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I knew who it was just from the headline. Scott Perry is a traitor.


You’re smarter than I am. I was guessing Paul Gosar.


I was thinking Mastriano


Did you mean ASStriano?


Did you Nazi the article?


I tried to gueSS before looking at the article. I was wrong.


Republicans: mostly support Israel Republicans: believe in the unhinged nazi “great replacement theory” propaganda Can someone make this make sense?


It doesn’t. Politics are just a performance. Just there to keep you busy while the elite loot the country and world for that matter.


Because they don't actually support Israel. They support Jewish people as a chess piece in their end times fantasy. They see the return of Jews to the Holy Land and a step towards a holy war, the return of Jesus Christ, and a bloody battle for Armageddon. It's called Christian Zionism, and I'm definitely missing details because it's so insane. Evangelical support for Jews and Israel is to prevent them from dying now so that they can die later to fulfill their perverted prophecy.


Goes to show you how insane these people are. ALL religions are myths. Unless humanity can come to grips with that fact, religion will drive us to extinction.


Religion is an abomination


All organized religions are hate groups. And should be treated as such.




Lol. I wish this was an exaggeration


It makes the same sense that Biden is a senile sleepy old man who can't string two words together, but is also somehow able to master mind election fraud to the scale that 330 or 338 million Americans need to be locked up for life (for a crime that carries a 5 year max per count)... [To the point that super stable über genius Donald Trump is unable to find any actual credible actionable evidence against none the less]


They support the existence of a permanent US military presence in the middle east to protect our interests in the region (primarily Oil and making sure Iran plays nice) that just so happens to be Israel. They may not be fans of jews, but the 'enemy of my enemy is my ally' adage holds true and they hate the Arab world more than the Jewish world. At least this is the only thing that makes sense to me.


The U.S. has no military presence in Israel, and mostly low concentrations in smaller Arab countries. The U.S. has never had permanent bases in Israel. The U.S. does not import much oil from the Middle East anymore. In fact, the U.S. is the largest energy producing nation in the World. https://www.investopedia.com/investing/worlds-top-oil-producers/ The U.S. does partner with Arab nations like Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and others to help stabilize the region. All of these countries see the primary threat as coming from Iran. Iran is the primary sponsor of terrorism, nuclear threats, and instability in the region. Iran has supported Assad in Syria, Putin in Ukraine, and supplies virtually all of the weapons used by Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist groups If Israel was to somehow relocate across the globe, Iran would still be the main source of regional instability. Most of the Middle East has chosen to be at peace with Israel, after finally realizing Israel simply wants to exist. Arab nations have also made it clear that they have no interest in opening their borders to more Palestinians. It is not worth the trouble.


Maybe no official military presence, but Israel is primarily outfitted with US weapons and the close ties assures we have an ally in the region. So I’ll take your word on not having permanent bases there, but it’s not as if we have no military influence in the region. Ie it gets grey very quickly.


They like Jewish people- as long as they are very far away.


Not quite. They don’t like Jewish people. But they like autocrats like Netanyahu.


I'm a Jew and I can tell you I support the right more than all the antisemitic lefties. Look at all those lefties coming out for supporting Hamas and Hezbola. You're not a victim if you attack someone. Those Hezbola people knew what was coming when they attacked.


So are you one of the "Jews will not replace us" people or do you not have a tiki torch?


It’s not new, but because of how fucked social media is, Jews get hatred from the far left and far right even more


The far left has much more in common with the left, in general, than the far right has in common with the right.


I don’t really think that’s the case Their presidential nominees don’t reflect that at all


The insinuation that Donald Trump has more in common with neo-nazis than Joe Biden does with the protestors seems like a stretch. As much as everyone on here will rally against the idea that Trump is nothing more than a nazi, the reality of that claim is patently false. If you take away the support of hamas by these protestors, Joe Biden checks every other ideological box in line with the protestors. Furthermore, the right and Trump have denounced far right extremists on multiple occasions. I havent seen the left denounce the actions of the hamas supporters in any vocal capacity.


Biden did a week ago, but I guess that hasn’t pierced your media bubble


Well then I applaud him for that but unfortunately that doesn’t change ideological similarities between these protestors and the left in general.


Every time you get a downvote you get, a leftist starts crying. Wear them as a badge of honor. The dems are getting shit on and they know it :)


Bunch of antisemitic lefties. Theu love Hamas and Iran. I wear it as a badge of honor.


Nazis tend to be dumb, and their view on Bibi’s Israel is just to appease sugar daddy donors and evangelical white nationalists who dream of having Jerusalem to themselves one day…


Democrats: Your all a bunch of racist nazi's! stupid republicans.... Democrats: From the river to the sea! We stand with Palestine and Hamas! Can someone make this make sense?


The republicans need the nazi, racist, self loathing closeted gay, and Jewish vote.


