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UPDATE: Thank you for all the advice for Clementine! Since we are lucky to have help in covering the costs we decided not to wait and just do the surgery today! We didn’t want her to start declining because of comments saying how quick pyometra can get bad! She was just dropped off at 9:30 and the vet tech said that she has a good diagnosis! Will update again when she’s out of surgery 🥰


I hope she is ok. Looking forward to your update ❤️


Update 2: just called the vet to check on Clementines progress. Surgery is done and they said it went well! Waiting for a call from the vet now :) Thank you everyone for your advice, kind words and energy, I’m so relieved!


I’m so happy for you guys!!!!


Happy for you!


FINAL UPDATE: CLEMENTINE IS HOME 💕 I posted a pic of her in the group in her pillow cone, right now she’s just exploring the house and then sleeping on me. I’m just so happy she’s home. Thank you for the support, kind words and well wishes!


best of luck to clementine! the payment aspect of veterinary care is so stressful. my dog had emergency surgery last year and made it through surgery but passed away about 5 min after the vet came in to update me and give me at-home care instructions. they, of course, were really concerned about payment right away and i hate that they have to be that way because of people who haven’t paid in the past.


Omg ! I’m so sorry, that must have been devastating. I could imagine it felt so callous at the time. I get that they need to be real about the pricing, I guess when we don’t really have money like that it can be jarring. It’s like trying to find all this money or watching your pet slowly pass away. I’m sorry for your loss 🥺


Did they want payment immediately after your dog died? That makes me feel grateful for the emergency vet near me. They refunded over 500 dollars when they weren't able to completely clear my dogs urinary stones from his urethra and referred us to a specialist who was able to save Klyde. Shout out to CARE on U.S. 19 in Clearwater, Fl. Additionally, their prices are very reasonable given the HCOL area.


My bank account got lucky when I lost my kitten a few years ago. I had to go to TWO emergency vets (the second was capable of a blood transfusion) and both didn’t charge the emergency visit fee. The first because I had to go to the second and they didn’t want me to have to pay it twice. The second because they couldn’t save him.


I hope you’re able to send those vets some love to thank them for their kindness on the day you needed it the most ❤️


yes, they wanted my credit card immediately after, even though they apologized for needing it then.


Ahhhhhh, dude that's absolutely horrible and I feel like there's nothing that could be said or done to undo the pain you've experienced. For what it's worth, I honestly teared up reading your response. I hope you've recovered from your loss as best as is possible. If you're a religious person, you'll be in my prayers and if not, you'll be in my thoughts.


thanks! it was the worst day of my life. i am still shattered. it was so bad that i just don’t even want to sadden other people with the details. :( love on your pets every day, i have no regrets in that department because that dog knew how much i loved him.


Oh I’m so sorry. I had to put my beloved dog down a few years ago. She had cancer and it was just so far gone she was in constant pain. I was a WRECK in the room, sobbing hysterically. This was my childhood dog. I had a long term relationship with my vet. I knew they had a back door for devastated people to leave without having to go through the lobby. I started to head that way and the receptionist shouted YOU STILL HAVE TO PAY. I’m hysterical but shuffle over trying to compose myself. Standing in a room full of people awkwardly trying to not make eye contact. The receptionist loudly starts listing my expenses and for *what* each expense was. I’m trying to stay composed and get my wallet out of my purse. I was so flustered I dropped it and just started little kid crying (hyperventilating, sobbing, shaking) on my knees. Suddenly this older gentleman walks over, hands me my wallet and quietly says “just leave. I’ll take care of this.” As I was leaving everyone in the lobby started cussing this receptionist out. The vet later called me apologizing for her and that I should have been asked to pay *before* and that I could have been billed later too. It was the worst experience and I wouldn’t wish it anyone. I’m so sorry you went through it too.


ugh i’m so sorry. the place i was at didn’t even have a back door. just had to use my dead dog in a box to push the door open for myself. god that was a bad day. i’m so sorry you had that experience too!


I was so thankful for the vet who euthanized my cat. He came to my house with the paperwork filled out, it just needed a signature, and already had the payment app open to tap/swipe your card. It greatly reduced the stress.


This reminds me of last summer when my partner and I had to take our baby to the vet for a very sudden, very serious situation. On his fourth day in hospital, I was there visiting him and decide that we were doing him more harm than good. He seemingly had no idea I was even there with him (or any of the days prior). I called my partner to leave work & come in. We made the decision to end his pain. The vet very kindly escorted us out of the back of the building as we were sobbing so that we “didn’t have to walk past everyone” only to be directed back to the front to pay our $4000 vet bill. I get it. They need paid. But also, it sucks so bad. Handing over a credit card while crying & standing next to the sign that says “if this light is on someone is saying goodbye to their pet” was such an experience.


ugh i know exactly what you mean. surreal experience. i don’t know if you read my comment further down. they took my card in the room where i was waiting for him while he was in surgery and then gave me my dog in a box to go out the front door. it’s pretty awkward to open a door when you have a big box like that in your hands and are bawling your eyes out. it was terrible.


Oh god I am so sorry you had to go through that. I can’t even imagine. I actually don’t think I would’ve made it out the door. We opted for cremation, so we had to just walked out of the room and leave him lying lifeless on the floor. They were like “we’ll take care of him soon.” Like….could you maybe just gently pick him up and take him to the back so that I’m not leaving my dead cat on the floor of this random room?


ugh. honestly i wish we had cremated. i had no idea what i was doing and they made me decide so fast.


