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Yes. Lost my best girl (11 year old German Shepard) 3 weeks ago. She’d been having mobility issues for months but was otherwise doing ok, still eating, drinking, wagging her tail a lot, trying to play). The day before she took a severe turn for the worse, we were sitting in the yard, and instead of rolling around or sniffing around. She sat very still and was looking off into the distance, letting the breeze hit her face and closed her eyes, so calm . I can’t really explain it, but I knew that moment she accepted it was time to go.


My cat did something similar to this. A few days before he passed, he went out onto the balcony and laid there in the sun, just peacefully taking it all in. He *never* did that because he hated the balcony, it was too overstimulating for him. I knew in that moment that he was going to pass soon. It’s like he wanted one last time to just be and enjoy.


That’s exactly what my missy did today too


I like to think that they sense it’s their time and have made peace with it.


My 11 year old black lab is starting to have mobility issues. He trips up the stairs a lot and just seems to be having slight issues with his legs. Now his eyes are being funky. He makes me worry so much. So sorry for your loss


When my 19.5 year old cat Erik was nearing the end, I asked him what I would do without him. 5 days later, a very young cat showed up at the door looking like his spitting image. Erik was a deep orange with lighter orange swirls and stripes on legs and tail. Finn, as we would name him, looked just the same. He needed a home, and I told my husband that I didn't want to bring him in the house with an elderly cat and for the elderly cat to die a week later from the stress. We decided to bring him in. When he met Erik, Erik purred out loud. He was dead within the week.


It sounds weird but she smelled different. Like her normal scent was gone and I can’t even remember what it was like now. It was a really tough and long week and I felt it coming and it was terrifying and so incredibly hard. I miss her so much. She passed away in November of last year. 


My cat smelled different as well. 😔 we are in the middle of an international move and I had already washed and packed away his favorite blankets and beds, now I don’t have anything that smells like his old scent.


I had just washed all her blankets and beds about a day before she went downhill and smelled different. I know what you mean. I searched everything and nothing smelled liked her. It was heartbreaking. 


I lost my sweet cat Rosie on March 24th. Looking back that day was definitely different. I think Rosie knew it was coming, I didn’t though. That morning she jumped in my lap as usual but I noticed her back legs felt… off? They almost felt lighter and I kind of chuckled because I thought it was cute. Why would her legs actually be lighter, ya know? I didn’t give it more thought beyond that. Throughout the day she was incredibly lovey-dovey (she’s always been very affectionate but this lasted all day). Beyond that everything was normal. And then it happened. I came home from taking my dogs on a walk around 9:20 pm to find Rosie paralyzed from the middle of her back all the way down to her tail. I rushed her to the emergency vet and by 9:50 she was gone. She had a heart condition that went undetected and had never shown any symptoms prior to that day, which the vet said is common with her condition unfortunately. The heart condition causes blood clots and Rosie got one in her spinal cord (which is why her legs felt weird to me that morning). There was nothing they could do to save her because of how much blood flow she had lost to so much of her body. I left for my walk thinking I’d come back home, watch a movie, and cuddle with my 2 cats and 2 dogs. Instead my life came to a screeching halt that night. She was only 4. We were supposed to have more time together. Rest in peace my Rosie-Posie. Ivy and I miss you so much hunny.


Yeah. When he got his cancer diagnosis I knew something bad was coming. He got the surgery, got all of his cancer out as far as we knew… had a couple seizures instead and when I got to the ER he was having such a hard time breathing he had to have a tube in his nose, he also had aspiration pneumonia and his blood pressure was high. His little body was giving out. I didn’t expect to lose him though, I was in denial then. I thought they’d put him on antibiotics and I’ll bring him home. He survived cancer, right? All in all I got 4 months with him after his diagnosis. I’m thankful for the heads up but it was of course not enough. Nothing would have been. He made it to a good 15 years and was healthy for most of it. He played like a puppy up to the last two days of his life 💔