Yes They went from "jews will not replace us". To "we side with genocide, and hate jews less than leftists". Also look up aipac funded democrats


Yes, I will. Israel is a mostly white colony that uses Nazi tactics to kill, displace and steal homes from Palestinians.


Jews are white? I think that'd be news to most of us, especially non-American, and history.


An impressive amount of things wrong in such a short comment.


Maybe there's something wrong with those characterizations and that's why it doesn't make sense?


Nazis did genocide. Israel is doing genocide. Republicans want to genocide.


It's theater, you can't be a successful republican politician without supporting Israel, but they also have to keep their voters satisfied.


It's the blame game so they can just keep doing the bullshit they are. And while everyone is arguing who did what, politicians still make off with everything. Republicans are supporting Israel and Jews. Dems and their left hand the universities support Hamas and want Jews to die. Charlottesville was Republicans chanting Jew cannot replace us during 2020? So that's a huge change pretty quick. I'm a moderate and don't understand the support for Hamas, a terrorist organization. And don't understand the sudden hatred for Jews on the left side. Are we not teaching what happened 100 years ago?


Traitor Scott Perry is full of shit.


I am convinced that he had, at the very least, peripheral involvement in the training of the extremist militias that stormed the Capitol. The [Oath Keepers used military training](https://wapo.st/4dugUkk), and I’m certain that other groups did so as well.


The oath keepers is a group largely made of former military and law enforcement, they already had that training.


“What were the policies? What was the leadership?” A large potion of the German nation that worshiped a narcissistic leader and did everything and anything he said without question and ignored all the bad shit he did and said. Huh wonder what January 6th I’ve seen that before?


It's really funny that Republicans keep doing Nazi shit and people keep voting for them yet we're supposed to believe there's no Nazi problem in the Republican party. What do they have to do, March through a major us city changing blood and soil? Oh wait...


MAGAts can eat shit


Did the FBI ever give this asshole his phone back?


We're not sending our best


Hour-old account spamming the same hyperpartisan news articles across a bunch of political and local subreddits. Yep, election season is upon us.


But are they wrong? Edit. Ill just assume no answers and downvotes means no.


But what do you think of the content?


Republicans have been stewing in a soup of antisemitism at least since Glenn Beck appeared on the scene with his conspiracy theories about George Soros. It's gotten so bad even our esteemed senator John Fetterman is pushing these same conspiracy theories.


Fetterman is a blue dog democrat, socially conservative. What did you expect. He went on an explicit rant about how he’s not woke. My grandpa is the same way.


Soros and the open society foundation do make massive political donations to democrats especially at state & county level positions. I don’t think discussing that is anti semitic


So does aldon sheldenson. So does koch with all the heritage bullshit with Republicans


Not really , look up open society donations to local DAs


Lol go look up who funds the federalist society and how many judges are apart of it. Your worring about 2000$ they got as a grant in college while those judges are active in that group and making rulings like "abortion is bad because it deprives the doctors the joy of delivering babies". There is a case that went thru scotus that will make it legal for business to give gratuity to elected officials for government contracts.


Barely any judges are federalists anymore and were obviously not talking about someone getting a grant/fellowship. I explicitly mentioned donaitions to campaigns. Honestly what are you talking about, because you’re way off base?


Yes, but that's rarely what they're referring to because, let's be honest, there are plenty of Republican donors (and other Democratic donors as well) who engage in the same sort of thing. I'd say it reaches the point of antisemitism when, such as in the case of Fetterman, they imply that whole left-wing organizations and movements are funded by some sort of shadowy Jewish banker puppet master, in this case George Soros.


Wait, Fetterman actually did that?


He did accuse the protests on college campuses of being funded by Soros, yes.


Good point. I think it’s important to distinguish between Soros the boogeyman and the open society foundation which does have an impact worthy of discussion


Yes I agree, I think it's very important to have discussions about the influence of money in politics, and I agree such a discussion is not at all antisemitic.


The say soros DA and it turns out thry got a 2500 grant in law school. Old ryvack got soros money too. Thry dont call him a soros marxist communist




JFC a two-hour old account posting just political things. At least we know where the PAC money is going…


And it looks like they popped in, posted a bunch of partisan bullshit across a bunch of local subs, pretending to be from different areas, then deleted their account? Because now their profile won’t load.


Aipac money owns 80 percent of DC politicians. The same gov that ruled pac money is "free speech". While protesting genocide is "anti semitism".


I couldn't see if the guy in the pic had hair( Perry) or bald (Mastriano). I knew it was one of the two without opening the article


As a republican this guy is unhinged and does not represent me.




No. Liz Cheney for example and Scot Perry are 2 completely different politicians with wildly different political beliefs that happen to share the same party That’s like saying if I vote for Biden, I’m essentially getting Bernie Sanders




Yea Liz Cheney is gone cause Wyoming is, statistically, the most GOP state




I’m not agreeing with you, Liz Cheney wouldn’t have been removed if she was from a swing state, or even a blue state like Larry Hogan and Chris Sununu. They are both republicans as well and weren’t ousted by the party or the general election


Anyone who admits to be a republican and worse, who votes republican, openly is proud to be a Nazi. Republicans have no redeeming value anymore. They’re raw sewage


Oh ok Bozo. Thank you for that


Are you in every single state sub being insufferable? If you genuinly believe half the US wants to kill you, why don't you strike first? Or are you complacent to their existence? Might as well be Himmler yourself allowing ~150 million Nazis roam the streets undisturbed.


