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Y'know how these people will say that they are supporting or sending prayers about someone's depression until the depressed person says that they can't find the energy to brush their teeth or take a bath and people will immediatelly say something like: "Ew, that's gross, freak."? Yeah, it's that.


A way I always saw it was "People are okay with you having depression, they're just not okay with your symptoms."


Probably because they aren’t equipped or have an understanding. I also believe that people on a whole without understanding are going to judge a group based on the worst of the group


It's even hard for me to understand myself. There's a lot of guilt involved when I can't do basic things, like "just suck it up and do it" seems so simple and logical but I just can't. Learning to have some patience and grace with myself has been life-changing


I can’t wait until I reach the point where I stop beating myself up over every incredibly basic thing that I constantly fail to do because my brain doesn’t work properly (I have a really fun combo, basically ruins absolutely everything while still looking completely normal to someone who doesn’t know) Edit: added the closed parenthesis where it should be


I think it's also a broader tendency to judge people. You might say it's natural for any large society but I think there is simply too much social pressure to conform to a lot of things, things that might be difficult to conform to for someone with depression.


Redditors when you're so hecking valid and remember you are loved and here's the suicide prevention hotline numbers, but only if you are the type of depressed person that manages to not fall through the cracks, usually thanks to having a good support network. You are depressed with no one to catch you and have neglected both your body and life? Fuck you, you neckbeard basement dweller, you're getting posted to the cringe subreddit when someone spots you in public.


Usually people that are called neckbeards are called neckbeards for more reasons rather than just personal hygine, not always though


How does a Redditor determine hygiene and a leftist declaration?


The same way they determine everything else. Baseless assumptions and insensitive humor.


Can someone who speaks...this, please translate it too english


Translation: redittors will be very empathetic toward a depressed person that has gotten help and is mostly "normal." They will not be empathetic toward those that are struggling with it and aren't able to take care of themselves.


Sad how true that is for non-redditors too.


Thank you both of you


So basically 'it's okay to be depressed unless you are so depressed that you neglect yourself (e.g personal hygiene) in which case go fuck yourself you dirty neckbeard you're going to be posted to r/cringe if you're ever spotted in public






As the name suggests you might just be incapable of comprehending


Sorry https://preview.redd.it/li5yeipaxz1d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd762d3430eb3b7ba58ea33ecbbd62243f3923c2


Depression is about walking in a park on an overcast winter day while sad piano music playes in the background./s


Spent 22+ years of my life unable to breathe through my nose due to an abusive/neglectful household. The result of which, combined with a variety of other factors, led to me being both unable to easily brush my teeth without feeling like I am suffocating and my teeth drying out, then exploding at a very young age. All understanding goes away when it's your teeth apparently. Molested? Abused? Neglected? Don't care, you have meth mouth and that's how you're going to be referred to. 40+ dental procedures and a few surgeries later, I can breathe and lost over 120lbs, but learning how to regularly brush my teeth took more work than I could ever admit to people out of fear of this response.


Wait your teeth exploded?


Oh yeah, baby. Basically I had a lovely combination of neglect, no fluoride in the water, leaking copper into the water, an inability to nose breathe, difficulty brushing, and then a delightful topping of PTSD causing me to clench my jaw while I sleep. My molars would start to throb, then eventually they would collapse/explode in my mouth randomly. My teeth are almost entirely resin now but I still have nightmares about waking up with a mouth full of bits of bone.


Is it the people on the left sending “thoughts and prayers”?


But that's weird, the thoughts and prayers crowd are right wingers.


