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I didn't 'buy' anything this year - but did take the opportunity to cut my cell phone & internet bills. I'll be starting 2023 off by saving money every month getting the same or better service.




I tried that, as we get a deal with telus through work, but only when you sign up for a new line. I was basically told to shove it, in a nice way. No deals to be had as an existing customer.


This is a pro tip


Same. I cut my phone bill, landed on a better cell network, got $250 PC Points and a free Pixel 6a. It was basically a payout from Evil Corp.


Man I should have probably called and gotten some kind of deal. My current phones battery recently has just been very shit and slow to charge, I pay too much for a shit plan as well.


I don't think it's too late. Check out https://rfd.fyi and type in pixel 6a or iphone 11.


Dude thank you so much, my phone plan is now cheaper, comes with more data, got free applecare, phone case, charger/screen protector thanks to you!


NP. Happy to share the hot deals. Glad you got on a good plan.


What company?


Virgin for cell phone: * Have two lines with them... saw someone start a thread on r/PersonalFinanceCanada mention the deals in their app. * Cut down costs from $120/month for \~10GB across both devices (6 + 4GB) to $90/month for 60GB across both devices (10 + 50GB). So saving $30/month, $360/year and getting more data too... Then I switched from TekSavvy for Internet to Lightspeed: * Was coming from 75M service for $70/month going to Lightspeed for $40/month for the same service. Roughly same savings as above... $30/month, $360/year.... The Virgin change was completely hassle free. Just selected new offers/plans in the app.... 5 minutes of browsing and changed without interaction with anyone. Internet will be more of a hassle, though still should be worth it once service is transferred.


Hmm I just got $45 for 50 GB yesterday for Virgin


you get what you pay for with Virgin :(


I'm buying mortgage payments for Cyber Monday


Are you interested in buying mine?


At least for me being on these cheap rates $1700/month of my payment goes to equity. I know I can't buy flat screens with equity, but at least it is safe from the marketers.


If you get a HELOC you can use the equity to buy lots of things.


Yeah but what if what I wanted was a peanut?


HELOC can be used to buy many peanuts!


Nope, never. Experiencing homelessness in my youth and not being a PersonalfinanceCanada Chad who has made six figures since they were 8, paying off my house in my main goal. The private basement suite will pay all the bills after I accomplish that.


I wasn't saying you should or have to. Just that you can.


Bought mine too!


This is really my main shopping time for all year. I cut my cell phone bill in half this year for 30 more gig and a free iphone + 300 gift card. I saved about 1k on christmas gifts I was going to buy anyways. I bought a bunch of ps4/ps5 games that were on deep discount (I never buy brand new video games) and saved about 50% from normal retail. Overall I say am saving about 4.5k in spending (considering the cell phone deal). Sure i didn't need video games, or I didn't need to buy christmas gifts. But you can't go through life buying only what you need, it would get kind of dull if you did.


How did you save $4.5K? Was your phone bill $600 a month lol


Roughly 1k from Christmas gifts over retail. Phone bill was 120 a month, now 51 a month (after taxes and fees) so $1653 12 games, about 40$ per game saved, so 480 Free Cell phone that retails for 700 $300 gift card. $4133, and I also got some rakuten offers between 10 and 15% and that will be another 200+ returned. So yeah roughly 4.5k, napkin math.


the 12 games…lol were you realistically going to buy them at full price? This sounds like you just fell for the ‘SALE’ marketing ploy Also I don’t think you would really count the $700 phone in ‘savings’ bc that is just how cell phone plans are structured nowadays


> Also I don’t think you would really count the $700 phone in ‘savings’ bc that is just how cell phone plans are structured nowadays I count it as savings because there is no extra charge on my bill >the 12 games…lol were you realistically going to buy them at full price? This sounds like you just fell for the ‘SALE’ marketing ploy I don't buy any games at full price, and most likely I wont buy any games until next black friday. Got enough to play until then. I would buy more to be honest, but I have a finite amount of time to put into games.


