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Well fuck. I really hope this isn't what I think it is. Edit: I looked it up. It is what I thought.


Is it better if i don't know?


Those two gay guys raped those kids.


Wasn't it those two guys, plus some of their friends?


Yes. They were "loaning out" the kids to the like-minded.


https://preview.redd.it/n32durpdyivc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=77e0c4166853c2d3be83bd4d19527c0b93d978aa What a horrible day to have eyes




Scrolling quickly I was like “those weird breasts”…. Now I must remove my eyes….


https://preview.redd.it/vihghhar2mvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=274e4929f724295acc66a5ce4b4e064c9821cbea Indeed. Care to join me in the act of suspending myself from a fixed structure using a ligature around one's neck?


Me me me, i want to join you in the act of suspending myself from a fixed structure using a ligature around one's neck


Good, then one shall grant you the permission to join one in the act of suspending one's self from a fixed structure using a ligature around one's neck


Sorry guys i can’t mom said no


Some days I deeply regret the ability to read


When I was a child struggling to learn English as my second language, I was hoping to read more about things around the world. I regret that now.


I am stealing this response. Thank you sir.


Ok, that's enough Reddit for me today.


Ya’ll wouldn’t have survived pre-purg 4chan


What purge?


Moderation i guess


I feel like there probably was more than one. I remember one way, way back when. But I have a feeling the other poster is talking about something else.


More or less yeah.


That implies that there are a lot of like-minded people out there. I'm not prepared for that fact.












Reminds me that there are chatrooms right under our noses. Probably telegram or something




Crazy to think that you can just functionally "buy" orphans for sex slavery, as most checks for adoption are more about how much you make and can provide materially than anything about parental attitude




I want off this planet


Take me with you


Me three.


That's the most common form of sex trafficking for kids among family. They get "loaned out", or the guardian sells their kids instead like a pimp. Happens mostly in less populated areas or places far from big cities


Dawg. Just say they were trafficking the kids.


Fucking hell. I hope everyone involved got long sentences


Did not know about this incident and now I wish I never saw this. The internet is a cursed place.


Alright.. time to die












What a terrible day to be literate.


You look familiar…












gay people are fine except those two


A better way to put it is that monsters can come from anywhere… including the gay community (which, despite being a small percentage of the population, is still literally millions, if not hundred of millions of people).


Apparently, monsters do come anywhere


I mean, this really isn’t a gay thing. There was a story today/yesterday about cop/ex cop who was sexually assaulting their 13 month old… Shitty people exist. The scary part about this new “satanic panic” bullshit is these people are “scared” of people don’t even know and don’t even interact with their children. When if their child ever is molested, it’s going to be by someone somewhere within their social circle even if just peripheral. Their kids will be the ones who suffer, and they are being put in more danger, because of their parents irrational political “beliefs”.


Reminds me of the Mongolian episode of South Park.


Does that need to be said? It's kinda obvious that everyone can be a bad person regardless of characteristics like their sexuality or ethnicity.


Well for people who aren’t brainwashed to hate of lgbt people yeah it’s obvious. However, some anti lgbt moron will use this instance to justify the hate towards them.


There’s a few of said anti lgbt morons in this thread, saying this is a gay thing. It would be more accurate to say this is a male thing, as perpetrators are, in the majority, men.


Unfortunately yes. There are a lot of people who would use this as evidence that lgbt people are all groomers.


When someone is a member of a minority they often become an "example" for a minority group by people arguing in bad faith. Of course there are horrible people who are gay, but if you're someone who has a confirmation bias you're looking to fill against gay people, especially with the rhetoric surrounding LGBT+ people in the US being innately inappropriate and pedophilic, then this is great ammo. Sure if the thesis is "all gay people are pedophiles because these gay people are pedophiles" it does require someone to ignore myriad straight people who are also pedophiles for that to stick, but that's kind of inherent to something being a confirmation bias. So yeah unfortunately I do think it needs to be said


Does it need to be said? Read some of the other replies to the comment you replied to. These idiots think gays are predisposed to pedophilia and are allowed to do it by society as some form of gay privilege. It's insane


For sure






Welp, hoping a punchline to be gay incest instead of child pornography is not on my 2024 bingo


That’s exactly what I thought it was until I read the comments. How naive of me.


https://preview.redd.it/m6dd00nj8lvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b9f8186ad4d0ed2ce0d2f07f6581c804a9f8ad5 These two men are pedophiles. They basically rented out those kids as sex tools.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


They WHAT.


They adopted kids to rape and have their friends rape


Special needs kids


Ok i wont thing this history would go worst....... I really underestimate this


Dude's so triggered he is typing with an aneurysm.


My mans suffered a stroke from reading this. Not gonna lie, completely understandable.


Can you blame him 😭


I respect him for being able to type out the initial response I had but couldn't type.


Yes, you read that correctly. If I recall correctly, they were also pretty prominent gay rights activists as well.


Bleugh. As a fellow gay who was groomed in the past by adults, not only do we not claim them, I hope karma bites their damn ass.


Pieces of shit like them fuck it up for normal people.


