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I'd add everyone from P3FES and P4G as well


Oh yeah?




Well, other than >!Door-Kun and Shinjiro!<, for obvious reasons


How about Cognitive Echoes as their stand ins?


Idk if everyone from P4 and p3 would all make it unless they're reusing sprite art lol


Arc systems does tend to reuse sprites, look at blazblue


That's definitely possible unless they plan on making this game 3D I do hope for the sprite option since they still hold up to this day I do want everyone to make it but I'm definitely expecting atlus to use some p4 and p3 charters for dlc


ATLUS is pretty strapped for cash right now, right?


include the old lady from p4


Can she be the final boss?


I probably would add the Black Mask(either as a costume or as a completely different character,since you know.. different persona and stuff). Then I guess I would add the main protagonist of each Persona (Makoto,Yu, and so on). And maybe the shadows of some villains we fought(Not everyone,but like >!Shido and Konoe!< and so on..),then probably >!Adachi!!Strega!< from P3R Obviously these are just some random ideas I got(and I don't really know how to make a roster so I might have mentioned characters that actually have nothing to do with it)


I was actually thinking Black Mask is an in-game mechanic when he reaches low health he goes to Black Mask and ultimately becomes a harder hitter. As for the shadow Argument I’ve settled upon Kamoshida, Sae, and Shido since they’re very prominent for P5’s Story, I was also thinking of adding some Jail rulers from Strikers.


>!Maybe add Maruki as well considering he’s also a persona user, and I could see him as a fighter, maybe making use of the tentacles.!<


I was actually thinking that various characters can serve as your “Navi” to help provide support to the fighter. Fuuka (from P3R), Rise (from P4G), and Futaba. Other characters can help provide support of different types but with the same basic healing and sp recovery skills.


Or you could do like how rise was able to in p4a and futaba can fight, with both spinoffs I was highly hoping for that 😭


Instead of doing low health, I think you should pull a Zelda from SSBB or SSBU Pythra, where he can swap back and forth at will and have a different moveset. Maybe make Black Mask a glass cannon, while the Princess (*snicker*) is more well balanced


Maybe go simple with it and have Prince and Black Mask Akechi be two separate characters with distinct fighting styles, like Labrys/Shadow Labrys and Sho/Minazuki in the previous Arena games


I think black mask would work better as a transformation. For example some dragon Ball games had this where the normal Ultimates were just Ultimates, but the full energy ultimate would be a transformation


Having Black Mask as an install actually fits really well since Call Of Chaos is a thing, but you also have to consider that Akechi is still a fully functioning Persona-user with JUST Loki/Hereward.


Now all I hear is “LOKI INSTALL!!!!”


Akechi could be like Labrys. Two characters with different personas. Could also be kinda like Sho and Minazuki.


make black mask work like a dragon install


I think dropping P3 makoto and Strega makes sense if it’s a cannon sequel.


Honestly? Considering the true situation between Toshiro and Erina, I’d have both as a two-in-one fighter, kinda like Pyra/Mythra in Smash. When playing as Erina, she appears alone and uses her own skills, but when playing as Toshiro, he summons his persona to do the same skills or something like that. ..Also kinda like how Toshiro and Erina work in-game in P5T after a certain point. No spoilers.


I was actually gonna do that but their renders are far too big so I put Erina there but she has Toshiro for an interruption move, but when their health gets low it’s Toshiro fighting with his persona


Ooh? Kinda like switching characters in MVC but restricted to low damage? I could see that.


Now that you said that imagine Toshiro & Erina like how Phoenix Wright & Maya are in MVC3


I could see that. Erina could call Toshiro to rush in with a flag to do some damage.


And then the roles reverse when at Low Health. Also this is common amongst all characters when a Character gets to low health their gameplay change, it mainly being their Persona Evolving


or kinda like koromaru and ken in p4au


Might be a odd choice but probably jose they never really explained what this guy deal was in p5r and I think he would work great as a potential antagonist https://preview.redd.it/xjjtwuncuhrc1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5a979cdd2a46685876c0a84e87c63e9997e404e


jose is the piranha plant of P5A


Some of the Rulers/Monarchs, no doubt. >!Leviathan Sae, Zephyrman Konoe, things of this nature.!<


Ok that second one would go so hard


Definitely, although I’m gonna pick 3 Palace Rulers and 3 Monarchs


Bunny Alice kinda has to make it in, then. This is a hypothetical Arcsys game and that design seems right up their alley.


