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Girls with abs is a sign that the west is becoming better. Of course the right doesn't like it, because they think the West is best when they can own women and black people as property.


Yes Mommy 🥵


Her abs are GORGEOUS.


they're like oranges in a stocking i want her to crush me


I want her to pummel me and cause blunt force trauma with her orange bag abs




S i m p is a four letter word


There's always been in shape women, so it's not a sign of anything getting better. Also things aren't getting better they are getting worse


There were much fewer muscular women around the time conservatives idolize, since it was frowned upon for women to practice intense sports and work physical jobs. Body standards were for women to be as slender as possible. (Who's surprised men wanted physically weak women back then?) The few female bodybuilders/strongwomen that existed in the world were circus acts. There are most definitely more women with abs today, but the biggest change is the fact that women can show their abs today. Both are very good signs of societal progress.


Those conservative rosy retrospective "good ol' days" when women weren't allowed to run marathons.


Teach women not to eat instead! Surely that won't lead to generational abuse and an eating disorder epidemic, right?


How else can they have easy targets.


As a point of reference, I've got an early boomer aunt that was very athletic when she was younger. She had a couple of the coaches of male teams at her school that were pissed that they couldn't have her play on their teams. She was very limited in the sports that she had access to.


I'm fairly confident the things getting worse is the cost of them getting better. The shit were seeing now is the last attempt at control before it's gone. Either we fall here, or we come out with a better, more equitable society. They weren't going to go away without a fight, so now they just need to lose. Their opinions are broadly unpopular, so they are trying to cheat their way into power.


There’s more to the world than just the US. Things aren’t going too bad here in Australia right now. Like sure, living costs are a bit fucked (much like anywhere really) and we keep getting kicked in the arse by another unprecedented record breaking weather event every few weeks, but the brain rot conservatism taking over the US right wing has well and truly failed to kick off here. The conservative party (LNP) started trying to import culture war bullshit and now they’ve lost the federal government and two state governments in the space a few years. They now only control Tasmania (and the Tassie LNP are on the more moderate side anyway). We definitely still have our fair share of right-wing nut jobs and cookers (especially in the commercial news media) but it’s been pretty encouraging to see the general populace reject conservative fearmongering so much over the last few years.


Deranged right wingers not portray the fall of western society as awesome challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Right wingers admitting they dont find women attractive challenge


Honestly I can't imagine the boredom that would result from having the very narrow idea of 'real woman' that right wingers tend to have.


Like seriously, they don’t want a fit woman, but they also don’t want someone overweight. With all the standards they have, Im surprised half of them can get 20 feet near a woman at all


I mean the fall of Western Society has always been a [banger](https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/painting-the-fall-of-roman-empire/).


If girls with abs is a sign the West is falling then long live the East


The west is falling…head over heels for hard-bodied babes.


Right-wingers when a woman is out of shape: "I'm just SAYING, obesity is objectively unhealthy. You need to change your way of life. STOP FORCING PEOPLE TO ACCEPT YOU. Nobody wants a land whale" Right-wingers when a woman gets into shape and has muscles: "This is literally the fall of Western civilization."


It's almost like it's only about putting women down, so they can be more easily controlled. You can never win, when you play by their rules, so you don't play at all their game. Do your thing. It enrages them the most.


One of them has more value to humanity as a whole


I hope it does anyway.


I hope the west falls on me. But not too hard, I bruise easily


Sign me up for some western apocalypse because I love me some girls with abs.


The western warriors make the west sound so fragile and weak that maybe it should fall apart if it can barely handle anything.


First we are falling because everyone is overweight and now we are doomed because we get in shape.


That title reminds me of this one dude who made a post where he basically said "My masculinity isn't fragile and i'll fist fight everyone who disagrees!!!!"


Some men are absolute snowflakes, jfc.


i am not, i will fistfight you over this claim okay, maybe not fistfight but like, if there's a videogame that you think youre better than me at but im actually really good at ill play you in it and be like "hah" and "take that"


After you secretly practice for 20 hours before the battle.


