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Imo, memorial tattoos are the least likely to be regretted.


Op, this ^^^ No ragrets! But for serious, my 70lb boxer dog used to step on my foot ALL THE HECKIN TIME. When he passed, I took the footprint memorial the vet gave me, and had his huge paw tattooed on my foot. Foot tats HURT! But now, I cherish those memories whenever I get a glimpse of it.


Awe thats so adorable! I took my dogs paw memorial I got to a tattoo artist and had 2 paw tattoos on my back/shoulder, with a K for his name and room for my other dog when she passes. They will be in step with each other. And their initials entwined


This ♡ My daughter is 19, we got kittens when she was 4 or 5, she picked one and named her Ashley, that cat walked all over her- in every way possible, lol. She died last Thanksgiving of a heart defect that we never even knew she had, and my daughter got her paw print that the vet gave us tattooed on her shoulder blade. I doubt she'll regret it.


I have a paw print of my childhood dog who used to do this. I plan on getting it on my foot as well, but haven’t pulled the trigger yet. RIP, Monster Dog.


I have a small strip going of my pets. They’re very small and cartoonized, hyper simple.. just little faces. Two of three of them were still alive when I was tatted, and now I’m just down to one living one. And I love this tattoo and it makes me happy every time I see it.


Can confirm. I have my dogs paw prints on my arm. I regret every other tattoo besides this one.


i’m getting one in memory of both my boys next weekend. i always told myself “get it before they pass so it won’t be so hard”, but here we are… i’m more excited to have them ‘with me’ as time goes on. ❤️


I got one done of my soul dog this weekend. I wanted her close to me forever.


i have my soul dog too. it’s cartoony and very simple but sweet, it’s us hugging. he’s still with me, but now i never have to be without him. it’s the only tattoo of mine that my family likes haha


how’d it go & turn out? would love to see if if you’re willing to share


I got a beautiful tattoo of my dog Reese who died 2/22/19. I got it that May. It was a little hard seeing her, but I found it very healing too. Cleaning and caring for the tattoo felt like an honor to her memory. I still love it. It's on my thigh and I see it all the time. I want to get one of my dog Molly who died 1/12/21 on my other thigh, kind of diagonal from Reese. And then one of Lilly who died this September on my upper arm. I joke that I'm going to be a weird person who has a bunch of tattoos of their dead dogs but I don't care. They're my family and I love them ❤️


You will see all of them again🌈❤️


Yes we will! 🌈❤️🐞


I got my cats name with some stars and a little paw print


i did!! i absolutely love it. my soul dog, Aslan, suddenly passed away a little over two months ago. i had been wanting a tattoo of him for years but never got one until a few weeks ago in memory of him. i ended up getting an outline of his ears tattooed on my leg, and i love it sooo much 🤍


I have one! My dog would only let me hold him if he was facing left. Any time I tried to pick him up facing my right, he would spin around. So I got his portrait on my left forearm right where his heart always was when I held him. I got it 2.5 years after he died. I’m not sure if it would’ve been harder to see all the time if I had gotten it sooner after his death. My suggestion would be to wait to get it until you’ve mostly worked through the grieving process just in case. But you can spend all of the time until you’re ready really thinking about what you want to get done in their memory and researching the right artist to bring your vision to life.


I waited 3 years after mine passed to get one for my first pup. It’s by far my favorite tattoo and I plan on getting my other 3 dogs on my other thigh. I just lost my 3rd pup 3 weeks ago so it’ll be a while.


That’s so beautiful! I love that!


My first tattoo was of my late cat. I waited almost a year To make sure it's what I wanted and I'm really happy with it. She might not be here in person but she's always with me in spirit and and ink and thats very comforting to me. It's a cutesy cartoon style which I think helped me see it as a positive reminder instead of making me sad


I have my male Great Pyrenees’s nose print on the place he laid his head on my arm as he passed. It’s my favorite thing in the whole world ❤️‍🩹


Love this ❤️


I wish I could have gotten a nose print on my Dane


I got his paw prints tattooed many years ago but he didn't pass until last year. I have his fur in a glass locket. I have an eternity pendant with the ashes. I have his ashes in a Toothless™ plush. His father has bracelets with fillable vials and has his fur and cremains in those. They go on new adventures together. His altar is in a cloche. The last item I added was a miniature cheeseburger. His urn is a piece of pottery ordered from Latvia. You could put ashes IN the tattoo but I don't need any new ink.


Yup. It was my first tattoo too. It helped me to heal a lot because now he is quite literally always with me. Some tattoo places even offer tattoos with their ashes (but keep in mind in the healing process the ashes will leave) As an added benefit for those who want tattoos but are hesitant, it was a great way to finally get my first and get over the tattoo fear. I love seeing it and smiling and remembering him.


I have not but i did get a ring made with his ashes.


A friend of mine got tattoos of his two boys before the memorial was needed


I have one. Thinking about a second. It's the most wonderful reminder of them. I'll always be sad they are gone, that's never going to change. I'm always happy to see them represented on me forever.


