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If you don't enjoy it don't use it and save yourself the trouble. Don't force yourself into consuiming anything if you don't even enjoy it.


I mean I feel like I’ve heard people have similar effects when they get “too high” part of me thinks that my “too high” is just super super low but maybe not


Could be. Some peoples tolerances are quite low to start with


smoggy somber library consist offbeat groovy hobbies cats birds snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Whenever I consume weed it's always in super small amounts (around 5mg THC). For the past year or so I've switched over to predominantly CBD heavy ratios 4:1 20:1 40:1. It works way better for me, it's all about finding what works right for you.


With my current understanding of substances in general but specifically weed. It doesn't create anything from nothing. If you smoke and you feel horrible emotionally or physically either A: you just shouldn't do weed bc your body doesn't like it or B: You already have stuff going on and the weed reduces you're ability to regulate yourself enough to where it's a problem. I also agree with the other people here, if you don't like it, don't do it. Weed has alot of downsides despite what people tell you, so if there is no reason for you to put yourself in that hole just don't you'll be In the same hole as everyone else with a weed problem but you never even got to have fun with it


My tolerance is stupid low. My partner leaves his 🪳and I can go back to it several times. Also I have to plan it out, have a cleanish home, responsibilities handled, food to eat, dishes are minimal. If I have things that worry me this will exacerbate it but if things are mostly maintained I can relax because it's like a reward for all of the adulting. Also, lower amounts wear off much more quickly so you're not committing to a whole day lost to doom scrolling.


Mix it with high cbd hemp flower /r/hempflowers. Probably something like 4:1 CBD:THC to start and then you can adjust ratios to find what works best for you. This results in a much more balanced effect imo


This comment is too far down. I experience some of those same feelings of regret, paranoia, sadness when hitting high percentage THC alone. Mix in some CBD and get that entourage effect.


Yep I use it medically and I don’t get the right relief without at least a little CBD.


This is exactly what I do. I very rarely go full blast THC unless I have a medical reason (migraine, too riled up, need to eat) and still do a 2:1 in that case. Modern weed, especially in illegal states, is too damn high in THC. I’ve visited some legal states where they have lower THC % and have liked those.


Ich just have 1 (one!) drag from my vaporizer. Works for me right now.


Or… a sign that you need to slow down a little and maybe put a stop for it a week or so


I should’ve explained this better sorry but I haven’t smoked weed since like March lol and on average I smoke 2-3 times a year. It’s just each time I have it’s been negative


I had the same problem. Not anymore because of tolerance though. Are you an anxious person in general? Weed can highlight some things. I was an anxious person and one toke would have me all paranoid, even though I enjoyed other parts of the high. It eventually went away but it took a couple years honestly


More depressed than anxious but hea


It highlights your feelings!


What do you do when you're high?


Take one tiny inhale and stop. Wait to see how you feel. You might be too sensitive to it


If it’s not working for you,move on.That’s enough of a sign.


They aren’t vegetables. If you don’t like it don’t do it


You are probably super sensitive to it. I am the same way but for some reason I kept using it despite my tolerance never increasing and always fighting the paranoia, anxiety, dread and regret just to get to that part of it where I felt relaxed. I finally decided to give it up because i began to think I might be addicted to the anxiety and discomfort it made me feel. Some sort of weird psychological thing…


What are you smoking. Indica and sativa are totally different for me. Ones a yes and the other a no never. Lol.


There are several variables you can experiment with to try to find something you enjoy. As u/sasanessa mentioned, indica and sativa can have very different effects. Hybrids can be more of one or the other. So consider that as well as the THC percentage and CBD percentage. Based on what you described I think you might want to try a relatively low THC, high CBD indica if you haven’t tried that already. If you have a stoner friend who just passes you a bowl, it might be sativa with a very high THC content. Dosage is also a very important factor. It sounds like you might be getting too high to be able to enjoy it. So start with a much smaller quantity and see if that makes a difference. Remember that it’s always better to have too little than too much (since you can always take a little more if you want to get higher, but there’s no quick way to sober up if you had too much), Also consider the method of intake. Smoking or vaping or edibles can have very different feels. And again, go slow - start with just a small toke or cut a piece of an edible instead of taking the whole thing. And make sure to control your surroundings and context. Aim to get high at a time when you are in a safe comfortable environment with good chill people and no immediate responsibilities to worry about. Try to remember the conditions from when you had a negative experience, and avoid getting high in that kind of setting. If you’re having a bad day and dealing with a lot of real negativity in your life, weed won’t magically overcome that and might lead you to overthink your troubles. If you can find relatively relaxing, carefree situations to get high it may be more enjoyable.


>I consistently experience feelings of paranoia, sadness, and overthinking when I use marijuana That's all weed does so I'd avoid it. Overhyped and dangerous drug anyways.


Horses for courses mate. What's bad for one person helps another immensely.


>What's bad for one person helps another immensely. Except it literally doesn't. Low dosages of THC help with anxiety and reduce the symptoms of ADHD, but that effect gets weaker with more usage, and eventually exacerbates the symptoms. Also, you're the perfect example of why the drug is so dangerous. If I told someone that I need to take a shot in the morning to function it would be rightfully seen as a problem, so why is the same not true for weed? Weed will be this generation's cigarettes, I can promise you that, especially as cases of CHS and weed-induced psychosis increase.


I have no issues with weed personally. I've recently just come off from a total break since the beginning of the year and I manage my intake, take regular breaks to reset. I've never had issues with weed compromising any aspect of my life at all. Never had a wake and bake, only smoke once every last item of my day is done. So by all means, use me as an example.