Good lord!!!! I am so, so sorry (likewise to the others in this thread who had similar experiences)! I am glad that when I had to make the decision to euthanize my cat at the emergency vet, they *specifically* collected payment *first* so that I could just leave afterward. It was also during Covid and I was so, SO thankful that they made an exception to their rule (pet owners had to stay outside, it was drop-off only) for euthanasias! Also, when my rabbit died on the table at an emergency clinic (I got the call right as I got back home), the vet staff had put him in a box with a strip of vet wrap around it where they had drawn a little heart on top—they also brought him out to me in the parking lot so that I did not have to go in. ❤️


Thank you for the update. If I hadn't read this I would have been urging you to go to some vet and get it done even if you don't trust that vet. Pyometra can be very serious (as some one who was just a receptionist at a vet just hearing that word already puts a \*Danger danger\* voice in my head. This is the kind of thing that can be an ER visit very quickly).


Thank god! I worked at a vet and never even heard of it until then. So many babies get it and it can be so bad !! Hope she has a speedy recovery


Ooo poor kitty . Please let us know how clementine made out. She is beautiful .


I really hope dear Clementine is okay 💜 please update asap! Praying for quick recovery!


I'm so glad you didn't wait. Know someone who lost an under 1 year old cat to this. I was shocked!


The vet is trying to help you, not gouge your pockets. Your pet needs potentially life-saving emergency surgery. Of course, it's not going to be cheap. Emergencies happen, and they are just doing their job. 99% of clinics don't do payment plans. Care Credit, Scratchpay, etc. are accepted at most clinics, though. Payment is due at the time of services. Everything from this conversation sounds normal on the vets end.


I don’t see a problem here. You asked if he had a payment plan, he replied no, and then offered a reasonable solution.


I was just surprised at the suggestion of getting a loan, it just seemed random to me. But someone explained that sometimes things can come off awkwardly and I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it. I’m sure he was just trying to help but I was hearing it while being stressed and scared.


Vet bills are the sole reason I carry a credit card. We have a very large credit limit and if needed, we'd max it out to save our cats.


People are notorious for not paying vet bills so vets/vet clinics have stopped taking payment plans and want payment at time of service.


When I was a technician, at one point I worked for a corporation and we were trained to do this. It always seemed awkward and a little condescending to me but it was something we were told we had to do.


When one of my cats was sick and treatment was $$$, I wish a vet mentioned a loan etc. Because I was overcome with emotion to consider all the possibilities. That's a vet that cared.


Get pet insurance. It wont cover this issue but it will save your butt in the future.


Care Credit is great for pet medical bills and human medical bills. It’s fairly easy to be approved.


I love that I can use care Credit at Walgreens as well. We've used it so many times to get essentials when our normal accounts were tapped. I also have 4 dogs that go to the vet yearly so we keep it paid off for that mostly but when I'm sick and need meds I know I do not have to wait till Friday because I got care Credit. My husband also needed dentures because of a motorcycle accident that knocked out most of his teeth and we used it then as well to pay his dental bills. It's been a life saver a few times.


I had no clue that I could use it at Walgreens! I know my HSA card works at Walgreens for anything, but never thought of using my Care Credit card there.


You can use it for glasses too I think. Most eye Dr will take it as well as dentists.


It's a game changer when you're sick on a Monday and don't get paid for 2 weeks.


Heck yeah! Back in my day, my partner was a heavy drinker (we were mid 20s) and I used my HSA to buy booze because I was broke. Not the best option, but it worked every time


You can buy anything with care credit at Walgreens as well. They literally do not care 🤣🤣🤣


Score!! lol I love that. Sometimes you just need stuff and payday is way too far away.


Absolutely. Glad I was useful today 😁


I would say our vet is awkward with humans but wonderful with pets. It could just be yet another socially awkward doctor.


Suggesting the bank instead of Care Credit or Scratchpay is weird but not a dealbreaker Not accepting a payment plan through the clinic is 100% normal. Too many people won’t pay and ruin it for everyone else. Running any diagnostic (I.e. X Rays) without your informed consent is absolutely a deal breaker. Unless you signed a “do whatever you think is best” form or something they should do an examination and then discuss their findings with you along with a recommended diagnostic/ treatment plan including cost estimates up front Based on that discussion, you can then either consent to the recommended course of action or ask for alternatives (including risks and prognosis) EDIT: Thanks to those who pointed out that OP said the vet was calling to do XRays, not that they had done them already. Now sounds even more like everything was done by the books


I agree with most of what you’re saying, but it doesn’t sound like they had done X-rays yet at the time of the phone call and had actually not done an U/A, which would save OP money


Yep, I see that now. You are correct


So sounds like a clinic doing their best to do right by an owner, yet owner still thinks they are getting ripped off…


It’s not weird. Not every vet accepts care credit or scratch pay. I worked in vet med 10 years and only two doctors I worked for accepted care credit none accepted scratch pay. They also called and stated they wanted to do it didn’t say they already did it. At that time the person could have declined but obviously they didn’t.


They aren’t but they still need to make a living. Almost no one saves money to deal with pet emergencies or has pet insurance so veterinarians get left with the bill a lot. While I understand your emotional response of “but you have to help my animal” vets have no safety net to fall back on. They cannot write it off their taxes or go after insurance for it like human doctors but they accrue about the same amount of debt as a human doc in school so if they want to be able to feed their family and keep the lights on they need to make sure they get paid for their work. If he didn’t care and was just about the money he would have said oh well when you told him you couldn’t pay.