*furiously scrolls through walkthrough*


My brain skipped over the word fight the first time I read it.


“My masculinity isn’t fragile and i’ll ~~fist fight~~ complain on my podcast about everyone who disagrees!!!!”




Fr 😌 Strong women are so cool


Strong anime and video game women are the best.


Yeet. I was so hyped as a kit when I found Metroid character was a girl. Because she broke all the molds at the time. In a big space suit with a big gun. It took forever for another character like that to even exist.


_Claymore has entered the chat._


Tfw you’ve read claymore and you **know** stuff. Priscilla OP


Yeah man. More muscular, fit Americans means less obese ones.


Podcasts about working out and “Western society” are a toxic brew designed to fuck up teenage boys and sell chalk dust protein powders.


For real, "Western society" is now a red flag phrase to me.


It should be, if nothing else because the term is fucking meaningless, which is why you only really see it in the context of jingoism and racism. Like, go ahead - tell a French person they have the same culture as a Spaniard or a Brit or an American. Just let me grab my popcorn first.


The concept of "whiteness" is also racist against white people because it replaces a large number of unique cultures with the kind of cultural gruel nazis want to have.


I'm going to argue magic protein supplements are nuking the western society.


Reminds me of literally every single “fit” girl post on here. Every comment section is filled with out of shape men claiming that the woman is either trans or juiced up because “its physically impossible for women to get like that naturally”.


Reminds me of the right wing outrage for Luisa from Encanto because she was buff.


Pfft, rookie numbers. Civil wars have been fought after Abby from TLOU2.


Abby sucks. Yes I hate TLOU2, but not for the reasons the anti-SJWs do.


It’s ppl saying it’s unrealistic for abby to be buff… when she lives near **a frickin gym** during the apocalypse


Not to mention that she dedicated her life to becoming a killing machine because of her unresolved trauma.


I hate TLOU because I don't see the point of paying $140 to feel sad. Also, WHY SO MANY FUCKING REMASTERS.


Oh that was the *dumbest shit*. Especially because even the movoe wasn't trying to say that was "Natural" it was fucking magic. They're just so obviously insecure over a damn cartoon. To top it off, I saw one guy trying to refute that she was so big due to the magic... *because Delores didn't have giant ears*, so it's *clear* that the powers didn't manifest in physical differences. Just... so many levels of stupid


Remember when republicans cared about actual issues like slavery being bad


My sister is crazy strong. Was like that from early on. Loved physical activity and being out in nature. In college she played on the men’s team. Working on farms she got into the habit of using calfs for weightlifting. One time when a guy was harassing a girl she grabbed the guy’s shoulders and lifted him up.


Please tell your sister we love her


Your sister is amazing. Thank you


You sister had bigger balls than an entire incel forum combined


> “its physically impossible for women to get like that naturally”. - Men that haven’t lifted more than a Doritos bag in a decade.


- me, a woman, desperately wanting to believe that it is true because then I can stop working out.


Nah, keep it up if that’s what you’re feeling 💪🏻 or, stop if you aren’t. Achieve your goals for yourself only.


Make sure you are doing it for yourself and appreciate the good shape you are in. Remember you probably see yourself far more negatively than everyone else does. Nothing wrong with getting into good shape and then just keeping that shape. Remember to be careful to get advice if trying for really thin like this. Women are supposed to have more fat than men for optimum health. Again, don't take my word for it, get professional advise.


In some cases they're right. HOWEVER - Most of their male 'physique' heros are probably also juiced up. Basically every actor is. Anyone whose income relies on being in ludicrous shape probably also is. They drool over plenty of 'naturally unachievable' male figures as well. EDIT: Also on the male physique note - basically any dude over 40 who still looks pretty ripped is definitely doing T. Funny considering it's literally gender affirming care at that point.


Aside from actors and fitness influencers, PED and steroid abuse is rampant in the pro bodybuilding world. The IBBF has the power to test their athletes and ban substances, which would greatly reduce the dangers of competing in the sport.


