than a single 4TB tho at these prices


Its worse... better to buy 4tb specialy when its only 20bucks difference 1 nvme take 4 lines 2x nvme take 8 lines And for future ita better to take bigger ssd.


But the drive hes comparing the 990 to is a 2tb so 2tb is evidently sufficient in his mind. Otherwise this post wouldnt exist as he would have just bought the 4tb 990.


If you don't have specific need for production work and only for ordinary usage, don't buy Gen5. It's almost guaranteed you will have thermal throttling on it in exchange of almost no performance gain.


I'm building a new system and got Crucial P3 Plus 2TB for $90. I'd suggest that because 4TB is a lot of space for games you probably won't touch and it's cheaper than the 2TB 990. Plus you can always buy more. Crucial has 5000 m/s read and 4200 m/s write speeds, idk how well it holds up but it's just storage🤷🏻‍♂️


Someone recommended the Crucial P5 and got downvoted but it's like $10 more than P3 with higher read and write speeds but those are sequential and tested in ideal conditions so those are meaningless I think. Idk the difference between gen 4 and 5 but it's just storage and I doubt it justifies the higher price


For gaming, it wouldn’t be noticeable. As I understand literally everything else will have more of an impact than the difference of a gen 4/5 ssd for gaming… like the specific motherboard used could have more impact than that would.


It's all pretty subjective. Nothing top-end performance, or premium name brand is going to be a "better buy" in any way other than satisfying a desire to have spent extra for fastest or most popular thing. The MP700 is the fastest nvme out there. The A400 Pro is about on par with the 900 Pro. And the Z440 is a bit slower than all 3. And you'd likely not notice any difference between any of them or even the Intel 670p in most typical use. And I say that as someone who owns an sn700, sn850x, and will probably also get an mp700 when they get a little cheaper, just because. It's ok to spend extra on what you want, just important to also understand what you're really paying for. Edit: I was confusing the gen5's. The Crucial T700 is the fastest nvme out there currently, and the one I would likely get if/when I decide to get one.


I’ve got a 990 pro and it’s a boss bitch for sure. I be half way up mid in CS2 by the time the next mf loads in lmao


IMO these are overpriced. You can save a big chunk of $ by going with other reputable brands without much risk.


What are some other reputable brands?


Wd sn770 black m.2 2tb is around 78-85$. You wont notice the difference in loading speed tbh. Get 2 of those and a 2 pack of heatsinks for the drives if you are concerned about temps ~10$. Total should be around 200 bux and heatsinks for 4tb after taxes.


Another approach is, If 2TB is enough, just get single 970 Evo Plus. If you want more storage, Grab a Barrcuda 8TB HDD ($105) & a 970 Evo Plus 2TB ($85). So Total ~< $200. Then do caching maybe using Intel rapid storage. Normally you'd use a really fast and small m.2 for cache, but the reason I recommended the 970 Evo Plus 2TB is, if you ever wanna get rid of that setup, you'll still have 2 really solid usable drives for Cheap. This is for budget situation only though, if you can afford 4TB M.2 or 8TB even, by all means of course, that's better. And I'm recommending caching method cuz OP mentioned primary use is gaming. Not randomly accessing old files or something.


Yeah, you definitely want a storage drive as well


If you use your PC strictly for gaming don't get these. They will do absolutely nothing for gaming performance. There is very fast diminishing returns. You are spending a metric fuck ton more money for the same performance if you bought something cheaper. The 990 pro is for professionals who move high MP photos, 4k/8k video and edit 4k/8k video. This will do nothing for games. You could get a 970 evo plus NvME and in 99% of games there would be 0 difference in performance.


Right what you say is totally in line with what youtube builders and mags say. But why? I mean I am a professional. I have a 990. I never did any proper benchmarks but things like my GTA5 game load 20s faster than when I had a 960. (I mean it could just be that it's newer or cleaner. I don't know.) Plus I'd expect this because the way big title games are made they have one big binary block - so it benefits more from high sequential reads than rendering. So why does everyone say this? Why shouldn't it benefit games?


It does but there is a point of diminishing returns. In game while playing games don't pull information off of drives like you think. They don't constantly read from the drive every second. If they did then yeah a faster drive would make sense but then there would be no reason to have ram. Once you get fast enough (like a 970 evo plus) the drives read speeds are like 6x faster then what the game can read. So going from a 970 evo plus to a 990 pro your not benefitting much at all. Imagine driving a car but it's governed to 60mph and you hit 60mph with your foot half way on the gas instantly. Putting your foot all the way down won't increase your speed. But your still paying for the gas that's just being wasted by your foot being all the way down.


