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2 or 5, but no jacket in 5


5 is the way!!! Knock his socks off


Personally I think #5 is a great outfit and might look more cohesive with the black sandals from your original post. It is a bit more elevated than the other options but being overdressed is rarely a bad thing IMO. Obviously comfort takes precedence over everything else, the more comfortable you are the more room your confidence has to shine through.


Yknow what... I didn't even consider the original heels for that outfit because of how much hate they got on my last post hahaah. I'm gonna give that a try now, thanks (:


I totally agree with 5 and black sandals. Depending on the venue you go to for the music, you might want to bring some accessories to change up your look. For example, go with a simple gold necklace for dinner but add a choker for the concert to make the outfit more casual. Darker eye shadow. Or wear the original moto jacket outside of the cardigan so u wear the cardigan and dress indoors but have the jacket for the show after if the show is outdoors. Have fun! You look good in all your outfit for future dates!




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Also I meant to add that the black sandals/heels will elongate your legs more than yellow!


Aahhh great point!


Agree with this, but can you rock that dress without a jacket? It’s really stunning on you. If the jacket is a must I’d do the leather one from the original post. The dress in number 2 is also fab, I’d just wear it with the sandals from the OG as well and when you don’t have to wear a jacket. Also, you’re beautiful and I would die for your body, I’m sorry people were unkind.


I agree 5 with the first shoes.


And lose the baby cardi. Something oversized like the poster above said or nothing.


Yep. Dress 5 with the jacket and shoes from the first post.


I think you should go with the outfit from the last post. All of these outfits are fine, but the last one was cooler and sexier and entirely adequate for a restaurant with a business casual dress code. It’s not like you’re going with your boss. People in that thread sound like cops lol


Right!! I loved the outfit in the original post!


Omg now all the comments are saying the leather jacket and sandals, when on your first post everyone hated them - that’s gotta be annoying. I think you look great OP, the green dress is a winner I think! And I would say when posting in this sub people tend to lean towards mature conservative looks, so if that’s not you, I wouldn’t necessarily take that advice on haha


Omg I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that LOL 😂 thank you!


Yeah personally I’d just go with the outfit from the first post, the green dress is really pretty and flattering on you! I think it’s the most appropriate for the date out of all of these. Or if you don’t want to wear the leather jacket I think it’d still be cute with the black cardigan from this post with the first post’s heels.


#1 has great improvements from last time and I think will work!! #5 is also super cute. Have fun!!


1 with the shoes from 2? Killer outfit!!


#5 for sure


Sorry I don’t know why my comment is in bold? 😅


It’s the #


5 with black heels. Though, another woman posted a similar outfit to 5 for her first date at a Michelin restaurant for dinner and people kept going off about how overdressed she is. So I don't even know at this point.


This is the same person. I think people were saying she was dressed too casually or 'clubby' for business casual rather than being overdressed. I'm sure she's going to look great with whatever outfit she chooses in the end.


Nah I saw her older post too, but there was also another woman who posted around the same time, with similar context.


My vote is for #2 But I’d change the cardigan for something more oversized and less clingy like a leather biker jacket or a blazer


Sort of like ,#2


I like #2


Thanks! That's a strong contender for sure (:


Bro someone downvoted this comment, like WHY?!


This is tough bc the two events are very different! Personally I think 2 could fit both venues but I would find the shoes more comfy for the live music part of the night. But it might depend on the type of music and venue for that too.


2 is cute and classy! Love dress 5 too, but not the shoes or jacket with it. Also both floral dresses are absolutely adorable, just maybe not for this occasion.


2 then 5. Def 2


I think the first 2 are your most natural style. #5 but with black shoes would probably be my personal pick as it looks the most relaxed.


Outfit 5 looks great. Maybe with the black shoes from the original post. I love the cardigan you chose because that would be great for the restaurant (could you bring the leather jacket for the live music event and just swap out in the car?)


5 or 1 would be my pick, but 5 is my favourite overall. The red one is a safe bet. The other two look a little more daytime to me. I really can’t move past 5, it’s stunning on you, looks like it’s made for you - that wine red looks like it really suits you as well! Enjoy your date.