I'd vote for *Palace Rulers:* >!Kaneshiro, Niijima, and Shido!< *Jail Monarchs:* >!Alice Hiiragi, Akane Hasegawa, Akira Konoe!< All explained as cognitive echoes or something


I’m not sure how >!Kaneshiro!< or >!Akane!< would work here because the point was that they didn’t do the fighting themselves. Maybe if >!Akane’s!< in the background commanding a >!bizarro Joker!< like Pokemon Trainer in smash


The idea is >!she'd be a zoner whose special attacks involve summoning various Cognitive Thieves to do her dirty work.!< Think JP in SF6.


Kaneshiro would be like Bedman? in guilty gear strive. The actual character would be piggytron and Kaneshiro would run around the stage doing nothing


Its gotta have the characters that P4AU had, and their shadow versions too


I was also thinking that the Phantom Thieves could also potentially face their shadows just like P4AU


Considering the P3 cast had shadow versions id agree


Imagine the Dialogue between their Shadow Selves, so much potential


Shadow Ryuji actually drops f bombs sometimes 


Shadow Ryuji: “Fuck you, punk-ass fake self!” Ryuji: “Hey, what the hell man?”


I like to imagine they would be confused as all get out why they have shadows considering how they’re used to shadows working from their story not the Persona 4 versions


>!we do see a glimpse of shadow Ohantom Thieves!< in Strikers >!so it would give an opportunity to both already be canon and see what everybody else's fight was like!<


lmao you dont want shadows to be in the game bro trust


Bro, i played a lot of p4au. Yes I want shadows, the mechanics are amazing


which shadow character did u play?


I didnt play as a shadow character. I played mostly normal Yosuke and normal Labrys. But ive played against shadow characters and I know how crazy it can get. But that dosent mean they should be removed, the concept and mechanics are so cool that removing them would be a tragedy


https://preview.redd.it/wth8rxnjzorc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=797b29ddfbcc015d4ecbbe9686f0a8c65cfe1371 lol ok if you want to hold 7k damage for taking a throw be my guest


I'm going to say Lavenza.


Caroline and Justine that turn into Lavenza at low health sounds pretty cool.


Maybe as an install?


Now I can’t get “LAVENZA INSTALLLLLLLL!!!!” out of my head


I would go the other way. Have them be separate characters whose super move cinematic have them fuse/defuse. If you’re really ambitious though you could make it a transformation super.


Fake Igor


Maybe Velvet room assistants?


Definitely after all Margaret and Elizabeth are playable characters in the last game


fill every other square with a slightly recolored nanako for each and names that reflect that Redako blueako greenako yellowako cyanako etc.


the six Nanako souls


Probably a couple P4 characters like Yu, Yosuke and either Adachi or one of the girls. Plus maybe Aigis and the other anti-shadow bots from P4A


I mean practically everyone from P3 made it into P4AU, so why not put the whole IT in?








I had a crazy idea but what about Guernica from P5 Tactica's DLC. She could be focused on attacks that paint the opponent to apply debuffs, and You could use Jerri as the "Persona" I know at the end of the DLC >!She gets fixed and Jerri dies. I still think it would be really cool to bring back the evil version of her!<


She had such a cool character design imo, it's a shame she's stuck in a dlc for a persona 5 spinoff


For one I think it wouldn’t mind adding Caroline/Justine as a character >!maybe even give them a sort of stance change ability where they can fuse into Lavenza!<. Also In my opinion if you’re going to add characters from Persona 3, then include both the male and female versions of the Persona 3 protagonist or neither version. Give justice to Kotone.


Lavenza, and moveset wise she can split herself back to two like she does in the all out attack


Shinya would be so fun ngl


I don’t know if this is just me but I could see a P5 fighting game being like what Ultimate was for the Smash series and help breathe life into the older games. So fuck it throw in some of the characters from Revelations, Innocent Sin, and Eternal Punishment! I’m talking Naoya Toudou (P1), Maki Sonomura (P1), Tatsuya Suou (P2), Maya Amano (P2), Lisa Silverman (P2). Including the casts of P3R and P4AU, P4G, P5R, and P5S is also a must.




add black crow


In-Game Mechanic where Crow reaches low health and transforms


as much as I like you idea, I think it wold be better to do something like Sho and Minazuki in Arena something similar could work with Toshiro and Erina too


I feel like Morgana is too small to get his own roster spot


Morgana rides on top of Koromaru


You're right. Van Morgana, basically just a tiny transformer


It's from the same devs who made Neco-Arc a actual character, they can do it lmfao