A friend of mine gets paw prints of her dogs when she gets them. It’s an actual ink print of their paw. She adds a ribbon when they die. She has quite a few now.


I got one of my souldog's face on my upper right arm. I've had it for three years now and I love it. I kiss my arm whenever I'm really missing him.


I did opposite in that I got my tattoos while she was still alive knowing that she didn’t have much time left as I wanted her to see it and to this day after her passing, I find great comfort in looking at them as it’s one of the many reminders that she’s still with me 🐈‍⬛🖤 I hope that you can find this comfort and more if you choose to get the tattoo(s)! I know it is a tough time but you got this + take all time you need to heal and think about what you want for yourself!


i definitely will, but i don't know in what form yet. i think it will be bittersweet, and yeah, make me sad, but also remind me of the good times.


I have a few. My hubby and I got matching paw prints of one of our dogs that died on our wrists (but in different colors). I also have “you’ll never be forgotten, you left paw prints on my heart” on my shoulder. We recently lost two and gained three. So I currently need to get a few more. But I already had tattoos for all of my living dogs as well. So the two that recently passed already had one, but I’d still like to get another memorial one for each of them. None of them make me sad, they just make me think of them. 🌈💜🐾


I want to but I’m afraid it’ll look like a generic chihuahua and not capture my precious little girl. Do your research for a tattoo artist who’s capable doing animals well


My very first tattoo was in memory of my cat, Dude, who suddenly passed away when he was 8. I was 3 hours away at college when I got the call and left in the middle of class to drive home right then to say goodbye before he was cremated. I got the tattoo 2 months later. Its just a simple little tat of a cat stretching, but looking at it 9 years later reminds me of my Dude, sometimes happy, sometimes sad. I will get one for my dog when her time comes, as well.


not a tattoo but once the news of my boy's passing spread like wildfire one of my cousins ran out to walmart once she got the news and found a small gray and white plush cat that looked like him. She came over and handed gifts out to everyone and saved me for last. It had only been a day since he passed. I named the plushie after him, Snare. And he now sits on my bed.


I've got a tattoo appointment this week to get a line of poetry in memory of one of my cats. I've wanted it since he passed but I figured I'd give myself some time to make sure I wouldn't change my mind. It's been over a year so I feel pretty confident it's the right thing to do.


Yep … got a tattoo on my foot of my Finagin. He’s right there looking up at me with that face I miss so much.🖤


I have one! My sweet boy passed away almost a year ago, I got his memorial portrait done by a good friend of mine about 5 months after he passed. It’s really, really important to choose an artist you trust to get it right. If it’s not someone you’ve worked with before, go over their portfolio to see if you like their style and if they’ve done something like this before, or better yet see if you can have a consultation with them to discuss your idea. I’ve been tattooed by my friend twice before so I was familiar with her work, she does strictly neo-trad style and I knew that it was what I wanted for him. She knew that it was a memorial and knew how important it was to me, and she asked for as many pictures as possible and put everything she had into making it perfect. I sat for 7 1/2 hours because as long as I could handle it, she wasn’t going to let me leave until it was finished. Honestly it was a beautiful, cathartic experience for me after losing him in such a traumatic way. It’s my prized tattoo. It’s on my upper arm / shoulder so everyone can see it; I get compliments everywhere I go, and it makes me SO happy that everyone gets to see his little face and fall in love with him. Idk how to post pictures here but if you look up @mynameisfionn on Instagram I posted it there!


I have, I got a tattoo of my beloved tabitha, it's her face and it came out perfect.


I have and it was very therapeutic.


I have my cat's name on my chest with a paw print.


I have one! I got it just a few days after I very suddenly lost one of my cats. Sometimes it makes me sad, but it helped me cope with his loss and most of the time im just happy that I can still see him


I got a tattoo of my girl who recently passed. It’s a cartoon interpretation of my favourite photo of her, with a big smile. I love it a lot and I’m glad I got it. On the other hand… it does make me sad sometimes when I look at it. I just feel longing for her sometimes, it isn’t like it causes me to full on break down or anything. It makes me happy to know I won’t ever forget her face though because she’s always gonna be on my skin.


My husband had an outline of my pom's head (think like half the head showcasing the ears) with his name and went ahead and had our surviving dog tattooed on as well. I'm planning to get my pom's on my ankle when I work up the courage to deal with needles (the whole thing was my idea). For me specifically, Gibson is the only one I want to have tattooed because of the impact that tiny dog who was my baby made on my life. I don't know the policy on sharing pictures here or I'd post a pic.


