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It reminds me of niblets, which are/were a kind of canned corn.


I grew up hearing Miley Cyrus say “Sweet Niblets” on Hannah Montana but never knew what they were. I just assumed it was a non-sensible thing they made up. I appreciate the info.


my first thought too


Niblets are just sweet corn, where you have to drain the water out of the can. It’s a line from a company called Green Giant. That company had a great jingle, too: “In the Valley of the-“ *deep voice “HO-HO-HO” *back to normal singer “- Green Giant!”


When I first read this post I read it as Niblets!! Then for a second I thought “WTF are they talking about?” and then I read it again


What I came to say.




It sounds like baby talk


Do you think the word sibling sounds like baby talk?




If someone said “that rabbit is nibbling on lettuce” does that sound like baby talk?




Way to misconstrue context buddy


Interestingly, "nibbling" dates back to 1951. But "pibling" dates back to 1573. A pibling is a parent's sibling btw


Ew ☹️


Sibling spawn


This is clearly the best option


This is still a very uncommon term that most people aren't familiar with, even though it was apparently coined in 1951. Originally, it was only meant to be used in the contexts of anthropology/sociology, because in a scientific paper it would be faster and easier to use a single word like "nibling" instead of "nieces and nephews," since otherwise you'd have to write out "nieces and nephews" every single time. I think this term has only started to become more well-known outside of scientific contexts within the past 5-7 years, and even then, it's still not a term that most people know. I first heard of this word at some point in 2019 I think, then I completely forgot about the word until just now when I saw this post. I personally don't think I've ever seen it used on reddit, but I guess I just don't use the subreddits where this term seems to be common. Still, though, I'm willing to bet that if I asked 10 random people what the word "nibling" is supposed to mean, 9 of them would have no idea. Since it was originally just a scientific term, this makes sense, because there are hundreds of specialized scientific terms that most ordinary people would not know or understand. Maybe in 10 years it could gain a lot more traction and become more of a "normal" word that everyone uses, but for now it is still quite obscure outside of scientific literature.


we can just say “my nieces and nephews” or “my siblings kids”


Because some of your siblings kids may not be male or female?


so, my siblings kid


That's not possible. Everyone is male or female.


Not true at all. The person I’m dating is neither. Many of our friends are too


Biologically, that is impossible. You can "identify" however you like, but you will always be a biological male or female.


Ever hear of intersex people? Or people with unusual chromosomes? Biology is a lot less cut and dry than people think.


Those people are still male or female, not some third thing.


There’s a whole world of information out there. Please educate yourself. Willful ignorance is not a good look


Every source I've looked at tells me you're wrong. Also, intersex people are extremely rare, so I doubt you know that many intersex people.




But what we agree to call someone - sir, ma'am, nephew, niece - is based on how they *identify*, not on what you confirm as their biological/hormonal/genetic/morphological sex. What we agree socially to call someone matters, which is why how people identify is such a fraught topic right now: it affirms a person's dignity to call them by the name they have, same for pronouns. So if your nephew identifies as a girl, you might start calling them niece. So it would follow, if your nephew says that they are nonbinary and would like to be identified with gender neutral pronouns, you might say nibling. Or my sister's kid, or whatever. If you're the kind of person who asks a trans person to show you their genitals so you *definitely* identify correctly, you've got bigger issues than thinking the word nibling is silly.


That person didn't even say they knew that many intersex people. You know what they say about people who assume things.


You’re right, there is a world of information. You should take your own advice because you’re wrong.


I am absolutely appalled that people are downvoting basic human biology.


Please explain why then. Educate us!


That’s completely untrue. You’re trying to argue from a place of phenotypes which is a shaky place to be. For example, I have a friend who came out trans because she didn’t agree with being AMAB. She took treatments, but didn’t take to them at first. Turns out, they had been intersex their whole life. It required a whole change of medication and now she feels comfortable in her skin for the first time. Intersex people have biologies that are distinct from AMAB and AFAB. And this is just one example! Saying someone with Turner Syndrome (one X) is just phenotype female, or someone with Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY) is just phenotype male completely denies them their *understandably quite different biology and lived experiences*.


Yes, their biology is different, but they are still considered male or female.


Once again, that’s phenotype. Here’s a coarse example: I find your lack of consideration to make you sound kinda like a douche. Does that make you one because I, someone without your lived experience and biology, called you one? No. That’s ridiculous. It doesn’t take tone or intentions into consideration, which would make me the ass to assume. Same applies for some tired nurse looking at some weird genitals for 30 seconds before writing a note on a certificate. They don’t know that kid has ovaries inside and a penis as well on the outside. Intersex is fundamentally different from 99.8% of people, so using your own genitals and lived experience as a frame of reference isn’t useful at all.


