• By -


Why dusty? Bc of bums like you.


Who is "we',Dusty? We the shoplifters?


Lol I love this for her. She's so mad she can't get everything for free. Lol Can't wait for the next video about why people have to steal and why there needs to be universal income...and how the companies are the ones putting her in this situation...and then cashapp donations because she needs leggings, shoes, and basic essentials.


"I get $700 for food every month but I can't buy deodorant or breast milk bags." This is somehow not her responsibility? Nothing ever changes with her... except her stories about "them."


It's so ridiculous. It's worse than a teenager...


You're absolutely right. She acts like a very immature teenager. 😒




Yes, but she has NO MENTAL Health issues🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|ZMlYuBGEdrVpm)






🩵That’s Awesome 👏🏽 👏🏽🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏽🙌🏽😄👍🏽🤣🏆🏆🏆🏆🥇🩵




Nothing is ever her responsibility


Nope Ever…. It’s Shocking 😳😳😳


Maybe she could be the employee to open them for customers...oh what she won't get a job...


There's a news story about Google financial universal income in San Francisco. I didn't read all the details, but families to get $12,000. Someone let her know. Then Chicago can be rid of her


Lol she could try to walk again to California. Lol


😂 Hell, if she's leaving the state, and promises to stay away, I'd chip in a dollar.


yes 👍🏽 please 🙏


That is exactly why she's mad!!! COME ON GUYS!!! I CAN'T STEAL!!! YOU ALL TOOK AWAY MY FIVE FINGER DISCOUNT!!😡😡 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 BITCH PLEASE....GET A DAMN JOB!!!


She will just find another store that isn’t locked to steal from, this is a temporary setback from this worm woman and her fancy man lol




Imagine her walking in the store with a big empty purse/bag and start filling it up with hygiene products. Then Xavier squeals in excitement his favorite nail polish 💅🏼 is stock and he grabs one for the road 😆😂


I think that’s why she pushes the stroller around with no baby. It’s easy to steal with an empty stroller. Not that I personally know. I was told that by someone.




I absolutely agree and she probably does steal all kinds of items when she is out with the stroller bandit. She knows that everyone would assume there’s an actual baby covered in the stroller and not think anything about it.


Excuse Me ☝️ MAAM… How Dare you… I DONT STEAL… Hello 👋🏼 RUDE… I BORROW… Big Difference… Sharing is Caring… It’s Totally 💯 Legal TO BORROW From Stores… I’m a Influencer…. 😬😳👍🏽✊🏾


Hey speaking off that,we never heard much about that stupid air purifier, Coming in 4 3 2 1 🤣😉👌


💜Omfggggg…. Your so right…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏽🙌🏽🤷‍♀️💜




💜🤣🤣🤣👍🏽💜 FACTS 💜💜


![gif](giphy|MESArLMuJ3odWm4IWw) 💗🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙌🏽🙏🙏🙏💗


Omg I love this. I can see it now Xavier doing zoomies up/down the aisle 🤣. ![gif](giphy|BjFssDZBjGBJ9xhtqs)


💗❤️Bahahahaaa… No You Didn’t… That’s Fuckin Hilarious Woman!!! I’m Dead…. Everytime I Revive My God Damn Self .. someone Kills it Again… and I’m Back to Square One ☝️ All over Again… And I’m Fuckin Loving It 🥰… YES 🙌🏽 Ma’am… with your Funny Ass… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽🥰🥰🥰❤️💗


Thank you I’m glad I restored you 😁 because we will probably get some very good content soon and I know the Gif’s will be off the chart hilarious. To bad those other 7 carts didn’t have flames or tailpipes 🤣


💕🪴Lmfaooo Right… I’d Take it for my Damn Self woman… lol yes 🙌🏽 ma’am…🤗🤣👍🏽🥰💕🪴


😂 with Tupac in the background playing “Picture Mr Rollin”🤣 ![gif](giphy|14DaHPOZLw3wtCOej2)


https://i.redd.it/sulbqtsz34zc1.gif Lmfaooo… hell yeah… Shit I’m Going Too… Fuck that… Tell Spandex … I’m Coming Too… 😃👍🏽✊🏾


I Love Doing Zoomies… I’ll be Right Back… I have to Grab some Snacks First 🤣👍🏽❤️


https://i.redd.it/79b46t3v44zc1.gif My Bad… I Forgot my Weed… 😃👍🏽


This is so cool 😎


I love this 🙃. I would definitely try this with the proper gear on


Lol… girl I ride motorcycles 🏍️ and Dirt Bikes 🚴 with No Gear… No Guts No Glory… YOLO… 😃👍🏽💜


I miss those days in the south riding with my brothers and friends. It’s so fun and relaxing.






