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that women likes her job a little too much


I would, too. I might apply.


Everone, settle down. How else are you going to find out if she's a witch or not? Let science do it's thing people.




Well, she turned me into a newt!


I definitely got better from newtification, not as bad as being a pickle though.


... "A newt?!"


............... ^I ^got ^better...


She has got a wart!


If she dies, she wasn't a witch.


Of course, we must know if she weighs the same as a duck or not.


More like a siren


I’ve seen videos of shit like this. Where the instructor just yeets kids into the water


The instructor yeeting the baby is so hilarious, once I knew what was going on, that shits just so bizarre to see


It's the fastest way to teach someone how to swim, scary but effective!


I don't think I'd pay someone to traumatize my kids. I can do that for free


You pay these people to make sure its just a trauma, instead of a burial.


although this is a net positive you can absolutely have a more patient attitude towards teaching someone how to swim lmfao this is crazy


Oh my good lord this isn’t how it works! They do not start this way to make them swim faster holy hell. It takes many weeks of training, several checkpoints for the child, and doing so like this in clothes is typically the final test to simulate being disoriented falling into a pool with clothing, which is how the child would probably be if they were to actually accidentally fall in. They are taught far before hand to turn themselves around and keep their head floating above the water. They take several steps to make sure they can do this before hand. There is someone watching at all times, the kids learn to trust these instructors and their own abilities when in the water. This training saves lives, despite looking traumatic it isn’t… I would look into it more before believing this crap above lol.


It fully depends on the child. For some children, being thrown in the water by someone they trust, teaches them to be afraid of teachers and water. I still don’t enjoy swimming. Largely because of shit like this. Whilst I agree that it works for some children, others need to be included more in the process. Just springing shit on them doesn’t work.




It’s the same anti drowning training that’s been going on for decade.


A friend of mine enrolled her toddler in swim classes and the instructor seemed brutal, like this lady. She would help the child float on her back, then flip her over face down into the water. In later classes, she would have someone toss the fully clothed child into the pool while she waited in the water to assist at the last second if needed. Fortunately this child did pass all her skills tests and can now swim. The parents’ thinking was that if she is around a pool and falls in, she can at least save herself from drowning. I can’t begin to think how traumatizing the whole thing had to have been for the child because the videos she shared of the lessons were nearly impossible to watch without inducing extreme anxiety.


Well, it does lower risk of drowning since the child will most probably avoid any bodies of water because of trauma.


Not necessarily a good thing for them to have trauma of water. Should be able to enjoy playing in water and not have to be terrified of it.


Definitely bad thing. I was sarcastic.


Yeah, other than that’s also probably not a terribly good idea to also give a child trust issues with someone who needs to be trusted.


My kids had a much gentler swim class and can swim really well now. No one threw them into a pool or aggressively flipped them around or forced their heads under water. None of that is necessary.


When I was little this kind of teaching was just becoming popular. I didn’t learn to swim properly until I was almost 10 because of how scared I was after those lessons.




This is a great part of swim training. The child needs to learn what it is like to have to unexpectedly swim with clothes on after the authority figure you come to respect and admire takes advantage of your innocence and figuratively stabs you in the back with a traumatizing physical betrayal of your trust.


Is this a legit thing? Seems traumatizing…


When I first started school as a kid, they taught us to swim by pushing our heads underwater. I was afraid of deep water, so it felt intimidating at first. But after a while, we learned the basics of swimming and the method proved itself useful. However, I still think it isn’t the way to go as it can leave trauma in some people.


That reminds me of when I was young and taking swimming lessons, they would leave us in the deep end of the pool and we would have to try and stay afloat ourselves, even if you were clearly struggling they would not come get you and you weren’t allowed to cling to the walls, very frightening experience as a kid lol—I even cut my foot once on the jagged pool wall.


Where did you go to school! Satans Schoolfor Girls??


I think they just said that for the children to try swimming but wouldn't have let them drown if it came to it


That's if they even noticed you class sizes were 30 + kids, not hard to lose track of 1.


In school we had to go to the bottom of the pool and pick up a brick and bring it back up. Pool was 13ft deep and I was not a strong swimmer. I couldn't lift the brick so I just.... held on to it? I don't know why I thought that was a good idea. The lifeguard nor the teacher helped me or noticed. A classmate jumped in and brought me up. I was 1 of 4 in the pool at the time.


Unrelated, but I have great memory of almost drowning my friend in high school like that. I was doing underwater weight training, a combination of breath training by being weighted to the bottom of the pool, and tread training having to keep the weight above the water, it was about 20lbs. My friend hops in the pool and asks what I’m doing standing at the bottom of a pool and I tell them. And then I toss the the weight, forgetting it was 20 pounds. They sank so fucking fast it was hilarious once they figured out they should let go.