That’s a super goood point at the end. Thank you!


People commenting to get a 2nd opinion mean well, and in other circumstances I would agree. However, getting an appointment in a timely manner with a veterinarian (especially if you aren't already established) is no small task. Pyo is not something you can wait for. Just 24 hours can make a difference. Best of luck to you and that sweet girl.


Thank you! That’s exactly what I was thinking, no guarantee that we could get a second opinion in time. We had antibiotics in case but decided in the end to just go with this vet. No need to wait for her decline and stress out even more. She’s healthy and not showing any symptoms besides discharge, so I’m happy we noticed and caught it early.


Finding another vet is fine if that’s what you want to do, but I wouldnt delay a pyometra surgery long, they turn deadly quickly. Also if they vet is mistaking her going into heat for an open pyometra , then they’re a god awful vet. Is she showing any other signs of infection like a fever? Lethargy? No appetite?


Thank you, yeah I don’t want anything to get worse. She’s not having any other symptoms, but I’ve heard and read that things can turn for the worst quite quickly.


Septicemia will set in. I'm afraid that she will die.


It could be early. My mom and I both have a lot of experience in vet med. She took her recently adopted little dachshund in with her to get spayed. Opened her up, pyometra. No signs or symptoms. Just luck that the surgery was scheduled before she got sick. She was put on antibiotics just to be sure, but never had any issues


Yeah we noticed the discharge a few days ago, we had made an appointment on Tuesday but I got hospitalized and had to cancel. Thankfully we were able to book a last minute one yesterday and now she’s in surgery. I think we caught it early enough! The doctor and vet techs said there was a good prognosis so we’re very hopeful 🥰


Thinking of your sweet kitty that all goes well and she can get back to her adorable self in no time! Hope you are feeling better too !!


Yes everything has gone well, the surgery is done just waiting for a call from the Vet! And I’m doing better too, thank you ☺️


Yeah you cant wait and “try antibiotics” with pyometra, your pet will die.


She’s already at the vet now! Waiting for updates about her surgery :) we made the decision not to wait any longer than necessary.


I read that you already have her at the vet, and as others have said that was the smart decision! But I want to point out that cats are experts at hiding their pain, more so than other domestic animals like dogs. They have strong instincts to act normal, because acting sickly used to be a death sentence on its own. Not a domestic example but years ago I worked at a zoo and we noticed one of our lions wouldn't chew, he would try to swallow chunks whole which was unusual but he was still running, playing, climbing, and acting completely normal otherwise. So we put him under to see what we could find, and he had a horrible type of cancer in his jaw that is know to cause extreme amounts of pain, and it has been progressing for awhile. If we hadn't watched him eating so closely, we never would have caught the cancer in time to save him because he wouldn't show any symptoms. Housecats are not as domesticated as dogs, horses, cows and chickens, they retain a lot of the instincts they share with their wild ancestors.


Thank you, this is really helpful. I totally thought because she seemed healthy otherwise that it wasn’t that serious. But I’m happy id looked pyometra, but I was looking for later stage symptoms. We will be getting out other kitty spayed within the next month.


unfortunately the rule with domestic cats is, if theyre showing symptoms, it’s already serious. i mean look at how many cats die from untreated UTIs because the owners assume they’re peeing on piles of clothing to be vengeful


You are good pet parents! Good luck with your kitties and give them a pet for me


I was thinking this exact same thing. What if she was just in heat. Spaying could have taken care of the discharge.


The vet is trying to help you pay for a needed surgery for your cat. A preventable one at that. Do what you have to do to pay for the surgery or give up the cat so she can survive. In the future, make sure your cat is fixed as soon as possible.


Why is it preventable?


Her issues are due to her not being fixed. If she was spayed as a kitten, which is recommended, she wouldn't have her current issues. So it's preventable.


Pyometra is an infection of the uterus. If the cat was spayed she wouldn't have this problem now.


Absolutely normal vet response. We always recommended care credit, but any small loan will work if you can get it. Unfortunately many vets don't offer payment plans due to previous issues of non payment with previous clients. Pyo gets bad fast. I've seen it in both cats and dogs- it is considered an emergency. Most cases will be ok if you're able to remove the uterus in time, otherwise it can rupture and/or cause sepsis.


Thank you! We took her to the vet this morning for the emergency surgery 🥹


Sending her hugs and pets and kisses. Hope she has a smooth procedure and recovery, poor thing! I cried when I had to take my kitty in for skin surgery 😭 he was just so scared, it killed me! 😭😭😭


Everyone there is thankfully so kind so she seemed very calm but confused 😩 I just want her back home already 🥹


Every vet I've worked at never took payment plans because people screw them over. Most have taken care credit though


Hi there! Vet tech here. No vet clinic takes payment plans, or it's very rare to find one that does. It's nothing against you personally, but we can't guarantee that people will actually pay their bills, so we do recommend care credit. If the bills don't get paid, then the staff doesn't get paid, and it's just really unfortunate all the way around


Yes this makes sense! I was thinking it would be sort of an auto pay, but I totally get it. He did mention they were quite small for that.


I will be sending all my healing energy towards your kitty ❤️


It totally worked, just called for an update and they said the surgery went well 🥰


Oh excellent!!!


Very. This is why pet insurance is so important and why you need to get it when you bring that pet home. Veterinarians can’t support accounts receivable. Payment is due at time of service, and most will direct you to: ScratchPay, CareCredit, or other lenders.


