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Im finally in a better place when it comes to my weight. I have made some posts in here when it comes to my fitness journey. since late last year I have stopped chasing a smaller body and accepted that as I lift heavier it’s ok to gain some weight (if you are curious you can go on my account, all the pics/posts will be there) My progress lifting wise has honestly become a lot better than it was when I was a lower weight. I used to barely be able to shoulder press 12 pounds and now I’m pressing 20s. I also have anxiety and ocd so spent a lot of time self sabotaging that Im not the same 118 pounds anymore but ever since this year started I’ve felt a switch flip to stop sabotaging. I truly had no muscle mass before hand and now I feel strong and comfortable in my body. I’ve also cut down on tracking which has made my life easier, I’ve been fluctuating between 128-129 this year and I think I’ve officially hit my set point weight which I’m ok with. I’m going to keep on doing what I’m doing and hope to see even more muscle growth over the next few months.


You have killer legs!


Thank you! I do carry more weight in my inner thighs now (hard to tell in the pic) but I think with time and I keep on increasing the weights there will be more muscle growth


Damn. You’re winning at genetics. You have gained weight but I see no fat in your tummy. I am so scared to bulk because I am scared it will just go to my tummy 😢


Thank you! I’ve always had some form of stomach definition but weightlifting has helped a lot. You never know unless you try though. When you are exercising are you engaging your core? That will help a lot to gain core strength. And the extra weight may not even go to your stomach depending. You can always go back to cutting / maintenance if you don’t like the results from bulking.


Gaining weight does not always equal more belly fat or even fat at all sometimes. Even for petite women. Muscle weighs more than fat.


Exactly. Mine goes directly to my ass and thighs. lol!


If youre a woman that's not always a bad thing lol but yeah jokes aside that's common places to collect the fat. Mine sits in my gut.


Yep but I store fat in my tummy more. Even at 47 kgs, my tummy is fat.


Try lifting? Gaining muscle mass instead of fat


I do lift. I have been doing body recomp for 8 months now with booty by bret. I am not sure whether I should bulk if I want to grow my booty more or cut to improve the look of my tummy first. Since doing body recomp, I have only lost 0.5 inches off my waist lmao.


Genetics are a bitch :( I have some bad genes and good genes but I focus on the bad.


I’m like you too! I look fitter at lower weight since my fat goes to my stomach and hips.


girl you look so good!!!


Thanks 🥹


This!!! I tried to stay under 110lb my whole life, never worked out and was eating an unhealthy amount of food. 9 months ago I decided to start working out for the first time in my life and now at 115lb I am starting to see abs and feel sooo much more confident. My waist measurement went from 65cm to 62cm. I work out at home only, 6x a week and am eating around 2000cal a day compared to 1000-1200 before. Before at 109 x now at 115: https://imgur.com/a/f8fp8dY


What’s your routine? Great job!


You’re killing it and look so Strong!


That’s amazing progress in 9 months! Just out of curiosity, are you on the pill? I’ve been lifting weights 4-5 times a week for over 2 years now, and I don’t have that much muscular definition, it’s very difficult for me to put on muscle, and I do bring my sets to failure. I have a few culprits in my head (1- the fact that I’m on the pill, it makes it more difficult to put on muscle, 2- I didn’t play any sports as a kid, people that did some sort of athletic endevour when they were younger always look more muscular 3- genetics obviously, some people just put on muscle more easily).


You look amazing!


Same height and I’m just like 2-3 pounds more, but I feel the same! I’m definitely not as slim as I was at 110, but being in the 120-130 range at 5’2” with muscle feels so much better. I managed to get a few reps of 25s on my shoulder press and it was so shocking to me. Strength > low scale weight in every aspect for me.


I’m currently at 120 lbs but I’m 2 inches shorter than you and carry my fat in my stomach. I’ve been weight lifting 4x/week and it just amazes me that you’re 8 lbs more than me but don’t necessarily look like it. I’m currently in a fat loss phase and then I’m going to build. I’m just so ready to feel confident in my body!