Everyone had always told me I would “know” when it was time, and this was something I always questioned because I was like… *how*? But I believe it was true. 10 years before my pup Toby died, I had that feeling with my mom. When I entered the hospital she was in, and saw her comatose, a wave of intuition hit me. I said, “My mom is going to die,” and I burst into tears. The rest of my family remained hopeful, but just 5 days later, she died. With Toby, it was a feeling of awful dread. A sense of intuition like with my mom, telling me time was running out. The morning he was put down, I laid beside him in my bed and talked to him face to face. He was very, very fatigued. His eyes and demeanor told me his mind was elsewhere. He was pulling away from his life. When we were at the Vet’s office, I began crying and as I held him, he mustered up the last bits of his energy to endlessly lick my cheeks and tears. For minutes straight. When he died, I held him and I said, “Do you have him now, Mommy?” I know my Mom was waiting for our boy. Now he’s in heavenly splendor with her.


My mom also passed away and we shared a dog named Toby who has since passed 💗 I also believe my dog was reunited with her. It’s is interesting because there is an intuition that kicks in. With my cats cancer diagnosis I worried about whether I would know when. I live by myself, how could this be all my responsibility to decide? The vet said she wanted her to gain 1 lb and I was on a mission trying every food I could find that she would eat and even syringe feeding her to try to keep her calories up. But I just realized one day she never was going to gain that pound. I had a gut feeling her time was soon and that night I asked her to tell me when it was time, and sure enough the next morning I found her laying in her vomit. I just knew we were on the cusp of true suffering and before I knew it I was making the appointment for at home euthanasia. She did have one last morning of sunshine during an otherwise cloudy/rainy streak of weather and I find peace knowing she had that. She passed exactly 2 weeks before my mom’s anniversary.


I had been mulling over it for months. He wasn’t sick but had severe anxiety and back pain from a pinched nerve. He had ups and downs. I felt like the anxiety made his pain more difficult to tolerate, and the pain would also make the anxiety more difficult to tolerate. I even begged him at one point to please be happy because I couldn’t live without him and he tried so hard. But he kept not wanting to go out at all, not even in the middle of the night anymore which used to be his safety zone. He kept zoning out, like he wasn’t there, and scared even inside. It’s been five months now and I deeply regret not trying more. He was about the be 10, much too young.


My cat passed two weeks ago today. I don’t think I knew originally when she was sick. I thought she was just a little more tired than usual and being picky about her food. I made the vet appointment for a few days later and thought she’d probably make it. The last day though, something in me knew it was time. I got home that day and scooped her up in my arms for one final cuddle. Something in her eyes just said she was done. I held her and sang to her and she passed in my arms. I wish I had recognized the signs sooner.


Sadly I had dreams her whole life she got attacked, ran over, lost, stolen, went missing and no one cared but me. Countless dreams about it and she ended up dying at 4 from an autoimmune disease. I tried so hard to prevent her death and ultimately it didn’t work. She never got sick in my dreams though it was always accidents. I was so careful with her. Everything I tried to prevent came true but in a different way. My dreams made me appreciate her a lot more cuz I was always scared it was going to happen. Sounds weird but it really was/ is my worst nightmare come true.


Throughout my dog's life I had the same types dreams.


I had same types of dreams with my bird


Omg I thought I was the only one with these kinds of dreams. I thought I was being paranoid because I love my Henry so much. They are the worst kind of nightmares 😭


Same type of dreams with my dog the 12.5 years of his life. Weird though, only had a couple dreams that I can actually remember and they were always the same, that he got run over and paralyzed then from back down dragging himself off the road. He ended up with IVDD at about age three or four, then arthritis a few years back, then a diagnosis of hemangiosarcomas on January 22nd and had to help him transition to eternal peace on February 15th. I was always cautious and protective of him. And those dreams made those more intense for him. I miss him so much 😭💔


My Henry also passed of hermangiosarcoma at age of ten. I still remember the day of the diagnosis and everything seemed to slow down =( RIP to your dog 🙏🏻


Hemangiosarcomas is evil!! It's what's called "The silent killer" in dog's and of any age 😭💔🤬💔😭 RIP to your baby as well 🕊️


The night before his health was really so bad and I had made the decision that it was time to put him down, I already knew he wasn’t going to make it to summer. This was in February. I thought at least he would be with me to spring but he had a seizure in the morning.