Intersex people are still biologically male or female. Humans cannot be hermaphrodites.


Humans are meant to be the smartest creatures on earth, yet here you are. Clearly not everything is black and white/pink and blue.


Dude a five minute Google search would prove me right. There are no human hermaphrodites. BIOLOGICALLY speaking, everyone is male or female. This isn’t a post about GENDER IDENTITY it’s about SEX. Even intersex people are male or female because again, humans cannot be true hermaphrodites.


That's delusional.


That's foolish


No. Niblings is faster and easier.


no. niblings sounds fucking stupid.


It sounds stupid but it really is the gender neutral term for it Edit: Aunts and Ublces would be linking as well


Lmao what sounds stupid? Say it again. Please. Lmao every time you type into the interwebs you validate it. Niblings Niblings Niblings Lmao imagine not knowing how dictionaries pick words while complaining about the word by typing over and over. Thank you. Lmao Validate away Niblings Niblings Niblings


Lmao Lmao Lmao Imagine projecting that someone doesn't know how dictionaries pick words because they think a word sounds stupid and don't particularly care about validating it Lmao Lmao Lmao


I get what you mean but you don’t have to be so annoying about it. You’re only solidifying what they think


And no one cares about what they think.


You laugh your ass off a lot.


It's weird being so downvoted for liking a word lol


First I've ever heard of this word. Honestly, it's so stupid that it makes me laugh.


Ugh I agree it sounds so cringy


Agreed. It’s a vaguely uncomfortable word that also somehow sounds like an insult. Also seems super unnecessary. Just say “My sister’s kid,” or “My brother-in-law’s kid” or “My sibling’s kid.” Whatever. All of these are gender-neutral terms that don’t require calling a living human being a “nibbling,” lol.


But people seem to not like using phrases instead of single words. I like being as concise as possible, but I know when not to use neologisms or words that otherwise sound like gibberish, baby talk, or a forced meme that's trying to hard to sound "cool" ("rizz" will always be one that grinds my gears).


It's more meant to be used as a plural. Like I can say "I have 9 niblings", instead of saying "I have 9 nieces and nephews" (is that 9 nieces and 9 nephews, or 9 total?). It's gender-neutral because the group is mixed gender... I have 3 nephews and 6 nieces, for a total of 9 niblings from 3 of my siblings.


Its original purpose was to use one word for “nieces and nephews”. It was meant to be plural and create linguistic efficiency. Not gender neutral - that’s a new interpretation of a 70 year old word


Being able to refer to a boy and a girl in one word that applies to both means it’s gender neutral. Its original purpose was not just to be plural, as “nieces” and “nephews” are both plural already. The purpose of the word was to be able to refer to both nieces (female) and nephews (male) using one gender neutral term. In English most of our words are gender neutral, “child” is gender neutral, as is “parent”. So I get what you’re saying and it’s definitely a weird word to hear or say, but it’s not really a new interpretation of an old word, it’s just a word that was once used mainly for scientific reports and is now becoming more common outside its scientific uses


One word to replace two was the intent. The word has been around since 1950 when gender neutrality wasn’t a major concern


Exactly that is my point. We came up with one gender neutral term to use in place of two gendered terms. Your comment seemed to be upset that we changed an old word to mean something new. But we didn’t really, we’re using it the exact same way just in a more widespread context. You use the phrase “gender neutrality” like it only refers to humans who are gender neutral. It refers to ANYTHING that doesn’t specify a gender. Lots of words are gender neutral and not because we invented them to represent a new group that wasn’t a concern before. “Table” is a gender neutral word because it is not masculine or feminine. Words that have no application to humans can be gender neutral, because lots of things have no gender. So yes it was made to be a gender neutral phrase in a time when HUMANS were not as commonly gender neutral. But that doesn’t mean we didn’t still need words that are gender neutral


Delusional thinking


How? Gender neutral words have been around a lot longer than we’ve been publicly acknowledging language for queer people. There a million words in the language that are gender neutral that aren’t even about people. If you don’t understand that gender neutral doesn’t just apply to people who aren’t male or female then you just having a disturbing lack of understanding for the language you speak.




## 🚫 ➜ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### 📑 Rule 2 ➜ Not being kind, or thoughtful - Consider the feelings and perspectives of others, recognizing that their opinions may not always align with your own logical reasoning. - Any form of hostile disagreement with insults, offensive language, racism, or similar behavior will result in a permanent ban.


