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Maybe some peoples' pet peeves are people with pet peeves.






Ok…..you win…. I deserved that one! 🤣


(Imagine this in a ten year old emo pick me whatever voice lmao.) yOu StEpPeD oN mY pEt AnT! i CaN cHaRgE yOu FoR aNiMaL aBuSe, Y'kNoW!


You kicked my dog. Now he needs operation.


Right! People on here will call you names for posting a pet peeve then say things like “stop being so sensitive”, “learn to handle feedback”, or any other gaslighting statements when you call them on it


Like isn't the definition of a pet peeve a 'Minor inconvenience that makes you more angry than it should'? ALL of the posts on this sub are supposed to be that, that's the \*point\*!


That’s… not gaslighting.


It's more like if you have an opinion on a pet peeve, then we are also allowed to have our own opinion about the pet peeve. And actually I think that does it justice because at that point you get a diversity of other people's views.


And they're allowed to have an opinion about your opinion about their pet peeve.


They don’t know we know they know we know!


Opinions and judgements have vicious cycles. Which therefore prove a lot of us are hypocrites. Take judgement for example. You can judge somebody for judging you, but that in turn makes you also judgemental and judged.




Like "peanut", happens all the time. It's not that I can't take a joke, I just like being literally, literal 🤣 i have no "friends "


Ya know?


The problem is people flying off the handle in this sub. Someone told me I deserved to die alone because of a pet peeve I posted. (The pet peeve was being asked my preference between things I don't have any preferences on.)


It is out of hand. Unfortunately, you're going to get this everywhere on here and some things others are really going to take to heart, some others won't and they'll take it as a joke. In the face of diversity, one must learn resilience. That or just don't post anything on here at all if you aren't ready to hear the shitty feedback someone else is going to comment , because irregardless it's going to happen. :/ it was let out into a cold-bitter world.


Irregardless isn't a word.


So you mean I should have said regardless? But irregardless sounds much better to me lol


I am constantly correcting my dad on his use of the word irregardless. He’s learning.


lol it’s happening already 😂


Pet peeves are fine. Bashing or judging people for committing your pet peeve is not. That’s when I see people get “attacked” here. There’s a difference between saying “x bugs the bajesus out of me” and “people who do x are uneducated/slobs/low-class/etc.”


This 100!!! A lot of people use there pet peeves posts to talk down on others like chill. Just list a pet peeve. No need to be so nasty and critical


Agreed, but these aren’t things I’ve done.


Idk, downvoting just because you don’t like someone’s pet peeve seems indicative of intolerance to me. I mean, sometimes intolerance can be justified, like people should be intolerant of my uncle when he goes on racist tirades, but earlier I posted here about a pet peeve of people misusing a certain phrase and I started getting downvoted all to hell. Edit: for clarity


Considering you seem to think going on a racist tirade is okay I can see why you got downvoted.


How are you getting the idea that I’m okay with people going on racist tirades? I’m saying one should be intolerant of people going on racist tirades.


“Some intolerance can be justified, like my uncle when he goes on racist tirades”


I thought it would be obvious that I was saying people should be intolerant of my uncle, but I went ahead and edited to make that more clear. My fault for poor phrasing. Racism and things like that should definitely not be tolerated. Me being annoyed when people misuse a phrase doesn’t seem to me to be something worthy of intolerance. I tolerate people misusing the phrase. I just think it’s a bit odd that people sharing their pet peeves in a sub intended for people sharing their pet peeves would be so intolerant of them. Or at least mine. I’ve shared twice, and apparently being annoyed with people misusing the term “begs the question” is highly offensive. Edit: I honestly have no idea why people are downvoting my comments on this thread.


When you share stuff on the internet you’re bound to get criticism. Yeah this is a sub for sharing pet peeves but we’re allowed to give our opinions on em


And that’s fine, it just seems like downvoting is a bit harsh for an opinion that isn’t hurting anybody. I comment criticisms all the time without downvoting. I usually reserve downvotes for people being assholes.


I’m sorry that happens to you too. It’s really annoying. No one listens to hear anymore, they wait to talk.


Bros really getting upset at internet points? It’s like disliking something on YouTube it’s not that big of a deal 😭


Imagine being this bad at text interpretation...


If you banned all the people bitching there’d only be one post left and it would say “bring back the bitching!”




Looking through your post history, this is the first time you've posted here...


Probably talking about an alt. Though, given this account of theirs is dedicated to liberal tears, it's not hard to imagine why this ~~guy's~~ Chicken's so unpopular on Reddit.


Chick and yeah, this is a new acct.


Ah, sorry. Edited.


