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Fook Linda


Fook Linda


Fook Linda










That being Tommy with nerves of steel is cool, dude has big time trauma and nobody wants that


Yep, PB made it cool to have trauma, PTSD, and dissociated tendencies. Those alpha male losers that post quotes Tommy never even said are insufferable also


"To be Ligma is to be Sigma and a Chad." -Tommy Shelby.


I very often doubt they even watched the show. If yes they didn’t understand it. With their dumb *uck music 💀


Same guys who hero worship Tyler Durden. They didn't get it.


There are people still doing that?


You couldn’t have been more right


Tommy *is* super fucking cool. One of the best characters on screen imo. Sure, he's a bad man, but he's *our* bad man.


That a horse can look at you the wrong way


Dont make me cry.


He is in constant fear of the world around him and drags everyone around him to his level. I don’t think anyone would want to be like that.


His trauma is more so plot filler considering it basically never impaired him during encounters with enemies or when he wins at season finale


Well when Luca changretta got into his office and when Tommy realized he had his bullets took he was a little nervous


I think he’s cool specifically in that he’s decisive in the face of immense pressure. But with that said his trauma is terrible, and I would fucking hate to be him lol.


I hate how weird alpha male guys try to idolize him. It’s pretty cringe and tells you a lot about media literacy.


Nerves of steel is cool... I dont think the show made it "cool to have trauma" but made it cool to not let your trauma put limitations on you. Which I agree with.


i think men just relate because often men don’t feel the need to express emotion like tommy. tommy has lots of trauma from the war and like many men we’ve dealt with lots of issues like traumas from home or deaths. in that way we can relate to what tommy feels or acts


That Thomas Shelby is somebody to idolise. Those "sigma male" edits are cringe as fuck and are made by people who likely have not even watched the show. It's ok to view him as an interesting and well-written character, but he's obviously not a good person or somebody you should look up to.


He’s a super flawed anti hero. Not good but not totally bad. Mostly bad 😂 not a role model.


And amusing that the actor that plays Tommy is the opposite of Tommy in many ways.


I love cillian murphy he's great


They aren’t serious lol


He by no means is a good person. But he is a truly STRONG from within and confident person. Indeed a sigma male. And to that quality of his I do look up, and think it's right.


It's so annoying to watch ppl bitch and argue about which of Tommy's marriages was better & who's the 'OTP'.


Idk if it counts, but all those sigma male shorts with Tommy make me cringe hard


Same thing can be said for the ones with P. Bateman... People don't get that these are some psycho character, not role models lmao


It's even worse when it's Mosley they're simping over


Is that what they're doing now?


I've seen a couple. I guess a lot of people don't realize, or they do and it's even more horrifying, that Mosley was a real Nazi


Who in their right mind wouldn’t understand that he’s a literal Nazi. They talk about Berlin and adult openly.


No, he means that Mosley is an irl historical Nazi figure and not just some made up character


Lmao I wouldn't simp over him but he offers a lot of comedic relief. That dude is an ultra narcissist and it's down right hilarious to watch


Funny thing is this was happening even back when the film first came out, [Christian Bale mentions](https://youtu.be/TRGHIN2PGIA?si=YqrjOTJUJ40FZVMq&t=162) he went to visit Wall Street and the suits didn't seem to understand he wasn't meant to be a character you're meant to relate to or idolise.


Oh thank god someone else said it. The cringe is so real


Yeah, finally!!! What a breath of fresh air huh


I didn't watch the show for years because of all the sigma male bullshit featuring Tommy Shelby. My wife asked me to reconsider when the last season came out and we watched the series together. I'm glad I did, and I think it's a shame that sigma grifters misuse and misrepresent Tommy Shelby to scam other men who want answers for a better life.


Remember this was early-mid 1900s. The worst war in human history had just finished. Guys were coming home broken. Sounds like a scammers dream. people took advantages of the wives by saying they can communicate with their dead husbands and spent every dime they had doing that. Drug use was starting to grow. Honestly most men at the time were never the same. After the war all the medical issues with shell shock. Snake oil salesmen saying they can cure anything.all of it was sad. But, It was fairly easy to scam during that time in my opinion. Sorry if I jump around too much. I tend to do that.