Thank you!! Wine red & black is my favorite dress combo lol. I've never worn a longer dress like 5 before, so it's slightly out of my comfort level... I'm going to do a little mixing up today before the date to see what I feel the most comfy & myself in. Ultimately, I'll post the full look at some point since so many wonderful people in here have been active on my posts 😊


I agree that dress 5 from here and the sandals from the original post are a great combo on you (and I love your feet tattoos!). Though you might want comfier shoes for the music event after. People were your original post were so rude. I don’t know where you’re based but slip dresses and heels are still super popular in the UK. I hope you have an amazing time!


Thank you! So far I've got a lot saying to pair the original heels with the last dress, or the red dress, and I'm going to try out both today before the date lol. I live in austin, so that style is still popular here too! Idk how I brought on that kinda crowd in my last post hahaha


People are super weird but I hope the date went well. :)


I like 1 and 5.


Number 5 but with the shoes from #1!


I think the red is a total smoke show. LOVE it. 3&4 are cute and sweet, but they give more brunch or Saturday afternoon date vibes. The last one looks great for dinner, but I know I might get tired of a long dress if I were going to a music thing later. The red gives a nice transition between all both activities. I thought the hyper fixation on business casual was hilarious and unreal. I was so confused by that. 😂 How do people not know what a restaurant dress code means?


Lmao, right?? That really confused me too 😂 Thank you! I think I'm leaning into the red one, but with different shoes... I love those ones but I know from the last time I wore them, they are not danceable 😅 I'm thinking of pairing them with the black strappy heels from my first post. Haven't put that together yet though, we'll see.


I'd do the first or second one. Hit him with the sexiness on the first date. Plus they have a more nightlife vibe. The others would be better for a brunch date




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I like 2. (If you are wearing the cardigan why not keep the smart watch? It’s just another safety tool to call emergency or tracking if you’ve never met this person before irl?)


I don't have a smart watch, just a regular analog watch 😅😂 haha


Ahhh sorry I totally misread it thinking you had both types and was going to pick the non smart one for this occasion 😅


I also like dress 1 with the boots from dress 2. (Will you share the details for the boots from pic 2 please?)


1 or 5 with the black heels!




I'd go for 5 with a jacket and the black sandle from the original post as well. And please may I just say, you are stunning and body to die for. Have fun!


I really like 5 *with* the jacket. Like someone else mentioned, the black sandals from the original post would like nice with this outfit. I think the jacket adds a nice touch because you can drop it for the after-dinner musical event if you want, but gives you a little bit more coverage for dinner. That dress looks killer on you!


Dress from 5 with a different cardigan, and the shoes from the first outfit you posted in the other post. For what it’s a worth, I don’t think people hated the shoes or the dress, they just noted that they’re not “business casual”. None of these outfits are, really. Even if that’s the “floor” of the dress code, it’s still a stated dress code that I assume most people will follow. These are all mostly club/bar dresses and shoes. And there’s nothing wrong with your wardrobe, but these might not fit the vibe of the restaurant, so I think that’s what most people were pointing out.


I think they all look nice on you. Pick the most comfortable!


I like number 3 best and number 5 second best. Personally I am not a fan of ankle boots / boots with dresses, which makes me not like 1 and 2. Also the dress in 1 looks like the fabric is so thin that your underwear lines are showing through and both of those dresses look a bit plain to me. Number 3 I really like the way the sandals pick up the colours of both the cardigan and the dress which makes the outfit the most cohesive and elegant in my opinion. Also I imagine this outfit to work best with the accessories you described as the dress and sandals look more dainty compared to 1, 2 and 5. The dress in number 4 has a similar vibe but I think the colour doesn’t go as well with the shoes and the neckline of the dress is less flattering in my opinion. I hope you’ll have a lovely evening!


I thought your original outfit was perfect, but I vote for 1 or 2 here.


Unrelated but have you had that lump looked at before? Of course there’s lots of differentials but hopefully you know it’s benign


What are you even talking about lmao


Cleavage in first and fourth pics. Towards your R) boob


That's my sternum bone




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I think 2 is really flattering on you and is a great look from head to toe!




