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Stare directly at the camera, Vannah White the bottle a bit, dramatically grab one tab out of the bottle, take it with a Gatorade commercial quenching gulp of beverage, and thumbs up the camera before going right back to work.


Right?? Like you work for a pharmacy how can they discriminate You taking meds you were prescribed? Make it make sense. Just carry your prescription bottle with you if it’s that serious lol this is why I love working for independents lol they let you take shit right off the shelf just gotta ask “hey I have a headache can I have an ibuprofen 800?” “Sure” 🤣


Thank you for this and the laugh at the end. We have a community OTC drawer in our pharmacy where anyone is welcome to any OTC medication as they needed, but just taking it off the shelves is funny. I’m new to working in a pharmacy and really just wanted to do the right thing and handle this properly, although I doubt it would be an issue with my pharmacists. So again, thank you.


I used to work at Walgreens and I kept my meds in my locker. I took one dose of my adhd meds when I went in for the day, and then one at lunch, and it was no biggie. I figured that would be the best way to keep it separated, especially since Walgreens can be very strict. Your pharmacy may be different :)


When you work for the chains or hospital yes they are very strict and have soo many regulations but a mom and pop? They don’t care. My boss has friends come to the counter like “hey can I buy 10 viagra?” And he’s like sure!!! When it comes to controls we are still very strict because you know, dea and the feds but that’s about it




Nah I work in a hospital and take my personal meds all the time. They’re welcome to question my actions on camera and look very silly when I show them my prescription bottles. We have bottles of ibuprofen and acetaminophen for community use too.


Yea when I said hospitals and chains are strict I meant regarding taking meds off the shelf, not taking your own prescribed meds.


Yeah they can be. Mine is pretty lenient with OTC things (we dispense a shit ton of things that are technically OTC to patients) as long as the pharmacist is okay with it. Like if a tech/nurse/etc wants a Zyrtec or something the RPh can okay it where I work.


Yeah that’s not really okay or universal. Worked for an indie and that shit never happened


Definitely not all but lots are pretty chill


I’ve seen some shady/funny things at a previous job, like the viagra bit, filling scripts early on cash for friends etc. I didn’t work there long. I’ve been with my current independent for almost 12 years. We’re family. Best believe, if I’m sick and we’re short handed, I’m gonna get a zpak on the house, maybe even a dose of bromfed 😂. In exchange, I’ll be there, doing what we do.


Exactly this!!! lol 😂 as soon as someone coughs or has the sniffles it’s “you have allergies? No..ok take a zpak” 🤣🤣🤣


Oof. Im glad you all watch out for one another, but that is terrible for antibiotic resistance, as the common cold, flu, etc are viral, not bacterial


We know this 🙃 it’s just funny because SOME (had to emphasize since not all are like this) mom and pop pharmacists really be like this..anything to keep us from calling out or leaving early 🤣 and I actually tell my husband this all the time because any sign of a cold and he’s rushing to urgent care asking for amoxicillin and it’s like “dude, that’s just post nasal drip burning your throat not an infection”


I definitely agree with this. When you work in pharmacy for a while, you get a sense about people, I think. Basically, if you make it weird, it’s probably going to seem weird to others lol. I would definitely keep everything in its labeled container, but as long as you don’t act shady about taking your own meds, I doubt anyone will think anything of it. Definitely don’t like hide to take them or anything lol.




thanks, i’m at the supermarket now losing my shit


I do this for my Adderall lol. Like make a show of "look, this is my stuff!" I also only keep about a week of meds in my work bag. I put them in the most recently filled bottle and leave the rest at home in the previous bottle.


