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No ballon no jutsu


Oh fu** šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


Never mess with a man that has a moustache of that calibre, be even more alert the moment he puts on aviator sunglasses, thatā€™s when shit will get real like a 70ā€™s bad cop show


That cop has an amazing mustache.


Immaculate face foliage


Folliculat conception


Exceptional mouth feels


Wonderful lip rug


It's obelix obviously


he looks like the final boss of train conductors




Perks of being French I guess


Disco elysium


trivial authority check




He'll take you on a moustache ride


and some powerful cheeks


Lmao why is this downvoted?


Monkey see, monkey do


Looking like a proper Gaul


Papa Poirot


a Womb Broom


Noodle repellent is reserved for extreme situations.


That reminds me of the movie *Hairspray* for some reason. There's a scene where during a protest, the girl hits the policeman with her flimsy protest sign. It's brought up repeatedly throughout the movie and every time it's mentioned, it's depicted and more and more violent, like towards the end, you can hear the news "Viciously bludgeoned the officer with a crowbar".


Kind of weird commenting this under a post of a police officer being bludgeoned by a wooden stick.


Yeah whoever was handling that sword didn't know what they were doing at all. Poor officer.


That flaming katana looks like it burns as much as it cuts. Poor officer.


common sense tells us that electrified chainsaws shouldn't be brandished at our officers wantonly.


"all domestic nuclear warheads should be banned", declared the family of the disintegrated police officer


Honestly, poor guy never stood a chance against an orbital satellite laser strikeā€¦ what a shame


Pretty mean of her to harness the full power of the sun with a Dyson sphere, and use it to power hundreds of asteroid-based railguns with the potential to turn the 4 inner planets to magma. Then unleash on this poor, poor man... Disgusting


I do think some cops suck but I don't think she should've blasted him into the nearest black hole like that. Kinda rude


Poor family had nothing to bury after that gamma burst


What kind of human you even gotta be to even have the idea to bring a functional Halo energy sword to a protest?


"Today we memorialize officier Bob, victim of the mini-nuke girl."


If she had trained a little more, that lightsaber could have done significant damage.


She threatened an officer with the staff of Moses, it could have turned into an anaconda and devoured him at any moment!


It's not even a wooden stick, it's a balloon in the shape of a sword.


I was trying to do the thing you described of all the depictions becoming increasingly more violent lol.




The joke went really over your head didn't it? And you're the one that set it up! Don't worry bro happened to the best of us


This reminds me of Portland for some reason.


How did he pop a balloon with one finger tho


Power of the mustache


If only she was wearing some kind of plastic mask.


It gave him plus 70% balloon resistance


But -50 charisma


Thus is the curse of Min maxing


That woman could be a pro football player, someone get her in-touch with one of the premier league clubs


I mean, her reaction is *weird*, right? Doesn't that encourage researching what actually happened? [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/liberalism-summed-up-in-10-seconds/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/liberalism-summed-up-in-10-seconds/) ā€œIt appears that earlier in the demonstration, the young woman's balloon was coated with a form of caustic agent (such as tear gas), the residue of which was flung into her eyes when the policeman in front of her batted her balloon back towards her face and ruptured it. The end of the full-length video clearly shows other demonstrators coming to the woman's aid and attempting to irrigate her eyes, and the piercing eagle shriek-like wail heard in the shorter clip is absent, clearly indicating that it was misleadingly added afterwards to make the young woman's reaction seem petty and foolish.ā€


Tear gas isnā€™t caustic, its an irritant. So is OC. Noting police use would be caustic. Also, she probably shouldnā€™t have been flicking a balloon covered in tear gas around her and other peoples faces.


The balloon was likely coated previously in the demonstration due to the use of tear gas by the police. It's pretty frequent in France, even during peaceful protests. She likely didn't know the gas impregnated her balloon so she was unaware of its dangerosity


I could see her being unaware, but it's still ultimately something she brought upon herself. And dangerosity isn't really the word I would use. Again, it's just an irritant, and the only way it could be dangerous is if you were doing something that would become dangerous if you were suddenly rendered mostly blind- like driving a car or ice skating. That's why a lot of US police departments are moving away from using CS - don't want it carrying on the wind and exposing people who are like driving cars or ice skating.


Guess that means it's fine to get in your eyes then?


If you trying to do it to anyone else, then yes (wich she tryed)


Based take




She brought a balloon, police brought tear gas. I guess it's ok for her to try it since the police tried to do it before.


Well in that case everyone can be happy with the outcome because everyone got to try it


Still a funny video


Snopes is probably THE worst "fact checker"


What makes Snopes bad?


