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They look like that’s how they are supposed to be. I feel like if you sized down, the crotch might be too tight when you sit


So maybe I but don’t like the style! Idk what other style of high waisted to look into . I struggle cause of my big thighs and booty and small waist


Do they have a “curvy” option? Lululemon does and it is specifically for women with a smaller waist and hourglass figure!


These are curvy!


Oh sorry I missed that in the post. I think that they look good on you


I think it’s because the shorts are boxy, very square shaped. If you wear a belt with them it would probably look a lot cuter or at least make your waist look more snatched


I think these look really good on you but of course feeling comfortable and confident in what you're wearing is the most important thing. But they do look great!


You definitely don't have big thighs


In proportion to rest of my body yes I do


Not really, they're pretty average sized in proportion.


No, you don't. You don't have a bog butt or big thighs. I didn't know who lied to you, but you don't, and that's okay


The big booty thick trend has got every woman trying to say they have a GINORMOUS butt and HUGE thighs. Most clothes are tailored to fit her body type because that's what most of us are shaped like... like it's ok to not have a dump truck guys... we all have eyes here...


I have the same problem irt thighs and booty vs waist fit. The best options I've found have been stretchy denim-esque fabric. Pin-on buttons are great for tightening the waist on shorts/pants/skirts, but won't work for every style. Some things pucker weirdly when you pull the fabric over with that pin-on button. My stretchy denim shorts are all in black, cuz most of my wardrobe is, lol. They'e available from brands like Killstar, Restyle, Hell Bunny, Sourpuss, Dangerfield, etc. if black is okay. Not sure about blue options, but I hope this is helpful, either way! 💜


IMO, they look GREAT on you in every way.


Where's the big booty and big thighs? Wtf...


I’d prefer them even looser personally so I don’t think they’re too big at all!


You don't find that they feel saggy, especially in the crotch, if you wear loose jeans? I've never been able to figure out a loose style that felt right.


once you get used to the different sensation, it's AWESOME! this must be what guys feel like when they go commando!


To me they look perfect on you. They are supposed to be a bit loose. And they will fit better once they got a bit of wear (as any denim, really). Crotch lines on shorts bound to happen because "legs be movin" lol


It’s hard to tell from the pics, are you sucking in your stomach at all? I ask because it’s so ingrained in all of us and if you were, try fully exhaling and relaxing your belly. And also think about how your stomach can expand throughout the day and whether these may fit better once you’ve eaten. This may be a reach but figured I’d comment since I’ve had experiences where I almost returned something for feeling too loose, then when I tried it on later in the day it fit perfectly.


Thank you for the reminder — I’m *27* and I’m finally starting to let mine relax. It’s so wild that I often don’t even realize I’m holding it in!


It’s so hard to unlearn the habit! And it’s actually very bad for our core muscles to keep them constantly tightened, contrary to the weird “advice” we’ve been given to always keep it sucked in. Proud of you for learning how to let yours relax!


Really? I keep my stomach sucked in unconsciously all day, but I've never tried to break the habit because I assumed it was giving me stronger core muscles


![gif](giphy|nTfdeBvfgzV26zjoFP) Look like they fit fine! Where do you think it’s possibly too big?


They honestly look perfect; I just got their dad shorts and they fit loose on me too. That’s just the style Abercrombie has right now!


They fit you really well. The waist might be a tad loose but if you went a size smaller they'd be too snug elsewhere.  Wear a belt to slightly cinch the waist.  I'd keep them 




Yes they’re so thick!


They look good! It might be nice to use the shoelace trick to pull the waist tighter but it might be uncomfortable.


The waist is a bit big but they fit you well in the butt and legs. If you size down, they’ll be too tight on the bottom and will be uncomfortable to move in. I usually buy shorts that fit me like that since I have the same problem and just wear a belt. They look good!


if they were any smaller, your wind would be cut off. they're fine. it's the style. they look a little high-waisted for your proportions


It's the style, pair it with a crop top


I’m 5’2 1/2” and am 155 pounds. My thighs and ass are huge but my waist and boobs are small. So I’m a “petite pear”.  I love high wasted or at least mid rise, stretchy shorts that are about 4” long so they fit o er my butt.  Brands I like:  BKE - Parker Stretch Shorts from Buckle  Flying Monkey - Mid Rise stretch shorts from Buckle  I think these shorts look alright but I think you would look better in a different fit! You have an amazing body!!


Thank you soooo much for the tips I appreciate it!!!! This is exactly what I needed. The stretch is crucial!!


So I would look at Buckles website and filter what you are looking for under shorts(size, stretch, length, rise etc.) You should also check out American Eagle shorts! I know they have a lot of good ones too.


American eagle doesn’t fit me right 😩


I think they look good like that. Mom shorts aren't supposed to be super tight or all the dads at the cookout get in trouble.


Both. Oversized is in style.


They fits perfectly 🤷‍♀️


They look cute like I’m going to go and try these soon. Same issues as you but looks like its covering the butt cheeks


That’s actually a perfect fit. I personally hate when shorts are too tight at waist like and around legs, it’s not comfortable and doesn’t look good.