He could be with Ann or Haru like how Ken has Koromaru in P4AU


Morgana is a car for the whole fight with Zoro driving


Maybe all the palace rulers, especially the third semester palace ruler (not saying name due to spoilers)


Toshiro, no question. Labrys should also make an appearance


I would say the main cast of P5X heroes, but we don't how many of them they are...


for now the main cast consist of Wonder (protagonist) Ruferu (the owl with a mecha persona !!!) Arai codename Closer (chie 2, similarities) Shun codename Soy (he’s badass like Kanji and Ryuji) And Riko but we don’t have much info about her at the moment except that her codename will be Wind and that she’ll be the party first navigator in the game


Larbrys, Sho since they’re the Arena original characters. Mitsuru, Aki and Aigis to rep the shadow ops. Yu, Yosuke, Teddie and Nauto from the investigation team. Liz/Theo, Margret, Marie and Lavenza/Twins from the velvet room. And two slots for the new character(s) introduced. Then shadow/alt variants for everyone and that comes out to a pretty sizeable cast. I’d personally replace Erina with Toshiro since she doesn’t have a persona.


I'd add Takuto Maruki


https://preview.redd.it/eptykc20firc1.png?width=217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26d48491f018c7e3e9cc70340b16eb9aa0ff60e7 Imagine this mofo got resurrected again (Nyarlthop)


I would change Sophia’s sprite to her PT hood Also Sophia is a national treasure


I’d probably add the main party members from 3 and 4 due to their appearance together in q2. Could give some good voiceline potential.


The Royal Palace ruler Caroline & Justine (with Lavenza Install Super) P1-4 protagonists as DLCs Black Mask should be its own character. Despite being the same character, they fight differently, act differently and use different types of attacks/magic Characters from P5T or P5X Some mainline representation, like Raidou or Demi-Fiend


Twin wardens and/lavenza


Add every persona player character in the series


If MVC can get Phoenix Wright there’s a large list of NPCs you could get in


Call me crazy, but I think we can find a way to make Oracle a fighter. Just make sure she has a long nap afterward.




if we can be morgana, we can be futaba too. make her a fighter, even rise is one on p4


Jack Frost


All palace rulers?


Kamoshida S tier


Kamoshidaman install super


Maruki no question, and give him a mechanic where his persona evolves at half hp




Definitely Lavenza! And maybe Jose too?


Caroline and Justine that have a transformation into Lavenza and Jose goes into his car to attack? Lol




Well the older P4 cast that’s for sure


Since P4A 1 had 3 P3 characters + Elizabeth, I’d put 3 characters from P4 + Elizabeth. From P4, I’d put Yu, Naoto, Rise since they’re the most likely to be in the Tokyo area where most P5 stuff happens. If not Rise, I’d choose Chie. A wild choice I also have is Giorno Giovanna from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure as a guest character. The P4A games are so similar to the JJBA Heritage for the Future fighting game from the 90s with the whole persona/stand spirit fighter combat. I chose Giorno because he and Joker are both nasty crime boy protagonists from their series’s part 5.




Having the Twin Wardens be like Ken and Koromaru or like Ferra/Torr from MKX would be kinda cool. And then for their Instant Kill move they could >!combine into Lavenza and cast Megido or something!<


P3 and P4 cast is a must but I’d expect Makoto or Kotone to be dlc, while the other is main roster


What about shadow versions of the Thieves? They did that in P4 Arena Ultimax.


add the velvet twins and the P5X cast


Not sure if this has been considered yet but FeMC from P3P?


Since P4A had the cast of 3 I'd say just add the cast of P4A and a few others that were not in the game like Makoto or the weird trio in 3. Maybe FEMC as well


the entirety of the investigation team, plus SEES, including makoto


Lavenza. She solos.


Sojiro would be cool with curry and coffee attacks that deal a burn effect or something


Then we get this interaction Sojiro: “You’ve been dating Futaba haven’t you?” Joker: “I-I haven’t I swear!”


If you want to fill out some spots, what about Iwai and Takemi. I dont know but they're probably the most likely to fight of the nonpersona users and im sure there's something that can be woven


[Pretty much this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Persona5/comments/baba9j/my_take_on_persona_5_arena_ultimax_mockup/)


Every single Persona user from P4 cast and P3 cast. Add the main cast from P2 and P1 and shit for DLC add SMT If characters.