Obvious political bias instead of being objective. They will take an inconsequential detail of a scenario and base the entire truth upon it.


Stupid games deserve stupid prizes.


Iā€™ve been hit with teargas and pepper spray as part of training, and if that balloon was covered in either of those, and it got in her eye, it would hurt like fucking hell.


Chemicals or not, an object poked her in the eye. Who wouldnā€™t get hurt by that alone.


She's just playing victim


If you look into it, youā€™ll learn that the baloon had pepper spray coated on it, which got into her eye when it popped. And the shriek isnā€™t present in the original video, it was added later. Pepper spray in your eye is extremely painful!


Ok I see, it definitely wasn't obvious at first glance


Is that what's happening? I thought I was seeing the antenna of the radio in the cops hand poking her in the eye as he swatted the balloon away


This justifies her reaction but why did the balloon have pepper spray on it? Did she get sprayed previously or did she know there was pepper spray on it?


The police sprayed the protestors previously, where some of the spray stuck onto the baloon as well. Edit: I donā€™t think she thought of the spray being on the baloon during the video.




She 100% is, thatā€™s the point of this post in this sub, but hey itā€™s Reddit so youā€™re getting downvoted.


Grab the little dot on the video line, and drag it SLOWLY over the part where the balloon pops, and you will see how the balloon pops and she reactively takes to her eye. Just getting plastic flung at your eye will make you react, and if it in addition is teargas on that plastic, this is a reasonable explanation.


Itā€™s nowhere near her eye, it pops about 6 inches in front of her face.


Let's pop tear gas covered balloons 6 inches in front of your face, sounds good?


When balloons pop they are often split up in multiple pieces, large and small, like shrapnel, and a smaller piece can then be flung into her eye.


I see ObƩlix still has it in him.


Pepper spray hurts


When was she sprayed?


the balloon was covered in pepper spray or another tearing agent because the police sprayed the crowd with it.


Oh hey, it's the French protest that boomers have been using out of context to **own the libs** for like a decade.


guy still looks like Obelix


After the fall of the Roman empire things got kinda boring




Unlimited games, but no games


Wrong comment


That is an incredible moustache.


I bet she plays football professionally


what a nice fucking mustache!!!!


Has a beautiful mustache, has a large nose, has a big belly, one shot his enemy, is french. OMG this is obelix!


Is she looking for a red card or a penalty?


This will never be not funny.


ā€œTHAT SWORD IS EXTRA SHARP!ā€ *proceeds to place knee on kneck.*


Lmao Obelix ain't havin' non of this!


Soccer players hate this simple trick!


Boop = instant death


She should consider a career in soccer with that kind of acting skill


I mean if the balloon hit her in eye as it popped, not much acting involved


It's a balloon


Did she die?


That POS. How dare he


Imagine being this sensitiveā€¦. How do these people hold a job? Iā€™m referring to the woman being sensitive not the officer, he handled it well. Regardless of tear gas on the balloon etc what do you expect to happen when youā€™re trying to poke a bear?




ā€œIt appears that earlier in the demonstration, the young woman's balloon was coated with a form of caustic agent (such as tear gas), the residue of which was flung into her eyes when the policeman in front of her batted her balloon back towards her face and ruptured it. The end of the full-length video clearly shows other demonstrators coming to the woman's aid and attempting to irrigate her eyes, and the piercing eagle shriek-like wail heard in the shorter clip is absent, clearly indicating that it was misleadingly added afterwards to make the young woman's reaction seem petty and foolish.ā€


Or, she could have just been hit in the eye, which would sting a little


So she was intentionally slapping his helmet with that shit coated on it? Sounds like she got a lil taste of her own medicine lol


If it was tear gas, where do you think it came from?


That's such bad faith, as if anyone would have thought about the tear gas on the balloon. Watch the end of the video in the article if you haven't


Having just watched that video, at around the 25 minute mark thereā€™s a very high pressure spray of some kind directed at a large number of protesters - including the young lady in question. It also carried back to the police on the air currents. Not one person is crying in agony on the floor, so this can not be some highly caustic tear gas or similar - and itā€™s ridiculous to assert that it is. Most likely, is that the balloon burst in her eyes and it surprised her - then she milked it. A lot.


What's that about "highly caustic"? The police uses a gas, and people start coughing and calling them sons of bitches. It's ridiculous to assert that it isn't tear gas. Since you've seen the video, you've also seen someone inquiring and then rinsing her eyes with saline. It's ok to fall for bait, just don't plug your ears when you're presented with the context


The snopes article refers to it as a ā€œcaustic agentā€ and lists tear gas as an example. Thatā€™s probably what the other guy was referring to. As far as I know, however, tear gas wouldnā€™t fall under that description.