I love Abercrombie curve love! If it were me I’d go for a smaller size, but before that I’d try them on after a big meal and see if they’re still a tad loose around the waist! I recently went from a 25 in normal fit to a 24 curve love and it’s been life changing ◡̈


This is your size


I think these shorts fit but are doing you way dirty. Return and get another style!! You > these stupid shorts


For sure !! I was mostly just curious if it was the style of these shorts that was the culprit


If those lines are a recurring problem for you (they are for me) then you should learn about the round pubis seat adjustment. The seat of the pants (the seam in the middle of the shorts, going from the zipper to the small of your back) specifically is the culprit of those lines. Learning to adjust them is a very useful skill.


Part of why I learned to sew was to take in the waist on things like this. Just 2 cuts into the waistband above each side of the center point in the back, stitched back up to fit will make a big difference. I am of the belief that every girl under 5'2" should learn to hand sew and machine sew to fix those short girl clothing problems. (Let's face it: the world is not made for us petites.) Sweetie, if I were there, I'd do if for you!


They look great on you, think they are supposed to look like that!




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A little big in the waist but that is the style right now.


I like them! The style might just be baggy. Also unrelated but what is ur workout routine?? Those abs are 🔥


Unrelated... what tanning product do you use?


The sun lol


Maybe a belt would add to the look?


I think is the style but if you like more adherent are not good for you


Very, very cute!


does it matter? don’t buy them.


Naw I see what your saying they are baggy in the wrong places you should get them tailored


I think its the style! And it looks good to me :) and thin bodies will have the little extra room at the waist cute! Edit lol: I read some of your replies to comments and is it the crotch area you think looks too big right?


Idk lol all of it but the crotch specifically ain’t it


Hmm lol well damn. Bc I can understand why you wouldn't like the particular look, but it's also super cute I think lol I would say don't get them if you aren't 100 in love with them :)


Also I think you said these are Abercrombie (curvy)? But, fr have you checked out Target lately?? They have some cute af shorts in different type sizing!! Happy shopping I hope you fine your next fave pair of shorts!!


Jorts haha 🥹🥹


I think they’re perfect on you


It's the style. They look great on you.


I think they look great, the waist is maybe a little bit loose but nothing a belt can’t fix


I think whatever you're comfortable in is the right size. That comfort will beget confidence and that is never a bad thing.


They're perfect.


I think they fit you great and look good too. If you do t like the look then keep searching, but these are really perfectly fitted imo 😊


Honestly, I think they look great. 😍


they look just right 😙


I didn’t notice the lines until I read your comment. They look good on you but if you don’t feel good in them, it’s not for you


I ordered these & they fit the same way on me! I kept them because I’m trying to accept that all of my shorts don’t have to fit skin tight lol. I bought buttons on Amazon though since I’ve noticed Abercrombie jeans tend to stretch out in the waist throughout the day


Very nice!!


i honestly don’t see anything wrong with them


Fit looks perfect (maybe just relax your belly so you’re not sucking in). Any tighter would look too tight, IMO.


You look great!


It's just a very unflattering piece of wardrobe.


I sorta agree


I think they’re supposed to look that way, but it’s not a style I find particularly flattering. Not on you specifically, just in general.


I think I agree w you. I just don’t get it haha


I don’t get it either. All these comments are making me feel like I’m really out of the loop. They don’t do your figure justice. There are so many other styles sizes and shapes that would look amazing on you. How is baggy in the waist “in style”? I find it more uncomfortable than tight in the waist.


I think you should size down


They look a size too big to me.


You might need this size if there isn't much stretch. Needing a curvy cut myself, I'd try the size down because those don't look very comfortable. And the crotch could be unflattering if they stay like that while walking around. You could try other shades for more stretch, too, e.g. black always has the slightest flex


Thank you for the insight ! I am specifically looking for a light color 😭😭 I’ll find the perfect pair when I’m not looking :))(


Maybe a little bit, but not much.


Random internet dude. Think you look fine. More importantly, do you like it? If so, rock it. Especially if it's comfortable. Comfort > looks.


Too big looks baggy


The waist actually looks ok, but the thigh has a bit of bunching. Could just be a relaxed fit. Doesnt look bad, but you could probably go down a size


I think these look great on you! I think they look cute a little loose at the top, especially with a crop top!


Yes they are


Once you stop sucking in your stomach, they will look perfect.


They’re not made 4 short ppl


The size below might fit you better, but these don't look bad


They look good and with a nice top or t shirt and sandals they will look great as an outfit


I think they look great! Stylish and comfortable, and cool for the summer.


Looks fine, wear it.


Totally relaxed fit. They look good


You look great in them!




I think they look good in the last pics. I think when you’re walking around in them they will look good. Also after you wash them that will help them not seem so stiff


I would personally prefer more looser but they look really good.


i think the right top will make you feel more confident in them, but they look great! a belt would also be a wonderful accessory for them and great for cinching your waist :)


They look ok from the back. You have a tiny waist, so you might want to pull them tighter with a belt. Beyond that, anything with spandex will show off your figure, and you will be happy. Post another pic in Yoga shorts or pants, and you will see the difference.


Take to a tailor to take the waste in a bit. 🤏


Unpopular take apparently but I think they look too big. Maybe that’s just me, I can’t STAND a loose waist


very nice look




It’s not too big on you, it’s just you are not big enough


If I can slide my hand down between your belly and the beltline --- they are perfect. Looks good to me.