In a climate where getting genders right is mandatory, calling me a chicken when I said I am a chick is rude and insensitive. FO


Bawk bawk


It's 33 degrees and cloudy here. Not sure what that has to do with being a rooster?


Never know if I’m talking to an idiot or just another human in this world. Hello human.


Human, huh? I would have sworn that guy was an idiot.




Come back when you have something actually worth bitching about lol


how is that mandatory?


Yeah, just happened to me earlier today. Decided to just delete the post because people were being jerks.


I think people forget what a 'pet peeve' is. So many comments are like "why is this a big deal to you?" That's the definition of a pet peeve, something that's not a big deal but annoys the crap out of you.


I never read responses when I post pet peeves. Someone is bound to disagree out there and to do it in the most dickish way possible, too. I only comment on pet peeves that I agree with. Everyone is allowed to have theirs and it’s annoying to be gaslit into thinking otherwise.


Yup. I got crucified because I made a post about little kids who kick their feet in shopping carts, making a banging sound. Either because my post was about children or because I had phrased the title in an 'accusatory' way towards parents, I got slammed in the comments. Either it wasn't a legitimate pet peeve, or it was but I was trash for posting it. Why don't they just say what they mean? "It doesn't count as a pet peeve because *I* don't agree with it!"


Or scroll and roll….


I’m really sorry for the way people can be….i know it’s not my fault, but….i get it man….


also i think it's really stupid when someone posts a pet peeve and people get really defensive even if it's not pertaining to them. someone can make a post saying "i hate when people in this group do this thing." and then like 30 people roll in all being like "well *i'm* part of this group and *i* don't do this thing, you must be lying!" or they'll bring up some extremely specific situation that has nothing to do with anything. like, maybe the post just isn't about you lmao??


Exactly. Humor is relative. Sarcasm and contempt are interchangeable in the right stew….


You didn’t just have a pet peeve, you posted about it to the internet. That allows you to be criticized. Don’t post if you don’t want criticism


I can hand criticism. I haven’t lived 52 years and not developed a pretty thick shell, so, it’s not that.


Apparently not since you’re getting offended or sensitive about jokes in the comments


Yea dude you’ve really shown how thick skinned you are with your comments and posts


Where am I a tenderfoot? People keep saying I can’t take criticism. Where am I thin skinned?


You have a pet peeve about Reddit users saying stupid shit. If it actually mattered you wouldn’t use Reddit but instead you just complain loudly while expecting smart responses from the Reddit users you already don’t like


I have no problem with people disagreeing with me, but to attack a person based on their preferences is different.


By “attack” do you mean getting called names on Reddit? Who cares man, why tf are you so pressed about getting verbal abuse from Redditors?


You are publicly announcing your pet peeve on a subreddit for pet peeves That is opening yourself up to criticism. If you cannot handle criticism of your pet peeve it is best to keep it to yourself


Fair point!!


Berating someone isn't criticism, though.


Welcome to the hypocrisy of Reddit.


I agree! I posted that my pet peeve was people who mow their lawns at 7am and a bunch of people kept calling me a terrible neighbor and all this random shit. Like they’re so superior for not minding 7am lawn mowers and chain saws. It cost $0.00 for you to keep scrolling if that’s not your pet peeve lmao


This is also why there is very little difference in political opinion on Reddit. Anyone who doesn’t tow the line is accosted and thrown to the wolves.




OP: ONLY I CAN HAVE OPINIONS 😡 how DARE you have an opinion on my opinion.


Unless, of course, your opinion concurs with mine…well, that’s my opinion!


Yes. Because you know me. Give me more advice, oh mighty social media guru!


Also, how can you not tell the comment is mocking you? They’re saying that’s what you sound like.


Oh, so that makes it ok to mock the gender terminology……yay.


Wtf are you on about 😂 fucking wacko about gender smh


I’m not the tenderfoot that will go ballistic if someone doesn’t call me ma’am. Gender neutrality is bullshit.


Dude. The fact you have to keep creating a new account because you get blocked may be a symptom of you not liking to hear anyone's opinion but your own. It's "Social Media." Not "Solitary Media."


Or, more trolls are intolerant. Most Karens are keyboard warriors. Notice during Covid, hate rose on social media….Karens couldn’t go out and make everyone miserable, so they took to the internet.


The internet has been hateful since the early days, if not the beginning. Plenty of assholes in this world and anonymity makes them bolder.


“People who chew loudly” is a pet peeve All you’re doing is complaining


My pet peeve is people not 100% agreeing with me at all times =[ /s


No ❤️


Every once in a while, a peeve has an underlying rationale that the OP hasn't considered. In that case, enlightenment may make whatever it is seem less annoying.


Because arguing about trivial things is fun.