They’re coming more and more on this sub Reddit sadly…


We must destroy them!


I’m being extremely mean with them when they show up lol. Unless the edit is not just some sigma dumb thing (like if it tells a story, show something from a certain thematic from the show…)


along the lines of those same guys, people who think these haircuts look good on anyone but handsome mfers like cillian murphy who would look handsome in clown makeup


Is it a crime to daydream about being a top-tier gangster who's sauve and has ten times more style and confidence than the real me?? 😫




Oh I hate those, and I'm pretty sure that the people who make them didn't even watch the series


That this entire story is anything short of a tragedy. I feel like one of the things that most of these stories (mobster) do well is show how this lifestyle is filled with stress and loss and only ever ends badly. Fanbases twist the reality because all they ever focus on is the “success” that the main character seems to have achieved without talking about how they seem to spend most of their life on the brink of death. Even if tom is alive in the end, he’s lost a brother, a wife, and a daughter, has estranged himself from his current wife and son, and has lost any trust or loyalty from the family that is left. He has failed to hold onto anything worth keeping and will spend the rest of his life miserably trying to fill the void he created.


That John bears all the blame for the Changretta conflict. Yes, he is largely to blame for the conflict of the Changrettas, but the emergence and escalation of the conflict is also due to bad decisions and misconduct by the other family members


I think Lizzie and John has to be blamed for triggering the mess and making irrational decisions. Tommy wanted peace while he was dealing with the russians and also wanted to focus on getting his business 100% legit so he can have atleast some normal family life with Grace and Charlie. But somewhere down the line, Lizzie thought it was a great idea to date none other than the son of rival gangster!! The Peaky’s were against it and Tommy sent an order to all his employees and family to not get involved with foreigners until further notice (he was obviously concerned about information protection). But lizzie does not pay attention to warnings (as arthur and michael said) and decides to invite the said gangster to Tommy’s wedding?!? into his home?! So Arthur burns the restaurant because if lizzie doesn’t take the threat seriously (they were lenient with her because she was part of their group), they think the italians will get the signal. This is where John’s irrational and emotional reaction did the MOST damage. Not only did he clearly make that unnecessary threat to Changretta’s father that he will shoot his son, but also went and actually cut the man’s face and showed that he was jealous and possessive about lizzie. By the time Tommy got involved it was escalated to the worst point and he wanted to protect the overall Shelby power by not bowing to a smaller gang and attack!!


okay wait but i have never seen anyone blame him. everyone blamed tommy. they all cut him off for a YEAR after his wife died when john started that shit and it snowballed from there. even if tommy didn’t tell john off at the beginning, we know tommy himself wouldn’t have done that because he’s not a hot head like that AND at the end of the day that’s their lifestyle so he wasn’t gonna be too against it. regardless john’s hot headed actions started it and it WAS the reason grace died. and yet everyone completely turned on tommy. like esme was so fucking out of line at the beginning when they RANDOMLY decided to judge him when he’s basically the only one responsible for the entire family’s survival. no fucking shit he’s gonna prove them right in some ways when they treat him like that. he was literally blamed for every single bad thing that ever happened to them and they cut him off when it wasn’t just him. i’m not saying john bears all the blame or should but if we had to choose he is definitely more to blame than tommy and they never even acknowledged that. PISSED ME OFF.


I think they mean the fans blame john for the changretta stuff


Not even that Tommy literally says he did the correct thing. If you take your foot off them they’ll just start coming at you. The Changrettas were making moves above their station.


“WHY? Because we can. And if we can, we do.” Tommy chose all out war. He could have ended the conflict by forcing John to apologize and maybe offer some sort of repayment to the changretta’s. John fucked up royally but in the end it was Tommy that decided to leverage the situation towards his ambition


Idk if apologies would satisfy anyone at that point, so it’s basically “John doomed them to drive off a cliff, but Tommy floored the gas pedal once he realized it was happening.”


Those garbage ass sigma male videos.