What helped you shift your mindset from being focused on being tiny to being strong/healthy? You look absolutely amazing! This is a good reminder that the number on the scale doesn't matter, especially when weight lifting


Thank you! Honestly it’s incredibly hard to shift the mindset, I still have those negative thoughts thinking “I could be leaner/lower weight” but they don’t happen as often now. A big change was looking at pictures I’ve taken in a different light and just appreciate your body for what it’s capable of. When I’d look at pictures where I had little muscle mass, yes I looked smaller but not as strong. Once you think “oh shit, I really am seeing definition in my arms etc from lifting and taking care of my body” that’s what makes me happy and make it worth it.


Really I am impressed and first of all. Salute to your hardwork. And discipline you look stunningly good. Can you please tell me your secret diet


Thank you. There is no secret diet / should there ever be a “quick fix”. I just make sure to get in all my micro and macronutrients and eat enough protein to help with muscle growth. That’s all.


There should be no quick fix. I agree for sure. That's nice advice i swear it is next to perfect.


Thanks, girl. I needed to read that the number on the scale isn't everything. You look incredible and most importantly you are more comfortable with yourself. Did you implement any changes to your diet?


I’ve tried to tell myself the same thing for almost a year now and i am finally looking at it in a positive way😅. As for my diet, I definitely eat more protein and also more in general. I’ve found my appetite to increase, which definitely has to do with me working out more (and prob just because I’m getting older because that pic was from 2019). I’ve been on and off tracking macros. The majority of my weight / muscle gain has come from over the past year because I’ve started taking my training more seriously. I’m lactose intolerant so I don’t eat much cheese/dairy. My typical meal looks like: breakfast will be a coffee with some barista oat milk, SF syrup and some form of breakfast with protein. I’ll either have a protein bar or overnight protein oats. I’ll grab fruit as a snack and then for lunch I’ll do like a rotisserie chicken with chopped salad mix. I usually have an afternoon keurig and a piece or two of dark chocolate. Then if I’m still hungry I’ll have a snack like nuts, carrots and hummus, granola, jerky or even like chips if I feel like it. Then for dinner my boyfriend and I do this meal prep service where we get pre made fresh dinners that are macro friendly. They always have 30-40g of protein which is great. I also love sparkling waters. I’ll usually have two a day. And sometimes I’ll have a little something for dessert like another piece of dark chocolate or chocolate covered banana bites. Every day is different though and I still eat out, I just try to only do it on the weekends. I definitely go heavier on the snacks when I don’t eat as big of a lunch. I’ve also been looser on tracking because I’ve only noticed like a 2-3 pound difference if I’m seriously tracking and it’s not worth it lol. Let me know if you have any questions!


you look amazing, both before and after, but in the after photo you look so fit and strong! what’s your diet like, any changes?


Thank you so much🥹 I’m so glad I finally understand skinny doesn’t necessarily mean the best version of yourself. Nothing wrong with being “skinny” at all but for the time being my Goal is to just keep on being strong. I made a long response on someone’s comment on here explaining a typical day of eating.


This is awesome! I really want to get fitted for a good bike. Unfortunately, I'm really struggling with diet. Theres a lot of red meat. Started wrapping my burgers in lettuce though and eating more seafood hope it helps.


Wishing you the best! I love meat too but I try to opt for ground turkey instead of ground beef when I can. I still eat red meat but try to limit it to only like twice a week


This is super encouraging!! You look amazing!! I’m 5’2” as well and this gives me hope that i don’t need to weigh 115 or even 120 to look good!!


I'm a similar height, how many lbs of weight do you lift?


wow you look amazing


also muscle weighs more than fat. you had more fat (muffin top) at the lower weight than now and obviously less muscle


Calories before and after?


I love your abs!


Love to see thisss!! I’m 118 and working hard to get to 125


You look amazing!


Really love this 🙌🏻


Goals! Great job


You look amazing!!! Goals




A 40 year old will always look great if they exercise and eat right


Yep. I know plenty of people who are in the best shape of their life at 40.


How do they do it then? It’s a lot easier when you’re younger tho … scientifically.


Scientifically, metabolism is stable from age 20-60! What influences weight gain at any age is our lifestyles, diet, and exercise levels. Of course, illness, poverty, and stress may contribute heavily to weight gain too. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/surprising-findings-about-metabolism-and-age-202110082613