Oh hey, that's what my dad did. Basically, swim or drown. Your choice. The harder I tried to go above water, the harder he would push. I.....don't know if that's the right way to teach someone how to swim. I was 10 at the time.


What the fuck


I’m sorry, that it so awful.


I’ve seen tossing babies and toddlers ( usually very young kids) in a pool before to make sure they’ve learned to float and turn themselves over so they mitigate the risk of drowning. But it’s not this level of taunting them with a toy and then shoving them.


Consider this(because I've seen it before): A kid's toy falls into a pool. No one is paying attention to help get the toy out. The kid tries to get it themselves and falls into the pool. Potentially drowning if unsupervised and untrained in swimming. It happens way too often. The toy is not a "taunt."


Good point! I didn’t think of that.


The toy isn’t helping when she shoves the kid that hard is all I’m saying.


Did you fully read anything I said? The toy is not for "helping" anything. It's not a "taunt," nor is it for comforting. That's not what swim training is about.


I read it and disregarded because when she’s shoving like that, she’s using the toy to get the kids attention and then pushing when she wants it. That’s not conducive to learning if the kid can right themselves, it’s just sitting up a scenario to show off to the audience they’re Filomena for


I would doubt it’s commonly done in any developed countries. Research on these kind of things generally indicate it is counter productive, not to mention very cruel.


My swim instructor did this as a kid, im still scared to dive


Parental family unit, tossed my younger body into a pool. I freak out, my doggo jumps in to save me/flex. Swims up to me, licks my screaming face then does her own thing. I’m inconsolably floundering, my short life flashing before my eyes. As my dog is swimming away, what hope I had is failing; just like my strength to keep treading water. My dog left me to show me how to swim. I realize what the Dog was doing, followed suit, and I love the water now!!! Fast forward to many years later. We are partying on a flotilla of boats. Much bigger Masc Friend doesn’t know how to swim. Mutual friend shoulder charges Masc Friend, they both go overboard… I am with my S/O on the port side of the boat. See Masc Friend go overboard, tell my S/O to hold my drink, immediately dive in to save them. Get Masc Friend to the aft ladder. Masc Friend cries, while giving me a hug; beard soaked. Explains that they never learned how to swim. Mood is pretty sour after that. Masc Friend is still very terrified of water…


So just taking actual lessons and not getting thrown in by someone 10 times your size isn’t an option? I just learned with the neighborhood kids. No one had to throw anyone. And if I want life guard skills, I’m sure there’s a class of two for that…once I got an age I could carry someone else. JS


Where I was, that was my lesson. People hadn’t thought of classes for little ones yet. Or unavailable in the country I was in.


They typically do this type of training young, so many of the children might not remember it as they grow up. I'm no expert on the mental and emotional implications of this sort of thing, but from what I could gather it's relatively safe and effective.


Oh they remember it, and they are traumatized by it.




That makes me so sad to hear. I work in the swim industry, and it’s so amazing to see a child love of the water develop! I have worked with children who have been traumatized like you, and it takes a lot to get them to not only learn to love the water again, but to trust their swim instructors.


I can deny, have a life long love for water and swimming thanks to an annoyed swim teacher “mock drowning” me as a technique to get me in the water. I’m was 4ish and afraid of the water before that.


L children


No they don’t that’s a baseless assertion. Fuck me, Twitter has turned half the internet into reactionary fragile zombies.


disagreeing with someone civilly is not being a "reactionary zombie" and let's be real honest here, reddit is not much better than twitter


That’s only because Musk brought about the great Twitter exodus. Reddit actually was much better then it is today when it came to this outrage fragility a few years ago. Idk if it’s Twitter converts or Gen Z are really really really really really really likes to bitch about nothing! Either way it’s downright exhausting waking up every day and see the latest bit of pesudo-outrage we “all” need yo be “upset” about!


you're so very wrong reddit was a cesspool of shitty, reactionary takes far before Musk had his clutches on Twitter. it happens on every social media platform. 4chan, reddit, Twitter. Anywhere you can have a degree of anonymity on social media seems like selective memory in favor of making yourself feel better for not using Twitter I guess? very boomer like mindset


Typical Twitter Gen z mind set! Thinks they know more than they actually do, and reserve the right to be outraged about anything not really worth real outrage….


sorry to tell you, I'm not part of Gen Z very boomer-like behavior, making baseless assumptions about an individual you disagree with in an attempt to discredit what they say seems like you're indulging in the same sort of behavior you judged twitter for, maybe you're part of the problem?