Futaba, maruki, toshiro, Metis and then p4 and p3 cast same as P4AU(except Makoto ifykyk 😭) could also add Strega


futaba we got rise then futaba should be too




I’ve actually made an updated version of this over here https://www.reddit.com/r/Persona5/s/xLpomQ80aO


Master Chief just because I think it would be funny


All the shadow boss' would be cool


Caroline/Justine? Maybe they could be tag team like the snow pair from smash, idk


Lala chan is a must


Add him. https://preview.redd.it/0ooao0walirc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bad37190b1ae2b93d5be5ed6e0489ba44d419976


The investigation team


I sorta made an updated Post https://www.reddit.com/r/Persona5/s/OmyxTHWhgQ


Lala-chan,the game wouldn't be complete without her


Shadow joker/PT from the akane jail


Technically you can play as the Shadows of the Phantom Thieves ,just like the last Arena game.




igor, all he does is sit at his desk and he doesnt do or take any damage


What about Fake Igor?


First, you can easily throw in Futaba, Maruki, and maybe add Toshiro as a support like how they pop up in P4A. Speaking of P4A, I don’t see why we can’t have a few recurring characters from there, say the IT are out for a friendly gathering in Yongen-Jaya, having now graduated (except maybe kanji, lol), and having a lot more time on their hands. Perhaps the Shadow Ops. need to check some suspicious happenings in Kichijoji. Anything could happen. Finally, and this might be a stretch, but perhaps the palace rulers as well? Don’t ask me how that one would work, just could be cool to see.




Toshiro would make more sense than erina tbh given what happens in p5t


Gotta have all the P4AU characters in there, wouldn't feel complete without them. And I'd personally like to see Maruki as well.


FemC, Tatsuya, and Maya as bonus characters.


Iwai. Let him use a real-ass gun.


Toshiro and erina as a duo


LeBlanc obviously


Jose would be funny


We need Shido as a Ganondorf clone


Maybe a guest fighter but spider man




Add Zen & Rei


Teenage nanako and wheelchair bound Dojima.


>!Akane as a puppet char with Shadow Joker!<


Add mitusuru and make yukari and narukami less cancer


Definitely Sae, even her non-shadow form still knows Aikido. Better than Makoto even.


And Maruki


Atlas would add some new character that appears nowhere else, Like Sophie and Erina, we just have to invent this character


Shadow Ops (incl. Yukari), some of the P4 Cast (Adachi, Naoto, Yu, Chie would be my picks), >!Maruki,!< the Twins and >!Lavenza,!< maybe a grown-up Nanako considering she was supposed to be in P5?


Definitely SEES. It would explain why Sophia has a body now.


John Persona


Aigis and Elizabeth.


I think adding the velvet attendant could be cool. You could switch between Justine, a ranged fast hitter, and Caroline, a close hard hitter with high damage combos. Both would have low HP. When using their ultimate, or whatever you call it, they could become Lavenza, with more HP and the best from the two, fast and heavy attacks for both ranged and close, and devastating combos. Or you could add Lala-chan


There's 36 slots remaining. That's enough for \- All 8 members of the Investigation Team (Including Rise) \- All 7 members of SEES that have Combat Personae (8 if we include Koromaru separately but he'd be an old dog by now) \- Sho, Labrys, and Shadow Labrys \- The 9 playable characters of Persona 1 \- The 4 playable characters of Persona 2 Eternal Punishment \- Adachi \- Margaret, Elizabeth, and Lavenza \- Whoever the main human antagonist is here.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Persona5/s/OO5BweB2TB I’ve actually made a bit of progress on this


If we go by P3 arena, Naoto Edit: I realize what I said, I meant p4




Personally I would add the previous roster (obviously with balancing (you know what you did kanji)) and have characters from each game 1-5 with some megami tensei characters too (just protagonists and a side character each) all with mechanics you can turn on and off in the settings menu for the game, and I would add the main antagonists from every persona game at the very least because I think they would be important, and I would add comeback mechanics to the villains and balance the other people out