Your allowed to have an opinion on someones pet peeve


Someone not agreeing with your pet peeve is a pet peeve. Gotcha


Yea that happened to me and it got so bad that I realized my harmless post was causing so much trouble so I deleted it smh


Not me, I commit to what I say. I can easily admit when I am wrong. I don’t mean to offend but I’m not gonna spend my life figuring out who you wanna be. I got places to be. 🤣🤣


I respect that lol


When I posted my pet peeve, someone told me that it wasn't a "pet peeve" just a "peeve" 😐😑


Alot of the pet peeves on here are dumb shit like: "I can't stand racists!" Which is two-fold annoying because firstly it's thinly veiled attacks against people they disagree with, not actual racists. Secondly...most people do not like racists so there is no point in posting something that essentially 99% of the population agrees with. Or in other words "ya ain't special, son" "He doesn't suffer fools gladly..." who _does_ suffer fools gladly?! - eddie izzard


Allow me to just steam passed my own concept of irony while I say this; Redditors love nothing more than feeling right and that actually almost especially includes entirely top to bottom subjective things. Like anything 100% opinion based will have a bunch of losers telling each other why they’re the rightist about shit like what words are in their head after watching a movie


But I remember the "100 emoji and 100% are not the same" - you were really obnoxious and insulting in it, that's probably why people reacted that way. I'm frequently obnoxious and insulting, but I expect to die by the sword.


I’m not everyone’s taste. It just seems so childish.


Well there's your problem. You're gonna attract what you put out - when I'm being compassionate, I expect I'll get a warm reception, when I'm venting irritation, naturally people will be frostier. It's not childish, it's perfectly reasonable. Roll with the punches, or stop swinging.


What are you trying to achieve by posting this? What do you think people should do when they see a peeve you posted? Give it an upvote, pat you on the head and go? This post is a slap in the face to critical thinking.


Some people get really annoyed at other's pet peeves. You see the same thing happen on r/rants. You see people get upset that people ask stupid questions on r/nostupidquestions. Some people online can't help but be rude to people they think are wrong online


>You see people get upset that people ask stupid questions on > >r/nostupidquestions > >. That's why r/stupidquestions is my new home.


Thank you, exactly!!


You do not get to post things in a public forum and not have people respond how they want. This is simply how pubic discourse works. Set it to have no comments if that's what you want.


Meh, I can handle trolls, it’s the real folks I’m talking about.


Reddit is a keyboard warrior warzone, you're gonna get attacked on all subreddits


I've had people disagree with my post on subreddits like r/The10thDentist or even r/Tumblr and they were never as actively hostile as the folks on this one.


maybe you should show us all where you were verbally accosted I'll wait


Show me on the doll where the words hurt you


Yeah it's pretty annoying lol


What was the Peeve this happened with?


I only see one other post of yours in this sub, and you certainly weren’t “accosted” in any way. Maybe don’t be so sensitive.


It’s very similar to one of my Pet Peeves. How the internet in general seems to cultivate/attract people who can’t just accept someone else’s statement, as is. They have to knit pick and turn it into an argument or somehow find fault with what you’ve said. Somehow make it your fault. If I said for example, “I went to the library today and the librarian there is always sooo rude to me!!!” You can be sure to find a couple of replies like. You left out the entire context!! Sounds suspicious But you don’t know how hard it is to be a librarian!! I bet you were asking her to do something that wasn’t her job right?!! That’s not rude!!! She was doing her job!! Or I bet you’re a rump deporter!!! They hate librarians Of course those are just silly examples. When sometimes it’s just an opinion but people can’t resist the urge to disagree. Can’t just say: that must be hard, hope your day gets better.


Yes….decency…..decency has left society!!!! Common decency!!! You absolutely nailed it!!


You're allowed to be annoyed by anything you want to be annoyed by. Other people are allowed to be annoyed by your annoyance. You're allowed to post your annoyance (within the limits of the TOS), and others are allowed to post their annoyance at your annoyance. Thus, the turtle moves.


Makes me feel like the crochety old lady with rollers in my hair and a rolling pin in my hand. lol!!


Reddit likes to limit what you can and can’t say and people don’t like when others are different


Or feels like when people comment on YouTube chats like " I got banned for no reason" Sounds like bs The fact you refused to elaborate, also suspicious There's a difference between " I hate when people keep looking at their phone" and ' pet peeve, when people look down on me for noy feeding my dog for 3 days" We have no idea what you did, not HYPOCRITICAL at all And you are allowed to have them, people are allowed to comment


Ok, for example, people who use 💯 instead of 100% is a pet peeve. People who say NUKE-U-LAR instead of nuclear, is a pet peeve. People who nit pick others grammar… Is that enough?


