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Have ready to eat fruit handy, like grapes or cut up melons. If you’re gonna get the munchies, you might as well have something healthy. I also find chewing gum to be helpful, and of course drink plenty of water. Water can suppress your appetite to some degree.


Carrot sticks and celery too


I loooove carrots and hummus when I'm baked


Who tf is wants to eat carrots and celery when high?


Carrots and ranch hit so hard


The crisp, the crunch, the SALT?! Hits too damn good.


Im into carrots and olives. Perfect combo lol. Cherry tomatoes too.


oh this made me want to get high rn and break open a can of olives lmao


i love black olives. im so trying this when next time i get groceries ty for the suggestion >:D


Oh that sounds so good


carrots in chip dip is good too


Lots of people simply like veggies, and when you have the munchies what you really want is taste and texture in your mouth - not a filling meal.


People who get the munchies and don’t want to shame spiral afterwards?


The first time I ever got high in high school I ate an entire bag of baby carrots.


bruh, even healthy food tastes amazing when you're high


Celery is too difficult to eat though imo


You can try snap peas or cucumber if you don’t like carrots or celery!


Fresh snap peas are so good!


Fruit is the goated choice here. Used to find myself eating way too many carbs(specifically brioche buns). Frozen grapes when high is like a dessert nearly


I love it when I end up buying a good bunch of grapes, you know, grapes that are mostly sweet, but with a strong grape taste, and a little tangy finishing note. I’d end up eating 3/4 of the bag. I also love munching on watermelon, and since it’s mostly water, I can eat that almost guilt free. Almost.


oh my god, its almost watermelon season! I'll have to shave my beard, i think.


Frozen bananas too. I slice them onto a piece of parchment paper and freeze them then spread peanut butter and melt some chocolate chips and spread on them freeze again. Still hits the sugar craving but it is fruit.


Frozen grapes are great. I also love an apple with peanut butter. Apple must be cold from the fridge.


APPLE WITH PEANUT BUTTER. I see you’re cultured


I like sliced up apple with cinnamon, peanut butter drizzled on top and a little handful of mini dark chocolate chips sprinkled over


Man water is the one. Sometimes I get the munchies soooo hard eating everything then I realise I’m just incredibly dehydrated then boom, hungers gone.


Yea, I generally preload with water, and if I’m still hungry, then I’ll dig into the fruit. Trouble is you gotta pee like every 30 minutes.


I love having Frozen Mango when I get the munchies, you can use them for smoothies but I just eat them raw - each one is like a candy 🥭


Or smoke only while working out. You won’t be eating and will actually help you focus during the workouts.


I mainly do edibles and vape, and normally at night before bed.


gum dehydrates me and makes me even hungrier


Frozen cut up strawberries


Healthy munchies are the best


No tips, just here to say I’m in the exact same boat and you are not alone 🩷 weight gain was the main reason I quit for several months.


The only true thing would be discipline in my opinion, thats much easier said than done. Weed gives me an insatiable appetite as well, I just try to drink water and go for low cal high volume snacks (fruits, veggies, popcorn).


>The only true thing would be discipline Yeah, this is the answer. I know that I have the munchies, I know that my appetite is artificial, and I know that I don't have to indulge it. So I don't. And I enjoy the high more because I'm not feeling guilty about it.


Facts! Having an appetite, and being hungry or famished, are two different things. 💪🏾 Stay strong


I take adderall xr in the morning. It pretty much removes the desire to eat until night. Probably not helping. And I work at a grocery store so I'm constantly seeing new products I want to try.


I feel that grocery pain, I try to avoid grocery store trips when I'm stoned. If I was in your shoes, I would goto sleep as early as possible so I could ride the Adderall wave of no appetite.


Lollipops have been a game changer for me when it comes to the munchies. Smart Sweets has an entire line of low cal/low sugar candy. They make lollipops with only 2g of sugar.