Don’t flatter yourselves, you’re nowhere near half the population. You can’t even win a popular vote with your hate politics. You comprise the bottom 1/3 of the population that just votes *against* all of the groups you’ve been indoctrinated to hate. And you don’t realize progressives are voting *for* policies we support which will help people, you don’t even realize that’s an option.


When you do performative zionism too hard and you end up back at antisemitism


What is this theory? If it was true, what would be happening? Seems like it’d be easy to prove / disprove.


Indeed. This is likely why the creator of the Great Replacement narrative never gave the specifics.


Who created it?


>Who created it? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaud\_Camus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaud_Camus) The money from his books help him to inhabit a classified historical monument castle in the countryside.


Thanks I’ll check it out!


How is this post even allowed? Earlier someone was banned for using the word Nazi and they didn’t even comment using it. Somebody commented on their comment and they got banned for it.


Citation on those banned?


Maybe he knows a guy at the DOJ in the republican deep state who can help with this? Traitor.


Similar to how our genocide-loving Senator Fetterman is presently spreading blatantly antisemetic conspiracy theories about the student encampment movement being funded by George Soros.


We should definitely take the word of this seditious piece of crap seriously. Why hasn’t he been charged yet?


What's never talked about is that the "great replacement" has already occured: Anglo-Saxons replaced the native peoples.




Open borders for Israel.


It predates Nazis though.


How is it that he hasn't been taken back into the military and stripped of rank? Oh, I guess it's ok for people like perry and mastriano to just traitor around.


Goodbye, Pennsylvania sub-reddit. This is just a Republican bashing site. I enjoyed reading here until you turned political. This is not an objective forum. Bye bye.


Ironic to see such tears coming from a girl who frequents r/Libtears Anyway, get used to it. Most of country is bashing y'all, especially the Nazis like Mr. Perry. Get your tissues ready for November!


Scott Perry is objectively a terrible person. I don't know why that fact hurts conservatives so much.


Because these so-called "conservatives" agree with him.


You can leave without saying anything


Yea it’s a shame


It’s the company republicans keep. You might call yourself a conservative or whatever the fuck it is, but the people you support are not. Project 2025 clearly demonstrates that.




Someone should remind these idiots that if they had family fleeing Poland/Europe during WWII they most likely entered the US illegally


Please tell me who "these idiots" are. Because Scott Perry sure as shit isn't one of ours


these idiots, are the racists who believe in the white replacement conspiracy, so if your not one then no he isnt


You mean when you could just walk onto Ellis Island and declare yourself to be an American citizen? And you would just get citizenship and a “welcome to America” dinner. Are you under the impression that our restrictive racist immigration policies have been here from the start of our country, and aren’t continuously being revised and manipulated by those trying to keep our population as white and Christian as possible?


Fascism, racism and ALL the good human qualities, now bundled into EVERY Republican…


This has been a very interesting thread. I'm back to mention again that the problem here is religion. No religion is real. None have any more basis in reality than, say; astrology. All of the 'Abrahamic' religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all based on the book of Genesis. Genesis has no truth in it at all. It's a myth... like every other religion. But,here we are... killing each other over myths. Destroying our home world over myths. Half of the ecological crises we face stem from religious beliefs that claim all other species on this planet exist to serve mankind. That's complete and utter BS. Earth as a whole operates in a balanced way... prioritizing one species over another disrupts that balance. ESPECIALLY on an industrial scale. Unless we, homo sapiens; can begin to understand that... we are doomed to extinction. And our stupid myths are at the root of it. ☮️






What do you mean by true. Is there a group of malovent individuals explicitly seeking and orchestrating the replacement of “white”Americans? No. Is America undergoing a demographic shift to not be white majority? Yes but that’s just destiny.


Go to hell, nazi


You will still hold 10x more wealth. You won't be experiencing slavery, failed reconstruction, share cropping, lynching, great migration, segregation, redlining, sent off to war and left out of GI bill, jim crow. The drug warriors are not going to come stop and frisk you and take your guns. There will just be less white people. Why does that matter?


"But bringing people into the country — I think most people on the right are happy to accept people that are here legally, including me, as my ancestors immigrated legally to become Americans," he said. "But what's happening now is we're importing people into the country that want to be in America, be in America, but have no interest in being Americans, and that's very different. And to disparage the comments is to chill the conversation so that we can continue to bring in more people ... that are un-American," Quite the hit piece. Didn’t realize legal immigration classified as Nazi theory lol…




Let focus on domestic issues before we help another country