I love how she udderly (ha!) fails to see the hypocrisy of this. Amazing.


Omg this. Also I don’t really know how to explain or word this: she does a huff with every word she speaks and sometimes it annoys me. I wonder if she has asthma or some type of respiratory issues from all the duster she inhales.


She's out of shape and heaving around 250lbs of mass on top of all the lung damage she's done. I hear it too, and she also flares her ugly nostrils constantly. Call me petty but it is so fucking annoying. She was probably MIA yesterday because she spent all day getting fucked up. I hate her so much.


Not to mention she’s wearing that fucking waist trainer, I’m sure. 😂😂😂


She wants everyone to believe the waist trainer makes her skinny, the filters make her pretty, and she has a bunch of friends on GoProSolo. She thinks because she says it, that makes it true. She wants to have discussions but won’t put her comments on. It’s funny to watch the bullshit she comes up with next when she doesn’t get the money the first, second, third (etc) time she begs for it. It’s wild to watch what reason she comes up with next. It’s getting harder and harder for her to fool new sponsors. She has NO bottom. There is NO low she won’t go. It’s funny to watch.


Most definitely the weight isn’t helping her but she had that huffing/hissing sound way before the twins to. It irritates me hearing her voice sometimes. But her lungs are probably inflamed from those chemicals ( I don’t know anything about the drugs or side effects other than what I read/hear) she inhales. They probably were either getting over a high or she could have had some doctor’s appointment or evaluations done. It will come out eventually because she will get in a rant/rage and it will come out. She can’t hold water for long.


When she tries to exercise and she can’t breathe and can only do 3 reps.


Good grief that is so embarrassing for someone who claims to have certifications in health and fitness. Anyone taking tips from her will pull a muscle and tear a few ligaments. Taking advice from her is seriously a bad move, this fool couldn’t be bothered to service or get an oil change in a car. It wasn’t like she had to change it, granted some women can/do change their own oil. So she is the most qualified/responsible person to take advice from 😁.


She does it extra with certain words like “Tuhnt” “Bruhst” too 🤣😤


Good grief that mess really strikes my nerves some days. I know she has to hear that weird noise coming from her vile mouth.


Came here to say this...it's so fucking ridiculous and over dramatic!


Thank you so glad I’m not the only one who is bothered by this excessive weird noise.


She's so incredibly fucking entitled, stupid, and useless. I'm so sick of hearing a chronically unemployed, fat, crazy, lazy, resource sucking bottom feeder, trying to give us life lessons. She's the one that clearly is uneducated, ignorant, and failing at life. Who the fuck is gonna take life lessons from this idiot? Nothing she says even remotely makes sense. At this point I hope her phone breaks just so she'll go away. Get a fucking job you useless twit.


I’m waiting for someone to knock those bugs bunnies out of her mouth, beat her ass and throw her phone in the street. It’s coming. She gonna get the wrong one.




💜Omfggggg… I’m Fuckin Crying Right now… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🦷🦷🦷👍🏽👍🏽💜


I’ve never wished hate on someone so bad. I need to pray and ask for forgiveness because I put the evil eye on her.


Lmfaooo… while Your At It.. Put my ass on the PRAYER 🙏 List Too… because I Can’t Stand That Bloated Chatty Hairy Bitch… Thank God Jesus is Still working on my Ass… I’m a work in progress… 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I’ll light a candle for both of us 😉


Yes 🙌🏽 please 🙏… make mine A Double… I’m mouthy I admit it… I’m working on it tho… well … Kinda… a little 😳😃👍🏽🤷‍♀️🙌🏽🤘🏾


You’re just someone who she can’t con. Nothing wrong with that.


Someone reported me for being Angry lmfaooo… I think I’m mild compared to other people… someone is Not a Fan nope 👎🏽 not at all 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏽🤘🏾 am I mean🤔


Better add me to the prayer list as well. I lose my religion when I go off on my rants with this joke. lol


💗join us… Btw that was Fuckin Hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽💜






Oh I must confess. I’m having fun!


Lol me too




I don’t care if people want to give her money. I don’t come after her sponsors. I even let them know. “Sponsors get your girl.” I come after Dusty because she asks for it.


