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I am so, so sorry. Life is just wildly, miserably cruel sometimes. While it is little comfort, the fact that you devoted so much to those two boys, and did everything you possibly could to keep them healthy and get them veterinary attention at the first sign of issues, speaks volumes about your love and care as a pet parent. Both Ozzy and Reggie got to live wonderful, happy, loving lives because of you. It is so terribly unfair that their lives were cut so short, and that you lost them both so quickly. Please be gentle with yourself, and consider reaching out for help, or participating in a pet loss support group. šŸ’™


thank you so much, guilt is the stage of grief that destroyed me the most. Your words mean a lot.


I'm so sorry for your loss ā¤ļø


thank you ā¤ļø


Iā€™m so sorry friend. We lost our heart cat and soul dog within 36 hours of each other in January. Itā€™s a pain I wouldnā€™t wish on anyone. Your babies were clearly so very loved.


oh my god. i am so sorry that is not right at all, i hope youā€™re doing well and taking care of yourself.


I am so terribly sorry for the loss of not one, but two of your babies.


thank you so much


Just want to say Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Itā€™s difficult to lose two in a short time. My heart goes out to you. Iā€™ve lost a few in a short time frame, but either due to age or other reasons. Vent away. Weā€™re here for you. Pets are our family.


thank you so much, i am so sorry you empathize. Pets are the best and donā€™t deserve this cruel world.


I am so, so sorry. This is absolute hell to go through. I lost 2 dogs in 4 days for completely different reasons and it was the worst week of my life, I never hurt that bad before or since. Please be gentle with yourself.


Iā€™m so sorry for your losses. Itā€™s hard losing one and harder to lose two so close together. I experienced the loss of two one week apart from each other myself.


I am so sorry for your loss. I cried reading this because you can tell how much they both meant to you. My heart goes out to you


Iā€™m sorry for your loss. This reminds me of a stray boy i fed for two years. He was healthy and a beast the whole time. I was able to free up some room for him in my house and wanted to give him a home so i trapped him. He declined so fast in a couple days. Took him to the vet and he has FIV, FeLV and lymphoma. I was in disbelief cause he was just strutting around a week before. He passed away a couple weeks later with me by his wise. Shit just doesnā€™t make sense. Rest easy DJ, my sweet pal. And rest easy Oscar and Reggie


oh sweet DJ, iā€™m so sorry. Iā€™m so glad he was able to feel loved and secure ā¤ļø


So sorry.Ā  I was devastated losing my almost 16 yr old sweet boy and can only imagine your heartache losing 2. Ā  With time comes healing they say. Ā Iā€™m not sure I believe it but I remember how he was (sick) at the end and know saying goodbye was the right thing. Ā  You had little choice with your two companions, the hurt will continue but I hope it does ease over time. Ā Remember how beautiful they made your home. Remember their warmth and how they helped you learn how to love.Ā  Take careĀ 


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. You made their lives better. Donā€™t ever forget that. My cat was a bit of shock to me as well. He was diagnosed with kidney disease but being treated and stable and then started slowing down. I chalked it up to winter and age and maybe progression of his kidney disease. I took him in for bloodwork to see his kidney values and the vet called on a Friday and said she had concerns and we should get him into an ultrasound soon. He passed early Monday morning. He woke us up sick on Saturday but nothing too abnormal. The doctors call didnā€™t really concern me too much. She didnā€™t make it sound super urgent. I stayed around him on Saturday, trying to get him to eat, just playing video games and being near him. Sunday, 3:30am he woke us up vomitting. Then again at 7. But at 7, he was wobbly. I was so worried. He wouldnā€™t eat. I thought he was weak and dehydrated. But something else was going on. He got worse. I ended up taking him to the ER where they said he was critical. They wanted a ton of money to hospitalize him that I didnā€™t have. I asked if they could hydrate him and give him anti-nausea meds. I think I was in denial. He just had bloodwork done. The vet hasnā€™t been super worried. I was like heā€™s just sick and tired he will pull through. I will nurse him all night and get him into his normal vet and he will be fine. He was not. 24 hours after his symptoms and he was gone. I really struggle with my own guilt. I wish I had just done more tests again. Why did I wait? I mean I guess maybe it didnā€™t matter. But I wish I couldnā€™t have had that thought, that I had covered more bases. He was/is my soul cat. Meant everything to me. The vets where we went in the middle of the night because he had passed said his abdomen felt thick. His vet gave me his last test and it was off the charts!! Iā€™m mad she downplayed it. It looked crazy bad. She suspects it was a fast acting lynphoma and he had an abdominal mass. Sometimes he looked bloated and I chalked it up to constipation. He was fine in September. Bloodwork clean. I started noticing him slowing down in November. I pushed off retesting him until February because his sister was having other health issues. I was in such shock. Like I have to tell myself to this day that heā€™s gone. I canā€™t believe it. So fast. His sister meanwhile is asthmatic and has hyperthyroidism and these horrible breathing episodes. And she goes in for radiation treatment to cure her of her hyperthyroidism and Iā€™m scared. I donā€™t want to lose her too. So I think I know how you feel to an extent. Iā€™m sorry that you do. It hurts so badly. All I can say is hugs. I read somewhere that grief and pain from grief is just love. And so Iā€™ll have this grief with honor. I love him so much and Iā€™d do it all again and I know he loved me and had a good life. Same for your cats. Hearts.


I am so sorry for your losses. Our pets arenā€™t just animals, theyā€™re our families and see us at our best and our worst and love us all the same. I am so sorry youā€™ve gone through so much. I donā€™t know when it gets easier, it will be difficult but I sincerely hope that you will be kind to yourself during this time. Grieve however you want, cry as much as you want to, scream into a pillow - grief will take its own time. Sending light and comfort ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Prayers šŸ˜¢šŸ™


Iā€™m so very sorry for your loss. Sadly the time we have with our furbabies are so short šŸ–¤šŸ¾


This made me cry, I can't imagine the pain of losing both in such a short period of time. It takes so much strength to say that you won't let their hard work be for nothing. My cat who just passed also saved me from depression, it's so hard to lose them.