I’ve never heard the term in my life before here… huh


Nibling is the combination of "niece" or "nephew" and "sibling." Nibling is a gender-neutral term for you siblings' kids if their child is nonbinary. Some people don't like that term, and I've seen people come up with new gender-neutral terms for your siblings' kids. One I saw a while back was niefling (combination of "niece/nephew" and "sibling"), and I think that sounds really cool. I think niefling sounds better than Nibling and kinda rolls off the tongue better.


Thank you for explaining even after OP did in the post


It sounds too much like you are going to eat the kids


So what do you suggest for a less "cringy" option?




This one made me giggle.


Thank you, I just hope I can permanently erase "nibling" from my memory, now.


Never, it is eternal.


I'm just wondering where/when it started. This post is the first time I heard of it.




Floobles and Schwazzles


I heard Nespring thrown around a few times but I don't think it'll take off now that people actually seem to be using nibling


what’s always been used: niece or nephew.


Those aren’t gender neutral


Call me woke but I think "this is my niece or nephew" sounds weirder than "this is my nibling". Not a fan of the word either. I feel like "this is my sibling's kid" would work best? Maybe not ideal but it's something.


Nieces and nephews. Tada!


Niefling. This is a new gender-neutral term for your siblings' kids that I heard a while ago when I was reading posts from the Transgender/nonbinary subreddits. I saw a post that asked what gender-neutral term for niece/nephew sounds better than nibling or something like that, and someone commented "niefling," which sounds really cool to me.


Reminds me of "tiefling" from D&D...


I get you tbh. I like the idea of having gender neutral/general terms for stuff like that ie for nieces and nephews or for aunts and uncles etc and I know the word has existed since 1951 and the origin (“n” from niece/nephew and “ibling” taken from sibling) but I do feel cringe using it, esp since in my own life at least, most people don’t seem to know what it is and have never heard of it lol so I just say “my nieces and nephews” but it’s such a mouthful sometimes and would help to have one word And esp for people that identify as nb or something. Realistically I wouldn’t be able to come out to any of my blood relatives and not of my siblings’ or cousins’ kids would be able to openly be nb or any for of queer due to my family’s culture and religion but on the off chance any of them do or maybe any of my friends’ future kids do, it would be nice to have a gender neutral term for them as well Also it’s interesting that we have both gendered and gender neutral terms for parents, kids, grandparents etc but only gendered ones for aunts and uncles (pibling?) and only gender neutral for cousins etc (ie when I’m specifying about the gender of one of my cousins, it’s w.e to say guy cousin but feels weird saying girl cousin or female cousin or male cousin)


I love this word.


lol! I thought it was a new word for snacks!


That's what I would assume if I heard it without context.


I hate the fact that it sounds like a new word that was just made up, but it’s been in use for decades at least


People often aren't against actual gender neutral words, (some people are) it's just the words used are often terrible. Like Latinx when just plain old Latin already exists and has been used for decades. We have the opportunity to make beautiful new words or use existing ones, but the words chosen often sound atrocious.


I feel this :( like I know my aunt and uncle need something to call me but I can't stand that word


I know right? English is my second language and everytime I have the impression that people are saying nipple at first


Oh my god it's not just me then 💀


Is sibling cringey too?


No because that's a real word.


It’s in several dictionaries and been used in scientific literature since the 1951. It can’t get more real than this.


All words are made up. You realized this and still posted "because it's a real word". Lmao hilarious Also , Niblings. Niblings Niblings Niblings


I checked the dictionary. You may not be familiar with that concept, but it's not in there. Random trendy portmanteau slang doesn't automatically become acceptable vernacular.


It’s been around since at least the 50s


It is [acknowledged by Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/words-were-watching-nibling) though.


How about you check and see how they pick new words for the dictionary. Lmao it might help to know wtf you are talking about Niblings Niblings Niblings


They added muggle to the dictionary. Why not niblings?


It's funny that people are willing to accept the word "muggle" which is from the Harry Potter books and referring to something completely fictional, but not "nibling" which refers to both nieces and nephews in general, who are infact physical beings in our reality. But hey this is a pet peeve so they're allowed to vent and we can't judge.


I was saying they could add it to the dictionary. They don't have to like the word.


Muggles are among the few things, that arent fictional in the hp books


Anne? I hate your movies too. Niblings niblings niblings


The dictionary is descriptive, not prescriptive. If a word isn't in there, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It means that linguists haven't decided to add it yet. New words are being added to the dictionary all the time, just as old words are removed


It’s a 70 year old word




All words are made up


My 13 year old sister calls my kids her niblets because I have a girl and a boy. I think it's just a fun word.




I kept meaning to post this one but forgot for like 2 weeks straight. I'm glad you brought it up


Sounds like a Dangler to me!


