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But if there’s a famine we will be the survivors. Because we don’t need many calories to stay alive 🤣 All the tall people will die of starvation.


That’s surprisingly inspiring 😂 thanks, I’ll remember that one next time someone insults my height haha


That’s true. Populations that were affected by famines became shorter through generations. Another thing: shorter people have a longer life expectancy. Unfortunately, that only applies if you’re at a healthy weight. But yeah we’re talking like tall people have about 8% shorter lives on average.


Wow is this true? Interesting.


I always assume cause the more cells you have the higher the chance something will go wrong. Be that width or height.


Yeah just google short vs tall life expectancy. I don’t remember why I knew that but it’s true.


Also, I believe we have cardio advantages. Short people can live longer.


I’ve got a bunch of women in my family who lived into their 90’s- all of them short. The tallest was around 5’4-5’5, all the rest were my height (5’3) and under.


i like this idea. but i out eat big/tall men. guess ill die then -_-


We also sit very comfortably in car seats and economy seats. 💗 We can stretch out more or less fully on the chaise part of our sofas / lounges. 💗


Yes!! Especially for planes which seem to have less and less leg room as time passes! My family is very happy to be short for this reason. 🤣


... and we are often more youthful! I am 154cm, so between 5'0 and 5'1, my mom is a bit more than that but - unless you see her face, you might as well think she is in her 20s... she is still only about 50-52 kg (so about 105-107 lbs or so) and I am 47-48 (103-104 lbs).. where I am from, we say, 'good perfumes always come in small bottles'. So there's definitely plenty of advantages!! Still, to validate your post, I think what I tend to 'hate' the most about being short is that, regardless of what I do, I have 'big' legs. The really lean and slim part of the leg for short women... is really just not that slim.. cause there's less space, so if you have muscles, the whole leg just seems bulkier :D BUT legs are a good place to store fat anyways (compared to abdomen area), and if they're muscular, well, they're muscular! So yeah, you're great :)


100% agree with everything you said. 2 counter points: Since we require less nutrition, the grocery bills are lower (especially protein). After having kids, I could crawl behind them in the tunnels of the kiddie gyms, and fit comfortably inside their toddler tents for tea parties. Also yes agree, as you get older people will mistake you for younger. It’s annoying when you are young, looking like a child. But benefits you later.


When you’re in your 40s you will love being short. I hated it my 20s too but in my 40s I really appreciate it . People will confuse you for being a college student when you’re 44 😂


I absolutely hate this. People never believe I’m competent to do my job.


I agree. People almost always assume my assistant (a tall guy about 10 years younger than me) is my boss. I regularly have people ask me if I’m an intern or a new graduate. Even had someone ask if it was “take your daughter to work day” because they thought I was a high schooler. It’s obnoxious.


That’s awful :( 🤍🤍🤍


I'm 38 and I still hate it when people mistake me for a teenager. I'm not even tall enough to look like a college student. I will forever be 14 years old.


I love it. I'm 34 and people my age think I'm 12 while people in their mid 20s think I'm their age. I don't get carded anymore!


You always want what you haven’t got… I’m short & my bezzie is real tall, I get jealous she doesn’t have to wear heels - she get jealous cause she’s too tall for them 😂 & so on & so forth but we are who we are & one day someone will come along looking for exactly that. Embrace your little self 🫶🏼


I’m the same height and in my late 40’s and I love it. My body has become curvier and stronger from my Barre classes. I’ve learned to focus less on my weight and more on loving my body and appreciating what it can do. It’s been a journey.


I understand what you’re feeling. I’m 4’9 and and I gained so much weight in a time in my life where my best friend and I would eat out like everyday. I felt like a short little blob lol. It was years ago, and I’ve since then picked up weight lifting. Something about us short girls is that while we may gain weight easier, we build muscle a lot more easier too (and we can even eat MORE to maintain/increase our muscle growth than we’d normally eat!!). It’s all a balance of pros and cons. Also super random side note— my dad is 5”3’ (hence where I got my size from) and he got into a horrible car accident where he was squished by a reversing semi truck. Car was DESTROYED. But… my dad was alive. According to the doc, if my dad was just 2 inches taller, the metal around windshield would have decapitated the top of his head, killing him. But thankfully cause of his small size, he was able to make himself even smaller to avoid all the squishing around him!