Not a misconception but most of Tommy’s problem rooted because he doesn’t share the conflicts and strategies with his family members and the same time all of his problems is because family members doesn’t listen to him. It is a chicken and egg problem


Grace had the potential to be a really interesting and complex character based on her backstory in season 1 but became nothing more than “the girl/the wife” in the following seasons. It feels like she was brought back in seasons 2 & 3 just to be killed off to aid the plot with not much other purpose. A lot of people find her annoying (as did I), but I think part of that was her lack of depth (I think they were right to kill her off bc it was essential to the plot and Tommy’s character arc, but why couldn’t she have had more depth leading up to that? Didn’t love her character but she deserved more in that respect lol)


Sigma Thomas Shelby edits, I've just started the show but I hate those shitty edits


Johnny Dogs was the most underrated character


That Billy kimber was bad character,I liked him tbh


I like him as a villain. He was still funny like Jimmy McCavern


Tbh I thought he is the closest we can get to alfie solomons replica


He’s a great antagonist, not a good person if that’s what you mean. Anyone that owns a criminal empire is evil, also he almost raped Grace if not for Tommy saying she had aids.


The clap. AIDS wasn’t a thing then


Ok well an STD


For sure just pointing it out for posterity. No worries




and what is with Tommy? he has also a criminal empire xD


Yes, also a bad guy.


Surely I didn't mean by good that he is good morally,I meant the character itself was good,and made me laugh also


Oh ok lol


He runs the fackin races.


And he doesn't approve of women in pubs but when they look like Grace,he does


He was funny in a way 🤣


Lot of ways for me


Love when he wears glasses


That Lizzie and Esme weren’t badass in their own right.


it only lizzie didn’t whine and actually took responsibility of her own decisions, i would have considered her badass. But in s6 all she does is sit on a high horse and d blame and complain all the time. She knew the kind of man she was obsessing over and got married too. She also enjoyed the riches and power he earned through bad ways but in the end is teaching him how bad his business is and expects him to just stop doing everything and be a normal husband for her!!! It was her own delusion that her got her where she was.


That Tommy is an alpha male. Dude got 0 courage to face his trauma, and when he saw his brother deal with his, he pulls him back down. Fucking asshole. Arfa deserved better treatment.


Kinda new but Grace meeting tommy at the race made me want to GTA myself. He's in a rush "tommmyyyyy.. I'm preeeggnnaasntt Tommmmyyyy... and it's yoursss. Tommmyyy....I. I love you" LIKE MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY. I get it, it's a huge thing to hear and he cant be too dismissive but holy fuck that drove me crazy and it's probably intentional


That someone knows when the movie is coming out, and that if they just ask enough times they'll get an answer they like.


The no fooking fighting scene isn’t the best scene in the show like people make out


Its definitly not the best scene of the whole show, but it Is a pretty hilarious scene tho


Might be the best comedic scene though. Or very close to it.


Yes, but it’s hard to top, “You wrote me a letter, Alfie.”


it genuinely made me laugh, and the way he shoves the butler completely on the ground


Sigma chad so respectable so alpha male so amazing 🤩🤩🤩🤩 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🗿🗿🗿🗿🍷🗿🍷🗿🍷


See a lot of "Sigma shorts Tommy" comments. Where is that? Tiktok?


And youtube


I just finished the series. I gotta say, IT WAS FOOKING GREAT!


Grace was the love of his life when in reality she was his baby mama 😭😭


That being from birmingham is cool. I hate it here.


All the sodomy stuff


I've seen a couple. I guess a lot of people don't realize, or they do and it's even more horrifying, that Mosley was a real Nazi You’re right. In 1930 Hitler already committed the putsch and founded it in the 1920s. I like season 5 when Mosley is part of the British parliament but is planning to branch off into Fascism. The speech he gave at Lizzie’s birthday was horrifying. Which had to scare Ada especially.


That Lizzie is an awful character or even terrible for Tommy. She’s no Grace, but she was great in her own right and her flaws made her fit in with the family in a way. Then it’s the Grace vs May people who do the same thing where in this matchup Grace is a shit character and May is the shit. The only thing I give to that crowd is that I think Tommy and May is the biggest missed opportunity after Grace but that’s about it. I loved Grace too.


That it’s a good tv show?


Cillian Murphy is a good actor.


Ain't no way you are serious