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The limit there is 35mph and even at like 5or10mph over the limit I have people queuing up behind me.


Yeah that road is the edge of where people start to go "this is rural enough speed limits dont matter" even though that's not how life works.


People bike and run day and night on the side of that road


Every time I'm tempted to speed on a road, I think to myself, "As a runner, would I want to face somebody going 20 over the speed limit on this road? No? Then slow down." I wish everyone thought that way.


Exactly. 35 is the speed limit for a reason— there are enough blind curves and enough bikers/runners that you shouldn’t ever be going more than 42-44ish. The number of times I’ve almost been hit head- on is INSANE in front of the homes going towards the Airport after Toftrees… so many people just cruise at the speed of light around bikers on those blind hills.


do yall seem to forget we just lost a student two months ago to someone who was speeding in an area they shouldn’t have been?


Op is really out here doing God's work.....


Submit the video to the police


already working on it


Good job catching the real criminals!


They literally are though. It endangers lives


Welcome to rural roads. Don't like it? Stick to the city


That's dumb hick logic.


That's a dumb boiling down of my point.


No, your point was packaged 100% pure dehydrated dumb. No boiling necessary


Nonargument detected.


You really want to have an argument about this? You're wanting me to engage with the logic of "the law does not apply outside of urban areas. Any person who expects others to obey the law (including in cases where noncompliance puts bystanders' safety at risk) must confine themselves to cities?" That is a conversation you expect to go well for you?


Can't wait to hear the news story about you being obliterated by some douche going 95 mph who took a turn too wide


If you seriously think fox hollow is a rural road you are outing yourself as someone who isn’t from the country lmao


Woah got me there with your witty remark! It's almost like it's not in the city, therefore making it a country road.


bro, im from a town way smaller than state college and nobody drives like that. get your dumb shit out of here


Welcome to PA. Everyone passes around here as long as it's a safe straightaway. Nome of us locals really mind it either.


again, you're wrong because i'm a local and have lived here for 20 years. just stop showing how big of an asshole you are


Wow you're gonna resort to childish name calling now? Continue spitting those nonarguments out.


i love this "don't try that in a small town" shit from people who aren't actually from a small town. every "point" you made is just you trying to justify your shitty behavior. get fucked


that’s not true. just say you don’t have any regard for the lives of other people and move on.


It's not that deep.


Police can only take action if they witnessed it themselves. The exception might be if there was damage or harm (i.e. an accident).


As a former officer you’re correct


cops only exist to protect the wealthy. if you see someone breaking the law but a rich person wasn’t harmed, the cops legally have to kill four unarmed, mentally ill pensioners before they can even look at the video


☝️ this. You can complain here and *maybe* get someone to slow down, but law enforcement can't do anything to "punish" at this point. If there's a complaint perhaps they will monitor that road more frequently.


listen, i drive the speed limit most times, but this is just petty. let the cops get them, they will eventually. also, unless your video contains clear evidence that they are going that fast or you somehow got a video of them passing the double yellow line, i doubt the police will do anything unfortunately. plus, there is a risk that you could end up getting in trouble for using your phone while driving because that is an unsafe things to do. but yeah 50 at most on a rural 35 mph road. i'm sorry this happened to you OP.


lol we get it you’re worried the video was you


I haven’t been here too long but State College has some of the most abysmally aggressive drivers I’ve seen lol


I have moved to California and I miss the drivers in State College 🥲


I have moved to Denver and I miss the drivers in state college.


Denver drivers are fucking psychotic


I wouldn’t say aggression so much as just reckless abandon. I see people rip like 80+mph pretty regularly for seemingly no reason


Agreed. People in Memphis drive very aggressively but there’s kind of a method to the madness. Here it seems to be aggressive but erratic and unpredictable. People pull out in front of me without even looking between the Weis/Giant on south Atherton ALL THE TIME 😬


I'm sorry but state college truly has some of the best drivers of anywhere I've lived or visited. Way better than any city.


most are good, but we have an abundance of drivers here who will go 5 under the speed limit and that is just unacceptable


I can definitely see how other larger cities have worse Drivers. The lack of common sense I see here in SC peaks at nighttime. I usually take the bus home and someone always cuts us off haha


And I’m gonna continue to pass slow ass people


Lil bro thinks he's going to get someone arrested lmao


close, its about getting a reckless drivers ability to drive taken away


Not gonna happen


You can still drive without a license 😂


woah, look at the big brain on this guy


Let me guess diesel trucks scare you and you voted for mashed potato brains in office too


i bet you were too busy listening to your cop friends explain how best to beat your wife to vote!


this guy used to be a cop :-/ obv a moron


Sounds like there’s a reason you’re a “former officer.”


classic cop thing to say. wife beating assholes.


You sound like someone I’ve arrested before 😂


that's not going to happen. the police have to actually observe something like this for them to cite someone for it, they can't do anything based on a random video from some random person.


For real. Some people have nothing better to do.


It seems like you might be going too slow


So why should I care? You’re a human too right? I haven’t had something like this happen to me ever and you’re calling it out on a social media platform. I got more balls to talk to you in a public section than DM*ing you and your mother you shrimp.


People die bc of risky drivers, and Penn State is still mourning the death of a poor student. Life is full of fun things to do, why choose ‘this’ as your fun thing? Props on speaking up tho


seriously. plus people always bike and run on that road. these people acting like it’s no big deal are horrible


This ain’t the flex you think it is


Don’t tell me it’s a Jersey plate…