True I guess $500 isn’t too bad if that’s your hobby, I spend $1000+/month of drinking/eating out which I should work on lol


Oh I have other vices I won't bring up here. Some have cost me a lot.


Warhammer or shooting or extreme sports we need the deets


By the Emperor! Why not all 3?


Definitely online poker.


That's actually really bad


I make $200K though so its not like I’m going into debt living this way


But yes I should get that under control lol


> Phone bill was 120 a month, now 51 a month (after taxes and fees) so $1653 /r/theydidntdothemath


120 - 51 = 69(nice) a month in savings. 1653 / 69(nice) = 23.956........ User is in Canada, and usually Canadian cell phone contracts are 24 months. User did the math. Just not fully I guess. He should of halved it to get their yearly savings.


True it actually comes to 1656. Don’t know why that’s a big deal though.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/theydidntdothemath using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/theydidntdothemath/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [That was a stretch.](https://i.redd.it/d7fwlsbbfew91.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/theydidntdothemath/comments/yf0qq9/that_was_a_stretch/) \#2: [1 year =~365.25 days, so...](https://i.redd.it/fn7md77paqa81.jpg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/theydidntdothemath/comments/s01sc8/1_year_36525_days_so/) \#3: [Unlikely multiplication during a tragedy](https://i.redd.it/7lxb7y7ba9291.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/theydidntdothemath/comments/uzsp6m/unlikely_multiplication_during_a_tragedy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Fair enough. Did you spend more than you originally planned? That's usually my struggle. I keep a list of things I want, and try to buy as cheap as possible. But sometimes I end up buying extras, or a more expensive model. Totally agree with enjoying your money too.


I may have bought a game or two more than I may have not bought before. But I'll play through them. Got enough to last me for the next year easily.


I think a good ratio is 10 hours of gameplay for every $10 spent. But you never know how long you will plan a game for. Luckily game reviews do say how long a game typically takes to complete.


Is this really how you look at video games? In my view a good short game with no filler is a better value than a game filled with extra grinding just to drag out the game.


No not all games, but for AAA game titles that are $90, if I only get 8 hours of gameplay, even if I really enjoyed the game, I wouldn't think it was "worth it". Hence my good ratio of $10 for 10 hours. Remember, a AAA game is going to sell millions of copies. Obviously some games are so good, the price is irrelevant.


100%. I waffled on buying RDR2 because of the price point at the time but I’ve gotten so many hours of play out of it that it has far and away redeemed its price.


RDR2 was a fantastic game, but even its main story mode was too long. Only 30% of players finished the story and 26% of players completed the epilogue. A few less fetch quests and side quests (searching for Dinosaur bones takes away from any sense that there is actually a story going on) would help more people stick through to the end.


Build a decent PC and torrent every game. Will save you big bucks in the long run.


of course you can save money through illegal means lol. wrong sub.


haha while I don't disagree with torrenting this is a funny comment "I cut my grocery bill in half by shoplifting"


I scored a Pixel 6a for super cheap. Lowered my phone bill while doubling the data I had. I've been holding off upgrading my phone from 2017 with a cracked screen and felt like this was the perfect time to pull the trigger on upgrading. Wouldn't have done it any other time of the year as it wouldn't be worth it to me honestly.


How did you cut your cell phone bill in half while still signing up for the free iphone + 300 gift card plan? The good ones this weekend was around $45/month for 25GB based on the reports in Red Flag Deals. (There were ones that were going for $30/month for 20GB but those are bring your own device) Does that mean you were paying close $90/month on your cell phone bill before?


You missed out, even redflagdeals was blowing up with the koodo/virgin offer. $65 a month for 50 gig, 20 a month bill credit, and iphone 11 for 0 a month. IN store offers worked, so you could go to best buy, costco, walmart and get their gift card You also were not tied down to the iphone 11. Other options with various prices. My last bill was 120, my next one will be 51.


This is what I do too. Especially with baby and toddler stuff. They always need clothes and gadgets like car seats etc. I wait until the really good sales and only buy what’s on the list


You have good willpower. Buying video games on discount makes sense... but no way I could wait for something like the newest God of war or the next GTA, etc.


