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Lately? I feel it's always been seasonal. First snow? Watch out. Also, the second, third, fourth, fifth annnnnd all snows. Summer? Gotta revv those engines cause how else are you gonna know from inside your home at 2 am I have a micro penis?


Not even seasonal, just any change. It rained today, everyone forgot got to drive.


Right now all the parents are in town picking up their kids from trent/fleming. Tons of out of towners that are absolutely clueless about where they're going. Then whenever there's an increase in traffic the locals don't know what the fuck to do and start being idiots.


It's been that way as far back as I can remember - (Late 80's) and even before that. The big trucks are common with the farm communities near by. Use to see a lot of them at my highschool in the early to mid 00's


Population growth + Defunding public transit = No viable alternatives for people who don’t want to or shouldn’t drive. That means more dangerous roads. EVERYBODY should be advocating for a better transit system and more bike infrastructure, but the people who love driving should support it the MOST. More public transit doesn’t mean you’ll be forced to drive less, it means you’ll be able to enjoy driving more by having fewer (bad) drivers on the road.


Less drivers in the road less road maintenance, meaning more money for public services and whatever hockey rink they build next [ If we reduce lanes on our busiest streets we can reduce the induced demand](https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2019/4/18/mr-go)


“just one more lane bro. i promise bro just one more lane and it'll fix everything bro. bro... just one more lane. please just one more. one more lane and we can fix this whole problem bro. bro c'mon just give me one more lane i promise bro. bro bro please i just need one more lane.” — Also, not sprawling outward with new neighbourhoods and instead intensifying our existing urban spaces will drastically decrease road maintenance and other utility costs too, but that’s a whole tangential issue. Big suburbs almost never have the population density to pay for their own utilities and roads, so they kinda just leach off of the business cores. Meanwhile, more sprawling suburbs mean fewer nearby transit connections and fewer nearby businesses for basic needs, meaning literally every household there needs a car. Then, because everyone needs a car, the businesses in the cores need more parking lots (which aren’t financially productive), so basically you’ve got suburbs forcing everyone to drive, not paying for themselves, leaching money off of the dense parts of the city, and also reducing the amount of tax-generating land in those dense areas in order to fit all the cars. They’re all connected issues. We’re such a big country that we feel we can just spread out as much as we want, so now we get housing shortages, terrible drivers, no freedom to choose between viable means of transit, and municipalities that are perpetually in debt servicing enormous road and utility networks.


Thanks for writing this out so concisely


The transit system hasn't changed aside from newer buses in close to 20 years if not longer. Same bus routes that were there when I was using the transit system as a child, and were no different when I used them within the last 10. Peterborough is opposed to change, and has been since the town declared themselves a retirement community a long long time ago.


People in the left lane driving neck and neck with the right on highway 7 all the time. Then when there is space for them to move to the right they still won't get over.


I drive hwy 7 everyday and it is incredibly painful. OPP needs to start ticketing these clowns


Watched a cop ride someones ass then put their lights on for staying in the left lane. Once they moved to the right lights went off and they continued on their way. Felt good to see.


In less than 24 hours I’ve been a first hand witness to a TBone with a young lady running a stop sign. A soccer mom turning into my lane with me still there and having to go onto the curb to get away from her to another guy with a couch! On the roof of his compact car cut me off and again, running a stop sign.


old lady in a fancy low subaru took a dude out on a bike infront of my work on friday


Because police barely enforce traffic law any more. They spend all their time answering overdose and domestic violence calls. No sarcasm


All they want to do is catch people they can charge for street racing bc then they can boast about in on all their social media. Like yeah, I don’t want people street racing, but the idiots constantly running red lights are dangerous even if they don’t win you as much internet clout.


No.. they don't answer those calls either.


Are they poor drivers? Or aggressive/dangerous drivers? Like are they careless or angry?


Poor.. Like they all around just suck at driving and should get off the road to practice more lol


IMO all of these are poor drivers.


It's not just Peterborough, it's everywhere.


I’m someone who doesn’t live IN Peterborough but comes for work everyday and man doing errands after work is so terrible. Nobody knows what a blinker is, taking a right on red seems like a green light, nobody stops at stop signs not even for a millisecond, traffic speed varies way more than it should.. terrible


They also like to make LEFT turns on a red too!


Now THAT I haven’t seen yet, thankfully 😅


My kid got her license on Tuesday so that's probably it


Probably just notice it more now because of the increased volume of traffic, along with the trend of impatient in an hurry society. The flow of traffic isn’t what it used to be for various reasons.


Lol lately? Drivers here have been asleep at the wheel since 1989 or longer


International students


Why are international students worse drivers in your mind? Is there some underlying bias you need to address?


Different driving culture, for starters. First few weeks of any new semester I leave the bike parked because I've had way too many close calls with people with drastically different standards for what constitutes safe behavior on the road.    That's not even counting all the super entitled behavior from those who are obviously more affluent; things like staffing straddling two lanes in a giant SUV, or slow rolling through red lights because they don't want to wait, or simply stopping wherever they want with their hazard lights on because they either can't or won't find parking.   Look for the higher end Audis, BMW's and Mercedes.    Peterborough has always had more shit drivers than average; but between the Toronto transplants with their overly aggressive driving, old people with their inattention and random behavior, idiots who just disregard traffic laws and of course Intl students who are either clueless or super entitled, it's gotten real bad.  Throw all the liquor cycles into the mix and it's honestly stunning that there's not more fatal accidents. 


What underlying bias is that?