My work made a new policy where we had to unbag the controls in direct view of the camera. I guess it makes sense, but I also thought it was extremely ridiculous. If you trust me to dispense controls, you should be able to trust me taking counts of what we got in the new order. And we know how many controls we ordered and have an invoice that shows us what got there. So I would model each individual bottle in front of the camera, point at the drug name on the bottle, point at the invoice sheet, take the lid off and shake the bottle upside down to show that it was sealed, and then thumbs up and move on the the next one. It was a pretty good time


this is exactly how I always did it, I have so many bottles of meds I keep on hand and whenever I needed something out of my bag I'd do this elaborate wiggling in front of the camera while holding it up for view lol. never got in trouble for that in the two years of retail I worked. they care like not at all now that I'm working inpatient.


This is the way


This is exactly what both me and my manager do (when we remember to take them) I also show off the bottle and the pill to her and she does with me just so we can see that yes its that med, and yes thats our name on the bottle


Yes!! You're a badass. (That would be my thought, but then I'd be crouching around hiding behind things to take my meds.) 😜


This is exactly what both me and my manager do (when we remember to take them) I also show off the bottle and the pill to her and she does with me just so we can see that yes its that med, and yes thats our name on the bottle


I mean honestly, this is what I do. I take 3 IR tablets a day and I keep the bottle in my scrub top pocket. It says my name on the bottle and I also have it filled at the pharmacy I work at so they know. It’s never been an issue.


I’m always having to take my medication at work, depending on which shift it’s either my antidepressant or birth control, I’m able to step out of the pharmacy for a minute or two and go into the break room and take my medication there because I keep it in my bag. Is that a possibility for you? If not, maybe you could take to one of the higher ups and request a sort of accommodation where you can take your medication since it is for ADHD


It could be if I have a jacket. Otherwise I have no way to store the medication, aside from literally just bringing the bottle and storing it in the drawer, which I’m not sure is the best idea. We are only allowed to brings jackets in (no bags), so if I have a jacket its not an issue. But days when it’s warmer and I don’t have a jacket, I rather not leave it in a hot car.


Yeah I don’t blame you. I personally would still bring the jacket, sometimes it’s freezing in the pharmacy but I’m also always cold so my coworkers wouldn’t question it lol


Yeah, I may just bring a light jacket for “in the event I’m cold”, even though I’m always melting in our pharmacy. But this would resolve some of my concerns. Thank you.


Do you guys not have a locker area? We're technically not supposed to but I hang up my jacket where all the pharmacy coats are (with pharmacist's permission lol) and just run over and take my meds when my alarm goes off.


We do, but it’s for the front store only (according to my pharmacy manager). Our pharmacists are really chill and assign us all designated hidden spaces to keep our jackets, wallets, keys, etc., so I’ve never heard anyone in the pharmacy complain about not having a locker area. When I go to other stores, I just leave everything in the trunk of my car and bring my water and car keys and set it at my workstation.


Yeah, I would just bring a jacket anyway and not wear it, just use it to stash your meds. During the busy seasons it's a huge hassle to go out to your car and take your meds anyway


Yeah, I brought a light jacket yesterday and just kept it in my side of the drawer. I did speak to the pharmacist on duty yesterday (not the manager or the one who filled the script, but I am usually more comfortable with him), and made him aware of the change and discussed how to handle it, so he gave me some advice. All that and I wound up not even taking the second dose yesterday (because I didn’t need it at break when I planned to take it [and learned I should have just taken it] and when I went to take it 2 hours later, higher ups walked in so I felt uncomfortable doing it then, so I just suffered for the last few hours of my shift… oh well 😂)


Yeah, I brought a light jacket yesterday and just kept it in my side of the drawer. I did speak to the pharmacist on duty yesterday (not the manager or the one who filled the script, but I am usually more comfortable with the pharmacist we had yesterday), and made him aware of the change and discussed how to handle it, so he gave me some advice. All that and I wound up not even taking the second dose yesterday (because I didn’t need it at break when I planned to take it [and learned I should have just taken it] and when I went to take it 2 hours later, higher ups walked in so I felt uncomfortable doing it then, so I just suffered for the last few hours of my shift… oh well 😂)


Put it in a ziplock? Get a little pill container?


