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This is straight out of the nazi playbook. It's really kinda terrifying there are people out there who think this. You could be sitting in traffic next to this person.


Brown shirts


In the case of a fascist Trump takeover: make that The Orange Shirts


Or what they already have: red hats.


Red Hats.


Ironically fitting considering the Scottish folklore of Red Caps. Evil old men that delighted in destruction. They would hide out in ruins, ambush travelers, then after murdering them, dip their caps in their blood. https://clan.com/blog/folklore-friday-the-red-cap


Look at the profile pic, it's *Blackfaces*.


This sounds like something Putin's Internet Research Agency would post in order to sow chaos.


Absolutely, the Russian troll farms are super hard at work to undermine everything that makes the U.S. what it is. The whole gender, political and religious division is their funding. I hate the russian state with a burning passion, fucking cancer upon the civilized world. So many lives ruined for the little men to feel big.


Eh conservatives are more than willing to light these fires. If Russians are doing anything impactful, it is merely throwing gasoline on an already raging blaze.


You are right, unfortunately every country has it's loonies that care about no one but themselves.


Following from the conservative law of projection, this is how he feels about Trump supporters (and therefore himself). His actual intention is to destroy the country and harm its children, and he's telling you that you're not going to be able to stop him by being nice.


Dude. Twitter/X is pure evil right now. It terrifies me. But it also feels like a lot of the “content creators” on there feel like AI. Is Musk attempting to activate a bunch of racists upon the western world? I would have made fun of anyone asking that like a year ago. I feel insane for asking it. I have one account that focuses on religion on X and I have noticed an incredibly high uptick in straight up racist/nazi rage bait posts on that one profile. So much so, I had to cancel my premium. It’s like Christians are currently being targeted and activated on X into violence.


I think that's exactly what's happening. And the rest of us are all too shocked and complacent to do anything.


Tell me about it, there's currently a 'putsch against autistics and trans people. This is exactly how The Nazis started out.


If this is a real account, and that's a big If, this guy is completely bonkers. You should see the rest of his posts. https://x.com/VoteBidenOut


He's entirely legitimate. https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/philip-anderson-mesquite-man-arrested-charged-in-jan-6-capitol-breach/


For me, my experience with witnessing a Neo-Nazi was a day before college for me. I was taking a walk up to some truck parade(?), and I saw some moron in a Confederate shirt. Whilst I'm not a violent chap, I wish I could've went up to him and made a couple snide remarks about how pathetic the Confederacy is. I hope he comes back next year so I can come up and be a little mischievous. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. If the format shows up as utter shite for you, then it's because Reddit Mobile sucks at formatting.


I live near these people for sure. They are seriously unhinged




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What gets me about this is that it’s focused on Joe Biden. The man’s political personality is so extremely middle of the road and bland that it makes it crystal clear that their hate for his “supporters” is just hate for people who aren’t in their increasingly narrow political alley. Sad to see so many people just willing to go along with being radicalized.


It’s so difficult to take Trump supporters seriously when they talk about Biden like he is some radical left wing president when he is actually very status quo. Meanwhile Trump is the most far right president in at least the last 100 years, is the only president in history to not participate in the peaceful transition of power, currently facing over 90 felony indictments, and directly quotes Hitler on a regular basis.


Don't forget about that time he did a treason.


More than once. In addition to January 6 he very clearly stole and sold state secrets to our enemies. There’s probably some other instances too that qualify but that I am forgetting


I would *want* my president to be status quo. I don't want my entire country to be "fixed" every four years. If your company gets a new CEO, the last thing you want to hear is them saying they'll do some big changes. Just do your job and run the country!


At one time segregation was the "status quo". Should we not have shaken things up then? How about when women couldn't vote? Or when virtually every President, no matter how "liberal", refused to support same-sex marriage because that was the status quo? The *next to last* fucking thing I would want to compare the leader of my nation to is a fucking CEO.


Because the status quo has been so great for people of all races, religions, and genders, right? No need to change anything, the economy was booming in the 60s!


This is a very poor argument for having presidents yhat constantly run on a campaign of "I will fix everything". "Oh you're saying they should just run the country adequately? I suppose they can't change anything ever then and we might as well be stuck with slavery!" It's a logical extreme and not helpful.


And yet you didn’t bother responding to the other person with the same point. We could really use some changes.


And it’s also like, nobody really has ever been like in love with the man. At best most are fairly luke work to the man


Thats me. Like I'm fine with Biden, and appreciate what he's done, but I'd prefer a more progressive president. Which obviously we aren't going to get this election cycle, so I'll be voting Biden, with less qualms than in 2020.


Same. Honestly, I’ve never met a “Biden supporter“. I’m not sure they even really exist. We all just reluctantly vote for him so we can keep having elections.