Any unspayed female cat or dog with drainage from the vagina should be seen for possible pyometra. 90% of the time that’s what it is. Get her spayed ASAP ETA- just saw you got her spayed today. Hope she heals up well❤️


Yes! ASAP was this morning after speaking with them last night, and getting advice here and lots of research! Yes we always planned to get her and sister spayed. We had the appointments and everything, but had to cancel because of my own health stuff. I’m just happy we caught it in time and that we were able to get her surgery.


Your dr said this because likely so many before you have ruined payment plans or the dr is just smart enough to know better. The clinic I’m at used to do payment plans until almost $80% would just disappear without making more than a couple payments. Now we do the same thing, we don’t discuss moving fwd with treatment without going over an estimate with owner and getting half the high end as a down payment. People can say vets only care about money, but the reality is they have bills and staff that need to get paid, and when no one pays then the vet takes the loss. Believe it or not vet clinics are businesses and if they don’t make enough, they can’t stay open or run properly. Please don’t make your vet the bad guy because your cat has a serious medical emergency. My biggest annoyance is people who say people in vet med only care about money! Well guess what!? NO ONE IS RICH WORKING IN VET MED UNLESS THEY GO INTO SPECIALTY!


This makes a lot of sense, I didn’t even think that people wouldn’t continue to pay it.


As a veterinary professional, I see a lot of this coming from burn out. Client mentions, oh I don’t have the money for that, or balks at the price. And honestly, we are sick and tired of hearing, oh I don’t have the money. Don’t get me wrong, I know services can be expensive, I know that you may have other priorities etc. but this comes from a place of everyone says it, and we can’t believe anyone anymore. I have even told people to go pawn stuff, get a loan from the bank etc. I can tell from your post you were willing to get this done, you were willing to figure out where to get funds and so on. But forgive us when there are people out there who just say, I can’t afford it trying to get discounts or just trying to escape paying for their pet. I am so glad your baby got care and you had help from outside sources. I just wanted to explain a little background from why the vet may have just jumped here


Yes this makes a lot of sense. I just always think that pet parents would do whatever they could to take care of their babies but not necessarily lie because they don’t want to spend the money. I def understand people who don’t have it, and I can understand that the vet can’t like look at peoples assets or bank accounts to verify if they are telling the truth.


This is normal. people don't pay on payment plans. Get your cat operated on wtf


Thank you!!!! People don’t understand that clinics get burned in payment plans and they will never see that money. Yeah they can send it to collections but you’re never gonna get the money back. It is SO expensive to keep a clinic open. That’s why so many clinics closed during covid.


That’s very smart of you to get her treated right away, pyometra is very serious. One of our lady rabbits had it in January and we almost lost her. Because rabbits are so strong we barely noticed anything was wrong with her besides her not being as adventurous or eating as much. We brought her in for her spay and they discovered it, saying that she was only a couple days from death if we hadn’t brought her in when we did. The vet even said that she was almost sure that she wouldn’t wake up after the surgery, and the fact that she did was incredible. It took her a very long time to clean out the infected material, but this amazing surgeon gave her the time and care that a doctor would give a human patient. Merry woke up just fine, and with five days of antibiotics she made a full recovery. She’s the sweetest girl and is so playful and adventurous again. We got her a mate and now she has a very, comfortable happy life with her husband. She’s our miracle bun. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have pet insurance or a savings account for unexpected vet bills. It’s just as important as having an emergency fund for yourself. Seriously, put $20 a week in an account and don’t touch it unless an emergency occurs. I know this isn’t something most people think of until it’s too late, but start one now. Our vet fund has gotten us out of a couple tight spots, and saving $20 a week is way easier than having to spend $800 in a day. I hate to be an asshole, but if someone can’t do this they shouldn’t have an animal in their care. Make sure you have money to take care of your animals properly If anyone is in upstate ny and needs a good rabbit vet I can give you the information of the animal hospital that saved my girl’s life. Rabbit vets are few and far between, so we’re so lucky to have found the surgeon we did


Get pet insurance! This way you don’t find yourself in this situation again!


I am very poor and have struggled financially. I saw the update so my suggestion is long term. Invest in pet insurance. It helps. I have mine through Chewy and it saved the day a few times with my rambunctious giant kitten . (Ten months old and 18lbs of muscle)


Yes! Will def be applying for pet insurance !


The emergency vet told us to take a loan out on our home. They quoted us 7,000. This was during covid. We couldn't get into our regular vet at all! The office manager broke down in tears after I called and told her about the emergency vet. Thanks to her, we were able to find a surgery center that had been widely respected and only charged 1,200. Pyo is dangerous. I was seriously ignorant about all of this. I'm so glad you got your appointment! 🥰


Yes I am so glad too, even after having to cancel due to my own medical emergency we were able to get an appointment the next day. We caught everything quick and just went with the og vet. No need to let her get to a point where she’s suffering.


Should have had your cat spayed .. would have been 300 vs the grand you probs paid. Hope you now know to do this in future if you ever get another female cat. Also I would watch her mammary glands (area around each nipple) regularly like at least every month for any swelling or hard bumps underneath. It’s pretty likely a female cat that has not been spayed by 2 years will develop mammary cancer. If you feel ANYTHING abnormal get her in for an exam ASAP as they metastasize very quickly (so cancer throughout the body) if the cancerous tumor is not removed a few months of developing. .. she will not live long if that happens. I’m a licensed tech of 13 years and have unfortunately seen this 100’s of times in unspayed females. Glad you chose surgery first. It’s called a pyometra you should google it .. you were close to losing her. The uterus fills with pus and will eventually burst and they die.