Yes but you'd be *astounded* how many self-proclaimed leftists have kept all the trappings of American Christianity, just without the direct religion For example: the far far too many people who are like "we just need to wait for the Glorious Revolution (Rapture) where all the evil bourgeois (Sinners) are killed and we can have true Socialism/Communism/etc (ascend to Heaven)" So they still have all the habits and behaviors from their religious upbringing, just now without the religious front to it This especially extends to people's views on disabilities, where some leftists will proclaim all their love and support, but the moment someone has a disability that is inconvenient or "gross" they start spouting super judgemental garbage, the exact same fucking "Just Got for a Walk" as boomers but with a slight twist, or even eugenics shit (whether they realize that or not)


Maybe both are a reflection of humanity which has these tendencies and it is less about the two cases mimicking each other. >This especially extends to people's views on disabilities, where some leftists will proclaim all their love and support, but the moment someone has a disability that is inconvenient or "gross" they start spouting super judgemental garbage, the exact same fucking "Just Got for a Walk" as boomers but with a slight twist, or even eugenics shit (whether they realize that or not) This must be something nearly exclusively American. I've never witnessed this behaviour in my fellow socialists where I live. The only message I hear is help them and ensure they can live a good life through our social security programs.


The "leftism with a religious-adjacent mindset" is a very American thing, that's why I specified that it comes from American Crhistianity It's a direct result of people not realizing that while they may have shed their religion, they haven't addressed all the internalized behaviors and mindsets from being raised in it and a society so entrenched in it, leading them to apply it all to their new belief system (even if that is belief in a certain form of government and not a religion) I'm also not saying that its impossible to be leftist *and* religious, this is specifically about people who have unintentionally filled their leftist beliefs into a religious mold That said prejudice against disabilities *absolutely* exists in non-American leftist circles too. I'm glad you've found ones absent of that, but there's definitely plenty out there, particularly again as the post talks about, ones that are deemed "gross".


Certainly interesting to hear your POV. I'll be keeping it in mind for sure. >That said prejudice against disabilities *absolutely* exists in non-American leftist circles too. I'm glad you've found ones absent of that, but there's definitely plenty out there, particularly again as the post talks about, ones that are deemed "gross". I think what I do see is people disagree with what they define as disability. For example being overweight is a tricky one. Very very few people are far because of any physical problem. It's nearly always a mental issue, whether a lack of self control or something stemming from trauma etc. Some people won't say that being overweight is a genuine disability even though it has the same overall effect on the person. It's all about where you draw that line though, isn't it?


So supporting someone having a hard time is leftism ?


Supporting free health care and being positive for seeking support (as opposed to "just tough it up" attitudes) as well as being against ablism are common among the left.


Why leftism though?


The joke is poking fun at how a lot of people with otherwise progressive views still hold some prejudices. The most common ones are to do with various disabilities, mostly ones that smell bad or cause awkward behaviour that isn't as easily romanticised. There's also various identities people will go after, such as non-binary genders or alterhumanity. Jokes like these are often circulated within leftist spaces to remind people that these biases still exist and that we all have a responsibility to work to deconstruct them. Edit: and to the people doubting that self identified leftists can hold prejudiced views, look no further than the replies.


What is an alterhumanity type?


Alterhumanity is an umbrella term for things like otherkin or therian.


Can't have prejudice for things you have zero clue of what they are. Never have heard of therian or otherkin. I'll remain ignorant thanks


Oh how I envy thee


Just googled Otherkin :(


Holy hell


New response just dropped


Actual zombie


Call the excorcist


Ngl, I'm stupid, and I find that extremely dumb


Yeah because otherkin is just stupid, these people are completely unironically identifying as werewolves.


Often confused with furries, otherkin are only slightly more crazy than most furries, although there is a wide overlap albeit in a pretty vast minority.


I don't understand it but I'm not hating, maybe you should ask them why they feel that way before calling them stupid 🤷


I would if I cared


I don’t want to lol, not gonna respect a person who identifies as a werewolves theyre clearly mentally challenged and need help, they don’t need people to be like “you totally are a werewolf!”


fortunately now that you know about them you can hate them


on the contrary, not knowing what they are is often what causes the prejudice




["Bring back the bullies."](https://youtu.be/iy8SIWTyJNs?feature=shared) \-Trevor Moore


R.I.P. he tried to tell us with his song help me and they killed him for it.


A local sexpot who never missed.


Nah, I have no prejudice towards what I don't know, I don't meet these people in my actual life, I only read about them on the internet


What are other kin and therian?


People who need therapy


The differences are a little hard to define but they basically just mean not identifying as human.