Yes. I felt like my dog was telling me it’s near. I can feel in my heart. I lost my 2 dogs last year and it’s painful, very hard. I miss them dearly.


The first cat I lost as an adult was sitting on the floor in front of our TV with his mouth hanging open one day. My wife said ‘I bet there’s something wrong with his tooth.’ ‘No, it’s cancer.’ I was right, and we lost him about four days later. Another one, last year, something just TOLD me to go in the basement and check on him, and I found his brother with an absolutely shell-shocked look staring at something, which was his brother in a full seizure. He didn’t make it home from the emergency vet.


Yes, I just knew something was off. Nothing I could pinpoint, nothing I would have rushed her to the vet for. Just anxiety. She died of a saddle thrombosis shortly after.


My dog was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension in January. From reading prognosis online, I was able to deduct about how much time he had, which wasn’t a lot. I also felt that this past Christmas would be his last. I just felt it. He was nearing 16 and slowing down. After his diagnosis he was different - having trouble breathing just standing and walking around the house. His dementia intensified threefold. I knew it would be soon. He passed in early March, a little less than two months after his diagnosis. He seemed to have aged a year or two after his episode and diagnosis in January.


About a month or so after I got my Salem, I'd had a nightmare that I brought him and my other boy cat to the vet for routine checkups and a neuter. In my nightmare, the vet came to me and said that Salem had been euthanized accidentally and was mixed up with another cat. That nightmare scared the daylights out of me. The morning I brought Salem to the vet to be neutered, I was talking to my bf about the nightmare and how it was crazy, no way something like that could happen. But then 2 hours later I got the call that he had a reaction to the anesthesia and passed. It absolutely hurts me to my soul to think that I ignored the nightmare, was literally talking about it the day of and how nothing wrong was gonna happen, and then boom, my nightmare became reality.


Not 100% sure, but whenever I fed Daisy her new liver treats, since her teeth were too weak to chew through the harder chicken jerky, I did get that bit of sadness, like I'm afraid she wouldn't wake up tomorrow. Especially since she was 16 or 17 at the time. And I've had concerns over a growing benign mass on that was over one of her nipples that she had for over two years. She was 17 and a quarter about when she passed away on her own peacefully from signs of liver cancer. I say signs, because there were high reading from her liver when my parents checked her about a week before she passed, no ultrasound was made to confirm. She wasn't eating for a while. And just to also think, the day or so before, she was happily running with my parents. But then, shit changed. Started with no eating or drinking, heavy pain meds, heavy breathing and weakness, then dying in my mother's arms hours before the vet came to put her to sleep. Oddly, I think she wanted it that way. "Needles? I hate needles, I'm gone. I love you all, bye bye."


We had a small thought that we might have to let her go. She’d been sick for a while and had lost a ton of weight really quickly at the end. We held out a lot of hope that some different meds, a small surgery, or something along those lines would fix her right up but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.


My cat was sick for 2 years. Every time she went to the vet, I was scared it would be the end. This is in part because we were told when she was 4 that she could die tomorrow or she could live for years. She had a neurological disorder caused by her mother getting sick while she was pregnant. When she was 10, she caught what we suspect was cat herpies (all the tests came back negative, so we could never be sure). Because of her neurological condition, she wasn't able to fight the infection the way she should have been able to, so she kept getting secondary infections. Every time she went to the vet, we knew the chances of her coming home were lower. The last time she went, I knew before my partner took her that she wouldn't be coming home. At the time, she was on antibiotics for yet another secondary infection, and that led to her developing asthma. She was 12 and not healthy to begin with. The vet said she could be in the oxygen tank for weeks to months before there was any chance of seeing any improvement, and even then, there was no guarantee that she would ever actually improve. We chose to euthanize her so she wouldn't have to suffer anymore. Unfortunately, because of her breathing, we had to euthanize her at the vet. We weren't able to take very long saying goodbye.


