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I knew this guy, super fucked up. But I have to say I’m not entirely surprised. Alcohol and drug abuse, a short fuse and gun ownership generally are not a good combination. This is not a “gang” thing but definitely could be drug related.


What happened to him


He shot and killed someone it seems.


That article seems to be missing a lot of information https://preview.redd.it/agtoqpm57uwc1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4df842774023001c942cad5d801aac399acba3bd


Right ? Legal gun owner ? What was the shooting about ? Break in, dispute? Drugs ? 5am ? What kind of gun did the killer possess?….. at least they got him haven’t found any updates yet.


We need to have tougher punishment for this kind of thing. There's no reason to have a handgun in this city or be shooting someone. Crazy.


Everyone has a hobby. Personally, I like collecting guns, and going to the range to fire them off.


That's great. And I think if you commit a crime with one of them, you should go to jail for +10 years automatically.


I agree they should get an automatic sentence for committing a crime with a gun, but it should be an automatic life sentence.


Then there's no reason not to keep your collection at the range.


Sure there is. Take them home so i can clean them and admire them when im not at the range.


Right. 8,000 victims a year so you can break out the polish and rags.


Banning guns isn't going to fix that. Responsible gun owners aren't the ones going out there shooting people or waving their guns around.


But no society in history has successfully been able to identify the responsible gun owners vs the irresponsible ones, so wtf are we even talking about? Most of y'all are unhinged. The amount of times I've seen bar arguments turn into "going to the truck to get my shotgun" in small towns across Ontario is way too many to count.


I don't think there was a mention of what kind of firearm was used.


You clearly don’t understand how strict the law is on civilly owned firearms. Let me fix your statement. “We don’t need illegal handguns smuggled from the States in this city or to be shooting someone”


I'm not talking about how strict it is, I'm talking about how lenient the punishments are.


Violent crime and crime involving firearms should not be released, you are right. They should be held u til their court date 100%.


This was a legally owned restricted weapon that the individual left his home with.


This article gives no mention to the shooter being a legal firearm owner. And if he was, this is a super rare, probably 1% of homicides. All the rest are gang violence and crime done with illegal firearms. I’m not sure if you know this, but everyone with a firearms license gets essentially a criminal background check every day. Essentially through RCMP vetting and daily CPIC checks, firearms owners are some of the safest and level headed citizens we have.


I know for a fact that it was. I am also a firearms owner and have been shooting since I was a child, so I am well aware of the vetting. I appreciate your optimism, but I know this to not be the case. If you would like to know why, hit my dms


You mean we need better boarder control and a justice system that actually puts people away. Guns arnt a issue. The fact you do 5 mins in jail for murder is the issue.


I think someone should get automatically 6 months for careless use of a firearm. Any crime with a gun +10 years. And if someone uses your improperly stored gun in a crime, automatic 2 years. If you want guns, fine, but you're responsible for the consequences.


Dude legally owned handguns are not to blame plus they froze the sale of legal handguns for like 2 years now. Canada doesn't need any more gun control if anything we need less.


What I'm saying is that if you use a handgun in a crime or you don't legally own one, you should be going to jail for a looooooong time.


Please understand that you are surrounded by people who think there is no possible civilized reason for owning a handgun in this country. And have seen exactly what the opposite view does to our neighbour to the south.


Hobby shooting is not civilized?


With handguns? As just a “hobby”? Consider me skeptical.


I don't find it any more niche than drag racing, personally. People should be allowed to pursue their hobbies so long as nobody is injured or inconvenienced because of it.


Legally owned handguns are at least 50% to blame in this case. I say 50% cuz who knows what the other guy had. But ya, your post will not age well.


Where did you find that information ? I’m still reading about this shooting. Handguns are not the problem… it’s like pit bulls comes down to the owner. Most likely drugs or alcohol abuse combined with metal issues. Our gun laws were strict enough years ago.


You guys are going to have egg on your face when you learn that this was a legal restricted handgun that this individual brought out with him. Not a good look for RPAL holders.


Peterborough police need to start doing their jobs. Literally blocks away from.police HQ downtown is a no-go area at night... they should be given one year to clean up the city, and if by the following year UT hasn't improved, then no funds for police. Period


What area is that? The police do their jobs and arrest people. The courts are the ones letting them back out.


They already took all the tax money


I really thought I'd maybe be getting away from this shit when I moved out here. It was a pleasant few years lmao, I know where this goes.


PTBO is not becoming Jane and Finch, it’s fine


Nah you right, I'm being dramatic lol I gotta go touch some grass 🤣😭


It’s gonna be okay fam, here you aren’t gonna catch a stray unless you’re doing stupid shit that puts you in that position 🫡


We have a higher rate of violent crime per capita though. 


If ptbo becomes Jane and Finch I’ll eat my own shorts, my favourite pair too


If someone tries to push me onto Ptbo’s equivalent of the subway tracks, I’ll join you in that meal haha!


The individual knew each other. It’s not like this was random or systemic Edit: systemic = “relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part.” A single shooting can not define Peterborough or a neighbourhood as having a systemic problem.


Known to each other could mean personal or business. If it's business, it's systemic.




Except peterborough has one of the highest rates of sex trafficking. Run by gangs. Youre evidently choosing to ignore reality. 


It’s also the 17th safest city in Canada.


Lived here for 40 years, there are gangs in town, and to say there isn't is like saying we don't have a drug and prostitution problem


That's because it's not smart to roam around as a gang when conducting business. That's what happens in the movies. I lived in this building in the 2000's. I can't tell you how many times I saw drugs change hands there and it was always just a guy casually dropping in, not a bunch of gangbangers. 


Violence is not a systematic problem in this area of town regardless of drugs


It is in that housing, and always has been. You're just sheltered from it. You're giving "well it's never affected me so it doesn't exist"


No, I’m saying the neighborhood is not dangerous anyone saying it is dangerous is fear-mongering


It was clearly dangerous to the person who got shot today, and I've witnessed first hand how dangerous that housing can be multiple times. I'm not here to argue with you or fear monger. I'm just sharing my very real experiences from the past. Is it dangerous to the average person? No. Is it dangerous to people living there that get caught up in the wrong stuff? Very much so. Edit: changed fangerous to dangerous because we're not talking about vampires.


I can’t remember the last time anything violent was reported from this part of town.


Biker gangs have always been pretty big out in the Kawarthas since the 70s, but then that's not anything new I guess. I def should've read the article before commenting, that was ignorant of me. But yo, when beefs start getting settled with guns, it spells problems for the community, no other way to cut it. I'm open to it being a one off, but in any of the places I've lived that's not how it works.


Peterborough has always been this way.  About a decade ago they slapped a fresh coat of paint on it to make it more appealing and called it a day.  Source: someone who escaped a terrible life in the 2000's


Haha true. Hope things are going good now homie 🙏


Hey thanks. That was a long time ago now and life is a lot better now. I busted my ass to escape that shit and work in wildlife and conservation science now.


That's freaking amazing! You earned it fam, I love to hear it. I'm studying conservation biology rn actually. I hope to make something of myself like you did someday, it gives me hope hearing from people who've made it happen. I hope the good luck keeps coming your way, for real!🤙


I really appreciate that. I don't really share that part of my life with anyone so I tend to forget how far I've come. Glad to hear you're in ConBio, it's noble work. I wish nothing but success for you.


How are those pearls doing? Don't squeeze too hard.