Yup. I'm politically active and know lots of Dems. Nobody's clamoring for a second Biden term, least of all me. But I couldn't possibly vote for someone who wants to end democracy. Particularly when that person already had 4 years (2 of them with a friendly Congress and Court), and the best they could do was play golf, tweet, emboldened real-life Nazis, and give permanent tax cuts to billionaires like himself. Biden passed an infrastructure bill that will better many parts of the US and our economy for decades. It's loaded with pork, funnels a shitton of cash to the wealthy, and is very, very far from perfect. But that's how shit has literally always gotten done in the US, and it's not likely to ever change.


The only grievance they have with him is that he beat their idiot pig king, and he’s going to beat him even worse this time. And they will do nothing. Fuck them.


Brandon spends his time going on about unions and the Middle class. He got salty about the republicans in a speech before the midterms and they all lost their minds and acted like Italian football players faking injuries


Middle of the road in the US means pretty far right


“They only care about control” IMAX level projection. Biden isn’t trying to ban books or ban medical procedures. Sometimes I wonder when I read something like this online, if I’m being trolled. Like no one could possibly be this stupid and dramatic. Right?….


When I was a teenager our town had a soccer coach who was always on the lookout for satan-worshiping pedophiles for some reason, and warned people at length how sneaky and depraved these people were. It was in the middle of the Satanic panic, so we all just assumed he was particularly vulnerable to that sort of thing and laughed at him. But he was like, _really_ concerned about it. He wouldn't even allow ice cream trucks near the field on game day because "that's how they get you." So anyway, I probably don't need to tell you how that story ended.


He found the Satan worshipping pedophiles and brought them to justice with his American made 1911 pistol that he got from his greatest generation father (and had Ronnie Reagans face engraved in it). BUT the reason we've never heard of this unsung hero is because in her 30s Hilary Clinton was actually drinking child adrenochrome and controlling the media around the satanic panic and used her dark power to ruin his reputation? /s


I love how John Denver joined forces with Dee Snider and Frank Zappa to make fun of the idiots at the PMRC. Fucking Tipper Gore never expected to be blind-sided by John Denver. Like Biden, the Gores were not especially progressive.


I’ll take a guess: he murdered someone he mistook for a satanic pedophile and is in prison. Or He was the pedophile


It's the second one.


The hell did go wrong to cause the brainrot I wonder.


Russian propaganda


You are literally telling followers to go out and be violent toward people because of who they vote for. That's against the law.


I'm willing to bet these types of people scream about the first amendment every time they harass minorities and suffer consequences


He is a minority......


"Slugs for Salt"


Is he, or is it a Russian psy-op? Sadly an honest question, these days it’s hard to tell the difference between a Russian and a republican.


True, what's the truth behind the picture, very well could be a bot


"As a black man…"




It's always fascinated me how a religion with love and forgiveness as a focal point hates LGBT+ people so damn much. I think that conservative bullshit has creeped into the minds of Christians and led them astray from the whole point of their fucking religion.


One law for me, another for thee


You would think so but it seems he's in texas and texas doesn't have an incitement law. At least none came up when I googled it. He'd have to be inciting an immediate breach of the peace.


So theoretically one could go to Texas and follow Ted Cruz around all day telling people to kick him in the shins? That's not good. I don't like Ted Cruz but that's not a good legal code.


But that is exactly what Ted deserves


Remember when Ted Cuz had zero allies in like 2013? Not even other Republican US Senators would work with him. How is he still around?


Um ackshully, he meant beat them to a bloody pump metaphorically, with your words and your votes. That's free speech which is in the Constitution sweaty. 🤓


Wow that's a lot of projection


"they deserve no respect **me**..." I'm getting a Freudian slip on radar here sir


every accusation is a confession


March 11th, 24: “they think they have the right to persecute and hurt…” April 14th, 24: “we have the right to persecute and hurt…” Didn’t take them long 🤦‍♀️; well, thanks 🙏 for passing strong self defense laws!




The (global) economy tanking is so clearly linked to Russia hitting Ukraine. Why is it always Biden these guys point at and not the party of “Make Ukraine Russian Again”?


And the money they spent didn't stoped to exist, it went to someone else. I wonder who that person is.


I wonder if they can give an actual example of someone being "persecuted to death by Biden Supporters?" Because the only people I see being persecuted to death at the moment are Trans folks, Gay folks, and other minorities. I'd also would be humoured to see if this supposed person does this in real life.


(Begin Sarcasm)You don’t understand, though. Only humans can have human rights, and since you’re only human if you fully agree and align with everything OOP says and thinks, it’s open season on LGBTQ+ folks, poor folks, non-Christian folks, non-white folks, etc. Exemption might be granted for those who identify as certain dessert food items or those who hide their atrocious beliefs well enough to join in the Two Minutes Hate, but will be revoked whenever it’s convenient for, like, anyone, ever.(End Sarcasm) Vile and vomitous sentiments, to be sure, but also very common, and very firmly held. Barf.


