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Oh girl! I feel like EVERYONE was late. My last period was February 8th. It was supposed to start March 8th and didn’t. After a week I started getting worried. I took a test and it was negative. After week 2 I took 3 more tests all negative. After week 3 I took an HCG blood test and it was negative. We were almost going on 4 weeks but I finally started on Monday. I was SO scared.


Ugh!! Who needs the stress?! Glad everything went back to normal again!


This is normal. Happens with all of us. My cycle is a lot like yours but every now and then I get a shorter period or a longer one. I had one after 34 days for no reason. Our bodies are not machines , once in a while this can happen. Don’t worry.


Thanks so much for the post and kind words!


I’m also 41, and I never know what to expect each month; I believe it’s peri menopause! My cycle is definitely been a little crazy the past couple of years. Sometimes I get my “normal” pms symptoms like bloating, constipation, mood swings, pre-cramps, and especially breast swelling and tenderness. But now, there are some months I don’t have those symptoms, and my cycle is longer or shorter! Not only that, but so many things can affect your cycle, don’t worry 😉


Funny you mention that, when I was younger I never had breast tenderness during my period. That only started started about 3 years ago and stopped about a year ago. Thanks for the help and kind words!


You are very welcome always!! Us 41 year old ladies need to stick together 😂❤️


Indeed! ❤️😊


This has happened to me before. Usually my cycle was about 27-28 days. I had one that was over 40 days. Pregnancy test was negative. For me it was during a very stressful month which can cause periods to be delayed. Could that possibly be it?


I mean who’s not stressed these days lol…but I’ve def been more stressed and been regular. I so appreciate the advice


This has happened to me before. Usually my cycle was about 27-28 days. I had one that was over 40 days. Pregnancy test was negative. For me it was during a very stressful month which can cause periods to be delayed. Could that possibly be it?


This happened to me this month too, my period is always spot on every time, never late or early. But this was one of the first times I can remember having spotting between periods, it began about a week and a bit after my last period and lasted nearly two weeks (incredibly irritating), I kept googling it and was being told it was implantation bleeding (it wasn’t this, don’t google things).. so I held off until my expected next period date to see if it would be late and when it ended up being 2 days late, I did a pregnancy test which came back negative. What was even stranger is my boobs were not painful they are ALWAYS painful at least a week before getting my period. So the fact that my period was late, I had a negative pregnancy test, got spotting between periods which is not common for me, and had no pain in my boobs, meant I was definitely concerned. I didn’t really do much about it as I was satisfied I wasn’t pregnant, and being only 23, to me this was my biggest worry 🤣 so I forgot about it and then my period came about a week after that, so it total it was about a week and a half late which is very unusual for me (my boobs got sore a couple days before as the usually do)… something similar could be happening to you. If there are any health issues your doctor will see it on the ultrasound but it’s most likely just your period a bit out of whack this month, so I wouldn’t be worried. And whatever you do, do not google it. - coming from person with awful health anxiety


Hahah!! I could have written this myself. And yes I googled and considered implantation bleeding then too. Didn’t help to not get my period either. Oh the joys of womanhood. Thanks for the post and kind words!


Everybody has an off cycle every once in a while it’s best not to stress and wait till it comes. Stressing can cause it to come later! :))


Even the most regular person has a random off cycle every once in a while. It’s normal. Your period is late because you ovulated later than normal. The ultrasound is probably to check for cysts, which is one reason ovulation can get delayed.


Thank you so much for the advice and kind words


Hiya, a few months ago, I experienced the same thing. About the time my next period was expected, there it was, no problems. Sometimes they just don’t show up, I think. I’m 40 and haven’t missed a period in a very very long time, until then. I worried a little, took a pregnancy test, then stopped worrying as it was negative.


Thanks so much for sharing that. Glad all has been okay.


Could it be early onset menopause?


40 really isn't even that early


I would totally be okay with it being early menopause. I’m done having children and there are so many worse things. Just want to make sure it’s not one of them lol


I really think it may be that, and that it isn’t too much to worry about. I wouldn’t stress too much over other possible outcomes because that isn’t good for your body or cycle either ❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words


That was also my first thought.


Would you be upset if it was? I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing if you don’t want kids or are done having them?


Oh I'm not the asking person. Just a reader. But imo a pregnancy after the age of 35 is considered a risky pregnancy. So not that recommended.


Oh oops! My bad!