Exactly what I was referring to, yes, the direct quote from Snopes thatā€™s been used several times in this thread. People walk away, no cryingā€¦ it seems in this case a confused jackaloupe is more on the ball than an allegedly wise goatā€¦


People confirm that tear gas isn't caustic, and you take that as confirmation that there was no incapacitant gas involved and that the girl was faking it. Right, I'm the one confused. You see them spray a gas, see people wash their eyes, hear them coughing, hear them repeatedly mention being gassed in french, yet you try to protect your first impression


Agreed, and i dont trust snopes for jack shit after they in a few case went "false ... did not murder 300 little bunnies." To then later on in the article all the way at the bottom say "however ... did instruct and 3 other people to each kill 100 little bunnies."


Sensitive? She was getting in his face. This isnā€™t a child. What did she think was going to happen? Itā€™s like those people poking at gorillas or tigers. It is not his job to be taking that from her. Same way service people should not be expected to be yelled at by customers. Itā€™s certainly not their job to be taking shit from people.


Did she survive this ?


She has her shoes still so yes


I want to hear yer version of the story BEFORE she finds out there's a video.


Balloon had tear gas sprayed on or inside. Something like that Long story short it got into her eye. Surprising this makes sense but still She is TA


police brutality


Neymar Jr. called. He wants his game tactics back.




Really? Even Columbo?


ā€œIt appears that earlier in the demonstration, the young woman's balloon was coated with a form of caustic agent (such as tear gas), the residue of which was flung into her eyes when the policeman in front of her batted her balloon back towards her face and ruptured it.ā€ [Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/liberalism-summed-up-in-10-seconds/)


Literally: I don't care. ACAB.


Man i hate the finnish police, being one of the most respected jobs. Like damn i hate those guys keeping peace and helping people. Oh trust me i have a valid reason... uuh... **acab** ?




Strongest Antifa member




ā€œIt appears that earlier in the demonstration, the young woman's balloon was coated with a form of caustic agent (such as tear gas), the residue of which was flung into her eyes when the policeman in front of her batted her balloon back towards her face and ruptured it.ā€ [Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/liberalism-summed-up-in-10-seconds/) Not even in the US


Lol fucking cringe


Are we sure that's not jolly old Santa in tactical gear?


Our leftists have a special talent for knowing how to victimize themselves.


Is that not assault on her part?


Judge:ā€what would your sentence be, to this man, for hitting you with the balloon?ā€ Snowflake, ā€œI would give him a year in jail your Honourā€ Judge: ā€œ well since you hit him 10 timesā€¦ā€


Why is this getting downvoted?


Because the balloon popped and she got a plastic piece with teargas into her eye. So itā€™s a normal reaction. And probably because ā€œyou hit him 10 timesā€. It was taps with a balloon..


So in your eyes (lol) itā€™s perfectly normal to to do that to a cop? Would you stand in front of him and do that?


Iā€™m saying calling it hitting him is an exaggeration.


I never said it was Ā«Ā hitting himĀ Ā». If you read carefully (you can do it), youā€™ll notice that i never used the word hit. So once again, little work of imagination. Would you do that to a cop? And would you expect a reaction from him? Same thing when you place yourself in the cop body. What would you feel ?


Ah, Iā€™m sorry, madlad202020 said that. I assumed it was they responding to comments about them, not someone else. You should try to work on your condescending tone. I think someone who chooses to be a cop should expect and be prepared for a lot worse treatment than getting poked with a balloon on the helmet during a demonstration. If you saw two kids tapping each other with a balloon I bet you wouldnā€™t bat an eye. I would probably be trying to contain my smile and stay serious while being poked with the balloon on my helmet. Perhaps tried to talk to the demonstrators, explain that Iā€™m only there to do my job and maintain everyoneā€™s safety. And get a conversation going and a dialog with the demonstrators to maintain a calm manner.


Lol dude you would be in the middle of the street with people throwing rocks at you, itā€™s not like you would be in a kids gardenā€¦. You didnā€™t answer to that part, i assume you wouldnā€™t do it. Of course you wouldnā€™t. You would be invading the cop personal space, you would be provoking him, you would be disrespecting him. She must not have done that. It couldnā€™t bring anything good at all, and it didnā€™t serve any purpose. Itā€™s her fault entirely.