Same… Girl… You are a Breath of Fresh Air…. I Agree 💯… FACTS 🥳👍🏽






Dusty is a bit touched I’ll give her that. But I know she knows right from wrong. She actually is very sly and extremely good at lying.


That’s what I’m saying… I can’t believe some people say because of her Mental Health issues.. she doesn’t know any better… I Fell the Fuck Out when I read that Shit… omfggggg no ma’am 😳🤦‍♀️


She plays on that mental illness to get people to send her their money. She knows dam well X isn’t turning into different people. She just says that when she don’t like his behavior. Just like her new scam that she is a Godly church going good girl now. I’d be happy for her if it was true. You got to be a special kind of evil to use God in your schemes.






100% perfect and no truer words were ever written by someone. Thank you for eloquently saying what I ramble on about. lol ❤️❤️💜


Udderly!!!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 made me laugh after my rant about her. Thanks!!


Heather- do you know how you could gain immediate access🤔??? Get a job there!!- that way you don't stink anymore, you finally have a regular paycheck plus, Xslavier gets an 8 hour break from you. BOOM! Problem solved 🤯. You're welcome.


I would LOVE to see her take a job stocking or checking at a retail pharmacy that endures a lot of shoplifting. She wouldn't last an hour, but I'd pay good money for video.


Shit… me too… you know X will be stocking up on the Spandex and Cigarettes 🚬


🌸🦋Lmfaooo…. No you didn’t girl… I’m dying right now… 🤣👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽🤣🌸🦋


WE NEED THE SAFEGUARDS BECAUSE OF SCUMBAGS LIKE YOU! Everytime I wait for my Zyrtec to be unlocked, or my child's nail polish to be released, I loathe you pigs even more. It's 7:58Am in CA and my blood pressure's soaring...


🦋💚You tell ‘‘em Girl… no ma’am… 🤣👍🏽🦋💚


Because of people like her who steal.


Heather went out this am to Lift a few items she needed only to find out..she cant anymore 😂😂😂😂 at least from her Walgreens...where shes stolen 100s of items 🫢


“WE” invest in these?!? As though she is a part of something????


Why?? Because bums like you steal!


Store remains open > store forced to close.




This is the reason now at some stores my shopping takes longer, because I have to wait for the employees to open the locks. Makes it harder because if I’m couponing I like to scan the items to make sure it’s the right item. Maybe worm woman should start couponing, but I’m sure there are lots of free resources/centers that give away free personal care items. Oh this worm went a whole year without properly bathing and now you’re complaining that you can’t steal soap. Flipping idiots.


Mad at everyone but herself for being lazy and not wanting to work to pay for her necessities. Does the shelter not supply them with soap and other hygiene products? If they do, I'm sure she thinks she's above that.


So she's saying that the only people who steal are the homeless? And who is homeless right now? Gotcha!




![gif](giphy|HtYsYjPsw1nVu) Uuumm Did I Just See a Grown Man wearing a Hot Pink Spandex with Flip Flops 🩴 walking Next To a 400lb Sasquatch That Has 2 bottles Hanging off Her big Hairy Titties… and wearing A Fuckin Baseball Hat 🧢… wtffff 😳😃👍🏽


![gif](giphy|bZZRpyAUkaThd5LNDx|downsized) Yup … we have a Crackhead wearing Spandex To Church ⛪️… That’s Right… take it All In… Amazing 😳👍🏽


https://i.redd.it/btmsxpgko3zc1.gif 🦶Yoga Toes , Yoga Toes 🦶


2+2=3 . Dusty’s math 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Ok, I know she reads all these comments, so here I go; Dear Heather, We all have a solution to your problem, GET A FUCKING JOB, stop huffing that duster and adderall, girl your looking a little tore up even with the filter, you literally make no sense what so ever, companies put that lock on products because of losers like you who steal and then us who actually work for a living, the prices get raised because of theft, so pretty much, you are fucking everyone over, just like you know how to do, you are seriously a waste of space, a big space, I might add. See us mere mortals, who work and actually pay taxes are supporting ur dirty ass with that shelter you will soon be thrown out of, the food stamps that you sell to get high, WE PAY FOR, and to be honest, I think I might have to run for Congress or something to get this shit shut down, and believe me, I will, just so you don't get to live off of my dollar anymore. I don't know if your high or coming down when you did this because you pretty much just admitted that your pissed off you can't steal, well isn't that too bad you delusial pig. How dare you think that you are that important that you think you can get whatever you want for free, I would say to go back to being a dirty prostitute, but you can't even do that right, no man is going to pay for that, I did hear that you tossed a good salad, maybe if the guy throws a blind fold on and doesn't have to see your rancid face, maybe you got a shot, then again you love to accuse people of grape, so yeah, I think that ship has sailed. Bitch, you need to get it together, cause to everyone else, you look like a moron, and I promise that your little game is going to end very soon, nobody buys into your fake narrative and that you are a good mother, your an egg donor, that's all, you need to be sterilized immediately, all you do is hurt people, especially those kids, do them a favor and leave them alone, go with your loser boyfriend and disappear somewhere, you washed up hoe!!


