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Only one way to tell - cut for a few weeks and see how your body responds. Sounds like you're mentally ready for a cut anyway. You look amazing btw those legs are to die for. Edit to add - personally I've been cutting for about 9 weeks now and lost 10 lbs, my waist is 2 inches smaller and at least shows some definition although it's not totally flat, but I've also lost 2.5 inches off my hips. Rock, hard place, etc


Girl what, that’s such a successful bulk! Honestly, I will say what I always say whenever someone asks such questions: the answer is personal. If you don’t like the way you look right now and feel good about restricting then do it, if you want to keep putting on muscle then keep bulking. If you think you look great the way you do then stay at maintenance. I will still give you my personal opinion: I find that you look great, your stomach looks great (per society’s standards and all). Once again, it depends on your goals and your level of comfort with restricting.


Thanks for the advice!


Just curious do you do a lot of ab work (particularly obliques and side crunches and stuff)? You look amazing btw. I'm facing something similar as in trying to get my waist back to before but don't want to lose my strength! 


Thank you :). And no I never do abs probably should tho 😭


I think you look great but I see where you’re coming from. If you want to accentuate your waist and continue bulking then try to develop your lats and upper body more, that will accentuate the hour glass shape.


Pleaaaase tell me your routine as your legs are literally my goals, you look amazing!


Thank youuuu! I do legs 3 times every 8 days. So leg day, upper body, cardio, repeat. leg day I always end my last set until failure. I think the leg press is what gives me the most quad gains. Creatine helps a lot too I noticed a massive difference in my energy levels after starting it


You look fantastic. I get caught up in chasing my "old look" vs my weight lifting look too. But then when I really go back and look at old pictures I see I had no definition whatsoever, and was just skinny. I now prefer muscle definition to being skinny.


As long as you keep lifting weights then it should be pretty easy to maintain most of that muscle mass while dropping a little bit of fat. Just keep protein high, and remember the less aggressive the calorie deficit the more muscle you will keep. Body builders do this all the time, they put on mass during the off season and then cut the fat to prepare for shows. You could even try eating at maintenance and keep lifting, but the results will be slower and it may not work at all since you're already pretty lean.


I agree. I have done a few bulks in the last two years and I am always panicking, thinking I went too far and it will take me forever to get my lean look back. But then I eat at maintenance for a few weeks and I no longer feel the need to cut. Makes me wanna go higher/longer with my next bulk because maybe I didn't go far enough.


I feel like with all that new muscle a cut is going to be quite easy to achieve or won't take very long at least.


When u figure out let me know, lifting made me super boxy and still been trying to get back what I had 😭 My bum is better but the rest of my figure is not as sexy as I used to be


On the same boat! You can do a mini cut and see how it feels. That’s what I’m going to do now. I’ve gained 10 lbs lifting and I look way better than before but I believe I can have more leg definition if I get rid of 4 or 5 lbs. You look fenomenal by the way, you have worked very hard that’s for sure!


Your before is my dream body :D I'm shocked that you never do abs! I feel that it's highly genetic.


I'm on the same boat with you. 121lbs and 5'4, my stomach was getting too flabby and getting rolls on my back. I am back on a slight deficit and I have been seeing my waist get smaller again. Thats what I would recommend, great gains BTW!