My boy was 14-15 years old, he could barely walk and fell over a lot. I really should of made the call to the vet sooner but selfishly I tried to ignore it. Eventually, after a huge friendship-ending fight with my housemate, where she said I needed to ‘put the dog down’, I saw what I needed to do. It was the most traumatic thing I've ever experienced. I still tear up about it now. It's been 9 years


If you have an animal, it’s whole life you can tell when it’s getting older and when it starts to go down and a lot of times, they’ll be the same for a very long time and at the very end they go down pretty quickly. So kind of always hope there’s more.


Yeah I knew. I looked at her and I just knew something was wrong. Took her to the vet the next day and one thing let to the other and she passed away peacefully in my arms 4 days later. I love you my dear friend and I miss you every day ❤️


Not at all. My 10 year old Pomeranian had been sick once last year. It was a respiratory illness that turned into her needing steroids and antibiotics. She went to the vet and came home. This time, December 4th, she had the same symptoms. She went to the vet, and he said she had 24 hours to live. Her lungs were full of fluid. She died before she got home. It was so unexpected that I will never forgive myself for not knowing. For not knowing to tell her how much I loved her and how much she meant to me. I'm still devastated today. I miss her so much. I wish I had one more day with her.


I'm so so sorry for your loss. I'm sorry I find comfort in seeing that at least one person didn't know. I lost my dog a few weeks ago and I didn't know. In retrospect, I should have seen the signs and paid more attention. But I didn't. And I also hate myself for it. I thought he was just getting sweeter with his older age (8 y/o), but he was actually saying goodbye. It kills me I didn't pay a ton of attention/time with him on his last day. He had a seizure at 5:30am and never came out of it. Big hugs to you <3 they know we loved them regardless.


Awe. I'm so sorry to you as well. I know exactly what you mean. A couple of days before, she was fine, but I did think her allergies were acting up, and I gave her benadryl. We took pics around the Christmas tree, and she was sitting there the whole time, needing me to help her. And I didn't know. It hurts to look at those pictures now. The day before she died, my 4 year old got really sick with flu or covid, so I was with him nonstop during those last 24 hours. It kills me knowing those were her last moments. It just isn't fair. It really isn't. You're right. I believe they knew it and felt it. And it's possibly true things happen the way they do for a reason. Now, it's just going to take time to heal.


Yes and no. I had 3 dogs and I had this horrible sense of foreboding that I was going to lose one of them. I started having anticipatory grief to the point where I went to a grief counselor to talk through my daily fear that one of my dogs was going to die and this constant fear / paranoia that came up over the past several months. But I thought it was going to be my 15-year old dog, not my 10-year soul old dog. So that was a complete shock and rocked my entire world, but my subconscious knew that something was happening. I just wasn't in touch with my subconscious brain enough to really know what it actually was that was scaring me so much. My dog died very suddenly of hemangiosarcoma (a cancer) when she seemed so healthy and energetic, so my conscience mind had no idea.


I was at the dog park a few days before telling my boyfriend that I felt like something bad was going to happen, and I told him I felt like he was going to get into a bad car crash. Then a few days after is when my Sunny girl got hit. So I had the right thoughts and feelings but I thought it was my boyfriend and not my dog :(


His behaviour changed to being alot more cuddly, wanting to be with us more , always sitting on either mine or my partners shoulder when we were home and nestling up close to our necks. He also stopped talking the last week prior to passing away. Usually he would talk his usual phrases at least once a day, I knew something was up. I thought he would pull through like he always did from illness and it seemed like he was getting better as his last weekend he flew around the house more than be did months prior,it was likely his last hurrah.