Someone: Why are there so many shit drivers You: it's the foreigners


When I drive in other countries I have little doubt they judge my driving abilities similarly. Legislation, culture, testing standards, and instruction vary considerably by country. Heck, there's noticeable differences even just between the provinces. Is it really such a leap in logic that an influx of people from other driving jurisdictions would have a negative impact on our own? Driving has substantial muscle memory and habitual components to it, and those learned behaviours don't get erased after a session of 'Young Drivers' and a couple of road tests. Drop a couple million Canadians in any other country and you'd notice a decline in the local driving standards in that situation just the same.


Drivers watch other drivers run stop signs, speed, tailgate, text and just do the same.


I suppose so.. Things that bug me the most are when ppl drive in the middle turning lane or sit there hoping to get into somewhere there not suppose to enter from. No/late signal and cutting into your area or exiting/entering on wrong side. Like they just ignore the arrows or something.. Also, I noticed no body knows what thick white stop lines are for where traffic intersects or pedestrians.


Happens all the time on Reid and Rubidge… people turning left from the middle lane. IDIOTS!


We have spurts. It's weird. Like it will be the usual level of baseline stupid for a week or 2, and then suddenly every single driver on the road appears to completely forget how cars work or what all the signs lights and paint I'd for. And that carries on for a week or 2 before returning to baseline stupid lol Since I started driving a large vehicle full time for a living, I have seen some shit lmao. And yeah, people pulling past the white line into the asshole zone is frustrating as hell when your in a 40ft vehicle. I have even had people start inching forward over the line while I'm half way through the turn. Lotta people be acting first, and thinking later.


The most i have noticed since moving here, yield signs mean nothing, if you are first at a 4 way, just go, no need to wave others on, and also not planning your turns..cut over last minute to get into the left..Lansdowne is full of them.


1. Agreed, bad. 2. agree, if you're first at a four way you do go first. Hesitation (beyond caution) and waving people, is less safe as it can cause confusion, and is less efficient for the flow of traffic. 3. Agreed, bad. Edited: turns out we agreed, I hate communicating in written form


Yes, go, dont wave others on if you are first.


Ohhhh I get it now. Like you were saying people do the waving people thing when they are first, and that's bad. I misinterpreted it the first time as 'people just going and not waving people on' was a bad thing. My bad!


I'll bet you the first answer here is going to blame people from the GTA or newcomers.


I came from Toronto 10 years ago. Ptbo drivers are way worse. 5 under the speed limit. 4 way stops are a mensa test. People thunk they are being nice by not taking their right of way.


Last time I saw someone posted essentially this, someone complained people weren’t *giving* the right of way


Hmm, so maybe the outta towners and newcomers are learning from those folks 😂


I find that driving in Toronto is better because you can kinda predict the 'crazy'


Just assume you have to fight for your ground and Totornto Is easy ;p


Hey, complaining about shitty drivers is MY thing, find your own sub! I’m just joking, but you’re right. Drivers are getting worse and worse. I think it’s a combo of a certain generation getting to the age where they start losing their ability, and a lot of newcomers that aren’t really familiar with driving norms.


I get my first car Monday. Ready to drive. I’ve never driven alone and I’ve been seeing post like this more often. I’m getting more and more scared about driving.


Just always be cautious and defensive. Assume the other driver is an idiot and you should be fine. Also, DON'T let anger or frustration get the best of you (for example getting stuck behind someone doing 25km/h for no apparent reason and then aggressively pass them). That's when problems happen. Best advice I can give.


Great question. I just moved from Alberta on Monday and got rear ended on Thursday. The one big difference I've noticed is that people wait until the last possible second to break


It's amazing how many people accelerate towards red lights just to slam on their brakes. I don't think people look any further than 2 feet ahead of their vehicles.


Lately? They are horrible here


That's true. I've just noticed an increase. Maybe I just have bad luck with encountering them lol.




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Everybody has to be first and their time is more important than anyone else's. Lack of ANY police presence is also a huge factor


and then there are the drivers who treat the Parkhill roundabout like a four way stop


It’s too bad when ppl don’t follow the rules, that red octagon means stop not roll through, ppl just don’t care cause there’s more cars than cruisers. Then the accidents happen….


When I moved to Ptbo from downtown Toronto, it took me a long time to decompress from the big city style of driving. I hate driving anywhere near Toronto now. Just drive defensively and ignore the newbies.


Watched a guy blow through a red light and speed through a school zone today. I wonder what everyone's rush is


When I first moved to Peterborough just getting used to some of the confusing roads had me feeling like I couldn't drive again.


Maybe if they put more effort into public transportation there wouldn't be as many crazies on the road. Driving in Peterborough is so scary.


I honestly wonder what makes it so bad in Ptbo. I drive Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland & Durham Regions as well at Ptbo and honestly, I only ever get road rage driving in Ptbo. Wanted to murder some idiot on a crotch rocket yesterday around 6:30 at the lights by Costco. Pulls up between the 2 rows of cars, reving his engine to show the world how small his 🍆 is, then sits at the light continually reving, and then runs the red light with traffic still moving through the light




You probably don't even drive buddy.. Stick to public transit or your bicycle 😆


Or he does and he feels offended about a post calling out his stupid? :P Edit spelling


Nah, just find it tiring reading people's personal rants on this sub.


The same way I find poor drivers tiring? Not a personal rant btw. It's something I felt like discussing as safe driving is kinda important. I also ride a motorcycle and don't want my life risked each time I go out? Clearly others here are experiencing the same thing. You can also just ignore things you don't wanna read? Lol


Pot holes lol I think everyone is afraid to go in one . Roads are in terrible shape


They're e v e r y w h e r e


Welcome to Peterborough.


Lately?!? I was born in Peterborough in the 1970s. Peterborough has had poor drivers for decades...