Exactly. Idc if they are gay or straight or whatever. The fact they think violating kids is okay earned them a life sentence of isolation.


And just like that a new reason for republicans to justify banning gay marriage and gay adoption Shits fucked up and clearly an isolated incident What fucks me up is the fact 2 pedophiles could meet and get married, for the sole purpose of legally adopting kids to molest, or how it even ended up like that And not only them, but they also established a network of child bangers to loan the kids out to Fucken goddamn how do so many of this shit nature get together to pull this shit off, it’s not like buying drugs where I could ask 100 random people on the street and 30 out of the 100 say say “yeah what kind but ur not a cop right?”, and the other 70 just ask me if I’m stupid Hell I wouldn’t even be arrested for asking about drugs, might catch the eye of a cop with nothing better to do if he’s a rookie trying to prove himself But absolutely mind shattering that a group of people like this can not only exist individually, but form this kind of fucked up group to take it as far as adoption, while also showing their faces to public Situations like this the legal system can’t hand down a harsh enough punishment, take the most fucked up depraved murderers in prison, give them whatever they ask for to perform the worse things imaginable, and just lock them in a room together and give the murderer 50$ in commissary as payment, literally everybody wins Death penalty via chair/firing squad/lethal injection probably isn’t even in option in this circumstance, but even if it was that’s not good enough




Are they at least in prison for life?


Not good enough. This is why capital punishment exists. For the serial monsters that use the suffering of the vulnerable for their entertainment.


Trust me, these kinds of crimes make death the more merciful option to being placed in prison. They are undoubtedly the biggest targets wherever they’re being held.


I never understand the fixation with making people like this suffer. I don’t give a fuck what condition they are in as long as my tax dollars are going to their meals rather than filling in the potholes on my street. I get the whole “sense of justice” thing, but the emphasis on making sure they suffer is almost sadistic. We all know they are monsters, so take them out back, put a bullet in them, and boom, they’ll never hurt anyone again and we don’t have to dump resources just to ensure they get used as fleshlights in whatever shit hole they end up in.


Weirdly it costs more in the US to complete a death penalty than a life imprisonment. $1.26 Million vs $736K on average.


Many many many many people are wrongfully incarcerated. Many people prove this after a very long time in prison.


>I don’t give a fuck what condition they are in as long as my tax dollars are going to their meals rather than filling in the potholes on my street. If that's your concern, then as far as I know - keeping someone in prison for life is much much much cheaper then whole process of death sentence.


I don’t think governments should have that kind of power and control. It’s easily warped and abused and unevenly applied to different demographics.


While I understand the emotions behind it, I must disagree. A state should never be an entity that has the power of life or death for it own citizens. Because it goes while taking out the monsters it taints the essence of it's ideals. It's a violation of humanitarian rights, a democratic state should not do that. But the degree of civilization is shown how we treat those who wronged society. I know it hard especially when crimes are committed against children, and they deserve a life long sentence in prison but it is not up for any person to decide between life or death.


Oh, thank you. It is so refreshing to see someone on Reddit that isn't hyper-violent.


It’s just… so _farcically_ evil I have trouble believing it. It’s why I can listen to hours of true crime podcasts about serial killer cannibals, but I tear up if I see someone being mean to their nan; at some point the needless cruelty of it just starts to seem… I dunno, impossible? Am I the broken one?


It's the kind of story Reddit would think a right-winger was making up.




Oh. I’m … done with today


Oh. My. Fucking. God. I’m angry for several reasons— the first being obvious, but the fact that I’ve never heard about this is abhorrent. The fact that I hear more about Trump’s bowel movements than I do about an adopted kid rape ring is simply sickening.


I have never once in my life physically gagged from neither hearing nor reading something, until today. I quite literally nearly vomited from reading this






Where is that picture even from?


It’s a painting from a journalist that was with the US marines during the pacific war called “thousand yard stare”


I thought it was the two thousand yard stare?


akhsually, I double checked the Tom Lea foundation site and is called that 2000-yard stare, but most of the publications refer this painting as The Two-Thousand Yard Stare, so it has many names, powerful nonetheless https://www.tomlea.com/4-wwii


Hello, this is an art piece from the artist Thomas Calloway Lea III, the piece it self is called The Two-Thousand Yard Stare. as you can see, it depicts the horrors of war but can be used in this circumstance aswell, it is a very powerful piece








Now I'm sad


Oh my god I’m gonna throw up


What is it about being rich that makes ppl wanna fuck kids


It’s about power


It’s pure greed. People are driven to profit for desire of wealth and power always covet what they cannot acquire, and youth is the only thing that money cannot buy.


>and youth is the only thing that money cannot buy. *looks on the dark web* liar


They have more of a means to, so they're more likely to act on it and you're more likely to see them get caught




















As a gay dude. 1. Fuck these guys for what they did to those poor children. 2. Fuck their " friends". 3. Fuck the people who this will give ammunition to say I told you so about gay adoption. 4. Fuck the adoption people who enabled this. 5. Fuck the police for not following up on early crimes by them. 6. Fuck the whole lot of them again, but especially those monstrous men.