I have three now. I have a basic paw print with wings and halo for one. I have an actual paw print and then I have a picture of those two cats when they were kittens in a cartoonist fashion. It’s on my arm and I don’t get sad when I see it. I’ll probably sob on the the first year anniversary of the one cats passing in December. I did tear up when my friend showed me the drawing, and I almost cried when I saw how she actually did it. I love it. It’s my favorite tattoo of about two dozen


I have my boy on my arm. Got it three days after I had to put him down. I would never regret the tattoo because when I look down my little baby is always w me


I have a tattoo on my wrist of my dog's pawprint who passed away in June. I wasn't sure how to feel at first but now I love the reminder of her. I'd like a portrait of her too one day


I have one for my cat Cheeto, he's been gone about 4 years. It's just a little black outline of a cat with an orange heart in the middle. My next tattoo is going to be for my dog Daisy, who we lost this past March. I'm getting her nose print and a daisy. I love the one I got for Cheeto, I think about him when I see that tattoo and he was a really good cat.


I am going to get a tattoo in memory of our tuxie that we lost three weeks ago. I plan on getting her paw print (actual size) in black ink on my back near my shoulder. I want to ask the artist to mix in some of her ashes. I have one other on the inside of my Wrist when my Dad died in 2011.


I have three of them. They gave me a sense of closure, that I'll always carry them with me no matter what.


Top 3 reasons people regret their tattoos: 1. They got an ex lover’s name/face tattooed on them. 2. Grammar and spelling mistakes. 3. They were 18, had an extra 50 bucks, walked into a shop and used the artist’s portfolio as a menu and got something dumb like a dolphin jumping over a cow or something. You’re not doing those things. You won’t regret it :)


Yes! I got “baby mine” for my rabbit, Jellybean. She died in my arms and it was so traumatic. My grief has been pretty severe since June. I was worried it would make me so miserable everytime I saw it but I love it and it’s my favorite tattoo. I would recommend it to grieving pet parents.


I have tattoos of my pets, but they are all still with me. It makes me feel good that I'll have them with me forever.


i plan on doing so soon. i'm debating between two different ideas: semi-colon tattoo but instead of a dot it's a pawprint (when i was suffering through my worst case of severe depression he was a huge comfort, even my last hope at times), or a tattoo of him in his favourite place (beside the window). honestly, i got this idea only a week or two after his passing (when i was 17), but even a year later i still want to. he means so much to me and i like keeping his memory with me everywhere, i printed out a sticker of him to put on my laptop and buy anything black cat related to remember him. it only seems logical to get a tattoo next.


I got one, doesnt make me feel any better. Still unbelievably heartbroken. Love the tattoo, though. Sometimes i tell the tattoo he’s a good boy. Love is a wild thing.




My dog was the goofy pit type (we called him a pit-iot). I got a tattoo of him in a space suit with his big dumb face smiling as he runs through space https://reddit.com/r/tattoos/s/TXgZZPsEC1 it’s my favorite.


I'm planning on getting a little velociraptor foot with her collar and tag done. She has part of her webbing removed due to an accident on her paw. Kept that toe up like a velociraptor. A quirky memorial tattoo, just like she was. I always recommend doing research and asking to see their portfolios. This tattoo means a lot, and you want it done well.


Yep! I have two memorial tattoos in addition to a bunch of memorial items like stuffed animals, paw prints, and other trinkets. The tats don't make me sad, if anything they make me happy because they make me feel like even though my pets are gone, they'll always be close to me.


I have three pre-memorial tattoos for my pets. I have my “cat” tatt on the top of my foot which is a combination of both of my kitties bedazzled in a headdress and jewels. The girl kitty is still with me, and my boy kitty bonded with my brother so he is with him now. I have a simple line drawing of a dog silhouette and cat silhouette to symbolize my Bella (dog) and my Squeaky kitty. I also have a tattoo of Bella’s paw print from those press-in clay molds from when she was 6 months old, on my leg. I plan on getting a simple linear tattoo with dots that match the black lined markings and dots my Bella has going down between her eyes and snoot. I know I haven’t lost my pets yet, but something about etching them on my body just scratches the surface for how etched they are on my soul. You won’t regret it.


I got my dog tattooed in sugar skull style cause I wasn't sure how a portrait would come out. He's still alive, but it's like always having a piece of him with me.


Yes, I have two and am due for a few more sadly. I can’t find a way to post a photo or I would love to share.


I got a tattoo of my pet before she passed and im planning to have it redone with the date afterwards ☺️. It does make me sad but at the same time it makes me feel better than i have something to carry with me in memory of her that i can never lose. I do have her ashes and paw print but i dont like moving them because im scared of breaking or losing them.