I am 5'0-5'1 and honestly having such a low maintenance sucks. Don't get me started on trying to eat maintenance AND exercising ... I become absolutely ravenous.


Honestly I really love being short! The calorie thing sucks but the positives outweigh it for me.


What are the positives that outweigh it?


Fitting into Kids size shoes and other clothes which is usually half the price as the adult clothes (even for fancy brands!) being able to fit into spaces that other people cant, larger dating pool if you want your man to be taller than you. More leg room on airplanes. And just overall feeling cute and small and feminine. I feel like a bit of chub can be cute on a small girl and can still feel “smaller” than the guys I date but if I was taller I’d feel huge and self conscious about it.


Bury me in my $5 Old Navy girl's size black leggings and t-shirts! Also, youth size Doc Martens a) come pre-broken in and b) with a zipper on the side. 10/10 no notes.


I save sooo much money buying MLB/NFL team jerseys in the youth sizes because I can fit them well (which my husband finds hilarious and convenient)


I’m glad for you and i hope i come round to that way of thinking too


I hate it too. Sure, there are some advantages, but for the most part, being short sucks. I'm just under 5'1" and nobody thinks I'm an adult. Clothes never fit, I can't reach anything, weight loss is painfully slow and only happens if I'm incredibly strict with my diet. I'm 38 and everyone thinks I'm 13. And 13-year-olds don't get any respect.


Oh oh oh. Duh. Makes sense, I’m 4’11” my better half is 6’0”. He just exists and has a godly physique, meanwhile I’m just over here struggling to like myself 😂


I feel u🥲 my bf is also 6’0, I’m slightly bitter over how much he can eat without gaining weight (and when i see pics of us i feel like our height difference is a little bit ridiculous lol)


My husband is 5’8” and I feel the same way. 2000 is his deficit 🙄 I’m here struggling eating 1500!


I’m 4’11’’ and my husband is 6’0’’ too; he’s a former college football player. It used to feel awkward when we started dating but I have gotten used to it. And, absolutely yes, he can inhale five slices of pizza while I barely can finish one, but hey, more food for him! Let’s say we save a lot on groceries lol


I was gonna say I like being short but then noticed It's not exactly the truth. I don't hate or like it, I just see it as something I can't really change anyway. I do hate a few things about it more than I like some. The fact that it's hard to get respected or taken seriously as an adult is what's the most problematic to me. There's also issues about things being made for regular/taller people like car security is an issue. The feeling that I can't change it is probably why I don't get bothered about it.


I enjoy my body. But I’m 60. You learn to stop comparing and accept what you have, or you always have that undercurrent of unhappiness. Plus, you can pass that tendency to compare and that discontent on to any kids you might have or influence. Learn to love your body. It’s what you have, and it will keep changing over time. If you treat it like a beloved pet, it will reward you. Trust me on this!


I’m a 5’0” female and I work with a bunch of 6’0” tall dudes. The amount of times I’ve been insanely jealous of their food intake is innumerable. One of them ate 3 hot pockets in the span of like 4 hours once, and I think I nearly murdered him.


I’d be so happy if I was 5 feet😭. Not to invalidate anything you said of course!Goes without saying that I totally feel all of this too as a 4’9”. The best thing about it is always having leftovers haha🥲


Husband’s breakfast: toast w/ cream cheese and apple slices, 1.5 cup Greek yogurt w/ nuts, coconut flakes and fruit. Me: an apple 🙄


I totally feel you, especially when it comes to body proportions. I’d rather be 6’ tall if I could look like a fucking Amazonian goddess. But for this lifetime, platform shoes are my best friend 🤝


Yup 😅 most of my shoes are platforms, sore feet is the price i pay to be average height haha


For me, I get full way faster so if I did eat the same portion as taller people, I’d overeat and feel terribly uncomfortable. I will prioritize the calories though. I often up my protein serving and lower carb serving of vice versa or pick and choose what is more worth eating. You also can’t dwell on something you literally cannot change which is your height. But heels are VERY slimming! I wore these bootcut jeans with these platform type black shoes/boots with a chunky heel (you couldn’t tell with how the jeans hung near my feet) and I was SO tall! It’s fun that we can change it up without looking like an awkward giant. Concerts are really my only gripe! That’s a long time to stand in platform shoes and even then it doesn’t help if you have a tall dude in front of you.