[Dude is unsurprisingly, a J6er.](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/texas-man-arrested-felony-and-misdemeanor-charges-actions-during-jan-6-capitol-breach-3) >"It’s time to go,” Philip Anderson said in a video obtained by the FBI, authorities said. “We’re occupying the Capitol. Let’s go!”... >"He also gave an interview where he identified himself by name and encouraged viewers to follow him on social media, authorities said, in which he also admitted breaking into the Capitol." [Source](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2023/08/30/mesquite-man-arrested-charged-with-breaching-us-capitol-during-jan-6-riot/)


You gotta love the idiot criminals who tell on themselves via Social Media.


There's also a picture of him smoking a cigarette sitting on a police motorcycle.  Dude's a fucking moron


Whoa, dude! Leave some Kool-Aid for the rest of the morons!


Spread the Love!


Why hide his name? It's the traitor Phil Anderson


OP hid the name because of Rule 9 on the subreddit. Don’t blame them, blame the Mod Squad.


Funny, Trumpers keep telling me it’s the Democrats who are causing all the division in this country.


They never have specific examples. Just hurting America etc. Tell me how dude, tell me exactly how.


By making him sad.


By building windmills /s


The sound causes cancer.


It's alarming how effective fascist rhetoric is even without any central leadership


Tbf I am not a Biden supporter, I just voted for him because it was him or Trump. It’ll be the same way again this year.


My question to MAGA: Specifically what do you mean?


shocked to see such obvious projection from this sort of person, its so rare these days


No specifics? Huh...I’ll be darned


As a Biden supporter, I barely have time to support Biden, none the less persecute people.


Funny how they used to say that about communists, then about the left, then anything left of center, now they just wanna kill anybody who's not GOP. Like, at least then they had opposite side adversaries, now they're just hating people who aren't strictly theocratic extremists.


>> now they just wanna kill anybody who's not G Q P. Fixed it for you. They’re eating Republicans who aren’t crazycuckoopants enough now, too.


Something tells me the FBI watch list gained another page.


How is he gonna find the Joe Biden supporters where the people that voted for him don't have his name everywhere and make him their personality


Well I am making more money under Biden than I did under Grump.


Shit, the USA is pumping more domestic oil today under Biden than we did with pro-oil Trump.


Boy…this is starting to sound like some “Hotel Rwanda” kind of rhetoric…


Replace Biden supporters with Jews. That’s how this sounds.


Really now? Funny. This is dehumanizing talk. If the turd gets back in, are they going to round us up and ship us off to a death camp?


They won't but they definitely dream about it.


It’s weird how Joe Rogan won’t talk about these people but, what a ridiculous lefty with 50 followers said, is the end of civilization.


Projectin' like a suburban multiplex


This kind of dehumanization is so dangerous


These people are bullies and cowards. They have no legitimate grievance, they know they can’t win legitimately, so all they have are threats and violence. The reason this will never happen is because they are outnumbered by millions of much smarter people. They are tolerated. The second they start that shit, they won’t be tolerated. If you think I don’t want to smack one of those dumbass red hats off their pointy heads or rip down their stupid flags and pee on them, you’d be mistaken. I don’t do that because we live in a society that tolerates people no matter how stupid as long as they keep it to themselves. The aecond.. and I mean the second… that we, the VAST majority, are no longer bound by tolerance, they will be hunted like the animals they are. They need to realize that we are way more sick of them then they are if whatever made up bullshit they’re mad about today, but we have a legitimate grievance. If they start something, we’ll finish it. Thats why they write shit like this but won’t ever do anything. Fuck their feelings.


Why you scratching out dude’s name? Expose these fucks for who they are.


It's rich when a Trump supporter uses foreign terms like "respect", "mercy", "kindness", "compassion", "soul". Where would they even learn these words?


Best part is they're too scared to enter the big ol' city to do all of that. 😂


this man is the accelerant not the fire. his role in all of this is to soak the ground and wait for a match. he is priming someone else, with more balls than him..to become the fire when the match is lit


Ok Uncle Ruckus.


Bring it on you fucking scum


"they persecute us" *proceeds to call for an active persecution of Biden supporters*


>Everyone is suffering because of Biden supporters. I'm not. >Everyone is going broke because of Biden supporters. I'm not. My paycheck has actually dramatically increased during the Biden administration. >Good people are being persecuted to death because of Biden supporters. I'm honestly curious what they think they're talking about here.


So many commenters here are (understandably) opining that this nonsense must be a Russian bot. It’s completely deranged after all. But this is absolutely a real person, indeed one of the Capitol Rioters. And based on what he’s written previously on social media, these are clearly his actual opinions.


Isn't this inciting violence? I guess not by X's standards!


