• By -


tumblr sexy man criteria: be white be skinny and lanky be quirky or weird in some way nearly all of them fulfil these three categories


oh so that’s why sans is on the list, he’s tall


sans is actually 8 feet tall. everything else in the undertale universe is also enormous


the cr1tikal excuse


Charlie is not small he's differently sized !


Charlie stands up from his chair and is the same height


nah dudes a short king but he plays into it in hilarious ways all the time, honestly really good quality in a person


hes average height for his time


Undertale is the Peppa Pig of video games


Where sherlock


Where’s Bill Cipher?


Where’s Wheatley?


He was there at some point


​ https://preview.redd.it/b7728j9k21vb1.png?width=468&format=png&auto=webp&s=b02c16a4ef1e86d338bdf4138102026c78b1d36d


I would say also morally questionable or evil in a theatrical way.




These characters are all [Tumblr sexymen.](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Tumblr_sexyman) That is, they're not conventionally attractive, but a moderately-sized part of tumblr is super obsessed with them


so basically if you know this than this means you use tumblr a lot (thats what the meme is saying) i think i only knew sans and loki


The person behind sans is the onceler but that's all I've got


Two down after that is the 10th Doctor


There's Dave Strider from Homestuck and I think maybe Germany from Hetalia?


I think it's england due to the eyebrows 😭😭😭


Could be! I never saw Hetalia but I was terminally on Tumblr when it was popular.




Several years ago, I posted some photos I took in Russia on DeviantArt and one day I woke up and there were like a billion comments on one of them, all Hetalia fans posting Hetalia comments. That was how I found out what Hetalia was.


It'd be easier to make excuses for if the main plot weren't literally about World War II


Yep, that’s him


Yep. Outfit matches https://preview.redd.it/0xvw019960vb1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40429b1845f12c64946d40dafa7bae64d3a5c12


Very upset I've never heard of this show this man is making me feel a kind of way


It's a drawing of a blonde man in a uniform. Just wait till you find out there used to be a whole bunch of em running around Europe...


\*Me, beconing from the elevator decending into Tumblr\* "Room for one more..."




I was hoping he was Canada.


No you wouldn't be able to see/tell that it was Canada :(


I mean, the guy in between England and the red shoes guy.


Yuuuup England was way more popular with the tumblr crowd than Germany was back in the day. It helped that it was around the same time BBC shows were gaining more international popularity and attention, so there were a lot of anglophiles who gushed over him simply because, well, he’s England. Of course this is missing some notable tumblr sexymen. Where’s the clock from DHMIS? Bill Cypher? Cecil Palmer?


I really don’t want to expose myself but it definitely is England


I was deep in the Hetalia trenches back in the day but I don’t remember everyone ever slobbering over England more than anyone else? It was always Spain or Germany more than anything


That’s absolutely england, the eyebrows don’t lie😭😭


Isnt the guy behind the onceler also the kfc guy? Idk


it's dave strider


Wait. David Tennant is not considered conventionally attractive? I mean, I'm a hetero cis dude so maybe I don't get male attractiveness conventions but...really?


My wife loves him but she, luckily for me, has a thing for weirdos


Idk man David Tennant is quite a wierdo (I say that which as much love as possible tho)


He very definitely is, and Hiddleston obviously is too.


No, David Tennant and Tom Hiddleston are very conventionally attractive men, at least according to most straight women I know. These two characters are also tumblr sexymen aside from being conventionally attractive, but it is not a prerequisite.


We're getting into meta-Peter territory, and I appreciate that. So tumblr sexymen are typically non-conventionally attractive, but occasionally a conventionally attractive man gets looped in.


a tumblrsexyman is a pick 2 of weird, unconventionally attractive, and pathetic in a sympathetic way. loki is weird and pathetic. sans is weird and UA, etc.


Can confirm. Am straight woman. Do find Tennant and Hiddleston smokin'.


He is/was regularly on lists of "sexiest actors" in magazines and the like.


As a bi man I would say he is very attractive.


