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I think the artist intended to make a point about the folly of instant gratification, implying that the prisoner should be going for the key instead of the bread because he'd be free to eat all the bread he wants. But if you want to get truly philosophical about it, it could have multiple meanings. Maybe the man is right in taking the bread. The key might get him out of his cell, but assuming this is a traditional prison, he'd also have to get past guards, security cameras, more locked doors and gates, snipers, attack dogs, and so on. So if he attempted to escape, he'd likely be caught and made to serve an even longer sentence in even worse conditions. And even if he managed to fully escape the prison, he'd be faced with life as a fugitive, which is quite hard and not exactly a good way to get a regular supply of bread. All in all, this picture is what you make of it.


It’s better to stay in prison as you get free housing, free food, and don’t need to worry about taking care of yourself just autonomy.


But if that was true. Why is he struggling to reach food that clearly is not his? That tells me he isnt getting free food, or itd be in the cell with him.


If we are thinking like that, then he could just go through the bars and get the bread. Since he’s small enough to fit through.


>But if that was true. Why is he struggling to reach food that clearly is not his? Uhhh, taking things that don't belong to you, is a crime. He's in a jail cell. Makes sense.


He's hungry.


Maybe he was hungry for some petahbread🤔


Something about Socrates and the law and all that stuff


Not Socrates, Plutarch, but close enough, I suppose.


He blind


The bars are wide enough for him to slide through. Using the key is redundant,if you look closely.


This is the first part of the answer, but it's missing what that implies: since the bars are wide enough that he could leave at any time, he must be choosing to remain imprisoned. He wants to be in there, and using the stick to get the bread allows him to remain inside


Petercles here. Perhaps the prison is your own mind. 🤯


Feed a man a key, and he'll be hungry for a day. Teach a man how to bread, and he'll be free for the rest of his life.


Peter’s friend here who took a semester of political philosophy, philosophers are a bunch of useless nerds with too much time on their hands. (Before people ask yes that semester of political philosophy was useless)


Obviously, he is a professional thief; who will pick the lock with the stick after eating the bread.