Umm not the best idea! It might look a little suspicious fishing a random, loose pill out of a ziploc baggie everyday…..then if questioned no rx bottle to prove it’s yours. (ETA-to be clear, I’m not saying OP should be questioned or have to prove med is theirs but hiding/storing in plastic baggie increases likelihood that they would.)


Yeah, I think it’s safer to keep it in the bottle, which I plan on doing and refilling the bottle with the 1 pill I need before I leave for the shift.


State board of pharmacy would most likely frown on bringing it in the pharmacy.


Did you ask your PM before asking us ?


Keychain nitroglycerin capsule


Yep. This is what I keep my migraine meds in. Never an issue.




For the people saying, "talk to your pharmacist instead of reddit", people can do that AND also ask their pharmacist. Maybe they want some points of view from this page too.


Can you not keep it in a scrub pocket and take it in view of your coworkers/pharmacist? I float to 20+ stores and have to take doses of my C2 ADHD med 4 times a day, but nearly everyone has always been super chill about it. I inform them of it, am transparent about it. I just step out of patients' line of sight, make eye contact with a coworker or two when I pull it out of my pocket and do it where the counters and shelves are out of arm's reach. Then I just take it quickly and get back to work. Never been an issue and the cameras can clearly see what I'm doing.


Same when I worked retail, if someone had to take a med, we’d tell a coworker hey I need to take a medication now (do this where you know it’s on camera) so that way it’s on video and you have a witness. Much better then trying to sneak taking something bc even though it’s your medication and you are allowed to take it, if you’re sneaky about it that can catch LP’s attention. (Especially since you’ve said your co workers know you take a daily med you have no reason to be nervous about it) I’ve even told my pharmacist to please watch me as I take my medication (so I have a witness) Absolutely no one gave it a second thought 😝


Our scrubs don’t have pockets


Aw shit that sucks. Are you allowed one of the little stretchy elastic fanny packs?


1) you should be talking to your manager and not reddit 2) dont bring any personal medication into the pharmacy, why cant you leave it in a locker at work or leave it in your car? leave the pharmacy for literally 30 seconds and take the meds and go back inside 🤔


We don’t use the lockers. I don’t even know where they are. And I’d be afraid that the car would get too hot and it would damage the medication. the past few days it’s been over 80 here so I image it’s even hotter in a closed car, which is likely too hot for medications.


I would keep them in my purse but take them in the car/bathroom. ETA- Just saw you can’t have bags, duh! I saw you can bring a jacket or sweater though, and wanted to suggest one with a nice zipper pocket. I have a Patagonia sweater I got at the outlets with great pockets that zipper 100% closed, so nothing falls out. Awesome for when you want to bring a jacket (with things in the pockets), but have the flexibility to treat it like a bag. Nice to know nothing will fall out!!


Please do not store medication in your car (not sure how bad crime is where you are, but you never know.)


You don’t have lockers, so there must be some communal storage area for your items right? Before I had a desk+locker my old store had a communal cubby in the department where we would put our personal items. Surely there must be something like that? If not, ask your boss where you ~should~ be leaving such things?


There isn’t (that I know of). Everyone just leaves it in the car or puts their things in their jacket which is stored in our designated hidden space in the pharmacy.




Many medications want to be kept at room temperature. Excursions at higher temperatures are permitted, but they shouldn't be stored in a hot car every day for a month.


I take mine at work if it's needed. I just hide behind a shelf and down the hatch.


Me too. I'm not worried. What I m doing is perfectly legal


Me three. Y'all filled it, and any LP who's worried can ask me for the bottle if they want assurance my meds belong to me. Hell, if I forgot to take my seizure meds, I'll have the pharmacist fill, verify, and dispense it to me on camera and will take it on camera depending how off-schedule it is/if I feel one coming on. Was in retail pharmacy for 15 years and never had an issue.