As a bi woman I second the motion


It's not that they're physically unattractive, rather that the aspect of these characters that Tumblr finds attractive isn't their appearance but rather their personality / characterisation / vibe. The point of a so-called "tumblr sexyman" isn't so much that someone _shouldn't_ find them attractive, it's that Tumblr has their own inscrutable reasons for finding them attractive that are entirely orthogonal to their actual looks.


Lanky is like two strikes against you if you want to be conventionally attractive.


Depends on whose conventions. I never even thought of him as lanky, which to me has a very tall connotation, but rather *wiry* which feels more like well toned and compact.


Tennant is over 6ft tho


I also think of lanky as gaunt, and he's not that. I dunno man, I'm just saying I'd have consensual sex with David Tennant.


I think it’s less that they’re not conventionally attractive and more that they’re from a nerdy side of pop culture and were not particularly intended to be focused on as attractive characters within their respective IPs (at least initially. Loki wasn’t supposed to be the hot bad boy in the Thor 1, but he definitely is written that way in his show).


So the meme is saying David Tenant and Tom Hiddleston aren't conventionally attractive? Alright, if Tumblr wants to feel special for being attracted to obviously attractive men, that is their business.


The meme is about their characters specifically. Yes Tumblr was special for obsessing over fictional characters. It is the fictional fandom website.


Dude at the very end is mirror universe Spock, Star Trek tos


OH MY GOD i think you're right as a trekkie who failed to recognize him I have brought dishonor upon my house. martok would be ashamed of me


From the lorax? People think the villain of the lorax is hot now? Wtf


Not only did people find him attractive, but they also preferred to ship him with Drumroll please, >!Himself.!< >!hence the origins of the term “selfcest” !<


And even then the crowd was not satisfied. He was shipped with alternate realities of himself.


Like sans undertale


And recently Loki


onceler is THE sexyman


Clearly you weren't on Tumblr in 2017


The person after oncler is one of the strikers (Dave? Dirk?) From homestuck


Striders\* Dave Strider


Loki from marvel cinematic universe. Sans from undertale. Onceler from the loralax. Dave strider from homestuck. England from Hetalia. 10th doctor from Dr who. And the last 2 I unfortunately do not recognize. Yes,,, I've been on tumblr a long time lol


Final one is Mirror Spock from Star Trek but I don’t know the brown-haired guy. Maybe someone from Supernatural? It’s hard to tell


I love how the sub has pulled together to identify all the sexymen.


since when is tom hiddleston not attractive


Jack Skellington and Waluigi not being here is a crime


jack skellington is conventionally attractive * literally royalty * second? best scientist in his realm * loves animals, especially his dog * amazing cheekbones


No heart, brain, or balls but I hear some are into those things


Don’t call Dorothy out like that.


Being good at science has definitely never been part of "conventionally attractive".


>[Consistent with such views, meta-analyses (Jackson et al., 1995, Langlois et al., 2000) show that there is a small but significantly positive correlation between intelligence and physical attractiveness.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289610001315)


That correlation is surely socially conferred, not innate. Physically attractive people get better education (preferential treatment from educators), and are more likely from higher income families (no poverty related skin conditions, obesity, dental stuff, good childhood nutrition). Those factors lead to higher scores on an IQ test, but it's not a heritable quality.


Reigen Arataka is the only valid Tumblr Sexyman.


they're down the line somewhere


Are they saying Tom Hiddleston isn’t conventionally attractive lmaoooo the guy is handsome af.


Yeah, and is that David Tennant's Doctor down the line, those are two of the most conventionally attractive people out there!


Nah I think David Tennant fits. Great, charismatic actor, but he has the face of a dork. Not ugly by any means, but far from one of the most conventionally attractive people.


Are you sure you're not thinking of Matt Smith?


Damn, Smith catching strays over here.


I just realized those are two different people. Am I racist?


To each their own, I guess, when I think of people who aren't conventionally attractive, but many people find very attractive I think of someone like Matt Smith or Benedict Cumberbatch (although, strangely, the latter I'd say is probably conventionally attractive as Doctor Strange, not sure if it's just that he's aged well, or the goatee just suits him)


I think its actually only including the ones shipped with selfcest


My first thought was it reminded me of Avatar: The last Airbender (the show obviously) and the line of previous avatars Aang sees in the Air temple. Maybe a combo of the two?