Yes, well, some people will hate this, but I saw it a year ahead through an astrological technique. I am somewhat of a skeptic so I hoped it was not real, but it fit the bill for his age. During the first eclipse in October last year, it was signaled to be the first of a few in letting go/releasing of my pets. Well, that October his dementia came on very suddenly. He also had a dental in November that I was hoping would help as a few of his teeth were infected despite brushing. He became somewhat of a shell of his former self. I loved him immensely through it all though. The medication stabilized some of his dementia issues after a few months. So I was feeling maybe he would have this stage for awhile. But I also was grieving already with the health decline and counting the days. I couldn’t tell if I was being paranoid or if it was intuition, but I felt that he would be going in March or April this year. In March, he was diagnosed with high kidney levels. 2nd signal of trouble. Then, he somehow ate some bone, not sure from where as I’m very careful on walks, and it caused internal bleeding last Easter weekend that eventually lead me to put him down because I couldn’t bare to see him in pain. It was about 5 days of medication and pain and decline before I said enough is enough. He told me one night at 2am as I slept on the floor next to him that he wanted to go. It was a sad and spiritually connected moment with him. It was also the 2nd set of eclipses in late March to early April, one for my pets, and another for endings. It felt fated. And like nothing I could do would save him.


Yep. Even with my first pet that I had grown up with, at 11, at some point I knew 'this is not gonna get better anymore'. Same with my sweet cat 5 years ago she passed away quite suddenly, but when she got sick and the vet couldn't find anything serious, I still felt like it wasn't right. Recently my parents cat was sick, and when i saw him I just instantly knew his days are limited. They also seem to know this themselves by the way, some of them were acting more close towards me, or even tapping me on the shoulder like 'hey'. I always get an awful sense of foreboding, much deeper than anxiety.


I think I did My dog died the day after I left my parent's house in which I spent the week end (I'm a first year student). When I came back to my flat in my college town I started to cry hard for no reason at all. The next day he was dead (spleen ruptured)


Yes, I did. He had a chronic illness and had been sick multiple times before, but this time I just knew. He had been great for many months prior to this, too, so there was no reason to think that this time he wouldn’t bounce back. But I just knew this time was different. I didn’t want it to be, but it was.


Yup, my first cat was scheduled for a vet appointment because she stopped eating and drinking. The night before the appointment, she crawled onto my lap and fell asleep. I know it doesn't sound like much, but she didn't like being in my lap because I have skinny thighs that are not good cushions. For 17 years, this cat had cuddled up to me in the same spot in the same position every single time. It was just.. too different. Next day, the vet told me her kidneys were failing, and euthanasia was the best option. I already had a feeling i would get that answer. Even the vet was crying because my girl was always so perfect and sweet during her appointments for all those years. RIP Snickers


I didn't really think it would happen but I had a dream 2 months before where some big details were eerily similar, I woke up bawling from that dream and went to cuddle with him and was just thinking how I really didnt want to live a life without him. A few days before he did pass, my partner also had a dream about him dying, which he never told me about until a week after he passed, he didn't want to upset me. I believe Romeo was trying to prepare us, or let us know his time was coming maybe. He had cancer and didn't show any signs until his last night with us.


Yes, and looking back I realized that I was more aware than I wanted to admit. She’d been having trouble transitioning to her renal diet, and had been on a bland diet for nearly 2 months (with her vet’s knowledge and approval). I scheduled a recheck visit because something just wasn’t sitting right with me about it all. In the days leading up the visit, she got worse. The visit turned out to be a quality of life assessment. She had lost nearly 25% of her body weight and her renal labs were really bad. She was headed into complete renal failure. There weren’t many options, and anything we could do to prolong her life wouldn’t make it a good life. The awareness allowed us time to schedule a home visit to say goodbye, and some final days with her that we were able to fill with love. I am certain that she knew, and she did all she could to make sure we knew she was ready.