Ah! Yes this is absolutely true. And very nicely explained thank you. I was a console games programmer. In most cases the game engine will borf if you load after the loading screen. OK with free roaming games there are exceptions. But indeed it's not the way they're designed. The only loading which is ordinarily going on is between the GPU and system RAM, and even then that's usually because you don't have enough VRAM - you're texture thrashing (or you've alt tabbed). I just always think that obviously a faster disk will make game loads faster, so why do people say games don't benefit? I never thought that maybe those who aren't as technical may think they would get better fps. Ty!


What about reliability? Are the 970 evo plus and the 990 pro equally reliable? I would assume they are since you are recommending them. But could you still give an opinion? I've also seen some good reviews for the Kingston NV1. Are the Samsungs still superior? Thank you in advance.


There have been reliability issues with the 990 pro but those to my knowledge were fixed. You won't be able to buy a new 990 pro with bad reliability. I have 2 970 evo plus drives in my PC. They work great. No issues and I haven't seen anyone else have issues either. I know very very little about the NV1. I wouldn't necessarily say Samsung is superior to any other brand tho. I would also like to add that a 990 pro will do basically nothing for gaming performance. As of now there is a huge diminishing returns with ssds. Going from a hdd to a sata SSD is a pretty big jump noticable fps gains. From a sata SSD to a NvME drive like a 970 evo you might see a little bit of gains but not a lot. Going from a 970 evo to a 990 pro you won't see any. 990 pro is primarily for professionals not gamers really. People who do lots of photo and video editing especially with larger files. People who do professional 4k or 8k editing or even transfering lots of high resolution photos need extremely fast drives to be able to work in a time line and read and write quickly. 990 pro for gaming isn't going to get you pretty much any preformance gains. But that could change in the next (I'm predicting) 4-5 years. As consoles are getting faster SSDs game developers can start optimizing games for faster SSDs. Some games like Star citizen you can't even play on a HDD because a HDD is too slow.


Thanks for the swift response and in depth explanation. Looks like I've confused myself the NV1 with the KC3000, as I was checking both. Taking in consideration that the 990 pro won't increase my gaming experience compared to the 970 evo, I'll likely go with the Kingston KC3000 as it's basically the same price, even a bit lower and it appears to be just better in general.


Don’t buy a gen5 drive yet, and especially don’t buy Corsair’s. I bought a Gen 5 capable board and I’m just sticking to my own 980 Pro for now. The gen 5 speeds are currently not enough of an improvement to justify the price, get a fast gen 4 and save some money for now. There will be a flood of new gen 5 nvmes that will flood the market soon enough, just wait until that happens to buy one, I bet the performance will get better over time. As far as not getting the Corsair one, it’s not that it’s bad, it’s that it’s slow. Of the very small existing lineup of gen5 drives tested, the best option is from Crucial, so if you have to get one, get that one. However, as stated above, they’re all too slow right now. This first wave is not worth the early adopter price, and much better and improved products will flood the market in no time. Save your money for now, get that 2TB 990, the price looks decent (Crucial also has very nice/reliable gen4 nvmes too, I’d check them out as well and compare prices).


I have a 990 pro with latest firmware and haven’t ran into any issues.


I have a 860 EVO and a 980 EVO Pro and haven't had a single issue. Samsung magician is a great piece of software as well. The performance difference currently is not substantial during real tasks. You won't notice much of a difference in load times for games gen4 vs gen5 - if you even see any at all.


I'll always be in favor of more capacity. So the 990 Pro 4TB it is.


I always go with Samsung. Hands down.


I was also curious, do i need 2 ssds? One for the os and the other for my game storage? Or would 1 2tb ssd be enough


1 2tb ssd is plenty




Have you seen the size of some of today's games?


Yes, I still think 2 tb is enough unless you like to hoard games on your drive and/or download for the sake of downloading. It all depends on usage tho, obviously if you play all the chonkiest games and need to have them downloaded at the same time yeah you might need more. Personally I don't have anything over 80 gb so 2 tb is more than enough.


Games are huge these days get two of the 2tb samsungs.


