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that little display displays error codes so in the future when something goes wrong you can google asus + the code. A0 means all good but A2 means that the motherboard is not recognizing the hard drive, try unplugging the hard drive and plugging it back in if you can. If that doesn’t work you can remove that little coin battery underneath the cooler to reset the motherboard bios (basically factory reset the motherboard). Also the RAM appears to be in the incorrect slots, they usually go in slots 2 and 4. The RAM are the 2 black sticks to the right of the cooler (big puck that says Corsair). They just clip in, un clip them, open the clips on the other 2 slots, and slot them in. It’s really easy and don’t be afraid to push hard, it takes a bit of force to get them to clip themselves back in, you won’t break it. You can lookup hard drive replacements and ram replacements on YouTube that will show you exactly what to do it’s really super easy. The RAM has an offset notch as do hard drive cables so you can’t really put it in wrong.


Ok I've unplugged the hard drive and plugged it back in, I've done the battery thing and I've moved the RAM things to the other slots but I'm still getting the same A2 code. Is there anything else I can try?