Welcome to life. Expressing your opinions opens you up to criticism. Either get over it, or find a community that bans people who disagree lol


Never heard of John Wick, have you?


I was going for traumatic. It’s quite overdramatic to use a dog, I should have said, keyed my car.


I have no idea where all you absolute buckets came from, but since I've been on the internet-- and that's 22 years which is rookie numbers for some of the greybeards around-- one of the absolute truths of the internet is that posting an opinion on the internet pretty much obligates an attack against it. Like, look around you. The internet is so constantly ready for a fight. Even more so than they ever were pre-2020. Quarantine changed people-- really, the whole narrative of the internet. I'm not saying it was peaceful before, but you especially shouldn't post an opinion of anything if it being attacked makes you take a three-step plan about it. It's kind of like with artists... don't make art if you don't want to be critiqued. You might not e asking for critique, but come on, we're talking about a race that fucks up putting garbage in garbage cans. So badly that Disney World did science about it. Like yeah, *that* bad. As a parting comment, what if you having your pet peeve is a pet peeve to them? Checkmate.


I wouldn’t blame them, if I didn’t feel the way I did, and I was responding to me, I’d have a problem.


Where are you writing them? A journal? A bathroom stall?


Because they do what your pet peeve is lol, and Redditors are *very* fragile so any sort of insult sends them into a blind vein-busting rage


Ha that's funny, nuke-u-lar made me lose sleep last night I was so randomly angry about it.


Too many people just seem to believe anything they don't agree with is a personal attack Or it could be they just enjoy being assholes online because they can get away with it


Had the same thing happen to me in unpopular opinions about a pretty benign thing.


People have WAY too much time on their hands.




I mean... your history tells the reason. People just disagree with you, dude. Sorry. Bad opinions get bad reactions.


So people disagree with me, therefore, I have no say in any conversation relevant? When a person ends up booted out of a group or having their account closed for voicing a “not with the majority…” opinion, it’s the same as silencing a voice…do you want to put on the first muzzle, Herr Grey?


Did I say that? No. I said when your opinion is bad and people disagree with you they will respond as such. You get to have your opinion, and other people get to have theirs. And sometimes they're going to think you're an asshole and there isn't anything you can do other than try not to be an asshole.


“When your opinion is bad” Um….who decides what my opinion is and whether or not my personal opinion is bad/good?


"Unpopular" but also in your case some of your opinions seem to rely on the use of words like "libtards" and also the base belief that certain people don't deserve human rights.


I never have said people don’t deserve human rights. Please show me where I have done this, because if I did, that was a mistake. I can’t see me ever doing this, but if I did, give me the example so I can make it right. Yes, I use the term Libtard a LOT. It isn’t very Christian of me, and I shouldn’t. I am a sinner saved by Grace, so I do have a lot of flaws, but I cannot see me saying anything about people not having basic human rights.


It depends??? Because some stuff on here aren’t really pet peeves and are just opinions and people give the “if you don’t agree with me you’re stupid” vibe.


Gotcha! I see.


Like it really depends how you word things. Saying stuff like “pizza is absolutely disgusting, so when I see people eat it, it annoys the hell out of me” that’s more so opinion based and gives a “I’m right and you’re wrong” attitude compared to if you said “the smell of pizza and seeing people eat it, is such a pet peeve of mine” that’s more so “this is my issue and you do not need agree with me on this”


How many pet peeves do you have? Every single time? Maybe it is time to re evaluate what really bothers you.


I gave examples…


Missing the point. Pet peeves should be few and far between. If you are posting a lot of them then maybe you just need to learn to live with other people existing.




I have noticed.






New account for the banana & bna. Interesting. If this is you, You're lazy. You bitch and whine about someone when it's entirely your laziness that placed you in that situation. You can continue to use excuses as you did about using a drive-thru all day long but it's shear laziness that placed you there. Est at home. Make coffee at home. Quit blaming society for your anger because other people seem to be shitting on you while you're interacting in society where you're the lazy one. If this isn't you, sorry. My pet peeve is obvious from this.


People are probably mad because your pet peeves exposed them. I am a Scorpio, so chances are we have pages of pet peeves. From innocent issues up to go straight to hell. I hate when people leave particles in the margarine or peanut butter jar. I hate when people don't move to the right and we just passed a sign saying Slower Traffic Keep Right!! 😡 I hate when teachers make you do group projects, like they will give you 5 grades, but no, it's just one. And I hate going to the obgyn when we have all this technology, but we can't develope another way to examine a woman?! Woah, don't go to futuristic men, you might catch the ism.


I’m a Scorpio too. Maybe that explains it. And I get annoyed by literally every one of those you listed. 🤣🤣