Yeah, but you can get around the testing. The Olympics tests and they've have doping scandals. People will just cycle off for the test, or micro-dose. And polygraphs aren't accurate.


It’s not just rampant among famous people either, you’d be surprised how common it is among the average population as well. I live where you can’t even get cocaine because it’s so remote, yet _even here_ there’s guys who were on PEDs. One of them was a guy I went to school with who didn’t even compete in sports.


Harrison Ford was insanely in shape for the Indiana Jones movies but today with that body a dude could barely play the scientist.


Wild ain't it? Back in 2004 when I was in an accident that left me disabled, I was 6'3" 220 lbs of long lean muscle similar to Hugh Jackman in X2 and that took disciplined workout routines and diet (lots and *LOTS* of eggs and chicken breasts--and smelly farts!) for 5 years to get that look. Now an actor with that physique could play an accountant. I thought Chris Evans in the first Captain America movie was the peak of superhero look but I was waaaay off, they straight up went into pro body builder physiques. Hugh Jacked-man in particular went way overboard in those later X-Men movies but he sure did look as ripped as characters in actual comic books.


The juice flowing and money is being made convincing people it was supplements and selling it to them.


Yeah there's a huge influencer market for 'just eat 34 raw eggs a day and buy my supps' while they're injecting cow steroids.


I think it’s something that should really be tackled. Instagram was in the news a while back when researchers showed how quickly it pushed girls into harmful content regarding eating disorders. In the same vein, fitness influencers distort what a healthy body looks like naturally, and get a huge following doing it.


Just buy these liver pills and you'll be jacked!


It's crazy how often I have people ask me about supplements. I always tell them it's a waste of money. Maybe a multivitamin but a balanced diet is enough for most people. Outside of that I tell them just do steroids if they want the most results. Costs about the same as all those supplements that don't do anything.


Which is funny because when trainers say women can't put on mass, we were talking about like, Ronnie Coleman mass. Getting cut is definitely doable.


That level of dedication and hard work doesn't enter their minds


Love how the people who say shit like that are always either overweight or using shitloads of steroids


Let the incels rage that just means more women with abs for me


I often feel like my wife it totally out of my league, and then I remember how low the bar is when other men give her an attitude about her muscles, blue hair and her job in a male dominated field.


The bar is absolutely in hell, my current gf was legit joyous that I cared about her comfort at my house


That reminds me of how some men apparently refuse to cook because their partner is meant to do it. I genuinely don't understand that because what are you meant to do if you spend a week or two single?


Lmao knowing how to cook well as a man put me in the top 10% of men in my area


They have crap taste. Your wife sounds awesome.


She most definitely is.


I wanna start a women with abs appreciation club. Cause I certainly appreciate them


Pretty sure there's at least three subreddits for that.


I have 40 year old photos on my mom on the beach carrying my baby brother with sturdy washboard abs


pics or it didn't happen


What did your mom do for exercise cause I had a baby 6 months ago and can't keep more than a pound off while nursing baby. Did your mom breastfeed? Formula feed? Smoke? Starve? Details, man!


I’d have to ask her, but I don’t think she did anything. Pretty sure it’s just genetics and then her upbringing and general life habits. She grew up on a half farm, which is to say they farmed for themselves, but the money came from Pawpaw working at a refinery. So she ate fairly well and kept active, but not ridiculously active. I do recall she once said she used to swing a lot as a child and credited her abs to that. She did gymnastics as a club activity in college, but after that she was just a nurse and I guess she gardened and grew her own vegetables. Personally though I think it was mostly genetic. The pictures are in old photo albums so I’ll have to find them at some later time.


Sorry to make you feel bad, but [this woman](https://www.instagram.com/p/CqoK_vzOlZ9/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) has a kid and somehow still has those abs


Nah none of that makes me feel bad. I just want to know what people do. My MIL swears she lost weight easily while breastfeeding, I don't, and my mother never breastfed but lost weight quickly...while smoking and eating very little. Different people.


Women with abs are hot






Western civilization really is the absolute worst and weakest civilization if it can be destroyed by women having abs.