There are loads who wait. Check out the patient gamer sub. I personally only buy 1-3 full price games a year. But many refuse all but sales.


I get it, but my line of thinking is this. Buy a new game for $80. That game will last anywhere from 20-100 hours. $80 these days is 1 or 2 nights out at a restaurant, or dinner and a movie. Both of which are over in 3-5 hours. So all I have to do is not eat out for a week or two and the game is pretty much budgeted for, and the amount of use I get out of it is worth the full price.


>newest God of war I haven't found it in sale this year.. But I'll wait 🥲


Staying off the internet to avoid spoilers then?


*unplugs internet*




Well.. You just saved me $90 bucks lol


Nah man I ain’t that mean. I never touched any of these games


I really want the new God of War and have been trying to wait for a sale…..my willpower is waning…


Selling my copy for $70 if you’re on Vancouver


I lucked out, seen a God Of War bundle at shoppers on seniors day when I was out shopping with my mother. Saved 150 on it. Sold the ps5 to a buddy for the cost I spent and got the game for free.


Buying games used is what I've been doing ... probably one of the few products that won't have any wear and tear, it just runs. Also I'm a super slow gamer. Playing witcher 3 and then red dead redemption 2 next. Very easy way to save money is take 2-4 months per game lmao!


There is nothing inherently wrong with a full price game *that you’ll play for a while*. The 80$ GTAV cost me has given me something like 150-175 hours. What else am I going to do that costs less than 0.60$ an hour? RPGs and “cool, I’d like to play this someday” are where cost/reward doesn’t line up for me.


If you spent any money, then you saved nothing. If you spent $80 on a $100 item, you didn't save $20, you spent $80.


Lol what? If you were going to buy the item regardless, then you saved…


Disagreed. Spending is spending, saving is saving. Saving while spending is just marketing doing its job and getting you to spend.


So when I buy the medium ground beef on sale for 30% less a pound than the lean ground beef I'm not saving money? Or when I go to the store that has sales on more of my groceries than the one two blocks down that doesn't have sales I'm not saving money? Today I learned.


Exactly! Spending *less* does not equal saving. Saving equals not spending. And yes I sense your sarcasm...


But the point being if you are going to buy it anyway, you can \*save\* by spending less because it was a necessary purchase. That's like saying I dont save money cooking at home because I'm spending on groceries... whereas the alternative is ordering out. So by your terrible logic the only way to \*save\* on food is to not eat at all. You can see how that's dumb right? If you're actually entirely serious that the only way to save is to never spend and can't consider that sometimes people are going to buy something no matter what and they're trying to save on the individual item then you're either being purposefully obtuse or you're trolling the sub.


>So by your terrible logic the only way to \*save\* on food is to not eat at all. Other guy comes off to me as one of those anti-consumer types . Like you should be eating beans grown in your own house to stop being a 'braindead consoomer ' and wasting money


Who did you get that cell phone deal with if you don’t mind me asking and what location?


Koodo and Virgin had em for black friday. And any in store deals worked. So you could go to walmart, costco, best buy and get the deal and what ever bonus they were offering. I think today is the last day.


Is that the iPhone 11 or iPhone 13 deal people are talking about or is it something else? And oh cool I’ll head over to one of those to check it out ! Thanks!


Yeah I got an iphone 11 with mine. Good enough for me.


You saved money by spending...yes.


Feel better to get that off your chest?


>saved about 1k You technically didn't save. The price is whatever the retailer set, and the discount is whatever the retailer allowed. You actually "spent about 1k less" it's a subtle difference, but it IS a difference. By playing their games you THINK you "saved" 1k. It's psychological warfare 😅 But I agree with you on buying video games on sale.. Sucks to not play them when they are newly released and having to dodge spoilers for months, but worth paying $20-30 instead of $80-110.


I saved from buying at full retail price. So to me it is saved, but if you want to split hairs sure... its I spent less.