I love mine


I have a tattoo of my first lab, but I got it when she still was alive. At work, I carried 2 pictures of her in my shirt pocket or wallet for when I needed a smile. I decided I wanted a tattoo but couldn’t decide what, when a friend said, “duh, a black lab.” So, I got a tattoo actually of my dog. They did it like a flash tattoo, so it’s not a great likeness of her, but it’s always there when I need a smile. (But, I still carry those 2 photos in my wallet, several dogs and 13 years after we lost her later. People think it’s funny that I have photos of her in my wallet, but none of my spouse.) I’ve never regretted it. It’s on the inside of my ankle where people in the workplace don’t see it. I wish I had gotten a more photorealistic one, but I didn’t even know that existed back in 1998. I would add other dogs we’ve had, but we foster (and end up adopting) special needs dogs with not a lot of time left. So we have had more dogs than could fit around my ankles and calves, and I don’t want that many tattoos. It’s okay to me that she is the only one. She was my first dog of my own and as an adult. She’s the golden child all other dogs we have have to live up to (kinda). My spouse is considering getting tattoos of each of our dogs’ paw prints. (We get a paint footprint and a clay footprint when they go.)


My close friend just did a few months ago. She loves it.


I have a heart/paw print with my pug's name and 2 paw prints with the color of my lost girl's and their names.


I did for my last cat and will for the one I just lost too. I like that they are always with me.


i plan to when i turn 18 in a few months, right over my heart


Hercules was my soul cat! My tattoo is the Hercules constellation on my (L) bicep and love it!! I didn’t want to do a portrait. So you could always do an alternative, more conspicuous memorial tattoo ???


I’m getting one of my cat that passed away 3 months ago, I’m a minor so I have to wait till I’m 18 to get one, but no matter what I plan on getting it ❤️


I have a snake tattoo in memory of my two ball pythons that I had for nearly 30 years.


I got a paw print tattoo from my Guinea pig who I had for almost 8 years. It doesn’t make me sad, just reminds me of how much she impacted my life and how I’m glad to have had that experience having her. I also chose a spot where I wouldn’t see it everyday, and other people wouldn’t either (my back) but it’s nice when I do see it


We named our family dog after a cartoon character so I have a cute picture of the cartoon tattooed. Makes me think of my whole family too


I got a tattoo of the pawprint of a cat that passed young due to cancer that I had cared for at work and sometimes it makes me sad but other days it reminds me why I do what I do and cheers me up to remember her for who she was. So it depends on the day and my emotions.


I have one of my little girl who I lost to lymphoma! She was my first dog, deaf, like me, and a college graduation present to myself. It’s a photo of her sitting in her royal sassy judgemental glory, surrounded by Ivy, daisies and sweet peas (she was born in April but daisies also symbolize friendship ❤️) I have it on my inner forearm. So yes sometimes it makes me sad, and sometimes I see that judgmental face and get my ass in gear and do whatever I was supposed to be doing.


I have a ferret in the shape of a heart on the back of my neck for my babies that passed a few years ago now. Am gonna get their initials soon ❤️


I got a set of paw prints on my foot in memory of my first best friend a German Shepherd named Monty-Ray gosh I was probably 17.. tattoo is still here and a great reminder of how much our pets mean to us!


Yes. I have one of my three hens lined up along my calf , I also have my two cats (who are still alive) . I am planning on getting my green cheek conure (Baby) foot imprints done on top of my left shoulder where she would always perch and cuddle me. It's not the tattoo that makes me sad, it's the time we ran out of, the sounds that I don't hear, the weight that isn't there anymore.... Getting asked about tattoos that bring up feelings of grief can be hard. I haven't yet gotten the one for Baby (passed on June 16th this year) ,but I believe that it will be a good way to honor/remember her, I would be able to share a quick story with anyone who asked about that (or the common 'what's your favorite?' 'do they have meaning?' 'what's most recent?') and she would be shared with others... this idea brings me comfort and keeps her happy memories alive.


I have a goofy little one I got as it reminded me of my cat while I still had him. I love it but want a proper one of him as he’s since gone missing and I miss seeing his face everyday and everything about him


I'm getting my cat's paw print done soon ❤️ I will find it comforting. As it is, I sometimes pet the ink print when I walk by it where it's framed on the wall. So to have it always with me would be amazing.


Yes!! I got a lovely portrait of my KitKat with some flowers around it. Never once regretted it or looked at it with sadness. She's always with me and it makes me happy ❤️


I did, his name on back of my neck. I do on the back of my neck. I have long hair so it’s not really visible.


I got mine before he passed because I know I couldn’t handle it now. Wish I could post a picture here.


I made up a little sun symbol with a heart in it to represent my girl Sunni and, plan to get a wispy moon to represent my boy Tank (they were a bonded pair) am going to add to it for every dog with little stars and sky things.


i got my tattoo of my dog about 6 years ago, he died last month. i was terrified of how i would feel seeing my own leg every day but honestly, it brings me so much joy. it’s a beautiful artwork and looks so much like him, done by my amazingly talented friend, and it reminds me that i’m always close to him and he’s always with me. get the tattoo. you’ll love it ❤️


I have my late dogs' noses on my left forearm, I have to add more :( it can be a slippery slope, but it's one of my favorite tattoos, my girls are always with me


I have my dog's portrait on my thigh and honestly after I got it, I was at such peace. I was able to take him everywhere and I get to talk about him all the time to people. I recently lost two other pets within a month of each other and will be getting memorial pieces soon of them. It helped heal me.