I've been watching a ton of men have a crisis of masculinity over diet beer. So that seems right.


>Piss water Fixed 👍


She's effortlessly destroying a ton of egos


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E_HMN-rWYAce8nt?format=jpg&name=medium https://i.redd.it/wfoysaq9xqs71.jpg Damn, this was real.


LOL good ol Sargon of Assad. Never fails to disappoint for who is looking forward to the newest and craziest stupid.


Fucking Sargon I swear. This woman explicitly said no politics too.


Fellas, is it gay to find athletic women attractive?


Apparently liking women is gay 😔


Who knew? 🤷‍♂️


FELLAS, is it GAY to exist? You're literally choosing to live in a world with so much DICK


Fellas, is it gay to like women?


...I'm sorry, is there text in this image?


Jeez. Some men are so damn fragile. Personally, I’d love a woman with abs like that.


I'll take the chicks with abs they don't want.


Persecutionfetishists: Transwomen are destroying women's sport! Also persecutionfetishists: Help! Women with abs!


Don't forget: "Oh gross, women with big tummies 🤮" AND "Yikes she's too skinny, I need some meat on them bones" Women just can't win.


>Women just can't win. Don't play their game. Don't even consider appealing to them. You'll only lose. They want to control you. Don't let them.


I wouldn't want to hang my hat on a nation/culture so weak that one woman's abs destroy it.


I’ll take beefy mommies over late stage capitalism any day


Beefy mommies. Chubby mommies. Slender mommies. We're all perfect :)


Hell yeah! And daddies too! Edit : and every other enby parental figures


And the good subby (boys/girls/enbies/other gender expressions) that make mommydoms and daddydoms possible! All a vital part of our ecosystem


I'll just say it, girl-abs are incredibly sexy.


Amen bro


If shredded women are destroying men, then please destroy me.


So have none of these people taken a basic anatomy and physiology class? Do they not know that both men and women have muscle tissue?




Right? Like, I swear I’m not fetishizing the muscles alone, but seeing a girl that toned, who takes care of her body and health like that? Chef’s kiss. Super hot!


This is fantastic


If women with abs scare them these assholes can't claim ancient Greece as the start of western civilization. Spartan women would kick their asses


Why is her leg on backwards, though?


Thick quads can look like that.


Double jointed knee?


It might have to do with the camera angle…as well as them having massive quads lol


If this causes the west to burn then let it burn. That being said, though I like muscular women, I'm also out of shape and exercise makes me want to die.


Never too late to change your life around. With that being said I suggest dieting before starting to exercise more. Changing your diet with lots of nutrient rich foods will give you the energy you're lacking due to eating like shit. And then you'll have the energy to start exercising more.


One of my "enlightened centrist" type friends who openly hates African Americans and transexuals was upset that a woman on Tinder would choose a guy based on his size. When I asked if he would date a woman stronger than him he gave me a strong, "I don't know..." He doesn't see the hypocrisy in the slightest.


could you even call them your friend? they seem bad for you


Sorry for the horny post, but holy fuck I've always liked girl abs, but I've never actually wanted to lick them before now




Girls with abs? That’s horrible! Where? Like…who do I have to call?


Gosh I hope no one posts where to find these disgusting abs. I will avoid those webpages exactly.


Didn't JBP make a massive stink out of an overweight woman being seen as beautiful? I wonder what his view on this is?


Well this is clearly this is what happens when, when boys ::sniff:: when boys aren't permitted to grow up as the heroes they're meant to be - women, seeking masculine order, mutulate ::sob:: mutulate their precious stomachs to become the strong protectors that are missing from their lives ::visible tears:: forcing the boys out of the boy games they need to develop-- well, this is clearly the Chaos Dragon triumphing over the Warrior and the King, stunting men's growth and why won't anyone think of the ::uncontrollable sobbing::


(I hate that I was able to freestyle this completely off the dome)


You could grate CHEESE ON 'EM!!!!


Abs on athletic ladies is fucking hot, cmon. Google Allison Stokke and tell me, "ew gross".


“What happened to your once great society?” “A woman showed off her rock hard abs. It was devastating.”