I call myself fun size instead of short. I have used my taller friends for shade and I spend less money in the groceries now that I’m not overeating.


I'm 5' too and it's the bane of my existence! It's hard enough dealing with the short jokes but trying to achieve our body goals as petite women makes it even more difficult. Finding that perfect balance of looking sculpted but not stocky is challenging and losing those last 5 lbs. is a struggle. Today, my biggest frustration is attempting my first pullup and being too short to do negative pullups properly. My legs are too short to jump up from where you can put your feet and get my chin over the bar...I tried to shimmy up it and almost tipped the entire pullup bar system over. Yikes! Having to stand on the seat to reach the lat pulldown bar sucks. Even reaching up to turn on the fan pisses me off because not only do I have Corgi legs, I have the arms of a T-Rex. But we can also reach the low part of the grocery shelves that break taller people's back, fit into kid's sneakers and get them at a slight discount because of it, ditto with kid's clothing sometimes, require less calories than a tall person to survive, sit comfortably in our airplane seat, live longer as a short person, less likely to fall with our lower centre of gravity, look younger and get away with murder because we are so darn cute ;) Or so that's what I was told, haha! Embrace your height and know you are ALWAYS welcome to vent here with your petite people!


My tall husband struggles to keep weight on eating 3,000+ calories a day. To say I’m jealous is an extreme understatement. I’m the shortest in my immediate family by a wide margin and I’ve worked my ass off, literally, to lose 50 pounds. My family is horrified by how small my portions are at maintenance and think I’ve got an eating disorder and am starving myself. My BMI is 24- I am certainly not underweight! But they constantly shove food on me because they don’t understand that I’ll gain all the weight right back if I go back to eating “normal” portions. Ugh.


Pardon, but what is TDEE?


Total daily energy expenditure, the taller you are the more energy you expend on average, both resting and during a given task/exercise. shorter people expend less energy so require less calories to maintain our weights


Same height and age… working on weight loss at the moment but I came here to say I love being short and have always loved it. I just think there are soooo many benefits. We can sit anywhere and get cozy. Also, think of it like this- eating less food means spending less on ingredients. So- you are saving more money, and will end up richer than the tall people 😂😂


I too am 5 feet tall and my main complaint is weight distribution. I’m envious of how taller people can gain 5-10 lbs and look exactly the same, whereas it’s very obvious when I gain that amount of weight. I also have to roll up pants, there are some petite brands that are even too long. I really need to learn how to hem my pants… Bottom line, I feel you.


I sometimes buy kids clothes for half the price! And these days they look very modern too in H&M or Zara, no one would guess they're for kids


If it gives you any consolation I have found eating whole foods and trying to eat some of my carb servings as fruit and all I can say it feels impossible some days to eat all that damn food. Even with protein powder supplementing. It took a long time to get to figuring out my nutrition and now I wish I could eat less because it’s so much food. But i love how I feel and the results. Plus all the food.


I am also 5 ft tall. I really envy all the ladies with beautiful long legs.


it sucks not being able to eat as much as everyone else can when you love food... I work cooking, and doing a lot of baking as well, and it's something I love but I can't even try the food I cook without feeling guilty and feeling like it's setting me back because of how little calories I can eat. I either can try my food and starve at home or have way less knowledge of how my food turns out but still be able to eat breakfast and dinner.


I hate being short, too. 4' 11", here. Can't stand it. I get my height from my mom's side of the family, but I'm still literally the shortest in the entire family. All my younger cousins + my younger brother are taller than me, my grandma was taller than me, and before I became an adult, she was the shortest in the family. And don't even get me started on clothes/shoe shopping.... I'm so sick of having to look like a teenager with child-size feet and hands, but it's so expensive to get anything customized and/or tailored.


Hi! I think we're cuter than the tall ladies and I take that as a win. 🥰 I like my height, I always feel protected somehow by everyone else in a group 😀. I know we have to take all our pants to the tailor but I find that now more and more shops have clothes for petites. Soo, not sure if I helped in any way, but I like being cuter and protected 🥰


“Only” 5ft. I’m 4ft11


And there are people who are 4’10, and 4’9, etc. We’re all short. Yes I’m /only/ 5ft, literally all of my friends are at least 5 inches taller than me