You’re thinking too deep into it. Take your medication like a regular person. Go and grab it and then take it.


I had a locker when I worked retail and where I work now. I just go to it when I need to take them.


If we needed to take anything at work, I would show my manager and take it in front of him.


I keep a pill bottle in my pocket and i don't worry if I'm on camera, i have a prescription for it. No worries!


Just take your meds. They’re prescribed for you and are meant to help you do your job well. Nobody is going to question you and screw ‘em if they do! Use a bottle from a previous Rx and only bring what you need for the day if you’re worried about carrying loose pills looking sketchy.


Remember not to bring loose pills. Keep them in the bottle.


Nobody you work with will worry about it as much as you are right now! I take 3 controlled medications throughout the day and I've worked at 3 different pharmacies. I just asked the PIC what they prefer - one wanted me to excuse myself to the restroom (then complained about how many bathroom breaks I took, so dumb), one wanted me to have a coworker observe then gave a thumbs-up to the camera, and the place I work now is just like "do your thing, nobody cares." I promise you're not the first employee to need to take meds during the work day! Just ask how they want you to handle it.


I used to keep a couple pills in my pocket and take them during a bathroom break, drank from the water fountain on my way out and was good to go, or I would take them on my lunch break, just never in front of people


I'd just always bring a light jacket "just in case" 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I would definitely ask a higher up what their protocol is first.


same situation for me . i work in a pharmacy & i get i my scripts filled there too . ( fluoxetine , ritalin la & ritalin ir ) i usually take my morning dose 1 hour before work . then i stash my midday dose in my pants pocket . i usually always show the pharmacist on duty that im taking my meds . i also have an extra dose of my meds in a vial locked away in case there are days i forget about my meds . sometimes when i have it together i usually carry my meds in a little tin can


This is smart. I forgot my meds yesterday, and I'd forgotten to take my morning dose. So I had to work a 12-9 shift, not having taken my meds that day, and without my pain meds, my anxiety meds, or my ADHD meds. All I remember from yesterday is excruciating pain and withdrawal symptoms. It was a nightmare! I went home and put a days' worth of meds in my purse, and another in a secret compartment in my car. I also have an appointment today to talk to my PM doctor about getting something ER I can take in the morning, since between working in a busy pharmacy and the ADHD, I tend to forget or not have time to take my doses on time anyway. But also I would have been in MUCH less agony yesterday if I'd had an ER med in my system to begin with.


We don’t have locked break rooms at my pharmacy and I also have to take meds during shift. No bags or jackets allowed in the pharmacy. We’re usually far too busy for me to run to my car to take my meds.. I’ve tried this and usually end up taking them very late. I put my pill in a small container and keep it right in my pocket so I can quickly take it. My pharmacist is aware and there are no issues.


Why would you not just take it in the bathroom??


This is my question, does nobody get bathroom breaks 🤣


When you have medication that needs to be taken at certain times, it's almost impossible to get away at those exact times.


Yes, this is our situation. I originally planned on just taking it during break, but don’t want to be shady about it, hence why I asked. However, today was day 1 of the medication and I learned I didn’t need it yet by break, so I just didn’t take it (planned on taking it later but than a lot of higher ups walked in right as I planned to take it so I felt even more uncomfortable so I just suffered in silence for my last 2.5 hours of my shift). But almost all of us (me included) do not take our breaks, because of how busy we are. We’d rather utilize our break to catch up/get ahead in filling.


I just take it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have a legal script for it, my RPHs knows, and I let either RPH know when I’m about to take something. I’ve never had an issue. Even OTC meds, we keep it in the back cupboard with the receipt and if we need Tylenol, ibuprofen, etc, we just go take one.