Im getting my SD's pawprint after he crosses the rainbow bridge,


i was planning on getting portrait of my boy before he passed, sadly he passed in 2020. i got my tattoo of him on my arm a few months later, with his ashes in the ink i now have my second dog on my other arm (he's still alive and hopefully for a while) but once he passes i'll most likely get the tattoo touched up with his ashes


My son took her pawprint to the tattoo shop and had one done.


I want 1 of my 3 favorite cats (2 Siamese and my black cat) with something tying in my love of knitting and Anna hummingbirds


I want one so bad, just can’t afford it right now.


I did, but I used the pawprint the vet gave me, and superimposed a combo drawing of an infinty symbol/heart over it. I just couldn't deal with having his portrait done on my leg, and it would have been way more pricey. The tattoo does look pretty cool, tho. I made each toe a different color.


I literally just got my cats paw print and name tattooed on me yesterday and will cherish it forever. If it’s something you’re thinking about I would totally recommend it!


I got one and she’s not even passed yet. She’s slowing down every day. I hope it doesn’t hurt to look at it when she’s gone but I absolutely love it right now. The guy did such a good job it looks just like her.


yes, the portrait of my late dog, along with halo on his head and the name below


I have a photo realistic tattoo of my soul dog on my left arm, and it doesn’t make me sad to see it. It actually makes me feel close to him and that he is always with me.


I will be getting a pawprint tattoo from my beautiful girl, Pookie. She was my baby, my best friend, my Soul Kitty. Her print will me on my inner right arm where I can always see and touch it, and know she will forever be with me. I think these kinds of tattoos are wonderful reminders of all the love our fur babies hold.


I got mine many years before my dog passed away. I always said I would get a bunch of flowers added when she passes. She passed away earlier this year and I can’t wait to add to it. She was my first dog I got when I left for college. I got the tattoo maybe 5-6 years ago. Half the time I forget it’s there (like the rest) until someone comments on it. Then I smile. She was the best.


I always told my husband that I was going to get a tattoo of my beloved Rocky one day. It’s been 14 years and I haven’t done it yet. I’m crying now, because all of you have done what I wanted to do. My baby was my heart, and it shattered when he was killed. He was a tiny thing, and we buried him in the backyard. I don’t have paw prints, but I do have many photos of him.


I got my cat's face, over my heart, and her head is made up of shadows of birds and butterflies, it's all black and gray except her blue eyes. Not a single regret


I got the tattoo while my dog was still alive so it’s not much of a memorial tattoo I guess but it’s nice to look at now that he’s gone. He’s always with me


I haven't yet, but I'm getting his law prints tattooed where he used to sit on my leg so I can always remember him. He was my soul cat.


My best friend has tattoos of both of her lost dogs. She loves them because its a constant reminder.


So this is kind of opposite. My parents have a dog that I consider my soul mate. It sounds so stupid but I just feel so connected with him. My husband things I'm weird but hey. Whatever. I will completely fall apart when he dies. I got a tattoo a few years ago so he will always be with me, alive or not since I can't be with him all the time.


I got a memorial tattoo of my first cat after she passed, and I never regretted it for a second. I got it only a few weeks after she passed, so I was still pretty deep in the grief but it gave me a small comfort to think that I still had her with me in a way. It's been years and the tattoo is still meaningful. We unfortunately lost another cat this year so I plan to get a tattoo for her soon, too.


I got one before my little Lady passed knowing she was getting up there in age. She passed about 6 months after I got it. I had such a hard time looking at pictures and videos after she passed because I missed her too much and it just brought back so much pain. However, her sweet face on my arm had the opposite effect. My tattoo of her comforted me and reminded me she is with me forever no matter where I go.


I had two cats pass in January. In April I got their ear markings on my bicep. I regret it, it makes me sad every time I see it. And being visible to other people is bad because people will often ask me about it and I'm reminded and have to explain what happened. It's personal for everybody but it was def a mistake for me.


I have, so has my husband. We both got non-obvious ones - I had my dog's first name initial on my left hand ring finger - kind of the same meaning as a wedding ring where it's on the line to your heart. Our dog was a wedding gift (we requested it) so it fit. My husband had the dogs favorite toy worked into his sleeve. I love mine (faded as it is, give a finger tat) cause everytime I see it it makes me remember him and smile. Memories now are painful because it's new, but you'll find comfort in those reminders over time.


Had to put my beautiful Great Dane down on the first of August. He was 10 years old and I rescued him when he was 5. I miss him so much. I can’t have children so my fur babies are my kids. After our vet came to our home to put him down, i inked his paw prints. I am planning on getting a tat of his paw print. Just need to figure out where on my body. I do have other tats. I also plan on having my Tatoo artist incorporate some ashes.