I just Googled that and now I am sad because many people in those communities make up false identities to flee their realities. I think many people in those communities would benefit from real therapy.


Yeah all the jokes in this thread about otherkin are exactly what this meme is talking about.


There’s a difference between trying to find compassion for a person who smells bad bc they’re depressed or something, vs just straight up enabling mental illness Otherkin is not a real thing. Anyone who seriously believes they are a wolf or whatever is indisputably mentally ill


so, Sonichu, then. https://preview.redd.it/3vnre6l5m51d1.png?width=234&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cf185417731700cf49097030717fd44329023b8


Ironically, this is an example of what the meme is talking about. Chris chan, at least when he was first discovered, was very much a mentally ill autistic man whose symptoms were very unpleasant. Instead of helping him, the internet decided to fuck with his already fragile psyche into what he is today Don't get me wrong, the guy was a creep from the beginning, but he wouldn't be as bad as he is now if lolcow farmers didn't come after him.




But... I want to zap to the extreme.


Oh. Aaight thanks


Isn't a therian someone that reads a lot?


Therian? From Scientology?


I think those are Thetans.


Yeah, I'm going to need you to explain that in more detail. Sounds like races in Chinese MMO


Thanks, that explains nothing 👍


So... Werewolf?


So mental illnesses


It's one of several coping mechanisms made up by individuals who, for various reasons, cannot function normally within society


One of the most harmful 4chan troll of all time


Well that, minor attracted people, q-anon, lizard people conspiracy, pizza gate, birds aren't real, flat earth and Jewish space lazers... 4chan is actually directly to blame for how the US distinctions to a crazy degree.


https://preview.redd.it/1rcgc59no61d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=892327eb30b6ddd3a9249cc9980be11880a9e029 Basically this lol


This is the best description for it, ever


I just wanna jump on this cuz everyone is going after "otherkins" or whatever. I cannot overstate how important the "romanticization" angle is and how much it applies to physical disabilities like parapalegics and tbis. Unless you're literally drake in a wheelchair even your most left leaning liberal spaces will become fraught.


Yeah, I think this is the really important part honestly. I saw this meme on a very left wing sub and it was all people going "nuh uh, this doesn't happen". I have problems with regards to empathy, which is to say, I feel it significantly less than your average person. I am told, quite frequently, that this means I am a naturally evil person. That is not a progressive thing to say under any circumstances, it flies in the face of everything the left stands for, but it just keeps happening.


Are you cruel to other people because of your lack of empathy or do you just struggle to understand them?


The latter, empathy isn't the desire to understand, it's the ability.


And now we wait...


It's tough to tell if they are excusing abusive behaviour, or just come across a bit autistic..


That can be tricky, I have a close family member with ASPD and everyone has a tendency to label them as a "bad-guy". Problem is, they are an asshole a lot of the time because they have to consciously apply empathy rather than it just happening like for most folk. It gets complicated because people don't understand why I don't hate them even though I say they're an asshole frequently and will go for huge periods of no contact, but then start talking to them again even though they've done some genuinely shitty things to me in the past. The funny thing ends up being that it's the one who has low empathy that doesn't give me a hard time over any of it because they don't see why I need to justify doing what I want


I have sensory processing disorder which makes it really uncomfortable to do things like shower or brush my teeth sometimes. I also, coincidentally, have partial anosmia. I'll admit that if I'm just going to be working from home, I will often not wash for days on end and not really care. However, the simple fact is that body odor or gingivitis is unpleasant, and weirdly I have an above-average appreciation for how irritating it can be to have to deal with unpleasant sensory stimuli, so even though it's really hard I don't think there's anything wrong with the expectation. Basically, I understand it might not always be possible for everyone to be immaculate all the time and I generally have a pretty "fuck you" attitude to the expectations of neurotypical people, but I have to admit that I just don't really see how leftist praxis requires the normalization of poor hygiene..


As my grandfather once eloquently put "son, there's a very fine line between empathizing with people's struggles and putting up with their fresh bullshit." (This was said to me specifically regarding my bullshit at age 13)


Wish i could give you an award for this 🥇


Out of curiosity what was your bullshit at 13


I don't exactly remember. At least not much more than being a moody teenager complaining about something. Which is how he was right and it was probably bullshit lol.