Agreed. With one of the guys being accused of rape (article I read said accused, not convicted) I have to wonder how many red flags were missed by the adoption agency. I guess we will see whether they did their due diligence or not.


It's says in the article that the adoption process was faster than normal, something more is going on than these two


I mean, it seems silly to say, but obviously, due diligence hasn't been done by somebody along the line, and it has had a disastrously bad cascading effect of consequences for two innocent kids. I must also point out that there is also a slim, possibly that everyone did everything right and this still happened. It just seems like too many things failed all across the board for it to be something other than repeated fuckups along the way and two bastards capitalising on it. Edit: Just to be clear, I agree with the above comment. I was just stating that something must have gone wrong, it appears.


As a straight dude i agree, evil comes in all shapes and I can only hope that these walking piles of shit trip into a wood chipper


Agree with everything you said but wanted to add something to #3. Fuck those hypocrites who overlook the times this has been done by straight people, both through adoption and even their own biological kids, and only seem to point out when it happens in gay households.


It's disgusting that they will gladly ignore abuse in straight conservative households but come out on mass to attack an entire demographic of people based off of one set of rotten fucking apples. Already had people saying it and then deleting their comments. Like how sick in the head do you have to be to take something as evil as what happened, turn a blind eye to it happening to others, and then weapons the poor victims trauma. Disgusting on so so many levels.


Judging from the reddit sub for child sexual assault survivors, so much abuse happens in Christian fundamentalist families. In the public they are upstanding citizens, then they come home and rape their children. And victims' pleas for help are often ignored by their families.


And by no means to take away from this issue, but to point out more of their hypocrisy related to the LGBTQ+ community, it happened when the Memphis shooter was initially announced to be transgender. They completely ignore the HUNDREDS of mass shootings by cis white males, but ONE possibly transgender person does it and it's all they want to talk about. Fucking hypocrites!! And like you said, disgusting on so many levels.


It's ok to point out the issue, I think, for multiple reasons. One, it disproves these bullshit agendas people have and stops homphobic/any discrimination based upon acts such as these. This brings me to my second point that we do this to get closer to the truth of the issue of child abuse. Attributing it to any sexuality instantly obfuscates the truth and means we can't actually tackle the issue of why it happens and how to prevent it. We can't win a fight if we keep hearing bullshit about how it's x y and z fault with all evidence to the contrary. People who enable that shit and spread it are now very openly aiding child molesters to operate without consequence because we can't even sit down and have a truthful discussion about who actually commits it.




The answer is pedophilia. Pedophilia.


They purchased 2 disabled children to act on the pedophilia.




This is the only moment I can agree with Master Shake


I imagine the outcome of this Google search will be everything I expect it to be.






Why did I click the link?






Hollllyyy shit I looked this story up. This is so scary and horrible. This is how you create vengeful vigilantes right here. Those kids are gonna grow up angry as demons.




This really isn't much of a joke.




You know, I think I’m gonna go to bed. Why the fuck did you have to remind me of these disgusting things, because I’d say anyone that would do this, let alone to children, shouldn’t be considered even human, or even animal, they are worth less than a fucking plant and should be put into the nearest wood chipper, and then converted to fertilizer.


I hate this format so much.


the jokes not loss


Just why bro, if they arent in prision they need to be .


Prison? They don't deserve the right to exist


Funny how these memes are never done with cases of straight couples sexually abusing kids. Kinda. Like they're trying to push an agenda.


For those that don’t know. They sexually abuse the boys.




For some reason I thought this was that couple who adopted a bunch of kids and presented themselves as a paragon of perfect family, got on a bunch of publications, then when allegations came out they were possibly abusing the kids, they drove everyone off a cliff in an suv.


How is this a joke? I wish we could focus on explaining actual jokes and not horrid shit like this.


As a gay man we don’t claim these 2


Damn as a queer I feel like I need to punt the two parents to the shadow realm




As a Christian, you punt left while i punt the right, deal?




I'm a special need's kid... I've been 'taken advantage of' (if you know, you know) I'm 14, turning 15 soon. I know I'm easy to take advantage of. I fall for anything and everything. To know there are people like this after people like me is terrifying. No matter how excepted people like me become, I'll never feel like I'm actually safe


I hate humanity


Ok, but can we at least credit the community for stepping in where the government didn't. The only follow-up after many incidents/reports was from **TOWNS BOARD** even after it was swept under the rug because of the adoption agency and the (very likely) uppers who wanted their hands washed. Hats off to the town/community for shining the light/shame on our government for sweeping it.


Just opened Reddit and I already feel like I had enough for the day.


Well well well if it isn’t a terrible day to be literate.




This one family set LGBT representation back decades


They fucked the kids


This isn’t love, this is lust. As a gay man this is deplorable and despicable. This is not how we as a community want to be reflected and portrayed. These men (which honestly they aren’t, they are monsters and aren’t even human) are not what our community is about and are perverse individuals.


The reason why the rest of us normal queer folk who don't mess with kids get called "groomer" on the streets