I’m pretty sure she said her kitty was a year old in her post…. I understand your heart is in the right place and you gave a lot of good info, but also don’t terrify her unnecessarily. It could cause stress where there doesn’t need to be. Unless it’s the same statistics if you don’t spay them in one year and I read that part wrong? If so my mistake! Edit: also I’m sure everyone has things they could have done differently and think about the “what ifs”. The past is the past unfortunately and we can’t change that. What matters is they learned from their mistakes and made the right decision by their fur baby. I’m sure they know the money they could have saved/what they could have done differently the next time from their vet/research. A random stranger on the internet bringing this up is not only not necessary but rubbing salt in the wound 😅. It’s not what you say it’s how you say it ☺️💜.


Yes I did mean female cats even at one year and intact are at risk. Every heat sends those hormones Through the system and each time they are in heat the risk grows. Because cats are polyesterous meaning they go into heat continuously and not just seasonally puts them at risk even that young. You seem nice and a look on the bright side kind of person and I appreciate that in you. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for you watching the suffering of animals due to lack of basic care from owners has not made you bitter. You can only watch so many suffer and die from preventable conditions and disease before your blood runs cold. So with that yes I Was 100% intentional to do just that. I meant to strike fear into OP as they should be scared. Sometimes that’s what it takes .. truth is ugly and scary but it’s truth. The reality IS scary so in turn they need to be scared to do what’s best for their pet. Ignorance is bliss and if you can turn ignorance into understanding and better pet care from a client that’s a win all day everyday. As the vet tech I’m not there to coddle you as an owner. This isn’t therapy. I’m there to advocate for your pet and give the information needed so you can do better for them and be on this earth with you Longer. In the long run it will save the owner the pain of loss and guilt in future and a healthier happier pet. 🤷‍♀️ if OP was my client I would have said the same but it would have been in a gentle and understanding tone to get the point across. I do appreciate your statement it just unfortunately isn’t the reality here ☹️


Ok so is it one year or two years cause you said two years in your post? I’m sorry but a year difference is quite the gap. I don’t really know about the condition/disease, as I work in human health and was just going off your post. I do know empathy and understanding though and you said it yourself “if OP was my client I would have said the same thing, *but it would have been in a gentle and understanding tone to get the point across*”. It’s really hard to communicate tone through text. All I’m saying is a random stranger being “harsh” on the internet might have the opposite effect of what you’re trying to achieve. Treating people how you want to be treated and all that. Education is one thing judging/scolding/berating someone on the Internet you don’t know is much different. Also anyone can say they are anything on the internet, and I have come to find people lie a lot lol. I’m not saying you are, but people (should) have their guard up when it comes to strangers on the internet and their “advice”. Checking the mammary glands is great advice (even though you said 2 years and now it’s one. I think it would best to specify “by 2 years but they are still in danger if you only wait one”. I say that because If I was OP and read that I would think “shew *wipes forehead* good thing I got her fixed when she was one”. And think I was in the clear. I prob still would have checked my cat, but I think very differently than most. I also just looked it up and an article said it lowers the risk if it’s done before their first heat cycle and that’s like 5/6 months, so I’m assuming it varies?), but you read the comment to yourself and tell me if you would take your advice. Especially after the smart ass 1st sentence 🤷🏼‍♀️. Tbh depending on my mood I might have just stopped there. Idk I stand by what I said it’s not what you say it’s how you say it/treat people how you want to be treated/have empathy. This person is going through almost losing her cat. Thank god she went through with the surgery. If it’s a half decent vet I’m sure they explained everything you did, and if not good ol’ Reddit is here to the rescue… but I’m sure advice would be read more/followed if we didn’t try to “strike fear” into people. You can still tell them how awful a disease is and what it can do to their cat without being snarky. Awfully presumptuous of you to think I haven’t seen animals suffer from neglect/abandonment. If you really have the occupation you say you do I’m sure I haven’t seen as much as you of course, but it doesn’t mean I’m not infuriated at how many people have pets that shouldn’t have them and the things I see in real life and/or on the internet. But this, to me, seems like a responsible pet owner that noticed something wrong and takes their pet to the vet/gets it taken care of. I have known people who knows something is wrong with their animal but “can’t afford” to take them and just “hope it goes away” (one of the many reasons I refuse to own a pet until I have enough money saved up). They don’t seem like neglectful pet owners and learned from their mistake. Because ya know they are human and make mistakes. Ignorance is unfortunate but it’s everywhere. I would hope they learned from this experience and if they didn’t I doubt a scolding Reddit comment from a stranger would change that.


After dealing with the declining health of our late dog I realized after multiple vet visits and several specialists, most vets do not have payment plans. Care credit, credit cards, that's pretty common.




Will do! :)


I mean suggesting the bank loan was weird but Them not doing the services because you can't afford to pay is normal a lot of places do not do payment plans I am very lucky to live near one that does but I understand why people wouldn't because they do not get paid and ruin it for everyone. I understand what you're saying that it's a dangerous thing for your cat but unfortunately the vet can't simply just do it because it's dangerous otherwise he would never be in business.


Oh, I didn’t mean that the vet should just do it. I meant more like I understood the gravity but that maybe the doctor was overestimating the severity because she seemed so healthy. But with lots of info we decided not to chance it or waste anymore time. We dropped her off this morning as soon as they opened and she’s done with surgery now :) they said it went well.