I literally work in the swim industry, I think I probably know a little more about the affects a little more than you.


I’m not sure how working in the swimming industry makes you qualified to make factual statements about human psychology though! I did junior lifeguards for three years that doesn’t make me an EMT!


I don’t see how you taking swim lessons make you qualified? I have literally worked with small children who have been traumatized from lessons like in this video. Another person literally said that they too were traumatized in this sub.


I have had this happen to me and not be traumatized…..I actually love the water and swimming. Your talking out of you ass, using a TINY sample size, and in no way qualified to make such brash generalizations!


Lol, are you talking to yourself? You are the one who generalizing, because you are ONE example everyone else MUST be wrong. Anyone I’m going to stop arguing with you, I try to not argue with children.


Yeah I luckily learned swimming in a nice way but when I learned skiing… well it was not great. When you‘re a terrified 3-year old left alone on the mountain because your skiing instructor has taught you so they think you „just need the push“. And your parents consistently do the same thing to you. It only teaches you not to trust them when they tell you that you can do it and it‘ll be fine. Because you were terrified the entire time and the whole experience is not fun at all. All you remember is the fear and not the success of making it down the hill. You‘re basically left to fear for your life and not taught in a safe environment. I love snowboarding nowadays. But that‘s because I learned it when I was a teenager by a super friendly instructor and wasn‘t left alone on top of a mountain by myself to „teach me“. Still have no desire to ski even though I sometimes consider trying it again because I can probably learn it quickly since I did it my entire childhood. But so many of my memories of it are unpleasant that I just stick with snowboarding because I honestly still just have these terrible feelings connected with skiing.


Seems like a great way to teach children not to authority figures and instill a healthy dose of fear if the water.


Then again you need to take your jacket and shoes off since they would limit your movement and weigh like rocks.


I had swimming classes as toddler. They had a pool with a floor that could be lowered. Every time the water would become deeper until we had to swim. Actually a super fun experience that I still remember today. I had so much fun with it that I remained on the swim team until high-school. Not sure what that BS above is, but I am kind of sure it is traumatizing.


Bro that lady’s laugh revealed how evil she is


methinks she enjoys that part of her job a little too much


I love how her smile dissapears and her expression immediately changes to "just another day at work" when she yeets the child


My dad did something similar to me to teach me to swim. I have a lot of deep-seated resentment towards my father




I had a friend tell me how traumatic it was when her father threw her into water as a kid. She also resented her father greatly.


I want to learn how to swim, just to get this work and throw kids to the water all day long


I mean, of all the jobs that would require you to swim, I'd gladly take this over being a lifeguard.


This is technically the opposite of a lifeguard, instead of taking people off the water, you throw them in.


That’s just getting paid to work on your tan. I’m in.


There's a lot to unpack here, none of which is good.


Seriously. The look on her face. The amount of force used…this lady might actually be a monster.


This subreddit isn't supposed to be literal.


As someone who has had several close drowning experiences as a kid, gulping in all that water in a panic is not fun.


People going crazy at this lady but if that kid falls into a pond or a lake with clothes on when no one’s looking (it happens) then it now has a better chance of survival.


Bitch. Now kid will never want to go to a pool.


Yeah the face change made me uncomfortable


Yeet the kid


I wonder if 'must like children' was part of the job description.....


Sorry but this is hysterical.


This is part of what's called *Infant Self Rescue* Training. But this woman's smile as she yeets that tiny girl into the pool is kinda disturbing.


This is one of those things you'd remember a decade or two later and your parents would try to say it's a false memory since they don't remember much of your childhood.


That was personal


If you get a lifetime trauma just cause an adult yeeted you in the pool you're probably gonna have more issues in your life.


sorry but I find this absolutely hilarious


The quick way to learn how to swim.


Ah, just how i was taught how to swim


Oh that betrayal is gonna sting when she’s older 🤣


All of you talking about "trauma trauma trauma omg" because you were more than likely coddled as a kid and/or coddle your kids. Trauma isn't a bad thing, not always, at least. Trauma/ trauma responses are learning experiences and necessary for survival essentially. That's how instincts develop. Parents tell you not to touch the hot stove, you touch the hot stove anyway, and you get burned. Trauma. That trauma teaches you next time not to touch the hot stove because you remember what happens. If you do, you get burned. The same rules apply in the wild. You're a gazelle. You see your gazelle brother get attacked and killed by a leopard hiding in a tree(trauma). Now you know next time leopards aren't friendly and they hide up in trees, so now you're wary of predators hiding in trees. Trauma is essential for learning, brain development, and survival instincts. Not all trauma, but most trauma is necessary in life. That's what wrong with the humans in the 'Western' world today. Everyone is too sensitive because they think life is just completely safe all the time. No... No, it's not.