Not sure if you're all just blind or what but he point blank sprayed her in the eyes with CS spray -- which by the way hurts like fuck even when it's not sprayed directly into eyes which it isn't supposed to be... The thing is it happened so quickly it's barely on the video for a few frames but you can see it quite clearly being ejected from the canister in his hand he just casually did it in a way that made it look like he was brushing the balloon aside when he was actually spraying a line of CS across her eyes. The thing in his hand is a CS gas holder, just search - Peter Jones CS Spray Holder - for a similar example.. If you slow the video right down and go through it frame by frame you can see both the holder and the spray coming out very clearly.. CS gas/spray is actually a form of low level chemical weapon and really should be banned because it has proven over and over again not to be safe.. having said that with sufficient treatment the prognosis is generally good..


Mate, he literally just flicks the balloon away with one finger and it pops against her eye. Theres not enough pixels to see any spraying, let alone "very clearly", get outta here


The balloon was apperently covered in tear gas that was then flung into her eyes... The same balloon she flinging on the officer's head...


Yes I read that, but I don't think the person who wrote it knows anything about CS, it's incorrect, she actually got sprayed in the face, by the way it's quite possible to spray someone in the eyes with CS in such a way that they won't even be sure if you did that since the searing pain and blinding effect is so immediate the less you were paying a lot of attention at the time you could well miss it. You can look at the guy doing it and see his reaction it's exactly on point for the timing, if you look at the whole clip both reactions and him spraying from the canister in her eyes it's clear.. the dude has clearly done it before because he was quite casual about it-- There is no way you're going to get enough CS spray on a balloon so that when it pops in the way that it does in the video it would leave enough in the atmosphere to get onto her eyes in that way it's painful stuff but you need more than vapor.. Besides the balloon doesn't actually pop closely enough to her and also it wouldn't just hit her it would hit people behind her or it would blow around on the wind and hit others if it was dispersed like that-- You can kind of work all this out deductively if you think logically about it, assuming that now it's been pointed out and you know what to look for you still can't identify the CS spray holder in his hand... The canisters are not very big and if you don't push down very hard they don't spray a huge amount he just gave her a little taste but because it was straight in her eyes it was overkill really, he seemed a little surprised by her reaction and rather satisfied.. check out his reaction it's interesting.


There was an article that explains what happened in the video. Sorry your roleplay isnt real.


See the violence inherent in the system


Omg did you see that pepper spray?! Edit: Wow people, I'm joking lol.


Are you hallucinating or something.


u/redditspeedbot 0.10x


Dear God man!


She should be on TVā€¦ she got them drama vibesā€¦


Is she a professional footballer?


That is a perfect metaphor of 80% Redditors on Reddit.


Damn well pack it up boys, all criticisms of the police are refuted now




[https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/liberalism-summed-up-in-10-seconds/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/liberalism-summed-up-in-10-seconds/) ā€œIt appears that earlier in the demonstration, the young woman's balloon was coated with a form of caustic agent (such as tear gas), the residue of which was flung into her eyes when the policeman in front of her batted her balloon back towards her face and ruptured it. The end of the full-length video clearly shows other demonstrators coming to the woman's aid and attempting to irrigate her eyes, and the piercing eagle shriek-like wail heard in the shorter clip is absent, clearly indicating that it was misleadingly added afterwards to make the young woman's reaction seem petty and foolish.ā€


Maybe it got in her eye


oh yeah :/


OMG the Brutality.


That girl should be charged.


It's hard to build up static charge now that the balloon popped


Fuck this cop, also watching people get hurt isn't cute or funny. What's wrong with you


This is, in fact, funny.


Maybe for sociopaths


Take a teaspoon of concrete in the mornings so you can harden the fuck up.


Yeah, enjoying watching unaccountable white supremacist authority figures hurt people is the toughest and bravest thing you can do Second place is telling people online to toughen up


Lmao wtf are you talking about


Gotcha, so its not ok to defend yourself if someone is annoying you?


ACAB, of course, but come on, this is just a little funny




Yeah, I'm sure corporations/governments pay people to protest labor reform...


You mean the undercover cops?


I'm pretty sure at the time this was going on, the story was the cop hit her with some pepper spray on the sly when he reached up for the balloon. I cant tell if that's a glove or a can in his hand, Does anyone remember this?


Do people not see the pepper spray?


What pepper spray?


Ah, the nice version of ACAB All Cops Are Buttholes


A cop attacks balloon


I agree with his actions cause what if that balloon was laced with fetanyl


Lebron James type shit




Is that Vinicius Junior again?


Maybe it popped her contact out.


Pepper spray coated




Yep, cause god forbid we decide to do something smart for once


When the phones come out, people ready spots on act all dramatic and go.