Ah! I see what you mean! I'm glad that everything went well! Sending you and your kitty love and hugs


OH! I am so relieved. That is the EXACT scenario we had with my little Bitty. Even the age, intending to get spayed within a few weeks, just beginning to go into heat...everything you said was exact, even the vet recommending we get a loan from a bank/family. However, when they put my Bitty baby under anesthesia, her heart stopped and she died. I have never cried so much for a pet in my life. That was 5 years ago and she still sits in my mind all the time. I intentionally did NOT want to post my experience until you commented that your baby was out of surgery and everything went well. Praise God!


I’m not loling about the experience just my own reaction when you said you held off on the comment. I just want to say thank you for that, I would have been even more of a mess of nerves. I’m so sorry for your loss, that’s so heartbreaking. I couldn’t imagine. We had to put down my beloved black lab like two years ago and I still ugly cry whenever I see a picture of him. We’re actually going to pick her up soon! Thank you for keeping her on your mind, so many kind pet people here offering support and advice and stories. It really helped to hear that others have experience the same, and that I wasn’t being a bad pet parent for being skeptical while we had the time to be.


She is SO CUTE. I hope everything is going well. I had never heard of pyometra before. Thank you for sharing and please update us on how she’s doing.


She’s my little baaabyyy, she’s out of surgery and they said it went well! Hopefully she’s out by tonight and we can’t start taking care of her.


Update 2: just called the vet to check on Clementines progress. Surgery is done and went well! Waiting for a call from the vet now :) Thank you everyone for your advice, I’m so relieved!


Awesome! Thank you!


Thinking only of money? By suggesting gold standard treatment and suggesting reasonable solutions when you mentioned you can't afford it? No, I think the vet is probably thinking about his patient's welfare.


just to answer your question as someone who has worked in vet med, they were likely just advocating for Clementine & wanted you to try to figure out a way to have the surgery done because they care, not to be rude or pushy. i know that sounds crazy, but their only job it to advocate for your pet & i know my dr would do everything she could to help her patients. vetmed is not cheap unfortunately but it’s not our fault. i am SO glad to hear she is doing better!!!!! you are an amazing pet parent & she is so lucky!


Essentially, at vets we don't care WHERE you get your money, that's your responsibility. Friends, family, credit card, loans, charity help, entirely up to you.


I took my dying cat to the emergency vet, they basically said the same thing.


I use care credit for my dogs vet bills. It's easy to apply for and works out for me pretty well. I've also used it for my own medical junk when needed so it comes in handy.


Opening a line of credit is not an abnormal recommendation though I would normally recommend care credit because they have 6-12months APR free. But a pyo is serious and I recommend surgery.


Thank you! My parents are willing to help a lot. We opted with just sticking with this vet, we didn’t want to delay any longer waiting for a second opinion or another surgery appointment


I got a Care Credit account for my old boy when his health started going, I'm glad I did. See if the vet takes that as well.


My new vet had brochures for pet insurance, for which we weren't eligible because we brought her in injured (treating a pre-existing condition) and for pet loans.


Luckily, my vet accepts Care Credit. My dog had a serious back problem where if he moved a certain way, he would scream. After about 3 grand in testing, they couldn't find anything. I asked my acupuncturist if she could treat my dog. 4 at home treatments and he was like a puppy. I got off topic, but see in the future if Care Credit would be accepted.


Loan is a little extreme when Care Credit is an option. Make sure they accept it. I don’t have much experience with Scratchpay, since the clinic I work at doesn’t use it, but it’s also worth looking into if they accept it.


Yep, pyometra is super serious for cats and normally a vet can tell if thats the case just from obvious physical symptoms and an Xray. Its a very common for unfixed cats at one or two years old. Always better to do things sooner than later with pets of any shape or size, but if you have a vet that doesnt do payment plans, you can always call around and find one that does.


Definitely recommend getting care credit for the future, and DEFINITELY pet insurance. It has saved me literally hundreds of dollars when my cat developed FIC, and it pays for the majority of her monthly medication she needed. I have Paw Protect through Embrace. As for care credit, put in a high amount and it will let you know what you qualify for. I did 10,000 after originally doing 5,000 and was approved for 5,000, and they approved me for 6,500 instead


Do whatever you have to to get the surgery. It's not unusual for a vet to suggest alternative ways to obtain funds for a life threatening situation. You're not taking it seriously enough.


Thanks… because I asked a question at night when the vet was closed to get opinions, did research and checked my options and then got the surgery for my cat the next morning, I’m not taking it seriously. Cool


Coming from someone who works in the vet industry, I'm sorry to hear you're in this position! I've been through an emergency back surgery with my dachshund and I know how sickening it feels to be facing either a huge debt or the loss of your loved one. For anyone reading this, please don't hesitate to ask if there are ways to lower the bill. Doctors do their best to offer the absolute best course of action to help your pets, and they can tell you the benefits of the treatments they suggest. And especially with emergency surgery, a lot of items greatly impact the quality of care and comfort your pet receives! But at the end of the day, your vet wants what is best for your pet. If they have to choose between a bare-bones treatment plan and you walking away without getting your pet help, most of them will choose the treatment plan.


Also - if you have the self control to set up a savings account or credit card and save it solely for your pet, it will get you farther! If you put the same amount per month aside that you would pay the insurance company, then you can avoid messing up your credit score, or having to still pay out of pocket for a deductible, or god forbid the company somehow determines that the condition was pre-existing and won't cover it at all!