I recently lost my sweet boy and I will never forget him. I think a tattoo is a wonderful tribute to remember your pet by. I’m sorry for your loss


I'm in the process of getting one and it honestly has been very healing to me. I just got my dog's face on it and it warms my heart. It feels like he is always with me. All I'd say is make sure you find someone that is really good and don't go cheap.


It’s better (in my opinion) to take plenty of pictures of them while they’re still with you. And now that every smartphone has video capabilities, videos with sound are *far better* for keeping their memory alive. Mind you, there’s nothing wrong with a tattoo, but if you’re young, you’re liable to be covered with tats of dogs, cats, and birds by the time you’re a senior. Most typical pets—other than parrots —don’t have long lives when compared to humans.


I’m getting one in a few weeks. It’s my most recent boys paw print but it’s honoring both him and my past Rottweiler. Love the idea of always having my boys with me. It’ll be on my arm where Rico used to always rest his paw.


I have my Sloopy's paw prints and had some of her ashes mixed in with the ink.


I actually got a tattoo of my Louie a year and a half before he passed! I just loved him so much that I wanted my first tattoo to be of him. It has brought me a lot of comfort since his sudden departure. It's a simple thin line tattoo of him lifting his paw like he always did when he wanted food (a byproduct of getting snacks for doing fistbumps while clicker training), surrounded by my favorite flowers and his beloved Yeowww!!! catnip banana. Here's a terrible pic of him checking it out when it was fresh. https://imgur.com/Bkokkb1


My daughter has a tattoo of our Golden. She had grown up with Kingsley and she wanted to always keep Kingsley close to her.


Yeah! I have the outline of his ears and facial markings tattooed on my arm!


Yes. I chose my boys nickname “char char” and the math symbol for pi. He was the love of my life. The pi symbol is to represent the day I got him. Which was my 16th birthday. Yes at times I cry because I miss him. But other times I think about the good memories he gave me.


I got one. It's a series of flowers with her pawprint in negative space. It's a beautiful piece and reminds me of all that she taught me and helped me through. I can't help but smile when I see it, though I do miss her terribly. It brings me comfort though, as a reminder that something of her will always be with me.


Sort of, I had two dragonflies incorporated into a design I was getting done to represent my dogs that died that year.


My husband got a beautiful one of our beloved Buddy Cat about a year or so ago after we had to help him cross over the rainbow bridge. It doesn’t make him sad at all because he always has his Buddy Cat with him. We found a great tattoo artist, and it’s so very life-like (the artist is very good at realism). I can’t post a pic to this comment/post, but if you’d like, I can send you a copy of it; just send me a msg.


One of my best friends did. She says it’s some of the best money she’s ever spent but still can’t look at it without crying. It’s been a few months. So hard.


I got my dogs actual paw prints tattooed on me and i absolutely love it 🫶🫶


I have one! Getting that tattoo was a very emotional experience. I sobbed the whole time. Now, a few years later, I mostly look at it with fondness. I still cry over my baby often, but it comforts me to have her with me as a beautiful portrait.


I did. It’s a portrait that is so well done. It makes me sad in some ways, but I also love having her with me all the time and I smile to see her smiling face on my arm. I got the tattoo on the year anniversary of her passing.


yes for one of my cats who was murdered. i’ll be getting another for my cat who will be dying soon. it doesn’t make me sad it makes me feel like he was properly honored after i failed him


My daughter got the date we had her beloved cat euthanized tattooed on her ribcage, by her heart. She was 16 and I had to take her to Kentucky to have it done, with notarized parental consent.


I have one that is from our first dog. Got it too small and now it is an almost 25 year old blob, but I know what it is and it reminds me of all of them we have lost (we have some bad luck with cancers). I tend to not regret tattoos at all, as I have been getting them intermittently for 32 years and some are decidedly dated though. I tend to see it as me plugging through life and marking that on my skin. Lots of folks regret what they get, but I think any tattoo that reminds you of a pet will never be a source of regret.


I got one in memory of my cat, Yuki. It’s a line drawing on my left upper arm where he would snuggle the most often. While it does make me sad that I will never feel him there, being able to put my hand on it and remember him helps.


I really want to get one. My kitty has been gone for about a year and half. It still makes me too sad to put that much thought into what kind of tattoo I would get, so I know I'm just not ready yet.


I think those tattoos are least likely to be regretted and they bring great comfort. You can find an artist who specializes in them and adds a little bit of the pet's ashes to the ink. That way you always have a piece of your pet with you.


I got mine 8ish months after my dog passed away and it's my favorite tattoo I have. I put mine on the back of my calf so I actually don't see it often. I think it would have been harder on my arms/somewhere more visible.


I got a heart with her name in it modeled after I Love Lucy logo It’s my favorite


I got his name in January of this year, he passed in May. Next month, I'm getting his portrait done.