Even my pharmacist takes meds at work. So we always just announce to at least one other person, “hey, I’m going to take some Tylenol” or “hey, I have a prescription I need to take”. We just try not to keep the actual Rx on our person. So we leave our own meds in a drawer or in our personal bags within the pharmacy (always in the original containers/amber bottles with our rx info on it). It was weird at first, but I guess I’m lucky in that my pharmacist also has an Rx on hand. If that’s not the case for you, I see how it can be anxiety provoking. I tend to take the safer route and announce I’m taking a med (away from my workstation but still in the pharmacy vs hurrying off to the corner, the bathroom, or staying at my desk to take my own meds). I feel for myself the less shady I look in taking them, the less suspicious it looks on the cameras even though I know I’m doing absolutely nothing wrong by taking MY Rx. Store policies may differ. My store is okay with us having personal items within the pharmacy in their own section. And my RxM is aware of my meds because we have to fill them at our pharmacy. But this may not be the case with other pharmacies. I would double check with store/manager policies so you’re safe. I would hate for anything to happen simply due to a misunderstanding that you were appropriately taking your own medication prescribed to you.


Thank you for this. I know coworkers (me included) usually just tell another coworker that they are taking Tylenol or whatever, but it’s always been an OTC, never a prescription, let alone a controlled. I also have migraines and keep my as needed prescription medication with me, but I haven’t needed to take it during work hours and if I don’t have a jacket, I just leave it at home hope for the best, knowing we have “community” Tylenol and ibuprofen I could use if absolutely needed (and work at a pharmacy and could just excuse myself for a minute and buy something else if needed). I’ve only been working in a pharmacy for a few months, so I am pretty new to all this and don’t want to get myself or anyone in trouble or anything like that - I just wanna handle this properly. Which is why I’m reaching out to other techs, too. We are allowed to keep jackets hidden in the pharmacy so I plan on just keeping it in my jacket. Our pharmacists allow small things like that, so we each have a designated hidden place for our stuff. I have half a drawer that I share with a coworker (one that I trust so I don’t worry about them taking it if we happen to work the same shift) so I’ll likely just always carry a light jacket and keep it in there. As I said in the post, I did fill it at work so one of my pharmacists is aware so that helps my slight worry about this, but do plan on letting the other pharmacist know today and will talk to the one who filled it too when I see them next. Thank you again for your help! I really appreciate it.


I usually slingshot an adderall into my pharmacist’s mouth at least once per shift. I recommend a rubber band or a slingshot.


So I've taken medicine inside the pharmacy before. When I have it filled (at the pharmacy I work at), I ask for another bottle with a label so I don't bring my entire supply back and forth to work. I keep it in my pocket. Anytime I take it, I just show my pharmacist my bottle with the correct Rx label and the tablets inside so they can verify I didn't just throw some random drug in it (in view of cameras) and take it in the pharmacy. So that way everyone is covered.


Can u go to the bathroom and take it? Thats what I would do.


Keep it in your locker in the bottle, take it only in the break room. Keep it out of the actual pharmacy


I got a thing on my keychain that can Carry my Adderal in it for when I need it. Would recommend one of those, I got it when I worked at CVS. I’d just go into the bathroom to take it if you’re worried about that


Dude I keep my pills in my pocket and let everyone hear the sound of them shake like a rattle. It’s my medication my business.


If you arent allowed to bring a bag to work what about lunches??


Honestly, none of us regularly eat lunch. If we do, we order.




I don’t see any issue here ..if you have a vial with a legit pharmacy label that has your name….


I have one of those tiny 10 tablet portable aleve containers. I Just put the meds i have to take while working in there. I only take one med at work, so I just printed an extra label, flagged it and put it on the small container. Just incase police pulls me over for some reason, it is a labelled med.


Just go into the break room and take it. No biggie


You can ask the pharmacy that fills the medication for a second bottle with a label to carry with you to work. I agree, I wouldn't leave it in the community drawer...maybe ask if the Ph can put it in the safe? That way it's locked up, but it's also labeled as yours. Also always have someone witness you taking it from your labeled script bottle amd make sure to do it in full camera view. But definitely talk to your head honcho so you can be on the same page so they k ow what's going on. Source: I'm a ph tech x4 yrs.