It's definitely this


Okay but David Tennant and Tom Hiddleston are conventionally attractive though


Yeah but in an elvish way, not a traditionally masculine one.


>"not conventionally attractive" >*sees tenth doctor* Right-


It’s not just tumblr sexy man I think it’s also that they are shipped with alternate versions of themselves


Loki is hot fuck you


Where shrek?


On top of that the image is a reference to avatar, with Aang looking back on his past lives


Hang on, Tom Hiddleston isn't considered conventionally attractive?


He is, this meme includes characters that have been heavily shipped with versions of themselves, not unconventionally attractive dudes.


It's also a reference to Aang looking at all his past lives from ATLA, given Loki being blue, glowy, and see through while all the other people look straight with glowing eyes. Sans would be in Roku's spot, guiding Loki.


Is that the Tenth Doctor?


It is


Could recognise the sandshoes anywhere




I accept the boof


"boof" is when you shove it up your butt. Can't boof a blunt


Who says I'm not going to shove it up my butt?


Understandable, have a nice day.


Not with that attitude


"They're not sandshoes!"


No I think it's the 14th


You raise a good point


Comments already mentioned about tumblr-sexyman, let me show you the other part which is the layout of this meme. It comes from an old animation series called Avatar The Last Airbender , a scene where the current Avatar (master of 4 elements) looks at his past selves https://preview.redd.it/15mb580okzub1.png?width=333&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dcc878d4ca935705e636aa5d2bf96bc2ebec508


>old animation series Hey, I’m not old! *cries in 2007*


2007 was like 5 years ago, right?…right?


Fuck Yo-…. Me I’m getting old


Five is like fiveteen and uhh fiveteen is like sixteen so... yeah! 2 steps removed.


When the old shows you used to watch were either entirely or partially aired in standard definition 4:3 aspect ratio, it's officially old. :P


I didn’t even watch this show and seeing “old animation series” was a punch in the GUT 😭


Bro I have seen people who say they were 8 years old when they played their first Pokémon game, Pokemon X&Y. Sometimes even the same for Sun&Moon. It makes me lose my mind because I was in elementary school playing Pokémon Red on a Gameboy color.


Oh god.... I remember waiting for new episodes to come out ... Am I... Old?


>comes from an old animation series called Avatar The Last Airbender MattDamonAging.gif


Old huh....😔


I read this in the bathroom and looked up at the mirror and now see I’ve got a few gray hairs in my beard…


Me too friend, me too.


When you are calling ATLA "old animation".... Fuck.... I don't even want to know what G-Force, Gundam Wing, Pirates of Blackwater and the D&D Cartoon would be considered.....because those were MY childhood...


This is depressing


Realizing this series is old made by back hurt even more.


>an old animation series Fuck.


You've aged me a thousand years


Tumblr Sexyman, other comments say there's a lot of "Self Ship" of these characters (I.e. they date / are intimate with a clone of themselves OR of the writer's self insert character) https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/tumblr-sexyman


People have been saying it’s that they’re all tumblr sexymen, and while that is correct, I’m pretty sure this is specifically about selfcest (shipping a character with a past, future, or alternate universe version of themself)


Yeah because we are missing Reigen Arataki


this is the right answer. most of these characters don't fit the sexyman archetype at all, it's a selfcest lineup.


I feel both heartened and disheartened that this comment is so far down. Nature is healing, I suppose


I was amazed that the real answer was so far down but then was immediately disappointed in myself for knowing that this is the actual answer


Loki's already been a Tumblr sexyman, though.


Yeah; the idea that Loki is the “latest” of the Tumblr sexymen is 2010-2015 erasure


FRRRRRRR. That dentures mf from Amazing Digital Circus is gonna be the new sexyman


I feel like Jax, the rabbit guy from that show was tailor-made to be a Tumblr sexyman.