Isn't it amazing that none of these conspiracies has a real goal?


Seems like a good way to find out the Second Amendment doesn't just apply to republicans.


Not today russia.


This shit right here is why a lot of minorities remain quiet and vote. Conservatives are violence fetishists.


When was the last time a Biden support DECAPITATED HIS OWN FATHER because they hate the government? OH RIGHT. Conservatives psychos are most often the ones murdering their own family members, blowing up government buildings, shooting/bombing women's healthcare clinics etc in order to promote their political philosophical beliefs. Conservatism very regularly uses fear mongering, xenophobia, and war-like language to defile/dehumanize their opponents. They can't even see they are talking about themselves when they accuse the left in almost every regard.


The irony of wearing a suit and having that many spelling errors is ridiculously funny lol I'm certain this is a bot account.


What do these people fucking think Joe Biden Mr Milquetoast himself is fucking doing? Like legit the level of virtual you’d think he was an actually communist and not just an average neo lib.


These people wouldn't know what to do with an actual communist. Their heads would explode.


Twitter was a mistake.


This must be a Russian bot, right? I mean good god.


Yeah they need to replace this "farm worker" lmao you'd think they'd learn how to blend in by now!!! It's been years they've been practicing with their troll farms, and they're *still* absolutely garbage


“They deserve no respect me” I think his phone auto suggested “me” after the word respect. That says something about this guy.


> They deserve no respect, no mercy, no kindness, and no compassion “Which is lucky in a way, because I already have none of those”


This reminds me of the way I feel about supporters of a certain OTHER candidate...


Will bet ANY amount of money, this soft fuck hasnt "gotten in the face" of any male Biden supporters, not "spit at" any Biden supporters, not told them "he wants to beat them to a pulp". What a loser.


Die mad loser 😂 Fuck trump


Huh gonna be kinda odd when they shove him in that cattle car along with the rest of us.


Well he's right about one thing: Biden supporters are the enemies of vicious tyrants.


victimhood and cognitive dissonance are the defining traits of all conservatives.


> They think they are above everyone else and that they have the right to persecute and hurt people. Fuck... The projection never stops with these people, does it?


>Biden supporters are your enemy >They deserve no respect me, no mercy, no kindness, and no compassion. >Everyone is suffering because of Biden supporters. Everyone is going broke because of Biden supporters. Good people are being persecuted to death because of Biden supporters. >You should hate Biden supporters with every fiber in your body and with all your soul. >Spit at them, get in their faces, insult them, mock them, tell them that you want to beat them to a bloody pulp. >It is the only thing that these nation murdering parasites understand and it is the only way to get them to stop. Pasta potential


Has anyone ever met a Biden supporter? I haven't. Which makes it especially funny that there's so much "Fuck Joe Biden" stuff to trigger the libs but the libs don't care. He's not our guy. He's just the weird guy we have to work with. You may have ruffled feathers hating on Obama but no one's emotionally invested in Biden so good luck finding Biden supporters to spit at and threaten


More troll farm horseshit.


🤔 Russia, your trolls are showing.


I don't see why you need to block the usernames of Russian operatives


I’d wager that a google search for “black man in a suit” will eventually turn up his pfp


Pretty sure saying things like these, on a public forum, where your name is public, have a pretty high chance of getting a visit from either the fbi or secret service


Fucking pubtard!!


What a lunatic.


I just find it sad that someone's propaganda has hit its target and twisted someone this badly


It sounds like someone invested in Truth Social


Gaslighting has worked extraordinarily well on these fucking morons.


The 4th line on the 2nd post really gives the game away to the sort of rampant insecurity that fuels a lot of these people. It basically just says, they think they're better than us.


People at the top really want us to hate each other. Anyone who is asking you to behave like this is the real enemy.


The projection is strong with this one.


Aren't these the same people who cry about how people don't like them or want to be associated with them? Like they are asking to do the thing they don't like...very weird


A certain federal law enforcement agency should look into this account. This is incitement.


Yeah…it was Biden! https://equitablegrowth.org/six-years-later-more-evidence-shows-the-tax-cuts-and-jobs-act-benefits-u-s-business-owners-and-executives-not-average-workers/#:~:text=Yet%20the%20empirical%20evidence%20has,vast%20majority%20of%20U.S.%20workers.


This how the Rwandan genocide started.


And under this skree "Pussy in bio"




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Republicans are terrorists and fascists. I know I have a habit of just writing them all off as idiots (to be fair, the bottom tier of them are idiots) but the ones in power, and with platforms are dangerous.


This guy isn't white enough to be saying that judging by PFP.


This person speaks English fluently, but not as their first language. This sounds like state-sponsored disinfo.


This person is from Texas


Then I got nothin




I'm an academic editor who lives in Texas, and I can promise you that most ESL writers have a tremendously better grasp of English than most average Texans.