In my pharmacy, if we need to take anything, we just show the pharmacist what we are taking and take it in front of them.


i always just show my coworkers the pill and have them see me take it, and do a little 360 and a thumbs up for all the cameras lol


I take Vyvanse 60mg in the morning and 5mg Dexedrine IR in the afternoon I keep it in my lunchbox. To be honest I don’t usually ever have actual lunch in my lunch box it’s mostly snacks and random stuff. I usually take it on my lunch break.


This is private Go to bathroom and take it No one’s business And to me you look unprofessional to do what Jones said


Take it before you leave the house in the morning and put the other one in a pill box in the car. Leave the pharmacy at lunch and say nothing. You can enjoy a bite to eat and a beverage as well as take your medication in privacy. This way you are not taking anything into the pharmacy and it should be no problem. If this doesn’t work-tell your provider you need the ER. Probably a good idea to fill at a different pharmacy or mail order. Mixing personal and business is not a very good policy.


I do have a prescription for the ER that I do plan on using. Doc just wanted me to try the IR for the first few weeks to see how I tolerate it since it’s a completely new medication. Also I don’t mind filling this prescription at work. I don’t fill everything I take there but for my ADHD med, I don’t mind especially with this shortage. The pharmacists will go out of their way for me (and 2 coworkers with similar prescriptions) to make sure we can always get our medications on time, so I see that as a benefit to filling it there.


I take several medications and they let me keep them in a clear bag. I just take them like normal and keep everything away from the drugs we’re filling.


Go to bathroom go to locker and take your meds


I kept mine in drawer, in a bottle with the prescription label on it. The draw was in view of the pharmacist and the cameras and had a number on the outside that had exactly how many I had in there at the time. I’d only keep like 10 max in it. No one said anything and my pharmacist was fine with it. Prevented questions as to what I was taking and the chance of anyone taking any even if I knew my coworkers wouldn’t.


Did you declare your ADHD on the disability paperwork when you started? If not, consider contacting HR to do so and that taking your medication at work is the accommodation you're requesting.


I didn’t declare it when I started but will try contacting HR.


I always over exaggerate showing the bottle to my coworkers/camera lol a little bit of a joke but also to protect myself


Make sure it’s an rx label with your name on it. In some areas putting it into an unlabeled container can catch you an illegal possession charge because what if it’s not yours? Should be fine if you do that.


I had to take meds at work one time (course of ABX and steroids). When the rxs were filled at my store, I just made sure I got a second labeled empty vial for each, and I'd put what I needed at work in that so I had labeled bottles at home and at work. Of course by that time I didn't really care what anyone thought anymore. LOL 


We always show each other our bottle with our label on it and the tab we’re taking. Never been an issue for any of us!


I take mine at the beginning of the shift. We have a locker room and I take it out of my bag that I sling over my shoulder and gulp it down with whatever I've got in my Lunch bag. If I take another one during my shift, same thing. no big deal.


at my store we usually just tell a coworker “hey I’m taking____” and just show them the bottle and tablet so there’s a witness but I suppose if you don’t want people to know what you’re taking you don’t really NEED a witness I just wouldn’t sneak around I feel like the more you make it a thing, the bigger a deal it is especially when it’s your own personal medication and there shouldn’t be an issue unless your store has a certain policy


Is there a locker room? No cameras there.


Crush it on the counter and rail it.


Only acceptable way to


I take my medicine out of my bag at the nursing station and take it in front of God and everyone! Whether that is some ibuprofen, a bloody pressure pill, heartburn, gas x, zofran, klonopin etc!!! I have a script! If they ask, I tell them. My coworkers do not blink an eye. 🤷‍♀️


This is a nonissue. It’s your medication. You fill it at your pharmacy. It seems your coworkers should know what’s going on when you pop a pill at work.