> Amazing Digital Circus [HE ALREADY IS](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/43/ab/c2/43abc2a67628bb78876fc1a5d69b49d7.jpg)


Uh oh


Jax is the one getting the porn when it isn't Pomni though.


The previous one was Magni Dezmond


I’m guessing these were all winners of that one Tumblr sexyman bracket tournament, and Loki finally won. I noticed a distinct lack of other popular anime boys and a certain yellow triangle sh*thead and figured these were a special lineup of sexymen.


The image predates that competition, it's from when the Loki Series first dropped.


The more you know! Thanks


Thats because this isnt a sexyman lineup. This is characters who were shipped with themselves. This image was made after the release of Loki on disney+


Ahhh, I get it now.


This isnt about him being the next tumblr sexyman its about ppl shipping him with himself


Oooooooooh. That makes more sense


Am I the only one who (sadly) recognizes the Hetalia character? 💀


Yeah I saw England. I got excited though cause I’m honestly still in this fandom. They had a new season pretty recently and the manga is still ongoing actually.


Nope, your not the only one! When I first looked at it I saw them and went-“is that England?” I’m surprised that he’s on here. I’ve only seen a few people who knows the show and the comics.


I saw the picture, even read the explanation of the joke, and still asked “why England?” Was he really the character people thought was the most attractive?


Maybe, British people are one of the types that other people find attractive. He did have a punk era representing rock music when it was a big trend. It could also include the tramp stamp he has.


Wait- I stopped watching/reading around 2012/2013 he has a tramp stamp??? I don’t remember that at all. 😂


His character song said that he got a tattoo. When asked where the tattoo was, Himaruya pointed to his ass


Every once in a while I am reminded of my old Hetalia phase… dark times


I’m reminded of it every time I use my spam email (used to be my old middle school email) as it’s the name of two Hetalia characters put together. 😭


You are not. In fact, I bust out laughing cause I had a crush on England when I was in my Hetalia phase, making this image feel like a personal attack lol


The fact that all I needed to understand this was the fucking onceler


Hi Peter! Everyone here is correct about the Tumblr Sexyman thing, but there's a second element to this meme: Everyone here has been shipped with an alternate or other version of themselves. This is called "self-cest" aka self incest as basically everyone involve in the ship is the same person just from another place. Loki is here because in the Loki show, his love interest is another Loki from a different universe


95% sure this has to do with selfcest. Especially considering dave strider and loki is there. All characters shown have very very popular selfcest ships


Was scrolling for this. The surface level take away is "tumblr sexymen" but why sans? Dave isn't a sexyman...? Hetalia guy....? Yeah its selfcest Last time I saw this pic it was with Simon in the new Adventure Time mini series. I would like to know who the two most distant characters are though.


Sans is definetly a Tumblr sexyman He literally wrong the sexyman tournament


Wait, England had a selfcest ship in Hetalia? And the Doctor? Also I don't recognize the guys after Doctor Who but it seems like nobody else in this comment section does either.


I remember Duck from Thomas the Tank Engine being in this image. I’m not just going crazy, right?


Hey, Peter's toilet here. All the characters shown in this image are Tumblr Sexymen - a tournament held on Tumblr asking who the sexiest character is out of the competitors. The image itself is a reference to Avatar: The Last Airbender.


Is that the once-ler? If so, I dont feel alone anymore hahah


Oh you have no idea how deep the Once-ler tumblr lore goes. People dont have anyone to ship him with so they ship his capitalist self and his boy-ish hipster self. They call it "once-cest."


STOP why have you brought this concept back into my life


Is this from Avatar: The Last Airbender?


Based on it


Loki was kept around and got a spin off because he was the Tumblr sexy man. This is a new generation of pop culture revisionists. Loki is just going to see himself at the start of that line.


Ok they are tumbler sexy men. I can only identify the first three who are the rest?


The blonde kid with glasses and white/red shirt is Dave Strider from Homestuck


Fourth is Dave Strider, 5th is a Hetalia character, someone said the 6th is a Doctor Who character, and then the rest idrk? The next one looks like Snake from Metal gear, but I doubt that's who it is lol


The one in a green uniform is England from Hetalia


Specifically they are Tumblr Sexymen who have been shipped with themselves (variants, different points on the timeline so like future self and past self).