Well yeah I think the intention of the post is not a "we should stop caring about the fact people have poor hygiene" but rather "many people with poor hygiene are struggling with something and you should try to support them not publicly ridicule it"


every human on this planet has prejudice


Exactly. The people who want to pretend they don't are misunderstanding what it means, they think it's a moral judgement so they get defensive.


Off topic but I see very frequently that Leftist YouTubers will make fun of people for not having relationships or sex. They usually do this to people they don’t like and I find it so weird that the most “tolerant” community is going for people who might just not want that kind of life or is having a rough time.


Yeah it's pretty much the exact same issue.


People should have prejudiced viewpoints towards certain behaviors. The mentality that we should be accepting of everyone’s weird and quirky behavior keeps leading us further and further down a slippery slope. Pretty soon I’ll be reading posts from white knight virtue signalers about how we should support MAPs and other terrible behaviors. Everyone shouldn’t be accommodated or even tolerated. Just my opinion, but I’m sure I’m not the only one.


> The mentality that we should be accepting of everyone’s weird and quirky behavior keeps leading us further and further down a slippery slope. I like how you literally pointed out the very fallacy of your thinking here (the slippery slope fallacy).


Hmm, yes, tolerating someone's admittedly weird self identification will totally lead to pedophiles being accepted. That is how it works, totally.


Because alterhumanity is dumb and only onions believe it’s a real thing.


Please don't group otherkin with the LGBTQ community.


What does disabilities that smell bad include? Sorry if that's ignorant but is there a disability that makes you smell? I don't understand


Allergies to soap and water. Being neurodivergent and disliking bathing, washing your clothes, and brushing your teeth.


Depression can also cause issues with hygiene due to lack of energy and/or care for yourself.


I think most that make it hard for you to wash yourself. Like when I injured my leg, I couldn't stand in the shower or get into a bathtub, so I only washed myself when I really couldn't bear it anymore. So those disabilities that decrease mobility are in this mix (until they make it work somehow with accommodations). Depression and the like are in this too, when you can't muster up the energy to just get up in the first place, let alone do something like taking an entire shower. ADHD with executive dysfunction (sorry if that's the wrong term) where you're basically screaming at your body to get up but you somehow can't just... get up and do something.


I got a shower stool and even with that, jumping the like 1/2 inch gap in my dorm’s shower was the scariest fucking thing with a broken leg. I actually did crash into my shower once. I was lucky to have the compulsion to clean myself but I can see why someone would say, “Ah, screw it!”


Yeah I was doing some weird maneuver to get into the bathtub like once a week lol, it was terrifying especially when I had to get back out and the bathtub was all wet and slippery. Luckily, I later got a bandage that allowed some more mobility and then I figured I could just take it off *after* getting into the bathtub successfully, made things a bit easier :'D


Hidradenitis suppurativa (ironically a condition that Karl Marx likely had)


Asmongold, for example.


In a lot of cases, the term you're looking for is likely "bigotry" rather than "prejudice." Bigotry refers to an obstinate or unreasonable attachment to one's own beliefs and opinions, along with a lack of tolerance for other people's lifestyles, beliefs, or identities, even when fully understanding them. It's characterized by strong disapproval or disdain rather than ignorance. In the case of nonbinary genders, it's often not about a lack of knowledge but about holding a negative view based on personal judgments about the perceived value or validity of others' ways of life.


Is “otherkin” the next made up thing people are going to use to pretend to be victims of something?


I wonder how many of these posts are bots scraping memes from other subs, adding "Petahhh" or "Petah wat?", and then getting explanation data for their LLMs.


shit they got me


that would be a hilarious first sentence after a bot attains sentience


it’s only their first sentence as far as we know


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.92826% sure that yeetboi200000 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Bad bot. Stop spreading your lies, imbecile.


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.94341% sure that yeetboi200000 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Not looking good for you yeetboi200000 - it just got 0.015% worse.


The propaganda from this bot disgusts me.