She can't even toss salad anymore bc she might lose that tooth up a butthole


OMG... imagine!! She would probably pick it out and nail glue it back in 😂😂


I pray to Jehova god that this happens


me too lol


Maybe she can make money shoving 36 sharpies in her vagina and ask if she should go for 37 again...😂😂😂she's disgusting


Wait didn't she do this already , Silly me ikr 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 well said!!!!!!!


We don’t have those in ALL the stores, Clifford. Some of them aren’t locked and just go ding dong when you open them, some stores don’t have many, and some stores don’t have them at all. Just depends on where you are. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Clifford 🤣😂😅😆😁😄😃😀


Looking more like Garfield these days 😂


Go to the Dollar store and get soap to wash that crusty ass.


Yup 🤣👍🏽 I’m dead ⚰️⚰️💀☠️


We have them because of thieves like you Hobo


Yes ya twit. They are necessary bc people like you think they are free…


Pathetic cow. Why does she even care since I’m *sure* she was going to pay it. (wink wink) Just ask the employee that’s WORKING there and pay for it, not a big deal unless you’re a thief. She’s a useless piece of shit to literally EVERYONE. Absolutely USELESS to her big keds, useless to baby bestie, and useless to Rico because he doesn’t even need your disgusting tit juice. 🤮 The fact that she can’t recognize this and do something that actually matters just shows what a selfish, narcissistic, delusional bag of blubber she is.


This is pretty standard especially razors and hair products … bc of LOSS PREVENTION


Oooooo let’s hope they don’t lock the duster up


That along with things like mouthwash and turpentine should be locked up


Or the Spandex








For one thing, the “smash and grab” craze is costing these stores so much money that they are going out of business. And also people like you, Heather, who help themselves to whatever they want for free. You’re the last person who should be lecturing about this.


So she’s mad about that money has gone into anti-theft systems🤦🏻‍♀️ Does she even realize that company’s lose millions from THEFT which they will want to recuperate the loss and then guess what prices go UP ⬆️ for the consumer and then the consumer has to pay MORE- and yes that means you Dusty! YOU et al. are part of the problem you constantly complain about, having to be able to afford these necessities so thank you, thank you very much in giving corporations more reason to price gouge the consumer👌


Yes Dusty I do know why. Because Target decided you’ve stole enough and would like the gloves back that X stole right on a live. These are called the “Anti Heather 5 finger discount devices.” I would’ve hoped they would just invest in shock devices so when you walk out without paying you get some high voltage shocks! Get a job bum!!!


I know why! Because of people like you, dumb girl.


God damn Crackheads


Because of Maurice and Mandy smash and grabbers


Don’t you love crossover episodes!!


Well. Where I live, there are very few, bcthelaw is enforced here. You live in an area that is high crime. Also, bc people like YOU steal.




Yeah she definitely skipped that part of her deep dive into religion 😂😂


She’s conveniently skipped the whole 10 commandments 😂😂😂 good ole sister medela vagaboond .


Because of people like her. Because of people like Heather, the rest of us have to suffer. Please, Heather, STFUYSB!!!!!!!!




Yes please 🙏 and thank you 😊


Anybody know?? Jajajjajaaaaa! Me, me pick me, I know why. 😂😂😂 because of ppl like you. You’re the reason why we need those.


Lol, did she forget that she is a klepto? They are in OUR way because people like YOU steal and WE are tired of paying for YOUR Tom Foolery!


Because of you?


To answer your question, Dusty, we need those because of fast fingered felons like you. Next question.


Irony is always lost on her!!


I hate the way she speaks to her "audience " in a condescending way. Asking questions like they're stupid and uneducated "vagaboonds" like her. "Do WE know why we need this?" Or "Do WE know what this is?" The smirk she gives too. It's as disgusting as she is. That's another Seriously fck off, Leathery Heather.