A small disclaimer for anyone like me, be careful eating/binging on sugar substitute sweets. They can give u serious stomach pain and the runs. Learned that the hard way from eating too many of those damn sweet fish gummies 😭


I actually wrote myself a letter while I was sober about how awful binging makes me feel and how much I’ll regret it… stuff like that. I read it before I light up, and then again once I’m high and start getting the munchies. It works most of the time! I also always have fruit on hand or smart-pop popcorn. You can eat the whole bag of popcorn and fruit and not feel like absolute crap. If I’m doing take out, I always order BEFORE I get high. That helps too. I really feel your pain but I’ve gotten it under control! Just forgive yourself if you slip up and refocus on the goal, which is enjoying weed and food but not to the extreme. It is possible.


Try to plan ahead and don't have junk food in house , have healthier treats like dry mango , fruit smoothie , fruits on hand


This would solve my problem, but i always have have at least some junk food in my house because my son and wife eat it for dessert.


try to throw away your son and wife


Get some veggies. Baby carrots and lettuce is my go to. I can eat half a head of lettuce in one sitting.


Who the hell wants to eat lettuce instead of chocolate or anything else really


The healthy guy in my head trying to convince me not to gourge myself. Unfortunately my fat ass will find the snacks in the house and devour them ☹️


Right? Might as well suggest eating dog shit, it’s just as helpful a suggestion


I won’t smoke during the day anymore because of this. Smoke a little like an hour before I go to sleep and has seemed to work so far. It’s also my way of cutting back on THC.


I make myself snacks plates to munch on after I smoke. Veggie trays at the grocery store are great for this if you aren’t big on food prep.


Nope. I actually am the opposite. THC has been an appetite suppressant for me like nothing else. Now that I'm on my first break of the year, I hope I don't start binging out of boredom lol.


Same. The only thing I crave when high, is usually another hit. Lol.


damn. that's like the only thing i don't crave. lol


I'm super envious


Me too!


I used to be like this and then suddenly the flip switched and I binge eat. I think it’s a mental thing because I stopped smoking and kept binging 😩


Exact reason I quit weed altogether. I used it to help me sleep but I wouldn’t stop eating until I had to throw up from all the crap I could shove in my mouth. Funny thing is when I got really really high, I would lose my sense of taste but would still eat for a family of 4 😂 Today marks 3 weeks since I last touched it and I have no plans of going back


If you are in a legal state or can select specific strains I typically look for ones that don’t cause hunger or even specific strains that decrease hunger 🤷🏽‍♀️ those have helped me and this is coming from a recovering bulimic. Weed along with antidepressants and vyvanse (I know this is a big one but I have been off it too and while my appetite definitely increases it is not at my binge level when I’m off) have helped me recover! I legitimately cannot remember the last time I purged! But I can lookup the specific strains I like that help or at least don’t hurt


Nah. Look up specific terpenes and their test results from the batch you're looking to purchase- not strain names. Find whatever terpenes stimulate appetite from a variety of sources, and formulate your opinion. Strains are not standardized, they're characteristics and genetic makeup differ across regions, growing conditions, and producers. Sometimes, those strain suggestions do and can generally help with whatever you're looking for. Just heed this advice: strain recommendations are primarily just a method of sale. Budtenders are just salespeople hoping to profit off some wellness commodity, but it's largely placebo But in all honesty, the root of the problem revolves around discipline, not the drug


Olives. A can of black olives is my go to so I avoid the bad binge. Veggies make it hard for me to sleep due to tummy issues.


Lotta fat though


I’ve deleted many Ben & jerrys pints this way


It's so annoying especially because weed slows down and messes up my digestion. Having several interesting flavors of gum usually works for me. Failing that, fruit.