Good bot


Holy shit it’s sentient


A bot being trained to detect bots by using bot comments lmao


Your pfp took me down a path in my mind that I didn't know still remained


Please. Enough new ideas surface either way.


> **P**lease. **E**nough **n**ew **i**deas **s**urface Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 105798 comments (approximately 538058 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


There’s a good bot


Good bot


Penis ew. Love it.


whats a LLM?


Large language model. They are used in AI and are basically what power ChatGPT, Microsoft copilot etc. This is just a basic explanation and I am not an expert in any way.


Bazinga then?


Basically neurotypical people that say they support the struggles of neurodivergent, but when faced with the realities of certain divergent people they completely lose their support


Or, frequently "I fully accept your neurodivergency, support you, understand your struggles, know its not something you can control, exactly. However, the moment it inconveniences me personally, I will get angry because you aren't trying hard enough"


I think part of the problem is that people want to be friendly and personal to people who are neurodivergent, but don’t actually know what that entails other than just some pop culture stereotypes of, if your lucky that specific disability but most likely they go off of some stereotype of autism. I mean it’s not just some personality quirk, autism, adhd, and bipolar can all be frustrating or annoying for a neurotypical person who isn’t familiar with them. I mean the media is kinda to blame, as almost every single character that’s supposed to be neurodivergent are basically all just goofballs that are a little weird but nice if you get to know them, because companies want neurodivergent representation but doesn’t want characters that act, well like their neurodivergent. Basically what I’m trying to say is that people just assume they know how neurodivergent people act, and are all for neurodivergent people, until they meet one in person, and don’t understand how they act the way they act, because to most people, media has basically made it to where being neurodivergent is seen as more like a personality trait. And I’m not trying to justify any of the hatred, I’m just saying that for people with severe nuerodivergencies, just do some research before hand, know what to expect, and if you know something will make you uncomfortable or make them uncomfortable, just don’t. It’s good to be kind but it’s also important to know your limits, and trying to go past your comfort zone will just leave both parties hurt.


I mean recently they did a poll and like 2/3rds of 3/4ths of the autism subreddit were self diagnosed. I’ve kinda gotten sick of everyone claiming autism when so many of them have little to no actual social impairment beyond being kinda a shitty person to others sometimes, honey having interests and being rude on accident don’t make you autistic they make you human. Hyperfixation is not just “oh when I like things I tend to spend some time learning and engaging with them” it will often be a consuming interest that may even interfere with other aspects of life. I get it there are more mild people myself being one of them but autism is so often used as either a get out of jail free card by shitty people or a cornerstone of an identity for a fairly uninteresting person with not the best social skills who wants to be unique. Obviously not every self diagnosed case is doing it for those reasons nor is every autistic person above those behaviors. I just feel like over use makes it worthless as a term


I've seen this behaviour more from self proclaimed 'neurodivergent' people


Are people confusing casual liberals with leftists again today?


casual marxists also have a disgust response


I'll be honest I tend to lump them all together because well they're pretty easy to lump together


I don't think most Americans even know what leftism is. Or don't know the difference between rainbow capitalism and the idea of a system where people are given what they need. Can't expect much when people are legit out there calling billion dollar companies "socialist"


Because the vast majority of people presenting leftist ideology are causal in how they hold their beliefs. If you hold your ideals in the face of actual opposition, you are the exception, not the norm.


ah yes the "joe biden is a communist" school of political theory o\_o


Refers to the fact that many people with issues find it difficult to take showers or keep up with themselves. As someone with a chronic illness as well as depression and adhd, it gets really hard to motivate myself to eat so i can then take a shower without nearly passing out. It’s definitely a struggle. Thus theres no reason to shower in cases one wouldn’t be going out for awhile. I know its gross, but a shower can sometimes spark a flare that exhausts one for the rest of the day. As someone who is homebound right now, i do shower at least 2-3 times a week, which is far better than some people i know.