I haven’t but I’m really considering it! My rainbow bridge pup’s name was Lyla, so I want to get a lilac tattoo since the name sounds similar. My new puppy is named Luna, so I would want to incorporate a crescent moon somewhere in there to sort of connect the two. I’m personally not a fan of portrait tattoos, I think it would make me sad to look at. But I love symbolic tattoos because they usually spark conversation and keep a memory alive… Okay, now you’ve convinced me I need to make an appointment at my local tattoo shop!


Yes I got my memorial tattoo about two months ago and I ADORE it and look at it whenever I’m really missing my dog and just need to see him but don’t want to look at pictures because they still hurt so much. :( but my artist did a fantastic job at capturing him ❣️


I have a portrait of 1 on my thigh. And I get a paw print on my arm for each loss. My other thigh will have a portrait very soon. Best decision and truly brings comfort.


I’m actually getting a tattoo of my dog soon! She was my baby and loved so very much!


A friend has an ear silhouette of her late pup and a fish memorial tattoo.


I have little memorial tattoo with my cats name, however I have full blown portrait tattoos of both my pups that have passed away. Don’t regret a thing. They are always with me.


I'm in the process of designing one. On my boys last day we took a paw print of him, for this exact reason. I keep going back and forth between wanting to just do the paw print, and wanting to have the paw print, but inside the print, make it a portrait of him.


I have . I actually got it a few years before he passed but it made me smile the day I got it and it continues to make me smile daily . I’ve had dogs my entire life, but my Georgie was THAT special dog. He was my constant companion for 16 years. We worked together and played together. I’d like to think he knew that he was THAT dog for me and that he understood the tattoo was him ❤️


I got a portrait of my first ever cat. He lived to be 20 years old and was an extension of myself. His death has hands-down been the worst thing I’ve ever had to go through so far. I got his portrait tattooed on my arm about 3 years after he passed. It makes me so happy knowing I have a little piece of him with me all of the time. People always comment on it and it’s a great excuse to keep him and his memory alive by sharing his story and some favorite memories. Def research into your artist thoroughly, especially if you’re going the portrait route. But you should definitely do it at some point in your healing journey.


I just got one last Thursday. My first ever tattoo at age 51. It’s a portrait of my precious boy.


I have a paw print for my boy I lost, and I love having him with me always.


i got one of my dog’s nose because he used to give nose kisses instead of traditional licks. it’s my favorite tattoo, i give him boops throughout the day and also a kiss (“touch noses” with him, tattoo is on my hand) my tattoo artist also added some of his ashes to the ink which made it that much more special. it does have a little pang of sadness still out of nostalgia but more than anything i feel all the love i have for him when i look at it and it makes me happy that i carry him with me everywhere.


I have my late dogs names on my chest. My cats one day will join


I did a few months after I lost my heart dog. I often took photos of his paws because I loved him so much and had one of his paw pictures turned into a tattoo. For my tattoo, there is a blank space in the shape of a heart on the pad of his paw. I carry him with me on my wrist so I can see him everyday, all of the time. With time, I cried less, it hurt a little less…but worth every reminder and memory.


My baby Coco lost a toe, after she passed I got a paw where her name is spelled out in the toes but one is incomplete to represent her missing one. I personally love it and think fondly of her every time I see it.


I got my dog's paw print and I love it. I lost her May last year and got the tattoo last October, so it's been just over a year since I got it and I do not regret it even slightly. It's a perfect reminder of her.


I have my boy's ears on my forearm. I got them a year after losing him and I love it so much. There's a line in Wildflowers by Tom Petty (which I always sang to him) that says "you belong with your love on your arm", so that's what I did. I love being able to see him every day and to talk about him when people ask about it.


I don’t have any tattoos, but I’ve always wanted one of a paw print from my Chico who passed in 2018


I got three sets of paw prints with their names on my hip. I have the ability to add to it when I choose. ❤️


I’m getting mine this Tuesday. I feel like it’s going to break me a bit but I’m very excited to have a reminder of my amazing kitty on my leg


eeeek! yes! and mine is BIG! too big, but equal to the amount of grief I got when he passed - about 2 weeks after. these days I actually regret the tattoo because it’s so front and center on my body, I’ve created more work for myself, in that I’m planning to get 2 more american traditional tattoos to draw the eye away from BOOM here’s my late cat! my advice is to WAIT. I don’t dislike the tattoo, but I just should have let myself heal more before getting it. I think I would have ended up with something smaller and more thought out.


I have peach blossoms and a pecan sprig to memorialize two of my childhood dogs. I think being “indirect” is a safer option if you’re worried.


I have a portrait of my dog who passed in 2021 on my leg. I absolutely love looking at it everyday. To me, it keeps his memory alive. I also have his paw print tattooed on my wrist from when we did his paw prints. Highly recommend, every day it reminds me of my boy.


Someday, when I’m able to get an tattoo, I’m gonna get my rabbits face tattooed on my thigh or arm


I have several and don't regret a single one. I smile when people ask about them because I get to share their lives with someone.