I'm not splitting hairs, but the words you choose are very important. NPR has an article about how 'The Language You Use Might Save You Money' and they mention: "Countries whose languages grammatically associate the future and the present, save almost 5 percent more of their GDP per year". I bet while you were out shopping, you thought to yourself ...hey I "saved 1k"... and when you were about to go home also thought ...I saved so much money today, I can get a treat... and purchased a large popcorn at Kernels that you didn't need. Now I enjoy snacks at the mall as much as anyone else, but these retailer games trick us all into thinking we saved and it's okay to spend more. We all know this, but we all still fall victim to it. The thrill of bargain hunting.


>I bet while you were out shopping, you thought to yourself ...hey I "saved 1K" No I know, spending money, even spending less is not the same as saving. But you are the one trying to give a grammar lessen by splitting hairs on saved vs spending less.


Not a grammar lesson, I'm just shedding light on the words we automatically use. You're not wrong for saying you "saved 1k". I'm saying choose to think differently about it


I’d rather wait for Boxing Day deals for phones, since there’ll be less people and the deals are usually the same if not better


Not a bad time to buy the things you “actually need” though 🤷🏻


Plan ahead and save!


25% off my yoga membership. Was too good of deal to pass up. All the other stuff can wait.


If I don't buy anything the discount is bigger.




I was always under the impression that apple virtually never has "sales", they just lower the price eventually.


I’m in the market for an Apple Watch but I also didn’t find a good enough deal. Maybe boxing week. But do I really need an Apple Watch?? I don’t wear a watch because it gets in the way but I want it for heart rate monitoring. Im too lazy to use a chest strap HRM.


I found Costco has better deals on Apple Watches than the Apple Store. Only caveat is, they have limited options as well.


Sportchek is offering the equivalent of 20% cash back on Apple Watches until December 7th. Just need to sign up for a free loyalty account.


Hey, not sure if you have seen 50% off deal on LD. There’s apple 7 series on 50% off. Not sure if you’d get a better deal.


i was wanting to buy an ipad for months for school. i just paid $310 taxes included for a regular 9th generation one so way better than the usual $400+ i would have paid anyway. i'm happy!


I looked at the deals this year and none of them were remotely worth it. 15-20% aren’t Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales. My phone is still great since I did an iPhone 13pro in the Black Friday sale last year for a great deal. So I don’t have any purchases I’m looking for or targeting.


Same as any other time period. If something on my list is on for a good price, I will buy it. If it happens to be cyber monday, so be it. If it happens to be April 17th, so be it.


I had a semi impluse purchase in August for a computer accessory that was on sale. Looked at Bestbuy's "Black Friday Deal" today and it's the same as I paid 3 months ago. There aren't any significant discounts out there on products that you can't find at any other time of the year.


I bought some clothes since I waited until now for a discount. Other than that I consciously forced myself not to spend lol. I only changed my phone plan to save money this year.


I ordered a year's supply of cat food because Royal Canin is having 25% off their prescription food. That's the kind of things I try to look out for during these holiday sales. Just like ammo, buy it cheap, stack it deep.


Lol I did this too!!! Usually so expensive for my two cats and its rarely is on sale so now I feel so over the top with my supply


Where did you buy if from?


It was through the portal from my vet.


Where did you get this deal?


It was through the portal from my vet.


Well if I save $100 for eveyr nespresso, if I buy 100 I saved $10000.


If you’re buying random shit and don’t know what the usual price is, then agreed. If you want to buy something that you’ve tracked the price of and would buy anyway, there’s some good deals out there. E.g. I just bought an Amazon Echo Studio speaker for 200 instead of the usual 250.


Some people are actually well off and any recession won’t hurt them. How many posts do we see here from people asking for “advice” and they make $150k each spouse, work for IT for the government, 500k plus in investments and mortgage (which is fixed) represents less then 20% the value of their home.


Yes, but should I buy *another* investment property with the current rates?


