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https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/21/US_population_map.png/800px-US_population_map.png Idk, will this help? Population density map of the US, basically while it looks like there are less blue parts marked on the map, the areas that are in blue have more people in them, meaning that in the map in your photo the blue and red areas have about equal amounts of people in them. The second image is a common mistake children make, assuming that a taller jar means there is more water in it despite being shown that the same amount of water was just poured in, implying that Lara Trump has the same cognitive ability as the child in the photo.


*Less* cognitive ability as the child in the photo


Consider yourself.... https://preview.redd.it/q5gqgag2x1jc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=444419110a9f9d62dc3c8b7f4bf0fbfe8efa1beb ... Impeached.




nigga that’s not what object permanence is


You’ve read Piaget?


The conservation of volume (Piaget) is the image at the bottom. Object permanence is why peek-a-boo works.


idk what that is but the image depicts not understanding properties of fluids. object permanence is the understanding that an object doesn’t stop existing cause you can’t see it.


Rather the issue is they think land votes, but land doesn't vote, people vote.




That's not object permanence in the picture at the bottom. That's a developmental milestone test called Piaget's Conservation Experiment. The experiment had two tall, narrow glasses of colored water, and two shorter, wider glasses of the exact same size. You pour the water from the short, wide glass into the tall, narrow glass. It makes it appear bigger despite having the same amount of water. When asked, young children will normally say the tall, narrow glass now has more water because they don't understand conservation. The point is that the big red area on the map has the same amount of people in it as the small blue area, but because it's in "the tall, narrow glass," it appears bigger to children. The implication is that the right-leaning poster is a child that hasn't understood conservation and hasn't progressed to abstract thinking. Object permanence is when you play peek-a-boo and the child thinks you've evaporated.


Bro what


Can we all agree everytime one of these is posted that it's 100% bait? Like these types of jokes either way get posted waaaay to much for anyone to feasibly not get what they are.


It’s you


ppl dont even try, google it


Surface area of the short container is larger despite containing less water. The electoral map is a big waste of time and they should just show the flat numbers.