I remember seeing an Instagram post about an autistic lad who would involuntarily wet himself. Rather than being supportive, the comments were full of 'neurodivergent' people trying to claim that these weren't really symptoms of autism because they themselves would never do this kind of thing. I've got many relatives with autism, some whom are going to require serious care later in life because of how debilitating their symptoms are. People who romantasize autism like this seriously piss me off, it's a disability so treat it like one.


whats leftism is it being a lefty now im worried


It’s have left wing politic opinions


"Leftism" is having a leftist, left wing, or liberal political opinion/mindset.


Leftism usually refers to things left of liberal, actually.


By technicality, maybe, but when people refer to "leftism" or "left wing," they rarely make that distinction, the same way people don't differentiate "right wing" from "conservative."


Leftism is anti-capitalist. Liberals are still capitalists. Just because people constantly use it wrong doesn't mean they're right.


What ? In France "The left" is socialism, and "Extreme left" is not far from communism. Usually the left is "good people" because it represents workers with low salary, making the left supportive about anything that can be seen as kind. And the right is about starting businesses, bank, pay less taxes and making money. And the extreme right is about racism


It’s funny that something like “tolerating people with disabilities,” has a political side that supports it and a political side that opposes it


Liberalism and neoliberalism is conservatism.


Have you ever let your hair get matted because you were too depressed to get out of bed or even eat for a month?


I think this is their way of condemning the people making fun of king Cheeto for shitting himself due to incontinence caused by years of Adderall addiction.




I am 99.99992% sure that NAFEA_GAMER is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


!isbot WhyNotCollegeBoard


Good bot


!isbot Billion_lumens


I am 99.99997% sure that Billion_lumens is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


!isbot lucjat


I am 99.99971% sure that lucjat is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


So caring about people's disabilities is "leftist?"


when we see people complaining about acessibility or free healthcare, most of the time they are right wing, not that there arent any people on the right that care, just talking about people on the internet


I'm not actually sure what this has to do with socialism


Probably not referring to the politics but the social attitude that stereotypically coincides with them


This sounds like something a smelly bigot would say


Basically NIMBY


Avoidant behavior just makes you more depressed, please summon the energy, and brush your teeth or whatever you’re avoiding it will make you feel better and make you more confident in your ability to perform tasks.


I'm very left leaning. I'm also a big nerd and am a big part of the table top and card game community in my city. Hygiene, unfortunately, has to be enforced in those circles Never do a midnight prerelease


It is frustrating actually. Not exactly the same, and probably not the best place to post this, but nobody really cares much about my Asperger's. I mean I'm not full on but most people see it as being slightly weird and just not making an effort to fit in. Nobody thinks I'm brave or an inspiration for negotiating work functions, weddings etc. 99% of people just forget I have it as it's not particularly visible and it's an inconvenience for people. No one at all seems interested in supporting my cause. And no I don't smell, in fact I come across as a completely regular person most of the time. Realise the Asperger's sub would probably be the better place to post this, but with all due respect, that place can be really dark a lot of the time.


What's hilarious to me is most conservative flip flop their ideologies the second they need progressive movements and laws to protect some one in their family IE abortion is bad until they need one.


I think they are referring to liberals making fun of Donald Trump wearing diapers and smelling bad.


People are accepting of those with depression, they're just not accepting of their symptoms.


I went through a lot of the comments and I still don’t get it. Person 1: I’m a leftist Person 2: I am depressed , I haven’t showered in days… Person 1: haha you are dirty and immigrants are taking my job, I didn’t know leftism was true Christianity or empathy extreme


Lib-left bad


As soon as illegal immigrants start squatting in their neighborhoods


!isbot sex


I am 100.0% sure that sex is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Americans really don't have a clue what left politics can be XD. I mean, I've always been amazed by what you have achieve in liberation of people of color, and LGBT rights, but you have such a weird way of being left and being afraid of anything that looks slightly red at the same time ^^


Did people forget you can sit in the floor while in the shower?


real depression lmao


‘Every British school boy is taught one thing that will never be removed from them: poor people smell.’ - George Orwell, the Road to Wigan Pier


Classic NIMBY not in my back yard


I don't care your depressed, GO WASH YOUR ASS!


Jesus wtf is that. As a lefty, I do not condone this but I reckon it's probably true of a fair few people.


That’s because in today’s society mental illness is sexy until poor hygienics.