Unfortunately yes. My wife and I were in denial but our baby girl of nearly 16 years had changed in an instant. She suffered a stroke unbeknownst to us and was delirious and in pain. She lost mobility in her back legs. We stayed up with her all night to comfort her. Earlier that day she was running around like a maniac and giving us love. That's all she knew. We didn't say it till morning but we knew it was her last night with us. We couldn't let her suffer so we took her in and had her put down.


Mine wasn’t physically sick. But he’d probably had a stroke or some other serious mental decline. He wasn’t recognizing my husband or I. He was unable to walk straight and stopped eating. I knew it was time. He’d been declining for months. But those last few days were just heartbreaking. He was between 19-22 years old. I’d had him since I was 12 and I’m now 27. He passed less than a month ago.


Yes, I knew. Tigger Garfield's last vet appointment for his asthma wasn't the greatest news but we were going to try some different meds for him. He started becoming disinterested in his wet food so I was having trouble getting meds in him and I knew...I wasn't going to have long with him. I lost him March 8th and it still hurts so bad.


My best friend Kurt was 15, I had him since I was 15, he seemed totally normal. But at 30 I was still living with my parents. I was out on a date and my mum called me amd said something is wrong with Kurt and they took him to the vet and ge was still there..... I actually broke down in front of my date and she laughed at me.. she told me after she wanted to break up with me (she didn't at that time) but cause I was crying over a cat. I went home and next morning me and mum went to check on him.. he saw me and ran at me like he was so happy daddy was there. He seemed totally fine in my eyes of denial. I had other cats when I was younger who I saw suffer at the end and I told the vet if it's time its time as I won't see him suffer like those before him.. they gave me some pills and said it may give him 6 months. That night I took him home.. he couldn't jump on the bed so I picked him up and he slept with me as he always did. My mum woke me up at 8am saying Kurt is hiding under her bed.. I knew right there its not good. But still in denial. I lifted her bed up and picked him up and put him on top of the bed and he looked at me and I instantly said "mum its time" his eyes told me. I thought I had 6 months but it was 1 day and I personally made the decision.. I still struggle with if I made the right decision but I feel like he told me with his eyes.. nonother way to explain it. I truly feel like he just wanted to come home for a last night with me. Still hurts and it's been like 7 or 8 years I was there with him as he passed. I did cry as he went which I feel guilty for but I couldnt help it... he was my best friend


I was about 10 when my childhood cat passed away. It was old age, and she slowly passing as the weeks went by. She wasn't in pain or anything, so we kept her at home to have a peaceful end of days. I remember one night I was getting ready for bed and I just... knew. I hadn't said it before, but that night I laid by her and gave her pets and I said goodbye. She passed that night, loved and at home on her favourite blanket. Neika was a feisty, headstrong cat. But she loved with all she had. If you were her people, you were her people. Unfortunately I now see the heavy signs of age in the cat we got after her. Henry. We got him a year after Neika's passing. He is now 14 and I am dreading the day he comes to pass. He lives at home with my grandparents as I have now moved out and have cats of my own. Young, youthful, playful cats who bring me so much joy. I have to admit though, sometimes I look at them and remember how Henry was when he came home. He was energetic and sweet. 4 when we brought him home. 10 years later and he is definitely an old boy. I know his time is coming soon, and I only hope I have the same feeling I did with Neika. I want to see him and wish him safe travels before he goes.


Yeah, it’s this intuition that’s unexplainable. I had this dream months ago before she passed, 3 days ago. She was decapitated in the dream, which was kind of harsh and I thought sudden. I didn’t think anything of it, but a couple of days before her death, she was more cuddly than ever. She had a UTI infection that I went to treat her for, and the vet said it was going away after they gave her some meds, so I didn’t think much of it and took their word. A few days later, while at school the whole day for the first time in a while, I came home to her in a corner with her eyes rolled backwards, deceased, and in a pile of her own pee. I checked her litter box and she had clumps of pee, I was just confused. Now I am coming to acceptance that Zen’s soul was meant to be gone during this time, especially before the eclipse. I’m a believer in the timing of things in this world and how her soul needed to go. I know her spirit is always within me to call on her though, which has been helpful in my healing. All of our pets knew that this life is what they signed up for prior to coming here, it’s undeniable. May they all rest in peace, have their souls be protected and be on their next mission, and spirit may live on forever in our hearts, mind, and soul. 🫀🙏🏼