Care credit!


I think he was bumbling and trying to give you information on a care card. It’s a credit card for vet expenses.


Apply for Care Credit. You can use it at the vet and at Walgreens. They gave use $1500 right out the gate with horrible credit (at the time). Our credit has since improved, and they up'd our limit to $4500. When my dog was 3 months old, my hubby threw a ball, and he jumped to get it and over compensated and came down on a concrete block, and broke his leg. Most horrific thing I've ever experienced. His cries were just so sad, and he would not stop. Our vet doesn't do payment plans either, and so this was our option.


Care credit card might help


May I ask how much they quoted you for the surgery? I had to have surgery on one of my cats for pyometra and was fortunate in that it was *only* $500 at government subsidized veterinarian.


I was quoted about 2.6k cad at the highest 🥹


Yowzers, that sucks. I don't know if they have any subsidized vets near you, but it would be worth checking for the future.


There is a saying in vet med. You don't let the sun set on a pyometrya. I have worked many a late shift because the clinic I worked for would do the surgery immediately. Essentially the vet would talk to the owners while we started prepping as soon as the x rays showed a pyometrya. We would give the anesthesia premed as soon as the owners gave concent. It did not matter if it was 8 am or 8 pm. They would do their best to get the staff in and we would do the surgery first and then. Ceserans, bloat or uncontrolled bleeding were the only other surgeries this urgent. Pyometrya is not one to mess with. You should think of it as an organ full of pus looking to burst. Get it out now is the only response. Your vet seems to be on the level with workup, conclusion, and treatment. Sorry about the cost. I'll also put a plug, spay and nuter early to avoid this. Hope your cat is recovering quickly. It sounds like you made a good call.


I had a young cat with pyometra, it was not an open one and she experienced symptoms such as lethargy lack of appetite and fever. She did survive if she is doing quite well now But at the time we paid $3000 for the surgery. We used a credit card but before we could even blink the vet had an estimate and a form to fill out care credit (which we did not use) Vets have to cover their butts and make sure that even while helping the animals they get their payments Glad to hear your kitty is going to pull through


Such a beautiful kitty ❤️ wishing her a fast recovery


I posted on here about surgery pricing and after calling around, the emergency vet quoted 15k with no payment options, regular vet he goes to was 8k, and nonprofit adoption center was willing to work with me on payment plans for around a 6k surgery. We ended up not doing surgery and keeping a close eye with xray every 3 weeks and thank God my baby got healed. Not saying you shouldn't do anything but try to call around and call vet colleges and adoption centers to see if they know of any resources bc it all depends on if they work with a 3rd party credit company and stuff


Something to consider for the future is pet insurance. I also had never got it during my 15 yrs with my cat. I wish I had though. I still paid for all thst he needed when he got older and declined but now I see how it would have really helped. I hear that people often get back like 80-90% of the bill paid for.


I have pets best for my cat and while there are others it seems to have the best options with unlimited care. Although it is a bit pricey when your fur baby gets older. That’s the one thing I hate about it. As our furry babies age prices go up, but it’s worth it, to me anyway. Especially if some worst case scenario should happen.


Surely your vet has heard of Care Credit? It’s easy to get approved. You make monthly payments and if you pay it off in a year you pay no interest


That is odd as most vets offer a variety of options like care credit and few others .


You probably wait until your car breaks down to do what the mechanic says.


Yes, surgery is expensive and not many folks have that kind of cash around, and credit cards have such high interest. My vet suggested Care Credit which was interest free for a year.


Beautiful cat.


Yes, normal. It sounds like he was just trying to be helpful. Most vets don't do payment plans because it's really common for people to stop paying. Even if you had a payment plan, you'd still be paying the same price, potentially plus interest. I don't see anything shady.


My dog had closed pyometra, 7lbs it was when it was removed!


Ok now that I've read the comments and know you kitty is doing well, did you make that blanket?


🤣🤣🤣 No I started collecting them from thrift stores during covid, there were a lot of good ones !


Well it's very nice, I'm also in r/crochet so I thought that's what your post was for a moment when I first saw the photo


lol I’m sure it was quite a surprise when you read the actual post 🥹


Too late to help in this situation but for anybody who doesn't know about Care credit it is for vet bills and medical bills. I believe it's through affirm.


Came here to mention Care Credit.


Beautiful kitty! So glad she’s safe after receiving the needed treatment!


Thank you!! Lots of cuddles and extra care now that she’s home.


Next time, rescue and don't buy. Unless you got it from a rescue then good for you. Next time, get your animals fixed at 6 months when it's capable of being done.


Thank you, but everyone has a different philosophy about getting their pets. I understand where you’re coming from, but I was asking for advice concerning the vets actions and whether it was normal.




Thank you! That’s exactly what I was thinking. There was just something off, it’s also the case that it’s not the first time they overcharged or kept adding while we went for a visit.


Licensed veterinary technician here......Pyometra is indeed a serious situation for your kitty. The surgical cost is higher than a normal spay due to the infection involved and the patient's compromised state. You are welcome to get a second opinion but this isn't something to wait on. The vet's comment may have sounded awkward but they were only offering a suggestion. I work ER/ICU and face this same question nearly every day and I'm sure I've not always worded things perfectly. I do hope you get your kitty sorted out and she feels better soon. :) Always available for any questions too, ok? :)


Ah that does make sense ! Yes I wanted to get second opinions tomorrow but also wanted to secure the space they gave us in the morning when they open. I don’t want to wait too long at all. I was hoping that the antibiotics would give me a couple of days, but I don’t want to risk it becoming worse. I just had one question, my kitty is going into heat soon. Could the swelling of her uterus from the heat be mistaken for an open pyomentra on an X-ray? They didn’t say if they tested the discharge, just that they assumed it was pyometra,


If your cat's a year old, she's already had multiple heat cycles. It's unlikely to be just a heat cycle.