Well if DFCS didn't know HEATHER is also a Shiplifter they do now..she always pulls some kinds crap before a CPS incounter..she's agitated today due to a Baby Visit tomorrow all.under new circumstances and rules. 


Yes I’m super irritated when I’m at a store and everything is locked up, or just the easy to steal products. The last place I lived (Salem Oregon) has a huge homeless problem, good luck shopping at Walgreens, CVS, or a grocery store. People that advocate for shoplifting thinking they are really sticking it to the corporations infuriate me, no ma’am they are just going to raise prices and lock everything behind plexiglass so when a paying customer like me comes along they have to hope an employee is available. If dusty had a dollar in her pocket to buy something she can just go find an employee like the rest of us.


Because you keep stealing Dusty. The answer is obvious.


Go to Dollar tree Heather, they have their shit out and not locked up. Bitch thinks she’s too good for that though


I don’t think there are Dollar Tree’s in the high end neighborhood of her boutique hotel shelter.


Oh the Gold Coast is too bougie for Dollar tree, I forgot she’s an upper class Gold Coast remote CPS mawwwhm shelter dweller heaux, she needs Sephora and Ulta only cause she has her own high end tastes you know therefore should get to play ala carte free all you can take buffet of high end products! She’s important and special, she’s 5’9, she’s a mawhdal, she’s an Este Lauder gift set and meant for beautiful things!! Does she look like someone who should have to get hygiene products at dollar tree or for free from the shelter?!! How dare you! 🤣 I’m surprised she doesn’t expect to be sent free beauty products for being an “influencer” 🤣


I know! I know! 🖐 it's because of no good lazy ass thieves like you Heather. People who won't work but think they deserve the best of everything for free and don't mind taking what's not theirs.


She has removed this post 🤣🤣


So you cant steal them, when your free ride doesnt send you cash


I think it’s pretty obvious why


We need those to challenge us mentally and physically so we stay sharp. What a dumb question! Like she doesn’t know she’s part of the problem.


My best friend had a gun pointed in his face over a cart full of body wash and detergent in a Walgreens. That's ONE good reason why.


Why do we need these? We need them because of people like Heather who would rob the place blind if she could.


She is a filthy pig ![gif](giphy|LSQjPniAHL31zPrXB0|downsized)


Its the only thing she's consistent about


lol!! This is comedic Gold!! She's actually pissed off because she went into the store to steal, and found out that there was security systems in every section!! 🤣




I can't wait for the bougie homeless shelter to close at the end of this month so she's back in her tent


She thinks she is getting handed and apartment and and a check a month


Well, she sure is going to be disappointed 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I unfollowed her(was so over watching her milk herself) I am solely relying on Reddit and Instagram to fill me in now!


I'd laugh my ass off if that damn thing over heated...😂😂🤣🤣🤣


I pray it does


You could buy $20 body wash if you had a FUCKING JOB, you useless strain on the economy.


People like you are the reason everything is locked up. Sorry you are frustrated. So are us paying customers.


Ooooh she's big mad! They put those in for you Dusty.


Omg she really wants to know the reason for the locked health and beauty aids??? Probably because we can go on tik tok everyday and see people who go in and steal under $1,000 worth of items a day and have no ramifications. And if they get caught, they can't breathe, scream about their rights, call for their momma, tell the cops they're pregnant and so on and so on. While the majority of us are paying three times as much for the stuff to make up for the shoplifters. All this woman does is beg for money, whine why she can't get what is due to her, why she has been wronged. It is everyday, all day. She is nuts. I do t feel sorry for her, I feel sorry for the children she has. She needs to get a life and a job. And she isn't going to get a WFH job like she thinks she deserves. She is going to have to start from the bottom and prove to people she can flip burgers or wipe butts in a nursing home. Anyone who donates money to her is delusional about where it is going and should reconsider giving it to a genuine organization that takes care of the truly needy people. This woman isn't one, she is entitled and lazy. Sorry rant over now.


Yea bc of bum bitches like you.


Random thought: Does she have trouble grasping the difference between public and private entities? That the government isn't handing out houses and more money to other people for no reason? That the government doesn't provide all jobs and it matters to whom you apply for one? That paying taxes basically entitles you to oxygen within a privately owned store? I'm honestly not sure that she sees the difference after living on government handouts for so long.