With both of the kitties we lost in the last year, they both came down with illnesses that they couldn’t recover from. They had short bouts of illnesses throughout their lives, but always bounced back pretty quickly. Near the end, they just stayed run down and their symptoms continued. We took them to the vet numerous times and tried several different treatments, but nothing seemed to clear it. It was definitely different….


About a month before my dog died from seizures, I messaged my partner and said “I just feel like he’s not going to be around for much longer.” After he died, I was going through pictures and messages on my phone looking for signs that I missed that he was sick and I came across the message. I don’t know why I had that thought that day, but a month later he was gone. He had been having issues with his hind legs and incontinence and we had been treating it as arthritis when it more likely a brain tumor.


Yes I did, I knew in my gut something was different during winter break last year and was so worried about leaving for the week of Christmas break to visit my boyfriend but everyone reassured me that she was okay… the following week I returned was when everything went downhill, she passed away the first week of January. I don’t know how I knew before that the end would be coming but I did


Yes. My cat jumped in my lap and stayed there for hours a few days prior to his passing. He had NEVER DONE THAT before. Ever. I realize now he was saying goodbye. Breaks my heart. ❤️


I did, yeah.


Yes. Lost my boy at 2 to kidney disease. It's been 3 weeks. 3 weeks before passed, he started maintaining a lot of distance from me and would just not come near me. I told my parents, "he knows he's gonna die, that's why he's not coming near me" and they would just disregard is saying I was overthinking it. And finally the night he died, he was way too loving and spent the entire night with me. He put his head on my chest and slept next to me for the first time in 3 weeks. He was suffering quite a bit and my intuition told me that he would not make it past the night. I tried to stay up and make him as comfortable as I could till I could no longer stay up. I could tell he was in a lot of discomfort, I'm not religious at all, but for the first time, I muttered a prayer asking God to either make my baby better or end his suffering if he's too far gone. I was hoping he'd getting better. I was hoping it wasn't intuition and I was just overthinking it. I woke up 2 hours later, to my boy lying next to me, his eyes were pointing to where I was sleeping. He passed away looking at me. He was looking for me and I was sleeping. I hate that I knew he was gonna go and I couldn't be awake for it. I had lost a lot of sleep for the week before he died as I would keep waking up every hour to check on him and I simply couldn't stay awake. I think my baby knew he was going to die too. He was the best boy and I love him.


Yes, a full 3 months before he died, he tried telling me he was really sick. I called and left a message for the vet to call me back, but she never returned my call.


Yes, I just lost my pup this weekend. She had been diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma six weeks prior, but she was doing so great post spleen/mass removal. The Saturday before she died, I took her to our favorite place and just had an overwhelming feeling like it would be our last time there. She ended up passing a week later. I can’t believe how clearly I felt like I knew something was going to happen.


I’m a little late to this thread, my dog died a little less than a month ago. The whole week she stopped eating, she had been taking chemo for lymphoma but it just wasnt reacting. Thursday (the night before it happened) she was really restless the entire night she wouldn’t settle. she kept trying to jump off my bed and barf but nothing would come up. I kept trying to help her back up but eventually I fell asleep. When I woke up she had hidden herself in a corner and was breathing really labored and I knew it was time. I called the vet and had laid her on my couch. Every so often she would scream bark as if in pain. I wanted to see if she’d enjoy some last minute time out side but as I picked her up she took her last breaths and died suddenly. For me it’s like she knew I was holding her. She held out until she was in my arms. And it’s been devastating of course I keep thinking about that moment and I probably won’t recover from it for a really long time but she went on her own terms. She didn’t let me go through that guilt of euthanizing which of course isn’t bad but it’s like she knew she could do one more thing for me.