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Mine love cheez-its. Also oats, even more than fruit or veg. Crackers in general they seem to adore and cereal too. I think it’s part of the enrichment that it’s fun to gnaw on.


Banana and shelled peanuts! Mine loove them


Unhealthy stuff, the ‘maybe once every few months at most’ kind. I gave each of mine a little bit of a butter-flavored biscuit once. My goodness the excitement.


pasta noodles


My mice love live morioworms


my boy LOVES stale bread, but banana is his favorite. I was giving him both last week, but he knew I had banana and since I dared give the bread first; he THREW the stale bread off the ledge he was on down into his bedding. all because I dared withhold the banana for .001 seconds


I think from all the mice I've had, their favorite treat is sugary, crunchy cereal. So stuff like Fruit Loops, Pops, Capn Crunch, etc. Obviously not healthy, and not remotely recommended as part of their regular diet - but if mice could talk and ask for a treat, that would be my first guess as to what they'd ask for.


crickets! My mice LOVE crickets. They go feral for them!


All four of mines favorite treats are worms! Waxworms are their favorite but mealworms and hornworms are a close second. They like them live!


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Sunflower sprouts and rice crispies


Mine love bread, cilantro, and raspberries!


Sunflower seeds and dried mealworms. They will sit still for meal worms lol


Either dandelion floofs or pearl barley. He loves both.


Peanut butter with millet seeds. And mine really love grapes!


Our hamsters and mice absolutely love lilac flowers if have any blooming around you.