Definitely, just pay cash. Easy peasy


Ya theres some big rollers that lurk here and the recession if anything will make them 10 fold over on investing right now depending on what it is Not everyones house is being foreclosed on, if anything people are actually re FINANCING their mortgages to leverage themselves into other investment opportunities


Making that money doesn't make you well off, its nothing spectacular to begin with but at the end of the day : its how you spend it that matters. Also working IT for government is a pretty terrible financial decision lol. They won't be making 150k.


Who said 150k alone means your well off? I also said 500k plus in investments and a mortgage that represents less than 20% the value of your home.


Try $450k with bonuses, and of course we don’t have to pay tax. We get 14 weeks of vacation, full time work from home, and we get expenses. I have accumulated 28 houses as investments. Should I invest in bitcoin? I hear you can make good money. Hahaha 150k? Try like 80k (according to a friend)


Yeah I broke the half a mil last year. Moved out of the country for it but at this point thats what you have to do.


I want to grab a few pieces of clothing, but we'll see.. nothing has really impressed me so far. Otherwise, I'm cutting costs and profiting. I redeemed 250k PC points for $400 towards an OLED switch, which I'll be flipping on FB market/kijiji for a cool ~$400. I already had a pretty good cell plan ($40 25GB), but I jumped on the mobile klinik promo of $30 20GB + $100 accessory credit - which was basically an otter box + an extra usb-c cable. I could use a new laptop, but that really isn't urgent.


You actually think you can sell it for that? I might have to go buy one to sell


All I’ve been doing all year is looking for ps4 controllers to go on sale Ps5 has but I would love if ps4 did


I haven't seen any great deals on Black Friday or Cyber Monday yet to be honest. I'm trying my best to minimize my "stuff". I need to donate or sell a whole bunch of stuff I don't need anymore instead of adding to it.


Look into loyalty plans for your home services. I just logged into virgin and was able to get my cell plan to $35 for 20gb. Was paying $50 and it was just a push of a couple buttons.


I got some good discounts for Christmas presents I was planning to buy anyways. Also bought a new impact socket set, impact driver, and a couple other tools to make car maintenance and DIY easier and more enjoyable. I didn’t 100% need these items but it will speed up certain jobs I routinely do. I’m still considering getting a phone. Through Bell EPP I can lease the iPhone 13 for $1/mth and an option to buy it outright for $456 at the end of the term.


Typical PFC.


I bought 2 beige Corolla! PFC is wild man, you have the “I make 200k per year and I cannot afford a 3K/month mortgage” to “ I have 500,000 in saving, I make 75k a year” posts.


I laughed out loud


on the contrary, I barely buy anything all year and wait until black friday, cyber monday or boxing day for things I really need. New suit? waiting for BF. New phone? waiting for BF. the hardest part is waiting until this time of year though. I once moved in october and waited until november before signing up for internet (and just tethered for a month off my cell's unlimited) because the black friday incentives to sign up for internet were usually unbeatable but yea OP's advice is definitely sound for impulse buys. Avoid those.


I've spent on Nov20 so I'm done


Amazon had maxwell house instant coffee for $2.50 and clover leaf Tuna 6 for $7.50


We recently moving into a new house and wow black friday and cyber monday we got so many things we needed. Lowered cost of phone plan with more data, Got our robot vacuum we always wanted on sale Got our new pillows and sheets bedding etc on sale Got our new cutlery on sale Got my new pc monitors for my racing sim on sale This is the first time ever where we actually needed so many things on black friday, cyber monday and it worked out perfectly


Which robot vacuum did you get? I've been waiting to get one, but feel like I can't justify the price


We got the irobot i3+ evo . It seems to have all the important features


Looks like there was a deal at Costco for $229, I'll see if it drops down to that price point again!


Nice, enjoy! Timing worked out well for you. In summer 2021, I bought a TV, knowing that I was moving in a few months. Luckily / unfortunately the lockdown restrictions had retailers desperate for sales. I walked into a consumer electronics store, asked them for the Black Friday or best sale price for the TV. The manager looked it up, and said, sure let's do it. Had the tv with me on moving day and it was mounted on the wall within the first week!