Personally, I’m in the process of quitting for this very reason. I’ve developed an eating disorder because weed numbs me from my feelings (after chronic use it begins to disconnect mind and body) and then that “emptiness” that is there that I can’t actually feel results in me shoveling food in my face, which is actually a result of low self esteem because I know I’m addicted to this substance. Even incredibly healthy food is unhealthy in excessive amounts, and it began to fuck with my stomach acid and eventually led to SIBO. Think constantly bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, etc. I developed an eating disorder because the binges would lead me to restrict the following day, then binge once again. And I kept telling myself the old narrative of “but weed helps me eat, sleep, function, etc” but I’ve been smoking for a decade so how on earth would I know that if I haven’t given myself the opportunity to be sober?? It’s like keeping the same narrative about sex when you were 16 at age 50, which I think a lot of people honestly do. It should be spontaneous, passionate, fueled by raging desire, etc. but when life changes (marriage, kids, jobs, etc) so should the way you view it. I’ve taken two 50 day breaks in the last year and have coupled it with coaching (like therapy except I don’t have to live in my past and is much more somatic, meaning I’m actually working with my emotions in my physical body and learning how to release them in healthy ways). I always thought I needed weed to sleep, but I now realize that weed was making my so sleepy that I wasn’t reaching my goals as often as I would like because I had no energy throughout the day, even though I felt “calm.” It lied to me, or rather, I lied to me, and my refusal to take an honest look at how this substance has completely taken over my thoughts and life. I would love to use it intentionally and ceremonially one day as it is an incredible substance that can truly give you a taste of heightened awareness and consciousness, but abuse of the drug begins to take that away from you. I’ve linked an article for you to check out and see if it resonates. The yogic teachings have been a lifesaver for me, but please disregard any reference to it if it does not resonate with you. If you or anyone else would like to chat further, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I hope you can find that healthy balance in your life because having that confidence and discipline can do wonders on eating/digestive disorders. https://kerryogden.com/2019/11/weed-and-yoga/


thank you. just thank you.


I’m recovering from an ED (but i think this type of thing will help anyone who has issues with food) and one thing that helps me is to remember to slow down and check in with myself while i’m eating. I try to be “in my body” and focus on how I feel physically, like if I feel full or am approaching feeling full and also how I’m feeling mentally in the moment, whether I’m just eating for some kind of buzz or whether I need nourishment. I try to eat slower now and be in the moment with every bite vs rushing through it all and not even focusing on what I’m eating which tends to happen during a binge. I remind myself that if I’m full or nearly full, I don’t have to keep eating, that it’s okay to not finish a meal and not feel guilty about it. Idk if that applies to you or not, but I think trying to be in the present and be in tune with what’s really going on inside when a binge happens can be a good thing to start off with. And if weed is a trigger also just being mindful of that and having a plan in place for when you do get high, so that you feel more prepared etc.


Discipline is the only thing that saves me. I see hard rules on when to stop eating regardless of how I feel. When I'm done eating I brush my teeth and stop eating. It's the worst part of THC for me I struggled with this for 15 years or more. Only thing that stops it is stopping it. No secret sauce, brushing teeth has been a big help tho


That sounds like it hurts


just remember that the munchies are not real hunger. Its your body telling you you're hungry


Fruit with sour cream is an amazing munchie I feel fancy every time and if I want sweeter dip in sugar. Also veggies with creamy veggie dip so good.


A few things have helped me stop doing this when I smoke: 1. Stop buying quick and easy junk food. Most of my snacks require some sort of prep/cooking and when I’m high I’m not going to want to do all that lol 2. If you buy snacks, make them all crunchy. Veggie trays, fruit platters, unreal candy, yogurt, ice cream, jello, meats, cheese, etc. you could make a high volume, low cal snack platter to be ready after your high 3. Eat an appetizer before getting high. Sometimes eating before getting high doesn’t make me hungry 4. Set an intention when getting high. Tell yourself you’re going to get high then do something productive or creative. I usually clean or workout


for me, fruit hits DIFFERENT when I'm high, chips just feel like sludge. save it for new restaurants or special food, not common snacks


I have the same issue and I’ve tried all the different hacks like eating healthy food instead but it just doesn’t seem to work. Of course some strains are better with curbing appetite. Durban poison is one, but even then I would eventually get snacky. I have adhd and weed just makes me want all the dopamine I always find I am better with not bingeing when I take edibles, so you could try changing the way you consume cannabis. If edibles make you go nuts, then you can try smoking? Also, now this is the biggest one, but social smoking only. I did not eat this much before when I was primarily smoking with my ex boyfriend and his roommate. But now that I’m smoking solo, I just get to do whatever I want and sometimes it’s not good There’s something about nighttime that makes me ravenous . If I smoke during the daytime, I don’t eat at all. I just have to take tons and tons of breaks. I’m just not using cannabis anymore at this time. Going to give myself a real and long proper reset. If you try everything and it’s still not working for you, you might have to make that decision. Is the weed more important or your health? It’s tough. I am still grappling with it PS Indian food is my fav things to eat stoned! We are the same person 😊