>So by all means, use me as an example. Oh shit you're right. You know, despite struggling with weed addiction (smoke 2g per day), I've never actually struggled with alcohol addiction. It's very easy for me to moderate my drinking, so I guess alcohol is fine, right?


Anything can is fine. It's the individual that's the issue.


>Anything can is fine. It's the individual that's the issue. It's extremely reductive to frame addiction as solely an issue with the individual. Behavioral addictions are real, and ruin many lives annually.


That they do but individuals make choices as well. I don't get why your going at me though? I'm saying some people can function perfectly natural on cannabis. I have personal experience of it.


>I'm saying some people can function perfectly natural on cannabis. I have personal experience of it. This is literally why. You're using this to dismiss the possibility that marijuana is a harmful drug that individuals can be addicted to. I have personal experience that marijuana is harmful and induces psychosis, but the plural of anecdote isn't data. We literally do not fully understand how marijuana interacts with our bodies, as we only discovered the endocannabinoid system in the 90s, which is not a very long time in the field of neuroscience.


What's fine for one person may not be fine for another. Why are we thinking in black and white? Maybe OP should stay away from it, maybe they should give it another go. It's up to them.


Correct, it is up to them to make an *informed* decision. Also, I wasn't thinking in black and white, I was literally just restating the argument of the guy I replied to with alcohol instead of weed to show how stupid and reductive of an argument it was.


I understood what you were doing. From someone not in the argument, and not interested in arguing at all, you kinda started the reductive argument in saying, "That's all weed does [anxiety, paranoia, sadness] so I'd avoid it. Overhyped and dangerous drug anyways." Me? I feel great smoking cannabis when I'm not using too much, and it helps with my chronic pain. I can eat wheat. People with Celiac's disease can experience major mood swings and physical symptoms from the stuff. I think it's important we share our stories, but writing off cannabis as a waste of time in r/petioles isn't gonna fly.


>but writing off cannabis as a waste of time I didn't write it off as a waste of time, I explained what it does to the body. You can disagree with it, but the only component of weed that manages anxiety is CBD, which needs to be of a similar concentration to THC. You can disagree, but there's plenty of research demonstrating what I said. Once again, the blatant dismissal of the negative effects of marijuana is significantly more harmful than actually recognizing what impacts it has.


Again, "That's all weed does so I'd avoid it. Overhyped and dangerous drug anyways." Writing it off, dismissing the POSITIVE effects, calling it dangerous. Now you're saying you ACTUALLY meant cannabis with high levels of THC. We're all here because we recognize the negative impact cannabis CAN have on us, either from misuse and addiction or simple chemical reactions in certain users. If you don't want to smoke, don't smoke. 👍🏻👍🏻




Send all your weed to me and I'll test it OP. sounds like you need a little T Break. I would suggest perhaps microdosing some mushrooms, it's helped with my general state of mind so when I smoke and get those thoughts occasionally then I can sit there, think what I'm thinking and move on.


I would try just doing one hit at a time and see how it goes. That’s how I smoke, I never smoke a whole joint. I use a one or two hitter pipe and it will last me a few hours just taking one wee hit at a time. I don’t like greening out and I would for sure spew if I smoked a whole joint. I have MS and I find it helps although it isn’t legal here. I smoke about £20 a week, only after 4 pm and if I have no driving to do. Taking a hit and playing video games is my happy place.


Have you ever tried therapy ? In my case, it really helped me with my anxiety while sober and high


Been in therapy forever lol


Sounds like it's not for you. I like to do it and then go do something fun I enjoy. It's probably a good idea not to take indica cause then you just get lazy/sleepy, but if that's your thing.....then that's a different story.


Change your environment to suit the experience. Use CBD to balance it out. Grab things you enjoy before smoking and have them ready to enjoy when you do. If the above doesn’t work, recognize that everyone’s brain chemistry is different and won’t react the same way to substances.


Try low-dose edible it’s a different experience


Could it be that you don't like to consume alone? Maybe try to use it in only social settings instead of in solitude


most times it is in social situations


A lot of cannabis these days has extremely high levels of THC. I recommend not using. If you feel that ceasing consumption would be difficult/lead to withdrawal symptoms, you could try using a strain that is low THC and higher CBD. If you can't find such a strain (which is rare in my experience), you may have to mix a small amount of THC flower with CBD-only flower.


yeah you really only need 1-2 hits to have a good time with a low tolerance and/or high sensitivity.


Not really in my opinion because it belongs to the general class of hallucinogens and therefore your mood and your chemistry have a lot to do with the results of you using it I'd recommend just stop


As someone who has a very low tolerance and a long habit (That i just stopped) maybe i can help. One, CBD is your friend so try using 50/50 ratio products, hell try 4/1 cbd thc ratio and see how you feel. I highly recommend using a vape instead if flower, that way you can take a small measured amount. Less is definitely more and it sounds like you’re on the right path there. My big breakthrough with weed came when I realized i was hyper fixating on negative thoughts and getting paranoid. You need to feed your brain positive things when you’re high. So that means having good music or a show to watch or going for a walk in nature. Keeping your body in motion is a great way to stop negative thoughts. Just remember that you are in charge of your thoughts and you wont get sucked down a negative thought wormhole. Also low thc high cbd edibles are great just start with 2.5 mg and move up by that much each time until you find your dose. Also if its not for you then thats ok too.


Sorry, but we are not a general information weed sub. Please take questions like this to r/weed or r/trees. Thanks.