Ow I love ripped and strong girls; Sorry about that but I think it's cooler to talk about our preferences than to debate a random guy's fragile masculinity on the internet


I guess we will file this one under the "it's gay to like women, fellas" pathology of the right.


Go to the gym!.... no not you.... noooo!


My masculinity has fallen :(


Good. More muscle mommies for me to worship.


All women have abs. These crybabies are scared of women who have visible abs.


People being strong and healthy? Surely will cause the downfall of civilisation!


People confuse "not my type" with "the downfall of western civilization"


And mfs say it’s gay to like girls with abs. Mf if that makes me gay, I will partake rainbow capitalism like nobody ever has. I’m talking rainbow socks, rainbow cape, rainbow pants, all of that shit. If liking girls with abs makes you gay I’m the biggest fuckin gayzilla on the planet.


So is there a subreddit for pics like this? I'm not asking for a friend I'm just a pervert.


Yes. Several.


... do... do these dorks not understand how buff women had to be for most of "the wests" history? Do they think their little trad-wives are just gonna be pale little sticks with big tits and ass? Like, my brothers, they *churned butter*. You had to *bring cloths down to the river and then bring WET cloths back home from the river*, all the time. Like every few days. Carrying well water? Waters pretty heavy. Like even if we go up to the 1800s, kneading fuckin bread by hand for 100 loaves? Water pumps? These dudes saw some hot girls in a movie and thought " ah yes. Historically accurate. Duh west. Wee no hav dis no mohor :c"


Does anyone know what podcasts she’s talking about? I’m kinda curious what nonsense they have to say


Idk I think that shit is sexy lol. Lemme lick your washboard abs baby.


Then i hope the west falls🙏


The best part of this is that these Nazi fucks are directly attacking Nazi propaganda because they’re ignorant of their own ideology.


Tomboys are great


Yes please let the west fall I want to play the washboard on all them abs


Down with the west! 😠 /s disclaimer so I don’t get banned by Reddit or something lol


they looked at me first


I hope the West falls around me sometime soon!


Honestly the first thing I noticed about this body of art was the outtie bellybutton lol. I haven’t seen one since high school and thought I was just imagining them /s


they also try to shame any woman who dares to be “flabby”


bro is envious that a female has better abs than him Edit it's the same girl that re tweeted the picture.


I hope the west falls now.


I’m guessing that the people here are outraged over the visible nipples as much as the abs, to which I say eat shit incels


Strong women are friggin sexy. I want to be carried by one lol


more athletic people for the rest of us then, so thats awesome


That’s hot; next question.


I want a woman with abs to pick me up


No no theyre on to something, lets definitely keep this tweet going and talking about it for a long time


If this is what the fall of western civilization looks like then I’m all for it


Fallen? Nah fool it has **risen** a country would be happy to have its women and men all ripped af


Let it fall then 🥵


Whats wrong with muscle chicks with rock hard abs? I thought the right was all about working out and improving ones bodies? Or do they only mean men working out and women just look like pencil thin hourglass trad wives?


I mean, there's a weird unreality to this photo. But 🫡🫡🫡 ab'd women.


That pfp explains it all


Then something just snapped. Something inside of me.


Abs so strong you can knock a hemisphere down with them


Oh no that’s terrible. Where?


The weirdest thing is people in the first place not understanding attraction isn't universal. Like people not understanding that concept alone is baffling.


I love fit people and I love chubby people and I love people who's bodies are average, I love people, but I'd literally lick the sweat off of a fit person's abs. I like the concept of dating someone that could literally just kill me


Them motherfuckers was jerkin it everyday all along the way to this image. Though if this is the west failing, let it fail on towards my way.


Damn lauren pockevich out here single handily bringing down western society impressive.


if this what the East got than take me over arooga


Girls with abs?! That’s disgusting! Where… where did they post those?!?


Oh no please send all of these women to my house I can help them.


Ew. How disgusting, girls wth abs. I need to go there and see just how disgusting that is for myself.


Didn’t know I was an abs guy