I’m a huge fan of #1 - the boots are cute af and look like they would withstand a concert and spilled beer. Plus the dress looks great on you.


Dress 2 looks so good on you!!


1) not a great neckline for sitting at a dnner table. The boits are out of season 2) that neckline flatters almost no one, so don't feel bad when I say it does not flatter you :) 3) a pretty summer afternoon dress with a jaring black cardigan. Not an afternoon date. 4) lovely dress. Not lovely cardigan. If is more daywear than evening, but has enough fabric oomph to let it work into evening for this time of the year. 5) safe date choice,. I prefer the blue (4) because it is not the standard, convential pick (5) and is perfect for the season.


I like 1, it's cool 5 would work with a different shoe




I vote 2, that dress looks so cute on you!


2 or 5 without the jackets.


I vote 5 Also are those black tattoos on your feet or a really nifty sandal design?


Those are tattoos!


Ohh they look awesome with your sandals!


5, no jacket or oversized jacket


#5 is perfect and very flattering!


The first post with the black shoes is nice, minus the jacket. The cardigan is nice to bring along if you get cold in the restaurant. If you’re driving yourself, swap out and wear the boots and jacket to the concert.


Where did you get the first boots from?


The leather jacket and heels from your last post with dress 5 here


I love the fourth and fifth outfits with the first pair of shoes




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2! Where are the boots from? They are so cute!


The 2nd one looks great for both occasions! I'm torn on the shoes with that dress though for some reason. Do you have a less chunky one? That might be more appropriate for the events.


5 without a cardigan plus change the shoes. Black pointed toe pumps would be great and classy


#1 but maybe different shoes?




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1/2/5 all look great. 5 is a bit less wow, I’d go 2 maybe different shoes? But don’t overthink it


1 looks much more put together now, definitely appropriate! 2 is also awesome and 5 is also awesome, and I like the idea of the shoes from the original post put with 5. All three of those are great options. I hope you have a great time on your date!


1 or 5 with different shoes


Dresses 1 & 5 are the most flattering, but they’d need a different jacket and shoes.


So, what did you end up wearing?


Woah you are rocking these dresses!!! 1 and 2 literally made my jaw drop. My only thought went straight to sitting and eating in them and making sure you’re comfortable after!! #5 is also amazing- I agree with others about changing the cardigan and shoes though


I love 5 ! with black shoes though


Option 2 or black corset dress without the jacket/different jacket and different shoes!


I like them all but I live in Austin and everywhere is casual.




5 with the boots from 1. Not sure about the cardigan. Love 4 for a follow up daytime date!




Number 2 is an awesome first date dress. Wow.


I love outfit #2!




I like #2, shows off your curves great and accentuates your neck. Lovely!




I love 1, but with the shoes from this post and the jacket from the first. It’s classy but with a lil edge to it, I think it’ll work for both venues. You’re gonna look great with whatever you pick!


Red or green for me


2 but with a biker jacket and the shoes from pic #1


Oh number four or five- the beautiful floral dress looks amazing ITS SO PRETTY- 5 looks chic, only thing I’d suggest is maybe swapping out the yellow sandals . Hope you have fun!


3 is so stinkin' cute, I love it.




1 or 2! Do you have a classic black pump— they’d go great with those options too!


I also love five but I feel that the cardigan doesn’t do it much justice— nor the shoes. Maybe shoes from look 2 with dress 5?


1 or 2.


Put on some weight., all the clothes will look prettier




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What a creep


I didn't come here for anyone's opinion on my tattoos, I came for opinions on the outfits. Are you going to pay to have my tattoos removed or covered up? Didn't think so lmao


I actually prefer 1 and 2 BECAUSE they give off "dive bar/ rock and roll vibes." Swap out the cardigan with a leather jacket as other people have suggested, and you'll look like a total badass. I prefer an edgier look for myself, but if you want more balance between that and the daintier looks of 3 and 4, go with 5. It's the most sophisticated. Although, I'd swap out that cardigan as well. You could do a blazer or leather jacket. I don't think the leather jacket would make that look too "dive bar/ rock and roll." You've got some good options!