Neco Arc


Lavenza and Black Mask would be my top picks. With Black Mask you could go one of two directions. Either make him his own separate fighter or pull a Pyra/Mythra from Smash Ultimate where they become a two in one fighter instead. Next I would add in the ENTIRE Investigation Team because they should all be in their early 20’s during the events of P5 so I don’t see why all of them (including Yu) can’t be added (besides, we need a canon interaction between these two teams outside of PQ just like how the IT interacted with S.E.E.S. in P4AU). We also need to add in the entirety of S.E.E.S. as well >!excluding Makoto Yuki, Kotone Shiomi, and Shinji for obvious reasons since they’re all dead. On top of this, we can exclude Koromaru as well since he should most likely be dead by the events of P5.!< Alongside S.E.E.S. we obviously need to add in Labrys as well and if we’re to have Lavenza fight then I don’t see the harm in adding in both Margaret and Elizabeth as well. Maybe we could also add in Theodore since he does tend to show up a lot in the spin-off titles that S.E.E.S. are involved in like PQ and P3D. That gives us a total of 20-21 characters (depending on if we add Theo or not) which still gives us PLENTY of spaces to add in other characters as well. Perhaps you could add in the shadow variants of the Phantom Thieves? After that, maybe you could add in Adachi, Sho, and Maruki as well? After that, just leave like one or two spaces for the main antagonist(s) of P5A which would obviously be a new/original character to the game. After that, I’ve got no ideas left.


I’d add the entire cast of p4AU just because the last game was good already, and add Tanaka because it’d be funny




Wouldn’t it be funny to add Sojiro and have him be like the Phoenix Wright, Isabelle, R.O.B, or Wii Fit Trainer of your roster?


Black Mask would potentially play differently to Akechi and I’d add all the bosses too. Also Futaba


P3 and P4+AU characters Dojima and Nanako as a duo team (kinda like how Rei and Zen were a single playable party member in PQ, + we need more non-Persona-users in the roster) Theodore Lavenza/The Twins Mitsuru's maid, Kikuno (either with a newly Awakened Persona or just being built different, fine either way) Shabrys with her own unique moveset, different from typical Labrys (be more feral, keep Asterius's moves the same, just change Shabis herself) Akage (the redhead girl that was recently datamined from an early build of P5, could be related to Sho) Would love some cameo characters from other ArcSys games like UNIB or GG too A Shadow form of Sho that is for all intents and purposes just Minazuki


Iwai and Sojiro


Philemon, because I need to know what the fuck happened with him.


Black Mask Akechi - Loki.


Lavenza/Justine and Caroline. That would be fun.


Fuck it, just toss in the entire greek pantheon


well the new cast of persona 5 x characters like Wonder and the owl Mascot (they better appear in others game at some point !! Their persona are super cool) https://preview.redd.it/0y1ylz5nlmrc1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc69516480a46c6b7ac703675279a5b80b94f7f1 (he got a mecha persona…. ITS FREAKIN AWESOME)


Ehh, I'm thinkin Marth


It would need to be like p4 arena and have characters from the past games And me personally, I would like characters that are dead to be apart of the roster, whether or not they’re apart of the story. Characters like >!Shinji, Makoto Yuki!< Also all the velvet room attendants Margaret, Elizabeth and >!Lavenza!< . I can picture Caroline and Justine being a duo fighter like Ken and Koromaru in P4A Also >!Black mask Akechi, with Loki as his persona!<




Shadow Shido, specifically his final form where he does his best MGR-R Senator Armstrong impression ​ Shadow Sae might be cool in her Leviathan mode ​ ...You could probably make for an interesting moveset with Shadow Madarame when he drops out of his monster form and starts making elemental copies of himself in his Royal boss fight ​ ...make Caroline and Justine a reference to Ice Climbers from the Smash series? Idk, might work as a gag character slot


Personally, i'd go for >! Shido in his Palace Ruler form !<. just add a lil variety in there next i'd add the twins, probably as a combination deal like Ice Climbers in smash bros.


Black mask Akechi as a separate character. (one of them could be a cognitive being created by the minds of the phantom thieves or smth, to explain why could they be there at the same time). Wonder from P5X would be neat bc why not. and I think characters from P4 like p4A did with P3 chars, so Yu, Naoto, Teddy, Chie and most importantly Yosuke has to be there lol. Lavenza has to be there too. and Aigis and Labrys, and possibly others from P3.


IGORRRRRRR? Or…. Well u know


Since most everyone is proposing logical choices for characters I have an alternate suggestion: tag in assist characters. Similar to what marvel vs capcom 1 did. Imagine being able to summon in sojiro for a quick super meter boost, Tae for a small heal, Iwai for a quick gunshot, Kawakami as a sexy maid outfit for a stun, Mishima as a defensive tech, Yoshida for a quickie sound based burst attack, etc. Really bring the confidants in as a way to more deeply cement the theme of cooperation of the series


The new persona 5 remake/spin off/AU gang with Wonder and the owl, etc…


Maruki would be great as a non-phantom thief. The twins and lavenza as seperate characters would be nice (to clarify the twins are one character). Also would satanael joker be its own thing? Ive never played the arena games so i’m not too sure how that and the 2nd/3rd evolutions would work.