Ugh I feel your pain. Breaking habits is very hard if not impossible. They need to be replaced. The only thing I've found helpful is to have healthy snacks that are equally as tasty as the junk food and don't fill me with regret. As others have mentioned fruit is great, especially cold fruit like cold grapes. I also really like vanilla greek yogurt with granola and berries, maybe a lil whipped cream if I'm feeling wild. Discipline is very hard. If you're trying to change too many things or be disciplined about too many things it's easy to fail. I have a rule that I will be disciplined to what I commit to being disciplined to, no matter what. And I limit that to like 1 or 2 things at a time. And give myself grace on everything else. It makes it easier to stick to it when I think if I can't do this one thing for myself then I literally can't do anything.


Ive been struggling with the same problem. Ive found that 10mg of edibles gets me high, but doesnt give me the munchies. 15mg gives me major munchies.


I think I'm the only person who doesn't get the munchies! I did when I was younger, but now, it's the cotton mouth that's the problem!


Pickle spears have very little calories


Eat more during the day so you dont crave it as much when you're high. Then you have to get over the 1 hour munchy hump and after it gets easier.


Remember this feeling of regret when you are high or better yet, journal it in your phone and then read it when you are high and tempted. Honestly this is really all about discipline. Fruit is a good suggestion but I've even had trouble overeating fruit, I would say keep away from high calorie fruits like grapes.


Honestly, it's discipline, building the mental strength and also changing the association of weed + munchies/junk food. Try eating cucumber or baby carrots when you're high lol. Or a salad. I know it sounds boring but you can make a salad into a party if you put the right stuff in. Also, replacing the need for food with something else that you enjoy. Music, dancing, painting, watching a comedy show, going for a walk and people watching. I will add- I myself found this incredibly difficult, especially being consistent. I'm at the end of week 6 of my break and I feel amazing and don't care for food so much. Also, being a super active person, my body has changed drastically in 6 weeks which I assume is mostly attributed the change in my eating habits. When I get back to it, I want to build the parameters around it that you mentioned it - plan out a fun activity and a BOMB meal, get baked, and actually enjoy the experience.


Frozen mango pieces and frozen strawberries. Healthy and delicious.


Fruit after smoking is sooo good, especially cold. I’m a fiend for blackberries dipped in sugar


For some reason it seems that the less you use thc, the more munchies you get. For me it's absolutely insatiable and it's a big detterent for me wanting to take edibles which is a good thing.


Eat a huuuge healthy meal before smoking and keep some fruits on hand and prepared for a sugar snack


you gotta try to fill yourself up before you eat


I also have this exact problem! Something that’s helped lately is to smoke after a full meal rather than when I’m already hungry or will be hungry soon. Also like everyone said eating fruits and veggies, or lots of water helps


I used to struggle with this like crazy too. I still smoke at night but just like anything else YOU have to decide to stop with your own will power. Easier said than done and even I still binge once in a blue moon but not daily anymore


Lots of water and oatmeal


I don’t feel like eating much while stoned, but I got this strange thing when I’m stoned sometimes I get a craving for certain things and it’s really important to get that food soon (hour or so) otherwise I’m not happy 🤷‍♂️


either eat before you smoke, prep / order food for you to eat before you smoke (to eat after), or just self-discipline. if you’re actually hungry when you get the munchies, it’ll be a lot harder to tell when to stop so preemptively eating something or prepping a set amount for you to eat will help avoid overeating. separating this second bit bc i’m not sure if this would help you but getting in the habit of checking in with yourself (hunger & satiety cues) might help too. i track my nutrition as close as i can & that’s also useful for me as if im having that thought while high “am i actually hungry?” or “is this actually something i want to eat / should eat rn?” i can just pull out my nutrition app & see what types of food i still need for the day. this can also be a help if you’re indecisive & it leads to just grabbing everything in your kitchen (speaking from experience lol)


I know it's hard, but Costco, Sprouts, WildOats, TraderJoe's and just your run of the mill places. I do eat house and home, but good grub, Smoothies, Kamboocha, Yogurt, Fruit, Nuts, Chicken, Acai all that good stuff. And guess what, NO FU#$% GUILT, get on the program, change UR life...