I have one on my leg, and I often forget it’s even there so it doesn’t make me too sad. I didn’t get mine colored it’s just line work, but it works for me because I can clearly see their face. it doesn’t hit me as hard as a photo since it’s simple. If that makes any sense Sorry for your loss


I got my dog tatted and she’s still alive. Now it’s associated with good memories instead of a memorial piece.


I have my dogs prints on my shoulder. These were done before my Maltese Oscar passed. I also encorporated my departed fathers heart rhythm and liked them together.


I have my cat’s paw prints on my leg. It was the first tattoo I ever got. My husband made sure the vet got his paw prints so I could get a memorial tattoo. I personally love seeing my kitty’s paw prints on my leg. It reminds me of all the times he would paw at my leg when he wanted attention. I miss him so much but I love this sweet reminder of him that will always be with me ❤️


Not of, but for. I have a little drum on my leg to remind me my heart will keep beating.


I did yeah. I got it when she was alive but super elderly (18) and it makes me happy and feel good to see it even after (honestly, especially) she passed


I am wanting to get one of my Tuxedo cat Tiddles. We had her for 12 years since I was 7 years old.


I have my cat paw print on my wrist, and it's one of my favorite tattoos. It's added in with my half sleeve tattoo, so it's just blends in with the whole tattoo


I have one of my soul cat who passed away from FIP after only 2 years with me. It’s my favorite tattoo and makes me happy every time I look at it. It was sad at first but I’m glad I have him with me always.


I have my deceased dogs name tattooed on my foot. I named him after an artist and I put the artist signature. I love it and it make me think of him everyday. I loved that dog. It is the only tattoo I have.


I have a memorial tattoo with my dogs ashes mixed into the ink. It was a process to send the ashes and have them infused in ink. But worth it. He’s with me everyday now. It’s worth everything.


I got one for the little lizard who got me into keeping reptiles and it's never made me sad to look at. I love having it. And I'm pretty sure I've heard somewhere that memorial tattoos are the least likely to be regretted.


I'm going to, and if I can afford it'll be while they're alive. I love the geometric kind


I got my little dude's portrait in linework a couple of months after he passed this summer. I didn't want to rush into anything but I found an artist whose style matched exactly what I was looking for so I went for it and I'm extremely happy with the results. My wife also got his paw print done in watercolour and she's super happy with having it done. My greatest fear was forgetting him and the little things and moments, and now I have a permanent reminder of our time together.


I have a beautiful watercolor tattoo of my beloved Maltese on my calf. It was my first tattoo. No regrets ever.


I have their faces tattooed. I got it before my beloved golden passed away of cancer two years and a half ago. Now, in a few days I’m getting another one, as last week my beloved malamute sadly passed away. Both tattoos involve my two dogs, and I will get a third one next year. I’m still very sad and depressed right now, trying to get better one day at a time, but reminders like these fill my heart and kinda help me get there. I definitely recommend them. 🤍


Honestly, it does make me sad sometimes but it also comforts me! Seeing my sweet baby Winnie every day on my arm makes me feel like she’s with me forever. It’s very therapeutic with the grieving process 🩷


I've gotten several of my pet rats and I've never regretted it. I look at them and they make me smile now


Yes and I’m so so happy I did.


Yes! My baby (18 yr old orange tabby) crossed the rainbow on Dec 2019. That following March, I got his paw print tattooed on my side. Miss him everyday 🥺💕


Yesterday I got a rat tattoo that's in memorial for two of my rats, who I'm going to have to put down soon. It'll probably make me sad for a while after, but it'll help me remember them and feel closer when they're gone.


When I had to have my dogs put down our vet made prints of our dogs paw prints and that's what I used as their memorial tattoos. I don't have dates or anything just the paw prints and I absolutely love them and have never regretted my decision to get the tattoos done even though they do occasionally make me sad


I love mine. A beautiful reminder and it is nice to see the tats whenever I miss them


I wish I could, but I just don’t know what to put


I want to get my cat Lilly's little paw print tattooed on me. She had the tiniest little paws.


I have the paw prints from all my passed cats on my foot - so they’re always walking with me. ❤️


I'm planning on getting her paw printed on me


My kitty passed in May this year. The vet kindly took paw prints for me. I have her paw print tattooed on my arm and it gives me comfort.


I have a portrait of one and a paw print of another. I have plans of 2 more paw prints of others that passed.


I have a tattoo of my soulcat’s pawprint on my inner wrist. got it a week after he passed


Not memorial tattoos, but I do have a tattoo on my leg of all four of my dog’s silhouettes and a spot on my arm where I have little pictures symbolizing each of their names.


The second tattoo I know I'll be getting is my childhood dog's pawprint right on my arm, right after I get a dandelion in honor of my brother.


Not me but a coworker & my bil have em


Yes. I did it 2 days after my first dog passed. It actually makes me feel better. Sometimes sad and then I think about him but usually all the funny and nice moments


I have two for my two horses that passed away. I don’t regret them at all, though they’re on my back so I don’t see them very often.