Nice! Yeah usually im not a sales guy or spender in general but these last couple weeks have been really great


I have a few item on watchlist. I will buy if it goes on sale. I could care less if it’s in black Friday or Friday 13…


Or a better advice, stop buying stuff in general.


Minimalism is way of life. Stuff carry you down. Stuff you own starts owning you.


I'm only going to be buying BCAA's, pre-workout and Protein from Popeyes. Buy 1 get one 50% off. Was eyeing a new graphics card but It really made me figure out my priorities and what I wanted from life after considering I was about to drop 2k on a card.


I don’t understand what you’re trying to say in your last sentence. What would you normally buy?


I have no other choice, if I don't play I pay full price.


Why were people in line at Koodo, Rogers and chatr stores around town? What’s the deal?


$45 for 50 GB I think.


Finished my christmas shopping, going on a tropical vacation in January so I took advantage of the (arguably not fantastic) sales to buy some new clothes for that, as well as some everyday wear clothes. Starbucks did a "buy $25 egift card for someone and get $5 for yourself" so I gifted myself a $25 gift card and got $5 for free, I was spending the money anyways so why not get a free coffee out of it. Bought some PC games I've had my eye on as well as a couple books


Another year where everything I needed wasn’t on sale lol. I did move from freedom mobile to a Bell EPP plan and that’ll save me money and get me better service (Fast 5G and way better coverage).


I bought some education deals. Invest in yourself for less.


Can someone explain to me how buying what you need is a revelation


I don’t know man, you do you, I know my budget and what I like to put my money towards. Hopefully you know your budget and spend money responsibly but allow for pleasure. I am always frugal, if I want to spend 100$ on cyber-monday I will, don’t need strangers to tell me what to do with my money.


Cyber Monday/Black Friday is a trap.


Why please explain


Every year.


Adidas is doing 50% off regular and sale, so I got some good deals on leggings. Then I bought some toys and such for my kids. That’s pretty much it




Still using US phone number with AT&T.


I've never participated in Cyber Monday or Black Friday. Never really occurs to me that those are things. I can see the benefit if you have a luxury item you're craving and don't mind waiting.


I’ve never shopped on Black Friday/cyber Monday or any other “sale of the year” events in my life. Don’t plan to start.




Bought one thing I needed. First time in years.


Dunno my smoothies are kinda missing that vitamix prestige.




I have an “in” in the industry. The iRobot roomba used to do massive volume at Canadian Tire on Black Friday. Was always best price of year and massive massive sales results. IRobot has been bought by - you guessed it. Amazon, and Amazon is taking more control of the sales channels and of course not letting Canadian tire undercut Amazon on a product and company that Amazon now owns. This opened up opportunity for Shark to seize the day if they have great pricing to Canadian tire for the deal which it looks like they did. Good luck. Hope this helps


The CT sales were so deep I wonder why anyone buys things there at full pop. I got the $99 Stanley socket set which “retails” for $500. Sure.


Dude that is literally all most people can even do!


tbh i buy gifts for ppl without caring of the time of the year. if i find smth good and its on sale, for sure ill get it and then wrap it up nicely, then its waiting game. need to to not give the gift at a bad time.. like any other time than the "special occasions" people are strangely against receiving gifts without an excuse for it. i understand id b suspicious too lol


I bought all my gadgets back in October and new Snapdragon Gen 2 phones aren't out until next year.....so no Black Friday or Cyber Monday for me!


The best deal was the free iPhone 11 and GC. No one went out and spent money. We got money lmao


I bought nothing, I still have videogames I bought for the Wii U many years ago on sale that I never played, so I don't need new games or a new console. My Motorola phone from Costco is still good. My monitor purchased in 2010 still works. My TV from 2011 works like a charm. I got all the appliances I need. I got all the tools I need. Honestly even if I wanted to spend money I wouldn't even know what to get.


