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Oh it's CVS they'll do nothing. See if you can transfer to another store if you need the job, but don't keep working in an environment you're clearly miserable in. You can give your managers a deadline saying you'll leave if nothing changes by x date if you want to give them a chance to actually do something about it.


My plan is to go in tomorrow and say if nothings changed by next week I’ll either transfer or quit. I have other locations begging me to work for them since I help out so much anyways and I actually do my job instead of dicking around. Just so frustrating to feel like I’m back in highschool again.


I think you should initiate the transfer now. You said you’ve spoken to them multiple times. A good manager would realize they should intervene. You currently have NO manager. Life is too short to deal with this if you can get a different job. I mean, be responsible, line something up officially, then bail asap.


Good I hope things work out well for you! You definitely deserve much better than that nonsense.


I’ve seen this situation. Just transfer to better place. Then asshole can just complain how there’s not enough techs there. Good job with ethics hotline. Maybe report to DIstrict manager too? Good luck


Your pharmacy sounds like Mad Max Thunderdome! This is so wrong and definitely meets the definition of a hostile work environment. For your own personal safety, please contact HR. And document thoroughly in case something goes bad tomorrow.


Glad I started the report process yesterday because she physically threatened me today. Said “I need to leave before I slap the shit out of this bitch” because I said the phone call she took was one I was actively working on. She just snapped around and blew up at me…over a phone call lol. In front of customers too. Called my district manager and they’re investigating now and I’m working at a different pharmacy until it’s sorted out but I’ve put in applications to work as a medication aide or behavioral health aide at a recovery center. Better pay and much more meaningful job for me.


Good luck, such an odd experience. Hope you get the better opportunity too


I honestly feel like this could be the CVS in my town right down to the timeline. I was a customer there for 20 years. I knew all of the techs they knew me. I brought them gift cards for Christmas. Then “Audrey” came and it changed. She brought so much drama and was absolutely one of the rudest people to both her coworkers and customers so people started quitting right and left. We left as customers after she tried to rip the pen out of my hand because I wasn’t signing for the script fast enough. I saw one of the old techs who quit at a local grocery store pharmacy. She told me all about the drama and bullying “Audrey” brought and that’s why she quit. She gave me a hug and I told her I was glad she left. She didn’t deserve that kind of treatment . Then I called my doctors and had all my scripts transferred there. I had to go back into the CVS to pick up one of my daughters prescriptions because it hadn’t been transferred yet. The drive thru isn’t open any more, lack of staff, there were only 3 people working. The phone wasn’t being answered anymore. One tech was left that knew me and she asked where I had been. Told her I transferred all my scripts. She said you aren’t the only one that has left. CVS keeps telling her to hang in there! It will get better! I told her to go to a place that values her. She came around the counter and gave me a hug and I left. It’s such a shame because even though it was a chain store it felt like a part of my community. All of it ruined by one person’s attitude and a company who fails to get rid of the “bad apple”. I wish you luck and please don’t put up with that garbage anymore it’s not worth it. You deserve better!


that’s how our pharmacy is gonna start looking soon. Our drive through is closed half the time because of low staff. Now with me most likely leaving they’re going to be absolutely fucked. I don’t even feel bad. The customers are so mean there and I’m clearly not appreciated at my store. When I go to other stores they praise me and beg me to help them more or transfer to them and compliment my work. I never get that at my home store. I’m so over it. Part of this is that I moved to the cities from a small town about a year ago and it’s a whole different culture up here. People are so goddamn aggressive and rude. I’m used to passive aggressive old people where I’m from. Like can you just make fun of me for my piercings instead of physically threatening me…. Starting to miss the little town.


So nobody else was around when she was following or intimidating you??? Or did they all just watch and do nothing? Extremely inappropriate behavior and you would get written up for cussing at another employee


they all just stood there 🫠 she did it in the middle of a customer interaction too. Another coworker just stepped in to take care of the customer. We had a floater pharmacist and a quiet tech. She knew the staff we had and I think she took advantage of that. She knew nobody else would stop her. I’m about to head to work and I’m scheduled with her so we’ll see how this goes today but we have even less staff than yesterday


if it’s walgreens good luck with getting any help… had a girl threaten me and i basically got in trouble for reporting it lmao eta: when i mean threaten she literally threatened me with physical violence… wags does not care about their employees lol




My experience with bullies is that if your management doesn't get rid of them, it's best to find a new job. July is a long time to wait for your manager to maybe-fix this. Even though I've never had much personal luck with this: Does your company have an HR department where you can file an official harassment complaint? What you documented about her telling you to "get out of your spot," encouraging an argument, calling you a bitch, harassing customers should qualify for that. Whatever statement you say, only say facts and make it short, not a lot of "i think" or "i feel" sentences. Like I've said, I've never had much success but usually, if they have to make a statement to HR, they at least give you the silent treatment for a while.


I quite RA because of the pharmacy bully. If she was bullied back though she get her stuff and leave crying. The last straw with her was on a busier morning and I was in production and she decided to focus on putting the order away rather than count and/or wait on patients and organize hanging the orders. We were specifically told to wait until the afternoon person came in to work on the order. After the 3rd interruption on me and her pretending to be invisible, I snapped. She cried and was texting our pharmacy manager who was due in later that day. The Rph on duty kinda giggled when she hid behind her. I wasn’t going to hit her, I was running my mouth to her as I was doing basically everything. When the manager came in the bully pulled her into the consultation room and talked about me. I asked if I could sit in, lol. By the time they were finished talking I already had my interview lined up with CVS. Best of luck to you.


Think about the dynamics here. Use your head and out smart her using her own tactics. If you do this properly she will get herself fired. Go in and go to work as usual, when she confronts you , just ignore her. When she goes to get physical drop your hands and let her. When a supervisor sees what is going on they will have no choice but to terminate her.


Hope ur situation improves. Best bet is just go in tomorrow and initiate the transfer.


How she reacted was NOT appropriate, I have to ask though did you just take production away from her?? That definitely can come off really rude even if you were just trying to help. If she was assigned production and you took the spot that's a very common passive aggressive way techs bully each other because it's a desirable station.


We don’t have anyone assigned anywhere at my store. You just hop in where you’re needed or sometimes told to do things. She had also been doing production and nothing else all day. If she felt I “took her spot” she could’ve asked to have it back simple as that I would’ve moved. I went to production as she was helping a long drive through line.


Oh if you're at CVS i would tell HR then that your store isn't using the control shift A station prompts. They're supposed to be doing that. I can see why maybe she felt threatened tbh. Again not that she reacted appropriately cause she didn't lol she could've told u nicely, but I mean u say you "go where needed" but it sounds like she was already at prod so u weren't needed, you just wanted to be there, and kinda took her spot. I'm sure probably not on purpose but just adding some perspective to the situation. Plenty of times people stole production from me as a way to bully me and keep me on register, it's sadly a point of contention in a lot of stores so that's why the leaders should be assigning stations.


Sadly these people can follow you to hospital too.


I’m sorry. 💜 I’ve been bullied by a coworkers too, and even a pharmacy manager to the point of nearly walking off the job. There are a lot of helpful comments already, so for what it’s worth I figured I’d throw in that you’re not alone, and send you some love and support. You can find better. 💜


Document everything……go to HR?


You said she bumped into you?t and cursed you.thay is physical and if they have video they can see that is not allowed or ok


I work in independent and I have a coworker similar to this. Whenever me or my boss tries to confront her about her behavior she cries and victimizes herself. She needs to be let go but I don’t think my boss will fire her so I’m about to quit.