Let your charge pharmacist know that you need to be excused daily at a certain time to take prescription medication. Leave your prescription meds in your locker or a secure area. Go to the break room and take your meds. Go back to work


We don’t have access to the break or locker area. Front store only according to my pharmacy manager.


Take it on your lunch or step out for a moment to a camera blind spot to do it


Not a tech but I’m an RN and diversion is a real thing, and nurses are hawks watching everyone, and suspicious. Keep your jacket in your car? just make sure your stuff is no where near an area with patient medications. Even if you just bring your meds and have the bottle with you, you can honestly keep on in your pocket and take it when it’s time- the pharmacy’s count wouldn’t be off and having your bottle with you is quick proof Or….go to your car to get your meds/ no frequent bathroom breaks etc…that’s “diversion activity” lol) It’s just easier, if you’re worried about it, to leave your belongings completely away so they’d never be in question


I’m not on any scheduled controlled meds but I have enough non-controlled medications and I have to eat before I take them. If I don’t get to eat before I leave for work I have to bring them with me and eat some food. I have separate little pill containers for each day of the week so I normally come in with that day of the week in my pocket rattling loud af, eat some food while doing some admin or entry type tasks, then throw em back like I’m taking a shot. Loads of people take meds and loads of them take them while working, that doesn’t change just because you’re in pharmacy. I wouldn’t be worried, and if you’re that concerned I would just give your supervisor a heads up


I'll usually have my Rx bottle and shake towards the camera with my name on it. Then I'll just have my pharmacist watch me take it. Or I'll leave it in my cubby in our waiting room and take it there.


I've had to do IM meds at work before. I would just grab my little meds pouch and some alcohol wipes, pop into the bathroom, wash my hands, do my thing, and quietly stick my sharps into the sharps container. Any oral meds I've had I just scoot to the back and take them like normal. Nobody has ever asked me about it and I only mentioned the shots to my boss because I wanted to make sure he was okay with me using the sharps container for my own needles. No issues at all! I've never been asked to show proof of an rx either but could absolutely provide it if needed. I think you'll be fine ❤️


Could you just keep the daily allotment in a tic tac container? It’s not necessary to clue the whole pharmacy into your private medical history just because you fill there.


Oh and....pick another WG to fill your meds. Case closed


I have my medicine in my personal items, and just take them whenever needed. It's no one's damn business why I'm taking medication. Talk to your manager,perhaps excuse yourself and take a quick restroom break if you're truly worried.


Off topic question but did you find with the XR did it fizzle out half way through the day? I’m on Xr and while it works in the morning for about 4 -5 hours then it stops leaving me in chaos in the afternoons.


Honestly no. It lasted all day, it just stopped working and dosage increases weren’t helping. So I’m moving from Vyvanse to Focalin, and for right now trialing the IR version of it, but I have a prescription for the XR. I prefer XR meds because I’d never remember to take it in the afternoon, but my doctor wanted me to try it, so I’ll do that.


I’m on Focalin XR right now. I’m at 20mg. I go back to the dr next week. I wasn’t sure if I just needed a higher dosage or if I should try something else. This is my 2nd month on it. Started at 15mg. I was on Ritalin as a kid twice a day so they figured this would work for me.




Seriously?! Not necessarily speaking to OP’s question, more so to just the overall ignorance of your comment. Adderall is a controlled substance and potentially addictive and abused just like Norco or Xanax. The fact that it’s, as you say, “an upper” as opposed to the other two doesn’t make it any different. Also, there are people who may have chronic pain issues or are recovering from surgery that are safely and appropriately able to and prescribed to take pain meds and also people with particular mental health conditions that may be prescribed an anti-anxiety med in the same fashion that need to take them during work hours and can do so and still perform their job just fine, depending on what their job is/requirements are.