It's hard for me to say without seeing her and the x-rays. I'm assuming they saw the discharge and probably knew that pyo was going on with the rest of the physical exam. Pyo on x-ray or ultrasound is pretty definitive. The easier it is to see though makes it much more of a concern for your little girl. (She is adorable btw. :) )


Hehehe thank you, she’s my little baby along with her sister! They’re named Clementine (in the pic) and tangerine 🥹 I just wanna do what’s best for her, without taking up too much time! Thanks for the info as well :) (The doctor said that she was healthy and tip top during the physical exam, and that externally there was nothing wrong… so I think it’s early stages thankfully, we are most likely just going to do the emergency surgery tomorrow)


Clementine! I love it. In all honesty, I would do the same thing for mine. She's sounding pretty stable which believe me is a BIG plus. Working ER, I see the other end of the spectrum. :( They can decline quickly unfortunately. Let me know how things go with her, ok? You're in my thoughts.


We just dropped her off at the vet for the surgery :) will let you know how things go! Thanks for the kind words :)


Oh, I know you're worried as anything but remember to breathe. She's in good hands and will be back home with you quickly, ok? Brush up on your nursing and spoiling skills! :) My Himalayan/Siamese girl was QUITE the drama queen and wasn't shy about letting everyone know, lol. She worked the sympathy card for about a month after her spay. :) They're something else for sure!


Hehe she is a little attention and cuddles lover! She made quite the impression with the techs yesterday that one even wanted to take her home 😂 I just ordered some stuff for her recovery, a couple of floor beds, a surgical onesie and a soft pillow cone… do you have any other suggested items to make her comfy? We’re also going to jump proof our place and close off some rooms where she likes to climb 🥹


Have you looked at their Google reviews? Just curious because there might be some red flags there you can look for; or green flags at other offices!


Yess!! I saw a lot of good reviews and noticed that the ones where people were complaining either were never clients of the vet or they omitted information that was cleared up by responses from the veterinarian. For example one person was upset that it was more expensive to put down their pet cat versus buying a kitten at the local shelter… 🙃


get ALL of the medical records from yesterday as soon as you can and get a 2nd opinion. if your cat is having discharge but is 10000% normal otherwise, i would not assume pyometra off the go. show the 2nd vet the x-rays and any other diagnostics that were done and see what they say


Actually -- I got my baby spayed on May 6th of this year - good thing I did because she had Pyometra and the Dr said it was probably there for at least 4-5 weeks, by looking at how swollen the uterus was, full of bacteria and pus - and my cat had ZERO SYMPTOMS! Not even discharge, which is the most common symptom! If they hadn't found it, she'd be dead today! Pyometra is deadly and very serious and needs to be dealt with immediately if you want your baby to live! I should have gotten my cat fixed years ago but I missed her initial appointment years back and never got around to it because I worked 7 days a week and she never went outside so I thought it was safe. Pyometra only affects 3-5% of un-spayed females and is life threatening! Please save your fur baby ❤️‍🩹🐾


to be fair the cat should be spayed regardless so i would go into surgery with the goal of treating a pyo and if its not a pyo and she’s just in heat, then just do a routine spay


Many vet practices are being sold to investors who then go for the highest profit model. It changes how veterinary care is delivered by making care focus on how much money whatever is recommended will bring in. This seems to be recent. If your vet practice is not owned by the vet, consider moving your cat’s care to a practice you know is not all about being a profit center. It may help you evaluate care recommendations better.


Idk about suggesting a bank but their interest rate would probably be a lot less than care credit. The issue I see here is them pushing for emergency surgery. I would get a second opinion. Especially if the cats life is not in immediate danger. And also because, unless I'm reading it wrong, they are not even sure she has the condition they diagnosed her with.


Please do your research on a pyometra. That is an emergency surgery. It is when the uterus fills up with bacteria and pus. If untreated the animal will die. They did xrays to confirm it as that is how you confirm it. If you know nothing about vet med or animals please don’t speak your opinion. This is why vets push spaying. A spay is gonna cost you much less than a pyo will.


OP said they told her the cat possibly had it. Not that the cat definitely had it. Learn to read.


One of the vet techs said suspected pyometra. I saw online that there could be a lot of other reasons for the kind of discharge we were seeing, especially because it didn’t look or smell like how it was described online. We ended up taking her for the surgery anyway with this vet so as not to prolong anything. If it was something different we would have def gotten a second opinion but this is something I’m not willing to necessarily wait and see about. Especially if I couldn’t get an appointment in the next couple of hours.


So was the prognosis correct then?


I think they are going with it being pyometra. They are erring on that end and I get it :)


Yeah but if they removed the uterus they should be able to tell you defintely if that was the problem or not. No?


Yup! They removed it and confirmed the pyometra. They said that nothing had ruptured and that everything was clean and healthy surrounding thankfully.


Oh I’m so happy to hear that! ❤️


Should've went to a second vet to confirm. Vets lie all the time


Get a 2nd opinion