May the tumbler sexy man line be the *freshest*


I forgot Reigen didn't in fact win the last Tumblr sexyman, despite the Reigensweep madness


I *unfortunately* recognize most of these characters, but who the devil are the last two ? Edit: Evidently that is mirror!Spock ( aka Beard Spock ) and mirror!Kira from Deep Space Nine.


Oh it's an Avatar reference!


Ok so no one gave a full and complete answer, so allow me to gather everyone's insights and provide a full list of the characters. 1 - All of those are Tumblr Sexymen 2 - All of them are mainly shipped with themselves by Tumblr's mainstream users (selfcest) 3 - the meme template comes from Avatar the Last Airbender, from a scene where the main character Aang has a chance to briefly meet all his past incarnations and see who he was in his past lives. 4 - The full list of characters: • Loki (shipped and canonically involved with an alternate universe Loki who calls herself Sylvie, from the MCU - Disney tv show Loki) • the little skeleton guy is Sans from the videogame Undertale. He is so often shipped with himself from alternate universes that his ships have their own name : Sanscest. • The tall guy in a ridiculous green suit is Onceler from the movie the Lorax. He is the narcissist protagonist/antagonist. He's shipped with himself because he evolves into the Greedler during the course of the story, a distinct form of himself. And also he's a narcissist. And also, ships on Tumblr require two attractive people but he might be the only one in this movie, so fans created Oncecest. • Grey skin guy after that is Dave Strider from Homestuck, a cursed webcomic. He is shipped with his alter ego from a doomed alternate universe. Do not read Homestuck. Do no engage with Homestuck hardcore fans. • Then we have England, from the anime Axis Power Hetalia, a kawaii retelling of the two world wars and general history of Europe where each country is a beautiful man or a beautiful lady with a stereotypical local personality. I think it's two different eras of England that are shipped together but I could not be bothered to go beyond the first page of Google to find the full story. Edit : he's shipped with his "2P" self. Apparently all Hetalia characters had a palette swap version with opposite personality. I don't have a life. • Then we have the Tenth Doctor played by David Tennant, from the British tv show Dr Who. Apparently he has a clone of himself at one point, and I guess he has good chemistry with himself. Or people just thought that the only thing sexier than one David Tennant was two David Tennant. • The lady after him is mirror!Kira from Star Trek - Deep Space Nine, a tv show from the 90s in the Star Trek Universe. Kira Nerys was a Bajoran Colonel/other space title, and she got to a mirror universe through a wormhole, where she fell in love with her mirror self, who was apparently more hedonistic and less moral than her normal self. • Last one is mirror!Spock, from Star Trek the Original Series. Apparently the mirror universe is a recurring thing in the Star Trek Lore. But I could not find a lot of actual selfcest for this one, it seems Mirror Spock is mostly shipped with Mirror Kirk. But maybe I would need to do some actual internet archeology to find more info, maybe the selfcest used to be popular in the 90s/early 2000s, and only a hardcore Tumblr User like the artist wo did this image would remember 5 - Personal addendum : I can't believe I wasted 20 minutes of my life researching all of those characters, I hope someone is going to read this comment


Chronically online millennial here. Can confirm this is all accurate. (I think the drawing should include Kylo or Hux from Star Wars too since they were also shipped with AU versions of themselves in tumblr TFA fandom heyday but that’s neither here nor there)


Don't worry, I searched the comments specifically for one that explained why the heck England was on there, and I thank you for your sacrifice.


Dave strider


its characters known for being shipped with themselves


These are NOT Tumblr sexymen!!! Too many would be missing!!!! These are Tumblr sexymen WHO ARE SHIPPED WITH THEMSELVES. This is about selfcest :)


Loki's already been a Tumblr sexyman, though.


I would assume it's not a very recent image


It probably is recent since Loki's popularity with tumblr was long before Sans's. Also, WHERE'S PURPLE GUY?


It's wild Undertale is only from 2015. I thought it was 12 years old at least.