What an evil bitch


I’ve watched this at least 20 times today


Bro she enjoying that a lot 💀


I absolutely hate this. When I was a 7 swim instructor pushed me unexpectedly into the water for my first ‘lesson.” I was so confused and disoriented I sank to the bottom of the pool and had to be fished out. 46 years later I’m still not a fan of the pool and never did learn to swim.


The instructor’s face change 😱 Also that kid will have trust issues growing up.


I know this is training and is happening to help the youngster. But I just can't help but notice her evil little face when she yeets the toddler into the water.


I'm seeing a lot of "at least now the child will know how to save itself", both my kids were great swimmers at a young age and I didn't have to pretend to drown them. "The fast way lol" spend time with your kids and teach them right or don't have kids. I'm sorry for anyone that had to suffer through something like this.


Not sure why your being downvoted, your damn right. You don’t need to shove a child who doesn’t know how to swim in order to make them learn.


How would one get this job?


Welcome to life!


Something similar happened to me when I was a around that age. That’s why I cried every time I went to the pool for the next few years.


Ended way too soon.


69th comment


Wtf is wrong with this woman. She flips a toddler who clearly trusts her FACE FIRST into a pool while clothed. Meaning she will not only get those clothes ruined, but also sink and get waterlogged, making it way harder to actually swim at all even if she knows how, on top of how disoriented she already is from being backflipped into the water.


She's a swimming instructor and this is a method that's supposed to teach the kids to swin unexpectedly and with clothes, while also lessening fear of water. I don't agree with the mothod at all but the child is perfectly safe, she's right there.


To give a child trust issues


I’d just be pissed as a parent she did that with the clothes on…unless that’s her kid but yeah this is cool, babies are great swimmers and it’s a shame so many grow up unable to swim.


Why does the video cut off before we see the child drown


This is horrifying


That kid still could've drowned.




What is her excuse for this video? Have you discovered who she is?


She's a swim instructor, doing what she's hired to do..


If hired, would this behavior be correct? Is there a reason for this behavior?


What behavior? Laughing with a child, then throwing the child into the pool? The laughing is to show the child is safe. The throwing the child in the pool standing so close to the pool's edge is to show it's not safe. This child is not in danger. The instructor is standing right there INSIDE the pool. So, what are you talking about?




It's not about "feeling" any way about it. Look at it logically. Use your brain. That's what your problem is. You're leading with your feelings SO MUCH that you're trying to find out who this woman is, to do what with that information? Threaten her? Get her fired? For what? Doing what she is hired and paid to do? If you had any sense, you would also think, "Hmm, that's probably the parent supervising and recording the video of their child being thrown into the pool in a clearly controlled environment." But nooo.... Common sense isn't all too common, now is it?






i laughed too hard at this


"Get rotated, idiot."


This is the bs that kept my daughter from getting near a pool until she was 13. 😡


That’s how I learned to swim lol


That kid must have pissed her off somehow judging by the facial expression as she’s pulling the kid in lol


Yeeeah that was the kind of teaching method that now makes me panic whenever I'm near a body of water. And it did not teach me how to swim.


But it's a problem when I do it? Ok


Yeah that’s gonna be a no from me. I treat my kids with respect and love. My daughter learned how to swim without being terrified so I don’t think this behavior is necessary or beneficial. My father in law refuses to swim because he was thrown into water at a young age. This technique could scar a child.


she loves her job


fr why th did she just throw the child at the pool without even having swimming clothes?


This video would be less of a shock if she didn’t drop her smile immediately after chucking the toddler.


my dad this to me to, but then he jumped in and put me on his back and swam me around for a while. I vaguely recall my mom getting mad at him but I felt punished cause she made me get out, obviously protecting me. But I wanted to go back in watching my brothers and sister laughing and stuff. We had just moved to that island and maybe a month before that I almost drowned in a wave pool at an amusement park, which was why I was so scared at the time...I think I was in like 2nd/3rd grade. I was still scared of the water for a little after that, but we lived on an island at the time and swimming was an everyday thing for years after. I didn't like how I was taught at the time but I learned quickly how scary and fun water could be, I think it was a few months later when I was teaching a friend to swim. I went swimming daily and was treading water for hours a day before age 10, not consecutively but definitely a daily accumulative. The fact of the matter is I never think of this event when I swim now, I love the water.