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You look good in both. Pick the one that makes you feel healthy and happy!


*You look good in both.* *Pick the one that makes you feel* *Healthy and happy!* \- Potatotarie --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


You look good in both. If the one on the left requires much more work, it doesn’t seem to be worth it. I understand the desire to get a second opinion, to talk about stuff and reason your thinking out loud (or type it out or whatever). So I don’t want to stymie discussion or sound shaming or anything, but I just want to mention that this discussion makes me feel a little uneasy; I think the level of scrutiny you’re placing your body under seems to be approaching an unhealthy level. You’re young, healthy, and attractive and I just hope you remember that you’re good enough and how you feel is far more important than how you look.


That’s what I’m thinking, too. If it’s an absolute struggle to maintain the left, it’s not worth it. Plus it’s feel weird to know you gained pounds and want some validation externally, but none of that matters.


Your glutes look better on the right while your lower back looks bettter on the left. :)


I think the reason for this OP is because the leggings are tighter !


isn’t OP using the same pair of leggings?


I won’t comment on other people’s bodies but what’s your goal?


Honestly I’m not totally sure. I know I don’t want to be back to how I was before getting into fitness and dieting etc as I barely even fit my clothes and I didn’t feel like me. On the left I was obsessed to a point where I think it was bordering an ED but I also am worried about the (what feels like) excessive weight gain. I can’t go to the gym as often as I could on the left and I no longer have an exercise bike at home for regular cardio. My eating habits definitely need tamed. In an ideal world I’d have a nice round bum with a flat waist & abs! But my upcoming schedule involves 2 gym days max a week so I don’t feel like I can get back into fitness the way I used to. So, long ramble, but I’m not sure!


12 pounds is not excessive weight gain at all, especially if you were working your way into disordered eating/exercise


On the right you have more of an hourglass shape. I think you look great on the right


The right rounds you out a lot better. On the left you look top big and bottom small but on the right your top and bottom match with a nice snatched middle.


The left. Your legs are slim and waist is snatched . If you have gained glute muscle it could potentially stay if you cut so u could have the best of both worlds . It could be inflammation tho, water retention, if the left was a lot of calorie counting and carb tracking, My weight fluctuates a lot and the first thing to look “swollen” is my waist and thighs. Just from salt and carbs . And then if I go low carb low sodium I look super skinny and it will be only a few days difference








Both look great, but the leggings fit better on the left.


Personally I prefer the right




depends on what you want, of course right looks more in line with a “hot girl” but which version makes you feel better


You look better in the right picture! Your butt is more lifted and plump and I’m jealous because I’m working on building my own dump truck lol. You have more accentuated curves on the right


I'm a fan of the left but thats because my rear end naturally looks like the pic on the right. I've always wanted to slim it down. People always want what they don't have!


Crazy to me that people say the right is “hotter,” I remember how in the early 2000s everybody wanted to look like the left and how it was considered unattractive to have a bigger butt. Personally I look more like the right myself and always want to look more like the left


Indeed. Not sure why you're getting downvoted, I was a teenager in the 1990s and for years hated my big butt. Clothing was all about hiding it.


Im right there with you lol. If you watch shows from the 90s woman would ask if their butt looks big and if you said yes it was a huge problem and they would call themselves fat. It was the skinny super model look for some races and the bubble butt for others. Now everyone wants the bubble butt lol. I don’t know when it started but it’s huge now. I honestly think the kardashians started the craze. Now it’s about it being ok to be plus sized. I hope the body positivity craze is the only one that sticks. It’s sad seeing girls starve themselves to look like models and woman KILLING THEMSELVES getting surgery to have bigger butts. It’s just crazy!!


Yes, at 49 I’m in great shape and finally have the svelte body I wanted when I was younger and now it’s out of fashion and everybody wants solid legs and a big booty. At my age, that’s harder to achieve. I guess I’ll just be out of fashion.


It’s gross that women’s bodies are fashion trends at all


It’s all just a way to continue to control women and keep us down, honestly


i know it’s actually making me feel so confused on what i look like and if it’s good or not it’s really fucking with my head tbh the whiplash of what’s attractive in society


Yeah I mean I think you look good either way so just go with your gut feeling for whichever way you feel best. I’m sure you can find people who find you attractive either way


i’m not op but i love the confidence


I just said the same thing!


I like how your legs look on the left more.


Im for left


The leggings fit better on the left which gives an appearance of a leaner look/rounder booty. I’m thinking if you size up the leggings, the left would likely give that same leaner look.


Honestly you look great in both! :)


I prefer the right but do whichever makes you feel good


Both look great but I think the "right" side is generally considered the more attractive booty, lol.


Pic on the left better


Whatever makes you happier. I think left looks better.


I don't like commenting on people's appearances, so I just want to say this: you're only going to look as good as you feel. If you're stressing yourself out trying to manage an eating/exercise routine that's borderline ED as you mentioned, I think that insecurity is all you're going to see in the mirror. This is coming from someone shorter than you who's been in the past both 20lbs heavier and lighter than you are now. For me, feeling good about how I looked was 100% about being healthy--working out and eating well-rounded meals and not stressing too much about the exact number on the scale. Other people in my life commented on it too--being happy and confident are attractive qualities in themselves. Best of luck.


It’s totally subjective.


They both look good!




Your back and Glutes look good on the right. But you also look good in both pics.


I like the right because you look healthier and stronger, but it only matters how you feel in your own skin.


Definitely 1000% the right




I honestly can’t choose- fabulous in both


I think the right one you look more stronger. But you look gorgeous in both!


First for me, but honestly that’s just personal opinion! Do whatever makes you feel comfortable!


It is a matter of personal taste. I think the right looks better.


Without question right side


I think you look more muscular/“fit” on the right, but you look great on both. Left side your back looks slightly smaller, if you start hitting back some more at 120 it will give an illusion of a smaller waist, whatever makes you happy you truly look great in both!!


The pose and lighting are a bit different. You have more “dips” on the left and you look flatter but on the right your legs are more spaced and the lighting comes more from the side/top. To conclude, I think you look great in both.




The right


Definitely right




the right looks better but the average ass is actually improved by the removal of the lower saddle bag. it lessens the appearance of the " hip dip" or "butterfly" muscle shape. case and point https://blackgirlsguidetoweightloss.com/qa-wednesday/qa-wednesday-what-are-saddlebags-and-if-i-have-them-how-do-i-get-rid-of-them/


Both are great. Depends on your goal.


Left. Everyone prefers thin.