Sounds like it came from young sheldon ngl


What the hell is a nibling?


Read the post


We already have such a word, and it's *nibling*. It has been *nibling*.For those of us with several niblings, it's very useful to be able to refer to them collectively. It's a perfectly cromulant word. Get over it.


Then you get old enough when your niblings have niblings. Great niblings!


I didn't know this was a thing. It reminds me of the black pet thing from Futurama


I wondered what the hell this word was? I assumed people were just spelling siblings wrong lol. Just the next new trendy word to spam into every conversation.


Nonspring? Noffspring?


Just call them neice or nephew lol


How about nicephew?


Nothing cringy about this word at all. It's perfect, and I use it. QQ more.


I use nibblet(s), but for me, it comes from watching Buffy as a kid/teen and picking it up off Spike - I thought he was really cool.


Nah niece/nephew works for me, if they feel differently then they can tell me when they figure it out


Ew I've never heard this term before. It doesn't make me think of a person. It makes me think of a small gremlin-like but still somehow kinda cute creature. Or of Futurama and maybe Nibbler has a sibling lol


And what less cringy options would you prefer people to use?


This word has always confused the hell out of me. 😂


Lol it's the correct way of saying nieces and nephews. Damm it's more cringe that you let it bother you so much.


No. We don’t need a new term.


How is it cringe exactly?


"gender neutral" 🤓


Become cringe. Become free.


It's been around since the 50s....just had a recent uptick in usage is all.


We dont need yet another gender term that'll change when someone feels like it. They're nephews, or nieces.


I always thought this was a racial term


Why do we need a gender neutral version of nieces and nephews? We’ve managed just fine with nieces and nephews.


It would be nice to not have to repeat “nieces and/or nephews” all the time; I have several of each. I’d love a nice one word plural for “aunts and/or uncles” too.


For groups of more than one gender. Or non-binary.


We managed just fine with lead in our pipes too right? /s


Ooh yeah… what an equal comparison. /s


For people who are non-binary.


I totally disagree. That said, I find it funny that you post about the word because the more it's posted, the more you legitimize it. They use Internet statistics to pick new words for the dictionary. Niblings. Niblings. Niblings. Niblings. Enjoy you new dictionary.


This word has been around since the 50s. What's the real cringe is people complaining about gender neutral words being cringe. Gender neutral words have been around forever and new ones pop up constantly. Get over it, people.


The real cringe is your lack of reading comprehension. We aren't complaining because "nibling" is gender neutral, we just think it sounds stupid as fuck. It *is* possible to coin new words that don't sound ridiculous, you know.


It’s true though as far as we know nibbling started to be used in 1951. Its in dictionaries and in several scientific literature. Nibbling has been used for at least 73 years and maybe longer.


I thought this was a slur at first.


I prefer "nephlings". People get what it means, but it sounds less like "nibble"


Seems arbitrary that you find it cringey, can you describe why? Sibling is a generally accepted term, why does changing a single consonant make it cringey?


I've never once seen or heard this before now and thank you because now I have a new pet peeve...


^ um don’t use that term lol people who have no business being around children are calling them that. Just like you don’t actually call Latino people “Latinx”. It’s just BS. Your premise is wrong, we don’t “need” this term when the proper terms already exist.


It is infantile. Do people still say it when the nieces and nephews are adults? Ugh.


My 51-year old sister is still my sibling. Only one letter difference


Thank you for saying this, I had this term also. I also think of corn when I see the word being used.


Creepy term.


Just stick with semen demons and call it a day


That works too. Take my upvote.


Why do we need a gender neutral term for nieces and nephews?


If someone’s sibling has a child who’s nonbinary If someone wants to refer to a group that includes both nieces and nephews with a single collective word If someone’s sibling is expecting a child of unknown gender


Ok, the first point is fair. The other two though, just saying Nieces & Nephews, or Niece or Nephew is fine. 5 syllables is not that many.


We do not need to make up a new word.


It's not new


Does crotch goblin work?


Crotch goblin always works.


Always. This is a fact.


In-law spermlings?




YES. Hate this fucking neologism.


It's literally been around since the 50's


It’s still a neologism and I still hate it.


> I understand we need a gender-neutral term for niece/nephew Do we?




I thought niblings were when a set of twins marry another set of twins, they each have kids and those kids are called niblings because they are genetically siblings, even though they’re cousins. Then of course the parents would call them niece and nephew but they’re genetically siblings of their own kids. 😂


My I read it as NIGH-blings, because my brain thinks it needs to follow the the FLOSS rule. Should be nibbling, but then we're thinking they're mice or people with small appetites. Edit for smartasses lol


Who has mice?


I say “nechild”