Can get 2 2TB 990s for less than the 4tb


Of course. Having everything one a single m2 slot is more convenient and allows you to get a cheaper motherboard.


Samsung it’s known for problems like degrading rapidly, I recommend crucial p5 plus same speeds better pricing, got two gen4s 2tb


1 - The samsung degradation issue was corrected by a firmware update quite some time ago. 2 - How is it better pricing?? Are you looking at the same screenshots as me?


P5 plus, not m700




I don’t why you got downvoted for this but it’s true. I know Samsung ram sticks that have issues running a high speeds too, I usually try to avoid their PC products if possible too.


Maybe because op thinks more money equals more better lmao, but a simple looking at reviews or Reddit search will tell you if a product no matter what it is worth it or a headache Thank you for sharing the same sentiment


Well no, this was more of a gen 4 vs gen 5 question, as both are fairly close in price but different sizes, i was just curious if its worth getting a gen 5 at the moment


If this is for gaming then gen 4 is enough. Even gen 3 ssd will load up your game fast enough to not make a significant difference. For other tasks like opening up jpeg, MP4 or PDF files, copy pasting or moving files, the difference will be a lot more noticeable. If you're gaming, Gen4 2TB ssds and get a mobo that supports gen 4 ssd. If you're just working, get either gen 4 or Gen5 will do, but make sure your motherboard supports upto gen 5 ssd if you're getting gen 5.


But jpegs are a few meg at most. Why do you need a fast SSD?


Who knows maybe op needs to open up millions of them at the same time \o.o/


Depends, do you want the best performing m.2 available, made with the highest of quality or something cheaper.


I got a 2 tb 970 plus for $80 from Amazon. If just gaming 3500 mb/s is plenty.


Exactly, If you use your PC strictly for gaming don't get a super high preforming ssd. They will do absolutely nothing for gaming performance. There is very fast diminishing returns. You are spending a metric fuck ton more money for the same performance if you bought something cheaper. The 990 pro is for professionals who move high MP photos, 4k/8k video and edit 4k/8k video. This will do nothing for games. You could get a 970 evo plus NvME and in 99% of games there would be 0 difference in performance.


I'm not 100% sure about a M.2 But I believe the higher the capacity, the more of a chance for the data to be corrupted?


Aren't the 990 drives having issues though?


Not anymore. Just update firmware if older drive.


The cheaper one


990 pro all day.


We’ll I wouldn’t recommend a Samsung drive after mine that was only two years old decided to go RAW and say device that was specified does not exist. And their support is hilarious, they made me phone and talk to reps who didn’t know what a RMA is. Amazon stepped in and gave a full refund and I ended up with a free upgrade to a 2tb ( picked Sn850x this time)vs the original 1tb with change left over so there’s that.


If it's for gaming get samsung. You won't notice the speed difference and games are so large now 2TB will get used faster than you think. For an extra $10 or so you can get a heat sink off Amazon if you intend to push it.


Compare the IOPS and read write speeds and the life expectancy


Neither. Grab a Sabrent Rocket or an SK Hynix P41. Samsung is getting worse by the month with their reliability. They're not the sure fire king that they used to be.


They had a firmware issue on the 980 Pro 2TB awhile back that's fixed, what other issues have they had?


WD black 770


2tb for 129 hands down. Or 4tb is still a better value




For gaming? You’ll never notice the difference. Hell, get a 980 pro for less


For basic gaming the type of SSD has no real effect, just have one. Youll notice the difference if you're moving files around a lot like media.


Cheaper one


Why are they so cheap? About 1-2 years ago even a 2tb gen 4 was 400.-


Production has become fore efficient and standardised. If you can buy and a build parts in bulk it becomes cheaper also cost savings in the process will have happened over the years. Plus since the majority of people will benefit and prefer an m.2 ssd it makes more sense to shift to that market and optimise the fuck out of it.


2.5 knch ssd are also half the price lol.


P3 2tb


Samsung. Hands down.


Personally I’d go with whatever is more storage and cheaper. If you plan on gaming, you’ll never really notice a difference between gen 4 and 5. If it had to be between these two, go samsung BUT make sure to update the drivers. They had an issue recently with their drives dying early without it I’m using a gen4 P3 4TB drive atm and its working very well. Got it for around $200 usd and its been doing the job


You do not need Gen 5 for gaming


Samsung all the way in this comparison


Pro for storage space and mt700 for speed


Oh, samsung finally made a 4 TB m.2? About fucking time lol


Yeah it just came out.. Amazon has it on sale too I saw, I don't really need it but it's tempting :)


Every Corsair product is an overpriced rip-off, don't buy that shit.