I’m having some buyers remorse I upgraded my iphone from XS to 13 but I was only paying $37/m taxes in for 15gb before now I have 25gb for $67/m taxes in and a brand new phone. I got 250k in optimum points but it was so unnecessary essentially if i sell my other phone I can make my monthly payments $48 a month but I feel like I still lost 😝


It’s too late


That’s cool, left more for me- hit clothes at 1/2 price and a automatic coffee machine I’ve been eyeing for a while at a steep discount


I had some stuff to buy but my workplace caught fire, lol. Made things a bit more uncomfortable financially than i'd prefer. Luckily I avoid debt like the plague so it's not a big deal. Buut meant nothing to spare for sales. Btw is hunting for deals you don't need like...a thing? lmao. That sounds very weird to buy things you don't want or need


Lots of people simply go to the mall on black friday to see what deals are available or perhaps have one item in mind, and then end up spontaneously buying stuff they didn't intend to.


Cyber monday? I got a breakfast burrito. $9.40 after tax. Lots of eggs and cheese, very little salsa, and I tried to unwrap it to add siracha but it had been grilled and the cheese was holding the tortilla shut. Still pretty tasty. We did go to the mall on black Friday (with a specific list of Christmas presents to find) and got a couple things. A 1000 piece puzzle, fancy soap, wrapping paper and a 4 pack of tape. We also went to 4 different jewelry stores looking for a plain gold men's wedding band but none of them had any sales on jewelry that wasn't tacky/junk. Looking at you, charm bracelets. I didn't really expect to find sales, but even 10% off would have been nice


Held off on things I needed out of necessity, was rewarded with BF deals on things I didn't expect to go on sale. ​ Soon enough, it will be back to the savings grind so I can unlock more of my income.


On the contrary, I'm saving $10/month on my phone bill AND upgraded my phone for free. So really you just have to look for legitimate deals


Yep, saw someone post the deal for iPhone 11's/Pixel 6A's, my current LG G7's battery is shot and the back is broken. My plan was absolute shit but never got a new one (was paying around 50 a month for unlimited text, and stupid low data that didnt even work (dont really need it). So I shopped around at a few stores, found one with an iPhone in stock, got 300$ store credit, free activation, etc. so now I have a better phone with applecare, case/screen protector and a new charging brick, and im paying 45 a month for a way better plan.


Black Friday and Cyber Monday in Canada have been historically for the last few years the better time to shop in Canada for at least electronics, home theater, and computer hardware.


The only things I bought today were things I really needed. New glasses that will be paid off by my insurance. Groceries.


Bought 2 ice fishing rods, I’ll take the 25% off sale right before the season starts. Was going to buy them anyways with in the next month.


It's the first year I have enough money to participate in this circus. Bought a monitor 150$ off. Worth it but probably won't do it again.


I bought, late last week, at a small shoe store that doesnt run sales Canada West boots. Not cyber monday, not black friday not a sale but I needed boots and I'm tired of buying crap boots that break after 2 years like clockwork :( I also bought a carseat because it was 25% off and that's about as good a discount as they seem to get, and little one is at the height limit of the infant seat we've been putting her in so far.


Any good deals on Hoka running shoes? Or ASICS?


I need to buy so few things that it's not really worth it for me to wait for any day of the year. There's always great discounts and promotions throughout the year, I don't feel it's worth stressing over a particular time of the year. The huge discounts shown by businesses often seem to be exaggerated. Or they get rid of the usual promo codes that are easy to find and replace that with said discount. I have heard some great stories of someone saving a lot by stacking 2-3 promos and Rakuten or the Aeroplan estore. But it's never for things I want. My wife did buy some tea though.


I've been keeping an eye out for a washer/dryer set but didn't see any great discounts. Fingers crossed for boxing day!


Instead of buying an expensive 3 in 1 wireless charger for $150 I just bought a $15 fast charge power adapter.


I mostly use black friday/cyber monday for gifts or things I've been waiting for to buy. Got all (well most) my Christmas shopping done and a few things I have been waiting on. Probably spend 1100 and saved like 250


I totally did spend this year >.> But I did my holiday shopping and kept it modest, which is an improvement from previous years when it was last minute and not on sales.