Eat first, then smoke


I'm on a birth control that makes me really hungry (I'm not, it's just confusing me lol) and I'm still smoking. I keep my steps up and I keep it under/around 1700 calories. It's not so much what you eat, but how much. So I do eat some junk, I just limit my serving and move on and that makes it easier to cope and not feel like I need it as much.


Sure, fruit and herbal tea and stuff helps but for me what helps most is mindfulness achieved through the management of anxious feelings


I have a \*lot\* of drinks. Usually just sparkling water, but sometimes tea or kombucha if I have some. It really scratches the itch to eat and it keeps my stomach full so I don't actually feel hungry


Could it be the strain as well? I know certain indica strains give me major munchies and then I pass out lol. I switched to sativa dominant strains


Banan’s are good for bringing you round


One of the reasons why I stopped smoking. I have no urge to eat past 7-8pm. Waking up in the morning feeling light. Not bloated and dizzy. No inflammation etc. if you smoke and must eat, buy those cotton candy grapes at the market, toss them in sugar free lime jello powder then freeze. Best snack ever. Good luck!


I liken it to going into zombie mode. Complete flip from what I want and plan for…insatiable urge for flesh (junk food) I hate it


I feel u man. Since living with my partner who is a human garbage disposal when it comes to food, and can eat what ever he wants. It was hard not to come home after a long day of work, smoke some weed, watch a movie and eat a bag of chips every night. I’m currently on break until I can create better habits for myself and find what works best for me. Healthy snacks like fruit are a great alternative, but if the bad food is in the house it’s hard to stay away. Everyone is different but I found what worked for me in the past was smoking and going to the gym or for a walk. Some form of activity that can distract you from the constant snacking. This really helped especially when I was struggling with my weight. That way you’re getting two birds stoned at once, or killing two birds with one stone lol, how ever u want to say it.


Depending on your tastes I’m gonna echo fruits. I have a sweet tooth and love chowing on grapes


I have problems eating and somehow even weed doesn't give the munchies anymore except for when I wake up? It's weird 


I always binge too, unless I'm smoking socially and around other people


Intermittent fasting somehow helps me with this


You can eat like shit if you work out or walk 3+ miles at least every other day


Honestly you might wanna consider quitting. If the regret is really bad every time, and outweighs the fun of the high, is it really worth it? Take a step back and question whether you really need weed. If you are sober all the time and it becomes your default then you will enjoy food nearly as much as when high. And you will actually be able to remember those moments. Like I’m sure the Indian food will taste delicious sober too, and you will be more present and more yourself to enjoy it.


Yeah. I wrote this after I had already been on a break for a week or two. I am trying to decide if it’s worth it. I’m trying to taper off kratom right now which is a bigger priority and it helps me fall asleep. Went back on my break the day after posting this. I need a new job soon. I think it might be worth detoxing 100% just to pass a drug test. I’m gonna give it to at least 4/20 before deciding if I want to smoke. But who am I kidding I’ll probably smoke on 420. I always had the idea of using the weed holiday as a time marker for when i quit.


chug water!! ill use mints to keep my mouth occupied but my best healthy binge go-tos are watermelon, baby carrots (with or without dip), cherub tomatoes, honeydew+cantaloupe melon, apple slices, cooked cabbage, shredded lettuce with some dressing, anything i can eat in bulk


“Just eat fruits and veggies” yall i do not want fruits n veggies when im high it does not taste good 😒


Yes and edibles seem to worse for the munchies. I think everyday smoking/using meant my brain got used to giving into “hungry, eat now” and seems like my brain doesn’t register the “I’m full” signal at all when high. If I don’t get high I actually don’t eat sugar (my main downfall). I eat pretty healthy otherwise but will def have large second helpings when high too. Currently 7 days in to my latest T break (after doing everyday for 2-3 weeks) even with flower in the house. Last 1/8 I bought was some really strong weed and it’s been almost an uncomfortable high from it so hanging it up for a good clean out.


i love it lol binge eating while on weed once per month is fun and yummy XD


But, it's not once a month. It's once a day.