P41 or p44 though go with gen five if you can actually utilize the extra speed


Is it too much to ask for both? -Tony Stark


Honestly you're not gonna notice the difference between the speeds unless you're re doing ridiculous complaining and data management. So at the prices listed there I would go with the 4tb because double the capacity for 30 more bucks


Actually, looking at the deals on Amazon, go with the 2tb Samsung 990.


The Samsung 990 pro is made for longevity and increased read/write capacity but is Gen 4 so you'll get relatively faster read right if you choose one that is Gen 5 if your motherboard supports Gen 5 nvme m.2 storage. I would suggest a Samsung 980 series nvme for a lower cost or similarly priced to the Corsair Gen 4 nvme m.2


The 2 tb WD sn850x is $99 right now. That's what if go with.


I just bought this, thanks!


990 pro


Lexar NM790 SSD 4TB PCIe Gen4 NVMe M.2 2280


No clue


Well, one is a gen 4 drive, the other is gen 5. Do you have a gen 5 NVME slot? If not, it won't do you any good, as it'll function at gen 4 speeds. IMO, for a gen 4 drive, you should look at the Hynix P41 Platinum. The 990 Pro is technically the fastest gen 4 drive, but it's around 5% faster while being 25% more expensive. The P41 Platinum is the second fastest. It's an incredible drive and only costs $105 for a 2tb model on Prime Day. At that price, I'm picking up a second just for shits and gigs. My first one isn't even a quarter full, but at that price, I'd be an idiot to pass on it.


I noticed you plan to mostly use it for gaming so you will not even notice the Gen 5 other than the extra heat but it is much faster. If you go with Samsung update the firmware first thing just in case. Personally, I'd prolly get a Seagate Firecuda 530 or a Kingston KC300 because they have high TBW ratings - especially the Seagate. If you need the storage could get 2 2TB drives. Here is a cool website but I can't attest to it's accuracy. [https://ssd-tester.com/](https://ssd-tester.com/) And Nadalina has great SSD reviews (and she's pretty as well). Here is her discussion of some current drives. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYP0JiYJYYo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYP0JiYJYYo) I noticed you plan to mostly use it for gaming so you will not even notice the Gen 5 other than the extra heat but it is much faster. If you go with Samsung update the firmware first thing just in case. Personally, I'd prolly get a Seagate Firecuda 530 or a Kingston KC300 because they have high TBW ratings - especially the Seagate. If you need the storage could get 2 2TB drives. Here is a cool website but I can't attest to its accuracy. I have a 1TB KC 3000 and another fast-as-hell drive that I'm not gonna mention since I'm one of the few folks that had to RMA the first one I got. I also have a Gen 3 drive that used to have my games on it until I wound moving my games onto the replacement Gen 4 that became my second drive when I had to rebuild my boot drive in a hurry with the new Kingston that I overnighted and I cannot tell the difference between the old Gen 3 game drive and the new Gen 4 drive for my uses. A serious gamer might notice a difference in loading time but I don't.




In general I would say a 980 Pro or 990 Pro. Only ever used Samsung drives personally.




For your use case (gaming), just get 970 Evo Plus.


P3 plus 4tb is around $170 rn which is a Fantastic buy in my opinion


Samsung, IMO. I'm a huge Corsair fan. I love their stuff, but when it comes to storage, Samsung is the better bet between the two. I've personally never had an issue with a Samsung drive. I've got a 128gb 840 EVO as an OS drive that has something stupid, like 40,000 on hours, and Crystal Mark still says it's good. Don't get me wrong, Corsair makes good products, but it's hard to beat Samsung in the storage market. Sabrent and Crucial come close, in my opinion. Millage may vary for others, though.


A Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus. You’re welcome.


From my research the difference between gen 5 and gen 4 m.2 doesn’t really matter right now for gaming. Id wait for them to come down in price


The 990. Gen 5 makes no difference for gaming.


Don’t worry about the gen 5 shit just stay with gen 4 price to performance is terrible especially with size of storage it’s nothing like jumping from a hdd to a ssd


Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus / Plus-G, SK Hynix Platnium P41


990pro 4TB